Chapter 670 Dark Magic
"Vivian, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Vivian's appearance, Alice immediately half-knelt on the ground and reached out to touch Vivian's head:

"I am in good health and not sick."

"But it seems that some kind of skill is continuously devouring your body..."

Vivian broke free from Alice's hand:

"My father is a Knight of the Law!"


Alice understood everything in an instant.

She sighed in her heart.

As a righteous person in the [City of Law], Alice understood the relationship between the Law Knights and her own profession very well, and she also understood what the girl was thinking.

Especially in a world like this.

So Alice held Vivian in her arms. Her tone was filled with a protective will as she gently comforted the child in her arms:

"I'm sorry, but it's because of us incompetent guys fighting each other that you've encountered all this misfortune."

Vivian shook her head in Alice's arms.

After the initial impulse, she behaved as sensibly as ever:
"I didn't. I, I know, it wasn't you who did it."

"Mr. Lindsay told me that those who do right are just one type of awakened ones, and you have serious shortcomings that cannot be ignored."


Alice didn't answer or argue.

In other words, everyone who walks on the path of the righteous has their own inner persistence. Regardless of whether this persistence conforms to the moral concepts of the current world, they only follow their own inner choices.

"Go, go north quickly!"

"Lord Lindsay has given instructions. There is a blacksmith shop over there. We have to finish the work quickly to be worthy of him!"

At this time, several workers who were discussing something jogged by not far away.

Alice and Vivian's attention was drawn to them, so they walked in the direction where the laborers appeared.

East side of the dungeon.

The two girls saw Lindsay again.

The other party was standing in front of a large pointed tower.

Near the observation tower on the east side of the dungeon, a multi-story tower was built with cold, dark rocks. Windows in the layers of rock gave off a faint blue light, creating a rather eerie atmosphere.

From a distance, this place looks like the place where witches live in fairy tales. Even if a black dragon flew out, it would not be strange.

This is the [Cursed Library] that has just been built.

It also fits the gloomy and dark style of [dungeon] architecture.

Lindsay, who was examining the building, naturally heard the footsteps of the two people approaching. He turned his head and looked:
"Alice, Vivian, you are here too."

"This is the Cursed Library, a building I just built. It allows people to learn the ability to cast magic. Do you want to go in and try it out?"

Magic? Wizard?
Alice immediately thought of the rarest awakened profession in the universe.

"This building gives people the skills of wizards!?"

Lindsay knew that the other party was talking about a great wizard like Coselvelite, so he immediately shook his head and denied it:

"This is an independent and brand new ability... It's hard to describe, but it's more like a Warcraft-like ability? Anyway, I'll go in first and demonstrate it to you."

Lindsay was the first to enter the [Cursed Library].

Because of his strong physique.

There was no need to worry about anything when infusing knowledge. After just a few minutes, Lindsay came out with a head full of weird knowledge.

The magic of the Cursed Library is different from the knowledge infusion of other buildings. After the corresponding knowledge is instilled into the learners, the magicians need to analyze and understand the content themselves.

The more they understand, the more and more powerful magic they can unlock.

The knowledge currently provided by the [Cursed Library], if studied thoroughly, can enable people to learn level 1 to 3 dark magic.

"You have to study hard to learn magic, so how can I demonstrate my skills to others?"

Lindsay's brows furrowed for a second, then relaxed on their own.

He quickly called up the attribute panel and added his accumulated experience points to the newly added [Dark Magic] skill.

[Dark Magic 0→1→2→3]

Just add some points... Use the rewards you get after hard work and risk taking, it's so easy and fun!
It's like riding a rocket.

In the blink of an eye, Lindsay mastered one dark magic of level 1, 2, and 3.

[Weakness Curse——Use magic power to curse an enemy, causing the opponent to lose some of his physical strength. 】

[Blindness——Use magic power to seize the enemy's vision. The duration depends on the opponent's strength.]

[Basic Contract——Use magical power to sign basic transactions, oaths, and honest contracts. 】

Seeing Lindsay coming out, Alice, who had been waiting at the library entrance, immediately asked:
"Lindsey, how are you?"

"Not bad." Lindsay nodded slightly, "I'll just use you as a target for my magic experiment, is that okay?"

Alice felt something was odd.

But looking around, she realized that there was no way she could let Vivian, a child, do the experiment, so she immediately straightened her chest with confidence:
"I'm recovering pretty well, come on!"


"Huh? My stamina...what's going on?"

One second later.

Alice's expression became strange.

She suddenly lost some of her strength.

The righteous girl could feel that Lindsay was using some kind of power, but it was very different from ordinary source skills.

Lindsay smiled and explained:
"That's what I call magic."

Alice pursed her lips and commented:

"Well, very interesting. This kind of magic should be effective against ordinary people or low-level awakeners; but it probably won't work against high-level awakeners. Take me as an example. If I had strengthened my will just now, I could have resisted this power."

"Nothing can be accomplished overnight." Lindsay understood this and then extended an invitation, "How about it? Do you want to give it a try?"

Alice shook her head decisively:
"No, I just want my own power."

Lindsay didn't try to persuade him and turned her gaze to Vivian.
"Vivian, go and try it."

Of course Vivian couldn't refuse.

She nodded slightly, and took the initiative to walk into the [Cursed Library] to accept the infusion of knowledge.

After Vivian left, Alice spoke to Lindsay again:
"Through conversations with Vivian and what I've seen from other people in the city, I've confirmed the state of this world."

Lindsay asked:
"So what's your decision?"

Alice replied:

"If it is true as you said - the connection between the worlds has been cut off. Then there is no doubt that we are united in our goal of returning to the Capital of Law."

Lindsay was not polite to Alice:
"That's just in time. I have something to entrust to you."

Alice asked:
"Say it"

Lindsay replied:


(End of this chapter)

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