My different world is game mode.

Chapter 660: The decisive battle?

Chapter 660: The decisive battle?
"Lord Lindsay, please let me be the vanguard from now on!"

"I will continue to prove that I am the most powerful blade in your expedition!"

An underground tunnel lit by torches.

Levi rode on the back of a Zerg soldier, still asking Lindsay for orders to fight.

At this moment, the battle started where the Deformers surrounded the [Underground Fortress].

A month has passed.

The new Zerg army arrived at the [dungeon] on time. Lindsay distributed and reorganized them and combined them with the Zerg forces already in the dungeon.

After the Square Speech.

Most of the soldiers who had fought hard until now naturally obeyed the order and stayed in the dungeon to recuperate.

But there are some people like that.

They are either relatively new members of a small tribe who want to express their loyalty to Lindsay, or warriors like Levi who are filled with hatred.

Facing Levi's request at this moment, Lindsay shook his head and refused:

"Levi, I know your hatred for the Deviants."

"I agreed to bring you to join this crusade because of this consideration."

"However, although I can understand your experience and thoughts, you cannot push yourself to this extent when you are in a battle."

"This is for your safety as well as for others."


Lindsay's suggestion made Levi fall into deep thought.

If other people speak, the awakened person, who is dominated by the desire for revenge, will definitely not obey.

But this is Lindsay after all.

It was Lindsay who saved him and his lover, changed all destinies, and even gave him power and guided him to the Deformers' base camp.

In front of such a Lindsay, Levi was able to control his impulse.

He suppressed all the emotions in his heart and nodded to Lindsay:
"I understand, Master Lindsay."

Lindsay gave an encouraging smile, then continued to lead the team forward.

Lindsay was even thinking about the subsequent construction plan.

Because of the continuous suppression of the Deformers, these kills have been accumulated on the altar in the dungeon and gathered into soul power in the soul pool.

As long as he completes this crusade, he should be able to build a lot of buildings when he returns.

The real problem that troubles subsequent development at this moment is the requirements for advancing to the next civilization.

[Forest City] requires the settlement of special races.

[Zerg Nest] Simple and crude, requiring a super-large population.

[Dungeon]--When it comes here, the demand is particularly outrageous! It must destroy a kingdom!
To be frank, this is on the same level of difficulty as [Forest City].

The former is nowhere to be found.

The latter… even the Green Swamp in the south of the world is just a human city-state, not a kingdom.

Currently, the only thing that has hope of being upgraded is the [Zerg Nest].

The population requirement was 3000 last time, but this time it has directly exceeded six figures. The only way is to use time to grind the population growth.

“It gets harder the later you get.”

"This is a common tendency in strategic games."

Lindsay sighed inwardly.

He pulled his thoughts back to reality, and closer issues began to bother his brows.

With the bonus of the Speed ​​Boots, the army advances faster.

The journey towards this final crusade was also accelerated.

It was only thanks to the attack of the more powerful and ruthless Zerg army.

This battle was actually easier than the previous expedition. What bothered Lindsay at the moment was that the strength of the deformed had not changed.

The fifth-stage deformers still occasionally appear underground.

But none of those powerful deformers who had been revived from ancient times were seen on this last stretch of the journey!

"This doesn't fit the pattern of approaching an enemy base camp at all."


Lindsay looked up and forward.

According to the map he had drawn before, he would reach the northern base camp of the Deformers in three days at most. But so far, no large-scale and difficult enemies had appeared.


"There must be a conspiracy!"

Lindsay made the judgment very affirmatively.

He analyzed the intelligence at hand and opened the [Strategic Map] at the same time.

Because of their attack, the [Strategic Map] showed the entire terrain of the rear area.

There is absolutely no conspiracy!

There was no encirclement or surprise attack.

Even the base camp of the [Dungeon] was quiet for a month and no longer encountered enemy attacks.


The reality was even more outrageous than Lindsay had expected.

Because in the underground tunnels that they had just breached, there were no Deformers appearing to fill the conquered cave spaces, as in previous expeditions.

This also makes Lindsay's logistical preparedness plan seem a bit redundant.

"No blockade or ambush?"

"So that means we should gather our strength and prepare to defend our base camp?"

Lindsay could only speculate.

There was no interception or ambush targeting the rear, so the more reasonable inference is that the deformed ones who stayed behind in the base camp wanted to gather their strength for a decisive battle.

"It was a tough fight."

Lindsay immediately turned to look at Levi:

"Levi, go inform everyone that the strength of the deformed people we encountered during this period is not right. They are probably gathering their strength to prepare for a decisive battle with us. Everyone must be on guard!"

Levi rode the Zerg back and delivered the message.

The atmosphere in the human team changed, and everyone's face became serious.

Day 1 of follow-up.

It went exactly as Lindsay had expected.

Apart from some scattered wandering low-level deformers, they didn't even encounter any decent enemies, and the caves were abandoned and empty.

The Aberrants did mobilize their manpower.

Thanks to this environment where he could move forward straight ahead without fighting, Lindsay reached the center of the northern world on the second day alone.

At this point, he stopped the team from moving forward.

I switched the [Strategic Map] to the [Adventure Map] and prepared to conduct reconnaissance before the battle.




Lindsay was stunned at the scene in front of her.

Not far ahead, in the direction of the Deformers' base camp, there is indeed a huge underground cave covering an area of ​​thousands of acres.

Scout through the map.

You can also see some buildings suitable for human use, which are obviously what those highly intelligent deformed beings need.

But the problem for Lindsay now is that there is no one!
In this huge cave, there were only a few scattered red dots symbolizing hostility, and there was no army as expected for the decisive battle!

and so……

Where have the enemies gone?
Could it be that these intelligent guys fled with their people because they were afraid of fighting?

The brutal nature of the deformed, or the forces of the abyss, towards the living.

Lindsay never considered that the other party had the option of escape.

But the facts are clearly before us!

In silence, Lindsay continued to expand the reconnaissance range, almost to its limit, but still found no trace of the enemy.


That's when.

The [Sky Compass] that had been sleeping in the bag for a long time sent him a message.

There's a hidden space nearby!
(End of this chapter)

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