My different world is game mode.

Chapter 705 God’s Path

Chapter 705 God’s Path
From the mouths of several believers.

Lindsay and Alice confirmed a fact.

This sky island city in the outside world is self-contained and almost cut off from the outside world.

So it is almost impossible to get useful information here.

Lindsay and the other person naturally had no intention of staying here.

They immediately turned around and stepped onto the black bridge built by believers.

Lindsay and Alice also kept their promise.

They untied the ropes on the three captives, but did not release the suppression of their essence, and continued to move forward.

The bridges built by the believers are very special.

Its material obviously contains source matter, and its quality is between steel and wood. It shakes slightly when you step on it, but the feeling is not very violent.

Lindsay and the other carefully crossed the bridge.

They arrived at the other side. The next sky island was smaller than the previous one, so they easily found the bridge to the next sky island.

"That's good news."

Lindsay shook his head and sighed:
"These believers come from the Middle Ring world."

"So we just keep following these roads with black bridges, and we won't have the trouble of going in the wrong direction."

Alice's attitude was more serious:
"But moving forward like this also means we will run into more believers."

The two crossed another empty island.

On the next island, they found a camp belonging to believers.

Apart from the believers who went to attack the city, the only ones left in the camp were some believers who had just awakened or were simply ordinary people.

Lindsay and Alice could see how poorly these people lived just by observing from outside the camp.

This is when faith comes into play.

The living standards of these people are worse than those of the residents of Sky Island City, but they have something to rely on and their mental outlook is much better.


See this scene.

Alice frowned and immediately placed her right hand on the hilt of the sword.

The essence brewing in the girl's body was about to explode, but Lindsay suddenly reached out and pressed the other person's palm on the hilt:

"Alice, the core of all problems and our goal are all in the [City of Law]."

"If we choose to take action as soon as we see something like this on the road, the time it takes is a small matter. The bigger question is - how do we deal with these people?"

Alice paused, she had a lot of thoughts in her mind.

The materials needed for human survival, fanatical belief in one God, and the management of large-scale personnel.

There is a corresponding relationship between action and responsibility.

If it is just to satisfy your own desire to take action.

Then after the battle, these people will be completely abandoned, and the so-called will will become a joke.


Alice sighed.

She nodded to Lindsay, loosened her hand, and the two of them walked around the believers' camp together.

Continue to move towards the East of the world.

The topic of their conversation on the road naturally turned back to the adventure itself.

"Alice, what do you think of the so-called 'one God'?"

The upright girl immediately replied:
"The rebels who embarked on the path of God, or the remnants of the heroic era, have revived today. After all, once the Godhead is formed, there are indeed many ways to escape the killing."

'Heroic Age' Lindsay could understand.

He had learned relevant information from teachers or libraries. It was a period after the gods ruled the entire universe for a long time, when powerful awakened ones rebelled and conquered them all.

The so-called resurgence.

It could be that the gods of that period hid themselves in some way, waiting for the right opportunity to revive quietly in the future.

Lindsay is more concerned with the vocabulary in Alice's first sentence:

“On the path of God?”

"Alice, this path to God refers to the path for humans to become gods?"

Alice did not answer Lindsay directly. She asked Lindsay in return:
"Lindsay, you are also the owner of the Essence of Will."

"When faced with the choice between divine authority and human rights, which one do you choose?"

Lindsay answered without hesitation:


Alice smiled:
"If the former is chosen, and the power of will continues to develop, then in the sixth stage the properties of the Sefirot will take on divine qualities, and in the seventh stage a complete godhead will be formed."

"By then, a formal god will come into being."

At this point, Alice showed a bitter smile:
"In fact, in the Age of Heroes, a large number of gods were awakened from the [City of Law] or the [Pantheon]. After all, from the perspective of the entire universe, these two places are also the places where it is easiest to possess the Essence of Will."

[City of Law] has an ancient history, which gives it a great advantage in this regard.

Lindsay asked for detailed accounts of that period.

In addition to historical topics, the righteous girl in front of him is also a master of the source of will.

It was rare for Lindsay to have such a companion.

So when the topic about gods came to an end, he immediately asked:
"If we choose the human path like we did, what will happen to the future of the Essence of Will?"

Alice pointed at herself and then at Lindsay:
“That is walking on your own path.”

“No matter what possibilities the future holds, create them with your own hands!”

Lindsay looked startled, then nodded slightly.

But whenever Lindsay thought about what she was going to talk about next, her head felt bigger.

Because no matter what information they obtained in the wasteland world, it was about the firebird that they killed together.

All of these prove that the Deformers have already come into this world.

"Alice, what do you think is the current situation of those deformed people?"

The moment Lindsay finished speaking, Alice frowned like him:
"do not know."

"According to the abilities of a seventh-stage warrior, even if they were on the wrong road from the Sky Island City just now, they should be able to sense the humans there. I can't figure out why they would let this city go."

Lindsay said:

"Do you think those Deviants are the kind of people who are afraid of causing trouble?"

Alice shook her head decisively:

"Absolutely impossible!"

Lindsay also expressed his own speculation:

"The only answer is that they are preparing to make a big move. In the ancient past, the forces of the Abyss were defeated by the Awakened, and the Righteous One from the City of Law was one of the important leaders."

"They are heading here now and cutting off the connection between the two worlds."

"We can even make a bolder guess - they didn't actually stay in the [Dust World], but went directly to the City of Law!"

Hearing this, Alice suddenly sneered, which showed her understanding and deep hatred of war:
"The capital of law?"

"Then they are dead!"

"Goodwill breeds more friendly goodwill; evil thoughts breed more hateful evil thoughts; and fighting will only give rise to more powerful fighting! In today's [City of Law], even a seventh-stage awakener cannot be absolutely safe."

"Aberrant? Go give it a try!"

(End of this chapter)

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