My different world is game mode.

Chapter 695: The Deformer's Backhand

Chapter 695: The Deformer's Backhand

Lindsay and Alice's hands didn't even separate.

Suddenly a huge flame appeared and was about to hit them.

Given the current distance and the opponent's extremely fast speed, there is no time to dodge no matter what action I take.

【Concentrated state】

Lindsay activated her skill instantly.

After becoming a fifth-stage awakener, the upper limit of his module slots increases to 4, allowing him to load more systems on a regular basis.

At this moment, the huge fireball also became dull in front of Lindsay's eyes.

Lindsay's eyes narrowed.

The outer surface of this flame was orange-red, but the temperature it gave people was much higher than that of a normal flame. Moreover, inside the flames, there was a vague solid substance guiding the movement of the fireball.

【Puzzle game】

[Flying monsters——very powerful monsters that can manipulate special flames. 】


"Although I know that the Dust Road world is not very safe."

"But it's a bit too much to just come here and hit him head on."

Lindsay sighed and turned his gaze to the side.

In the time-delayed world, Alice is unable to move, but is shifting her gaze in her own direction.

The righteous girl really couldn't catch up with the speed of [Concentrated State].

But just as Lindsay had shown when she rescued her, Alice's reaction speed was enough for her to realize what was happening in the delayed world.

See the other person's eyes.

An idea popped into Lindsay's mind.

The module seed created by [Remote Fun] can only be effective on one person at a time. So he quickly made a module seed for [Sports Racing] and directly applied it to Alice.


The next second, the upright girl also took action.

She also activated [Concentration State] to catch up with Lindsay's speed.

The two of them didn't exchange a single word, but entered into combat mode in perfect tacit understanding.

The delayed time is only a moment.

Lindsay and Alice released their hands and jumped to the side.


A spear and a sword were attacked at the same time.

Alice was surrounded by the power of will.

She was not afraid of the flames. She drew her sword and leapt forward, heading straight towards the monster in mid-air.

Lindsay remained cautious in his fight.

He pulled out a spear, covered the piercing effect of [Red-horned Mistletoe] with the equipment bar, and threw it towards the upper center of the flame.

next second.

The golden slash and the iron piercing met on the flames in the air.

The moment the attack ended.

Lindsay and Alice exited the [Concentration State] at the same time.

The flames that were just raging and about to pounce on the two of them suddenly stopped in mid-air.


Accompanied by a wail.

A bird several meters long fell from the sky due to the inertia of the impact.

The feathers of this big bird are shaped like wisps of burning flames, with red mixed with orange stripes, forming flame-shaped patterns.


The body of the bird-like monster slammed heavily to the ground.

Both Lindsay and Alice's attacks were effective.

Its neck was cut open from the left side by the sharp sword of the Righteous One, and a red-hot steel spear was stuck in its heart.

Lindsay felt a little sorry for his consumable spear:

"It's burnt like this, I'm afraid it can't be used."

Alice, who took the initiative to jump up, landed later than the body of the bird monster. After she stepped on the ground, she turned around and immediately walked towards the body:

"Lindsay, this guy is not in the right state."

"It should be a sixth-stage magical beast. We killed it too easily. The source essence in this creature... Hmm! It's not pure, as if it's mixed with some foreign matter..."

"Alice, wait!"

Lindsay suddenly spoke up, interrupting Alice's actions.

The righteous girl was able to detect something strange on the body of the monster through her own perception.

And with Lindsay's reconnaissance skills.

A more detailed reality is also revealed.

[The Fire Bird - a powerful monster in life, whose nervous system was corrupted by someone using a terrifying technique, turning it into a vicious beast that attacks living things indiscriminately.]

After Lindsay spoke, they naturally did not touch the body of the monster.

Inspecting only by sight, the two finally found some clues under the orange-red feathers of the firebird.

——A piece of rotten flesh that symbolizes the Deformed.

Due to its dense, brightly colored feathers, this corrupted bird-beast is not as easy to spot as the deformed humans.

The answer is revealed here.

The reason why the sixth-stage monster is so easy to deal with is that its own state is abnormal!
Alice frowned.
"Sure enough, a Deviant has been here before."

Lindsay nodded in agreement:
"They should be the leaders who disappeared from the aberrations' lair in the north of the wasteland world. They arrived at the Dust Path World, and even the [Sky Stone Stairs] connecting the two worlds was most likely destroyed by them!"

"To destroy the connection point of the world, you need at least the seventh level of skills." Alice said in a serious tone, "Lindsay, if we encounter an enemy of this level, I will stay behind to cover our retreat. You just need to escape on your own."

Lindsay often said this herself, but now she heard it from someone else.

Especially when the object is yourself.


He opened his mouth, feeling a little amused and helpless.

When Lindsay was considering whether to explain that he had a way to deal with even a seventh-stage awakener.

Alice reached out and patted Lindsay on the shoulder:

“Standing in front of others to resist disasters is what I have always insisted on.”


at this time.

High temperature flames erupted on the body of the Firebird Monster.

Without saying a word, Lindsay grabbed Alice and took two steps back to avoid the coverage of the fire.

"Lindsay, this fire doesn't feel right."

The upright girl spoke immediately.

She noticed that unlike the previous attacks, the flames that erupted on the firebird's corpse were now full of warmth and the breath of life.

There is no such brutal and violent destructive force at all.

The information before Lindsay was more specific.

[The Firebird in the cycle of life - the fire of resurrection carries a powerful power of life cycle. After the Firebird dies normally, its body will be reincarnated in the flames, giving birth to a new life.]

Right in front of the two of them.

A magical scene then happened.

The huge firebird corpse burned quickly, and the essence of life within it gathered and began to give birth to new life as the message said.

"Um... ah?"

Lindsay was horrified.

Then he didn't have time to explain, he put on the [Molten Emblem] and rushed in regardless.


Alice wanted to pull Lindsay out of the fire.

But what greeted her was the module seeds that Lindsay threw directly at her.

The upright girl caught it subconsciously.

The game module included in this seed is - [Hunting Simulation].

Then, Lindsay's voice rang out in the flames:
"Alice, if you can stand the flames, come with us!"

"If it's too late, the body will burn up. I'm afraid I won't be able to collect the prey materials!"

(End of this chapter)

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