My different world is game mode.

Chapter 699 Sky Island City

Chapter 699 Sky Island City
Alice also stopped converting the materials in her hands.

The two of them were standing one in front and one behind, their eyes meeting.

With the help of the [Adventure Map], they found a large number of red or yellow marks on the island ahead.

"Unlike aberrations."

Lindsay, who is more familiar with the skills, made the first judgment:
"If it was those guys, the color of the mark would definitely be all red, and there would be no yellow that symbolizes neutrality."

Alice wondered:
"It could also be the situation in Mooncry Ridge - the people here were conquered by the Deviants, and then kept in captivity and enslaved like livestock?"

Lindsay shook her head and rejected:


"If they were kept in captivity, the yellow markings should be concentrated in one place, not mixed with the red markings like this, scattered everywhere."

Alice came to her senses and generously admitted her mistake:
"In that case, they must be the natives of the [Dust Path World]."

"Because of their attitude towards the outside world, some are hostile, while others are neutral and don't care."

Lindsay nodded slightly:

"We'll know the truth once we go in and take a look."

Then, Lindsay attached a few lumps of earth to the bottom of the 'single-plank bridge' to lower the height of the bridge.

The bridge continues to extend forward at a position lower than the ground level of the sky island.

A few minutes later.

The aerial bridge was successfully connected to the soil beneath the sky island.

Lindsay switched to a meteorite pickaxe and dug upwards from a hidden corner underground, while at the same time pinching a module and throwing it behind him.

The upright girl caught it and loaded the module skillfully:
"Horror game... crouch and sneak, and chase with fear?"

After these few days of cooperation.

Alice already understood how [Gamer] worked, and was also familiar with module unlocking, so she naturally saw the clues at this moment:
"Lindsay, what did you do to the others when you activated this module?"

Lindsay smiled:
"It's not actually what I did to anyone."

"During a past adventure, I was in a closed space, being chased by a terrifying blood-thirsty plant. I activated this module in an emergency."



Suddenly, Alice smiled.

The righteous lion had a deer-like expression.

The girl's gray eyes froze for a moment, then curved into a crescent moon carved out of marble.

Alice, who had always been serious, showed the innocence of a young girl at this moment:

"Being chased in terror by a monster?"

"I never thought that you would encounter something like this, Lindsay."

Alice is undoubtedly a beautiful girl.

But because of her personality and the way she behaves, she always gives Lindsay the impression of a serious elder.

The other party suddenly showed this smile.

Lindsay even suspected it was her own illusion!


Alice also realized her own gaffe.

She quickly straightened her expression, put her hand over her mouth, and coughed twice:
"Lindsay, you look like I can't smile?"

Lindsay scratched her hair:
"This is just my adventure."

"There's nothing fun about meeting a powerful enemy, right?"


Alice shook her head decisively:
"You really have no awareness of what you have done to yourself."

In the eyes of the righteous girl.

Lindsay is a powerful and mysterious Awakener.

Although it is only a fifth-stage skill, it demonstrates extraordinary abilities and possibilities.

Especially in the world of [Mooncry Mountains].

The man in front of him even single-handedly united the refugees from the wasteland and helped the world, which was drained of vitality, to turn danger into safety.

Such a feat is naturally not difficult for a powerful awakener.

But the fact is, Lindsay was only a fourth-stage awakener at that time.

Alice witnessed the other party's advancement to the fifth stage with her own eyes. This could not be fake!
Let’s talk about the above story again.

Connecting with the fourth-stage awakeners...

Even though the world is full of endless possibilities, this is still an unimaginable miracle!

Lindsay didn't dwell on how much she had surprised Alice.

He continued to dig the tunnel ahead.

Combining the information displayed on the [Adventure Map], she quickly dug out a one-meter-wide exit under a slope.


Two figures emerged one after the other.

But unlike the normal walking posture, they all bent their knees at the same time, and their figures seemed even more difficult to detect.

[Crouch and Stealth: As long as the player half-crouches, he will automatically enter the stealth state. 】

Lindsay and Alice went into stealth together.

They made almost no sound as they headed in the direction of the large number of markings.

Soon, a three-meter-high stone wall appeared in front of the two.

The wall extended far to both sides, and there were sentries patrolling diligently on it.

Lindsay and Alice sensed that a large number of the soldiers were awakened, and everyone had a look of being a veteran of many battles.

"It is indeed a city-state in a state of war."

"Let's find a place to crawl in and then collect information."

The two men exchanged whispers and then headed north.

Most of the city was protected by walls and heavily guarded by sentries.

But in the northeast, the terrain is higher.

Relying on the cliffs on the north side of the mountain, the city does not have many guards here, because even if the enemy attacks, fewer soldiers can deal with it by relying on the terrain.

This kind of terrain is very effective for ordinary people or low-level awakeners.

But high-level awakeners like Lindsay and Alice...

Unfortunately, this has become a very easy 'channel' to sneak into.

Lindsay and the others sneaked up the cliff. As soon as they got over the top of the mountain, their vision was filled with a grid-shaped city.

Compare to Sky Island.

The area of ​​this city is quite astonishing. Almost one-third of the entire Sky Island is enclosed in the city. People build houses with wood and stone, and the streets are also neatly planned.

However, the living area in the city is not as large as expected, and it can even be said to be crowded.

Because of the large amount of farmland, it was also surrounded by the city walls.

Taking advantage of the high ground, Lindsay took out a telescope to observe the details of the city.


Lindsay raised her brow.

There is a blue dot in the central square of the city, and upon closer inspection, it is a pool designed to look like a fountain.

Whether it is used by residents or for irrigation of farmland outside.

People get their water from here.

"Is this the source of water for the [Dust Path World]? A resource-based sky island?"


A few seconds later.

Lindsay and Alice looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

Cities and sky islands are fine.

But they built bridges all the way from the end of the world.

According to previous speculation, the damage to the world connection and the sky island bridge should be the work of the deformers.

As long as a deformed person above the seventh stage has been here, there is absolutely no reason for him to do nothing!
"It doesn't make sense."

"It's impossible that the Deviants are just being kind and ignoring these people, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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