My different world is game mode.

Chapter 643: Incomplete Skills

Chapter 643: Incomplete Skills

"What is this!"

In an instant, the soul damage of [Blade of Extinction] was imprinted in Stone Fist's body.

The awakener, who had been attacking with unstoppable momentum a second ago, now turned pale and the strength of his fists seemed to weaken.

But this is not a defeat.

The warrior's will supported him and he did not retreat.

The weakness deep in the soul instead triggers an even stronger rage!

Stonefist almost ignored the injuries on his body. He used the muscles and bones from the wound to lock the [Blade of Extinction] and swung his black hands to smash Lindsay's head.

Snapped! boom!
His fists hit the air, making sounds like firecrackers.

Stonefist's desperate attack failed to hit Lindsay, and the [Blade of Extinction] he controlled disappeared, and blood flowed out of the wound.

Because at the moment he made his move.

Lindsay put his weapon back into his bag, broke free from Stone Fist's blockade, and took a few steps back lightly.

Stone Fist, whose attack missed, immediately gave chase.

However, this time, the rhythm of the battle is no longer the same as before.

Seconds ago he had been attacking repeatedly, forcing Lindsay to defend and stagger.

But now, the incurable soul damage worked.

Each time Stone Fist attacked, both its strength and speed were much weaker than before.

On the other hand, Lindsay.

Apart from the damage to his weapon, he himself was intact, and his basic attributes were completely crushed.

Stonefist stepped forward and attacked with a punch.

Lindsay was able to completely dodge with overwhelming speed, easily avoiding the attack before it came.

The two men moved forward and backward.

The rhythm of attacking and dodging was more like a battle in which a teacher was instructing his students.

During this time, Lindsay took advantage of the opportunity and continued to swing the [Blade of Extinction] in his hand.

Stonefist's warrior skills still allow him to see every opportunity in battle.

But his physical fitness after the reversal could not support the display of his fighting consciousness, nor could he keep up with Lindsay's movements.

The attacks began to hit.

The deep sword light flashed across the air about four or five times.

A warrior in the sixth stage will have one more wound on his body, and his condition will be weaker than before.


Stonefist roared.

He realized that the balance of victory had completely reversed.

Given the speed difference between the two sides, escaping at this moment is just a fantasy.

The warrior's blood broke through the corruption of the green swamp and surged into his heart.

He ignored the damage to his soul, and the source energy in his body was forced into his blood vessels and then penetrated into his skin.

The special dark color that was originally confined to the fists gradually spread throughout the body.

"Martial Arts Training!?"

Lindsay looked shocked.

The reason why he was so cautious and didn't fight with his opponent for his life to win the victory was because he took Shiquan's trump card into consideration.

How could an awakener at the sixth stage not have any hidden tricks?

At this moment, Shiquan did use this ability.

Martial arts - a skill belonging to the 7th stage.

After reaching the seventh stage, the awakened one with the essence of combat will not only see a leap in physical fitness, but the destructive power awakened in the sixth stage will also be fully controlled and infused into every inch of flesh and skin in the body.

Warriors at this stage.

It's like an eraser on a drawing board.

Wherever others are, whatever they want to destroy, the things in front of them will be painted over without a trace like the marks left by a brush.

This is the ultimate representation of violence.

If others touch it, they will become weak, and if they touch it, they will die.

Of course, the Stone Fist in front of him is still a sixth-stage awakener.

The fact that he was able to induce destructive power throughout his body did not mean that he had achieved true martial arts training.

This is just a degraded version.

It also proves that the other party is working towards the seventh stage.

"If his subordinates are this powerful, then the snake king of the Green Swamp can only be at the 7th stage... huh?"

Lindsay thought to himself, and then his thoughts were pulled back to the present moment, and he dodged to the left.

Stonefist began to charge again.

But at this moment, the warrior's pupils had completely merged with the whites of his eyes, and he had lost his self-awareness, leaving only the desire to carry out violent destruction.

Even if it is an incomplete version of martial arts.

After trying to use the Stone Fist, one still has to pay the price of losing one's mind!

The next second, the rock where Lindsay was standing exploded.

The entire mountain was hit by a huge gap by the sixth-stage warriors, supporting the unbalanced top of the mountain. Huge rocks and soil blocks kept sliding down, and smoke and dust covered the sky.

It seemed as if the mountains and the earth had collapsed and there was no longer any normal natural landscape.

"Lose your mind in battle?"

Lindsay broke through the smoke and dust, rushed out of the darkness, and looked back:

Such an enemy is indeed tricky.

After losing his mind, the opponent's speed and strength increased again, barely matching Lindsay's.

The other party is in such a dangerous state.

Lindsay couldn't approach rashly and could only attack with the [Blade of Extinction] in his hand.

At this moment.

Any touch of the man's body with any hand or any other object.

Will be infected with destructive power in an instant.

Then it broke into pieces.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

next second.

Shi Quan's figure rushed out from the gap where the mountain collapsed again.

He arrived in front of Lindsay almost instantly, with only a roar full of murderous intent coming out of his mouth, and his hands exerting all his destructive power.

"Get out of my way!"

Lindsay activated the source instantly, adding explosive power to strength.

There was a loud bang.

The stone fist, which was wrapped in terrible power, flew backwards.

He fell to the ground, obviously without much force.

His body fell to the ground like a meteorite, leaving a terrible trail of more than ten meters. The ground behind him was severely sunken and cracked in all directions.


Stonefist is like a tireless machine.

He just fell down, and then immediately turned over and jumped up.

The earth and mountains once again collapsed under his actions, and he took advantage of the momentum to launch another attack on Lindsay.


Lindsay's eyes narrowed.

After the fight just now, he confirmed one thing.

Although Stonefist lost consciousness, the skills honed by the warrior have been transformed into instinct and integrated with his body.

Instinct controls the opponent's body to attack.

So there is no technological decline.

"You lose consciousness, but not your fighting skills."

"This ability is really well matched!"

Lindsay calmly observed the stone fist rushing towards him, and found a faint scar at the end of the opponent's left arm.

That was just cut out by the [Blade of Extinction].

The power came at the cost of losing his intelligence, although his body allowed him to destroy everything and was invulnerable to swords and guns.

But compared to this weapon which has no concept of damage.

Still a little weaker!

Lindsay took a deep breath.

"In this case, there is a way."

Since it can cause wounds.

At this time, it is the turn of the equipment bar to take effect.

He put on the [Sword of Plague] in his equipment column and rushed towards Stonefist's violent roar:

"In that case, let's do it!"

(End of this chapter)

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