My different world is game mode.

Chapter 684 The Fog Has Risen

Chapter 684 The Fog Has Risen
The fluctuations of soul and emotions gradually faded away.

The power of value begins to work.

Faced with a life-and-death crisis, it is no longer possible for businessmen to save their energy.

The source quality and value of Kingfisher are mixed.

Then, on the ground, his body, which had just been cut into two parts, automatically reassembled and turned into a healthy body in the place of his shadow.

On the streets shrouded in darkness.

What the kingfisher shows at this moment is another possibility for the profession of businessman.

The businessman who once fought against Lindsay took the standard path of 'money measures everything'.

But kingfishers are different.

Like Elini, he follows the path of 'money is not everything', and measures everything in the world by a standard value.

This technique is particularly special in the sixth stage.

In addition to the skills born out of business philosophy, if they want to reach this stage, they must realize a reality.

——The basic value of all things in the world.

Injury, physical condition, mental state...

More abstract and outrageous concepts will become their trading targets.

After advancing to the sixth stage, purchasing a person's life or death is no longer a problem.

And what just happened was the final trump card that Kingfisher played for himself.

The merchant's essence is [Abstract Replacement]. They can separate the essence from their body and create an independent wonder.

So, Kingfisher's body was already in danger just now, but his source system was not affected and was still functioning normally, as if a third party had saved his life.


At this moment.

The battlefield fell into a strange balance.

Although Hildreth's essence faded, Kingfisher's subordinates had already lost their minds and were unable to provide any help.

"Damn it!"

The kingfisher, who had become a lonely man, cursed inwardly.

The means that the big businessman just used to save himself have consumed most of his value, and this profession itself does not focus on frontal combat.

His businessman's mindset prevents him from making decisions as decisively as a warrior.

He naturally began to think about how much money he would have left if he ran away now.

On the other hand, there are Hildreth and Aron.

The former was deeply tortured by the backlash of fate, and at this time he was not much different from a useless person. It was just the desire to be a "hero" that made Hilde forcefully move his fragile arms and drag his body to crawl towards Aron.

As for the latter.

The Law Knight had just drained his essence, and after being knocked away by the merchant's power, his condition was already close to the limit.

He tried painfully to stand up.

But the weak posture with his waist leaning forward is a true reflection of his current physical condition.

"It looks like..."

"They are all in bad shape?"

Staring at the scene in front of him, Kingfisher's mind gradually emerged from the crisis of life and death.

He began to assess the situation calmly.

And use the most basic skill of a businessman - [value judgment] to analyze and observe the two people opposite.

Yaroen was still standing there, holding onto his sword.

There is no doubt that there are no surprises in the fifth stage of Law Knight.

On the other side, there was Hildreth who could only fall to the ground.

This beautiful girl with a crazy expression is only slightly better than ordinary people in terms of value assessment.

But it inexplicably gives people a weird feeling.

"This guy should be the owner of the emotional essence just now."

Yaloen naturally had an idea.

This is a seventh-stage awakener, but for some reason, his power is now restricted!

It doesn't matter whether the Law Knights on one side die or not.

But if you can turn a seventh-stage awakener into your slave...what is the return rate of this transaction?
100%? 1000%? 10000%?

In the minds of big businessmen, the balance of value instantly began to tilt.

Faced with the temptation of a seventh-stage slave, thoughts of escape and retaining strength all disappeared.

Catch Hildurde in your hands!

It is his only and most important first goal now!

"Where are your eyes looking at?"

At this moment, the voice of the Knight of Law sounded again.

The kingfisher shifted its crazy attention and discovered a shocking scene.

Yaloen stood up again, and the source energy in his body began to explode unreasonably and without root cause!
This is the prerogative of the will.

Basic essence is as simple and easy to use as a blue bar, without any side effects; life essence prolongs life, but its depletion means death; emotional essence has insight into human nature and can even directly infect others with its characteristics.

Among the characteristics of these source qualities.

The power of will lies in the will of the awakened person himself.

As long as this intention is strong enough, he can devote everything he has to the source technique.

Forcefully light up your own extinguished torch!
"Merchant, you're on the wrong side!"

"Your crime is a betrayal of human free will!"

Yaloen made another judgment.

He held the iron sword in one hand and pointed it at the merchant, but this time, there was not a single trace of golden light on the sword. Instead, the color of the law was imprinted in his pupils.

——This guy is dead.

See this situation.

The kingfisher made an immediate judgment.

Yaron used the privilege of the source of will to completely burn life, soul, and everything.

He didn't want to fight this legal lunatic, but he couldn't bear to leave.

If you want to take Xilude away, you must kill her!


The big businessman shook his head slightly.

He was forced to accept the battle and began to spend his surplus value carefully.

“This is not a law, but a transactional relationship between reality and value.”

The power of values ​​is manifested on the streets.

As Yaron charged forward, his vision was instantly obscured by the power of money.

"My path is not in front of me, but under my feet!"

The Knights of Law have paved a special path.

This is the skill from the third stage of the Knight of the Law, the power of the 'path' gained through practicing the law.


The kingfisher frowned and began to retreat.

He looked at Hildreth lying on the ground from time to time, and activated the merchant's skills:
"Aaron, we can make a deal."

The merchant's value began to buy Yaron's physical strength.

The bewitching tone itself even carries a layer of bewitching power of commercial persuasion.

But Aarorn remained unmoved.

The first step to becoming a Knight of the Law is to clarify the path of the Law through exhortation.

At this moment, when his life and will were burning to the limit, this level of temptation had no effect on Yaron.

"Sinner, shut your mouth!"


The cold iron sword kept intersecting with the merchant's body.

Two people in the battle, one is observing the battle situation coldly, while the other is constantly burning himself.

But at this moment.

In the center of Green Island City, an indescribable huge evil began to emerge rapidly!
The two men in battle did not stop.

Hildreth, who was lying on the ground, was panting heavily, her red pupils showing her madness:

"I must go in, the fog is rising..."

(End of this chapter)

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