My different world is game mode.

Chapter 686 Corruption of the Mixed Yuan Body

Chapter 686 Corruption of the Mixed Yuan Body

Disconnect the connection with the Aberrant and lose the vitality support of [Teardrop of the Moon].

Although he regained consciousness at this moment, the explorer's eyes were still empty.

Bruno's life was indeed saved by Lindsay.

But decades of sleep have caused serious damage to the spirit, and it is impossible to return to normal immediately.


at the same time.

Around the crystal cave, the [Withered Queen Flower] that Lindsay had just planted responded.

[Corruption Poison] erupted right above.

The plants that were closest to the tree immediately found a target to absorb nutrients from and began to send out roots upwards.

Next, the growth rate of the [Withered Queen Flower] completely exceeded Lindsay's imagination.

This is a collection of corrupt forces from across the world.

Even if there is no one controlling it, judging only from the magnitude, it is enough to reach the seventh stage level.

Lindsay looked at the explorer Bruno in front of him again.

It is definitely not a good idea for him to go out and solve the problem of [Corruption Poison] now and leave the other party here.

But at this time.

Do we have to bring along a person who is completely unable to move?

"Fortunately, I had a premonition."

Lindsay smiled softly, and he immediately expanded the space around him, then took out a forest-style house and placed it here.

Lindsay packed up her shop and took it away.

This time when he left the Forest City to return for adventure, he had a premonition in his heart.

Once the plan to go to the Green Swamp and search for the source of life is successful, it will be time to repair the connection between the worlds.

"It's time to say goodbye..."

Thinking of everything in my territory, especially those eyes and smiles looking at me.

Lindsay sighed quietly.

He moved quickly. After stuffing the explorer into the store and selecting him as a clerk, he took back the store, thus completing the task of bringing people in.


Without the explorers' skills to support them, the crystal caves began to collapse.

The violent roars around still continued.

With nearly unlimited energy supply, the growth rate of [Withered Queen Flower] is getting stronger and stronger. The roots they grow are even wider than the human body, just like a bizarre scene from a magic beanstalk fairy tale.


Water pierces the cave walls.

Due to the crazy growth of plant roots, the underground soil collapsed and the lake water on the ground poured into the cave.

"I don't want to swim in muddy water."

Lindsay immediately switched to [Eternal Mark], and after activating the effect, her body flashed on the spot and immediately disappeared into the ground.


A few seconds later, on the ground of the island in the lake.

Lindsay emerged from the soil nearby.

The bluestone palace on the island in the lake has now completely collapsed.

The first thing he saw when he looked up was a shadow that was even darker than the night.

All the [Corruption Poison] in the Corruptor's body burst out.

But there are some differences as expected.

Such a huge amount of [Corruption Poison] caused a qualitative change under the quantitative change.

It did not spread around like a normal epidemic, but instead gathered in the center, eventually forming a huge tumor, which was now connected to the ground by some foul-smelling pieces of meat.

The malice and crying that Lindsay felt just now also spread outward from this tumor.


Lindsay frowned as she checked the clue information.

[Deformed Eggs - Astronomical numbers of [Corruption Poison] gathered in one place. They originally came from the power of life, reacting with each other, and a new life is being nurtured in them.]


“It has gone from being a spreading virus to being an independent enemy.”

"Is this good news?" Lindsay sighed as he went into the ruins of the palace.

During this process, he casually took out the [Blade of Extinction] and slashed upwards as a test of the enemy.


The spiral lava burned a mark on the huge tumor.

At the same time, the baby's wailing became even more miserable, with a hint of pain in it.

At the same time, Lindsay went under the ruins of the palace and soon found the figure of the Corroder Bevmeni.

This guy is lucky.

The throne on which he slept collapsed after the palace collapsed, and became a support point, creating a space for him.

And there is a changed destiny intervening.

As expected, the weak Bevmeini managed to survive.

However, his condition was the same as the explorer's, he was now unconscious and had almost no strength left in his body.

"very good!"

"Both of them survived."

Lindsay was quite satisfied with the result.

He used the same method to take the Corruptor away, and was ready to deal with the aggregation of [Corruption Poison].


The ground beneath my feet is still shaking.

Before rescuing people, Lindsay confirmed that the weapon in her hand could cause harm to people.

The [Corruption Poison] condensate that was under attack became more and more impatient.

Coincidentally, the roots of the [Withered Queen Flower] in the underground cave also extended out.

They greedily absorbed this power and even coveted the [Egg of Corruption] right above them, wanting to extract nutrients from it.


A sharp wail sounded from the tumor.

Followed by.

The virus-filled meat that was connected to the surrounding ground began to burst out with the power of the source. Thick and festering tentacles formed on the surface of the meat, and they actively wrapped around the roots of the plants!

It just happened in the blink of an eye.

The roots of flesh and blood and the roots of plants, the two are tightly entangled together like a sailor's rope.

Although [Withered Queen Flower] can naturally restrain [Power of Corruption].

But this time, the enemy's concentrated power was too strong.

After a fight, the [Corrupted Egg] used brute force to completely destroy these fast-growing plants!
Lindsay frowned and kicked away a tentacle in front of him.

With his current strength.

The rope entangled with plants and flesh was broken by a kick.

Taking advantage of this momentary contact, Lindsay took the opportunity to check the more detailed product attributes of this guy.

[Deformer: Corrupted Mixed Body (Embryo)]

[The [Corruption Power] of the entire world is gathering together and is nurturing a physical creature. It is expected that in a quarter of an hour, it will be completed and liberated.]

[The echo of Ryan Olma's ascension to godhood still lingers in the [Poison of Corruption].

"Abyss! Abyss! Abyss!"】



Lindsay turned her palm.

The next second, he held a weapon in each hand, and at the same time, his figure disappeared from the spot and jumped high.

In the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of the [Corrupted Egg].

[Sword of Plague] and [Blade of Extinction] were used at the same time.

The [Lava Jet Sword] in the equipment bar also covered the two weapons with high-temperature lava.

Holding two flaming blades, Lindsay came into the air.

In front of him was the tumor that was trembling and beating like a heart.

But at this time, Lindsay had another inexplicable thought in his mind.

He did it this way.

Does it mean that when the BOSS changes phases, the opponent's transformation animation is forcibly interrupted?
(End of this chapter)

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