My different world is game mode.

Chapter 678 The choice of path

Chapter 678 The choice of path
The defenses in Green Island City are weak.

With the restrictions of the slave contract lifted, it was not difficult for Yaron to move around here with his fifth-stage strength.

It took him only a few minutes to bring the other slaves into the residence where Lindsay was assigned.


On the stone chair in front of the fireplace, the Law Knight saw Hilde curled up there.

"Hey, you guys are here?"

Hildreth greeted without turning around.

As for rescuing Yaloen, she didn't need to have foresight to guess that Lindsay would be victorious, and it was only expected that someone would come over at this moment.

Yaloen stepped forward and said hello:

"Are you Miss Hildreth?"

"I'm the only one with this name here." Hildreth was too lazy to cast magic. She controlled her legs and turned around, holding the backrest of the stone chair with both hands. Her red pupils stared at the people in front of her. "If I'm not mistaken, Lindsay should let you listen to me, right?"

A sigh came from the living room on the first floor.

The other freed slaves were all stunned by the beauty of the writer girl, but Alon was completely unmoved:
"Mr. Lindsay has important matters to attend to."

"He asked me to come here and wait quietly. After that, whether we escape from the city or take other actions, you will make the detailed plans."


The two sides have concluded their introductions and the meeting should also end here.

All that remains is to wait for the city's reaction.

Hildreth loosened his grip on the back of the chair and slid back naturally to face the fireplace.

Watching the burning red fire evaporating the moisture in the room.

A few minutes later, Hildreth's eyes were filled with inexplicable ripples as he observed fate:
"Your name is Aron, and you are a Knight of the Law."

"These beasts from the Green Swamp do this kind of thing in this world, don't you want to take care of it?"

Aron heard Hildreth's question:
"Of course I do, but any rash action will only alert the enemy, which may even hinder Lord Lindsay's actions."

It's only been a few minutes, and already he's calling 'Lady Lindsay'.

Hildrede wanted to complain about the way Aarron addressed Lindsay.

But this man's attitude towards his hero made Hildreth very fond of him, and the girl's tone became ambiguous:
"In that case, do you want to help Lindsay?"

Yaron was walking towards the fireplace. He was surprised by the thoughts revealed in Shiloh's tone and said:

"Ms. Hildreth, what do you want to do?"

Hildre's cheeks flushed, and her smile was gentle and shy:
"Because Lindsay doesn't want me to be in danger, he doesn't want me to take risks with him. But the fact is - my skills can peek into the changes of fate, and I can always help him in this matter."

Yaloen's tone was quite cautious:

"Ms. Hildreth, what is your skill?"

Hild nodded and said:

"I have the ability to see into fate."

"Mr. Knight, you also know that most of the strong men in Green Swamp have gone to participate in the war in the west, and the strength in the city is extremely empty. And now, you, a fifth-stage Law Knight, and I, a fifth-stage Artist, are working together, which is definitely a force that cannot be ignored!"

"But there is a sixth-stage merchant here." Yaloen immediately shook his head, "We are definitely no match for him, and if we act this way, Lord Lindsay might..."

Hildreda interrupted Aron:
"But, don't you want to save others?"

"There are still countless oppressed people in the city. They are deprived of their freedom just like you, and even their right to life is not guaranteed!"

"Now, if we act fast enough, we can free a lot of people!"

“By then, all this city will have to deal with is Lindsay’s infiltration and the endless impact from the masses!”


Yaloen was obviously persuaded.

Not only did he save innocent people, but his subordinates who were once escorted to the Green Swamp from [Yaro Camp] were also reduced to slaves, and many of them died.

When he was working outside, Yaloen had the opportunity to communicate with these people. But over the past few years, the exact situation has become a mystery.

Seeing that Aron was lost in thought, Hildreth began to pursue his victory:
"Letting their attention focus on us will naturally make Lindsay's infiltration easier."

"This principle is easy to understand, and there is no deception or misleading involved. You should be able to understand what I mean."


Rescue oppressed slaves and fellows.

At the same time, it can also attract the attention of high-level awakeners in the city and create more opportunities for Lindsay.

The two reasons given by Hildreth made it difficult for Alon to refuse.

The Knights of the Law strictly adhere to the final bottom line:
"But, Master Lindsay..."

Hildre said in a resolute tone:
"I can see into fate. There will be no surprises in this matter."

"And you know - Lindsay asked you to listen to me because I have the ability. So, believe me!"

The guidance of emotions spread silently in the house.

Hildre's current source quality skills are indeed only at the fifth stage.

But just like a revived Aberration, even when its strength is weakened, it can still burst out with high-level skills.

Hildurde also has his own specialties.

The emotional essence has been deeply integrated with her soul, and the characteristics it has brought are still flowing slowly in her soul.

Looking at the expressions of the Law Knights and other slaves at this moment.

Hildreth realized that his goal had been achieved, and a smile appeared on his face.

The girl took out the small notebook in her arms and wrote a new script, muttering softly:
"Hero, brave man..."

“In the past, I only wrote these stories on other people.”

Hildre looked at the hero template she had obtained.

The skill icon of [Heroic Aspiration] flickered slowly above, emitting a faint golden light.

“This time, I treat myself as a work of art.”

"If you are what I really want in my heart, then let me try this unpredictable fate."


Meanwhile, Lindsay was moving slowly through Green Island City.

He walked quite slowly, about the same pace as a normal person walking down the street.

Because his eyes were always fixed on the adventure map in front of him, continuing to count all the information.

Lindsay confirmed the location of the Snake King, which had not changed in the past half day; he even locked the location of Kingfisher, the sixth-stage merchant, to ensure that the other party would not come out to get in the way when he sneaked in.

"The basic strategy is to sneak in and bypass the snake king. Then go underground through the cave on the side of the island in the lake and look for..."


Suddenly, in the northeast of the city, golden light burst out with powerful power.

The gloomy sky at dusk was coated with a layer of gold powder.

Lindsay turned her head away.

The same goes for everyone else in Green Island City.

Everyone's attention was drawn to this outburst of power, and everyone started to talk in surprise.


"Is this a source quality technique? So powerful!"

"I know! This is the power of the law. There are law knights taking action in the city!"

(End of this chapter)

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