My different world is game mode.

Chapter 714 Sky Island Ecology

Chapter 714 Sky Island Ecology

After bidding farewell to the Stone Pillar Island, Lindsay and Alice continued on their journey.

At this point, the work of building bridges has been completed, and most of the sky islands here are connected by roads.

Occasionally, if the road is blocked, they can go around it via the nearby sky island. At their speed, not much time will be wasted.

Just one day later.

Lindsay and his team not only crossed more than a dozen sky islands, but also discovered that the number of surrounding islands was increasing, and larger sky islands began to appear.

Central World.

Huge sky islands float here, scattered at different heights.

Some sky islands were directly on top of another sky island. In some areas, the islands were so dense that the distance between two sky islands could be crossed with a single leap. It was like a stream in the forest, with two banks not far apart on the ground.

Only compared to these giants.

There are also some smaller islands or rocks mixed in the air of the [Dust Road World].

The smallest ones are one or two meters long, and the largest ones are over a hundred meters long.

Overall, it has become a satellite guarding the planet.

As the two of them were on their way, Lindsay also took the time to study the ecological and geographical relationships here.

"In terms of flora and fauna, it's generally the same. After all, there are humans and sky bridges, so there's no strict environmental isolation."

"As for the sky islands...these islands are connected to each other, but if they are too small, like the 'islands' next to them that are only a few dozen meters in size, there will be no dedicated roads."

"There must be a limit to this kind of judgment."

“But this boundary…”

Lindsay was very curious about this.

He even drank the Eagle Eye Potion and looked around on the road with a telescope.

After visual inspection and light and shadow comparison.

Lindsay spent most of the day before coming to a rough conclusion:
"210 meters."

"As long as the maximum diameter of an island exceeds 210 meters, the sky bridge will connect it to the nearest sky island. If it is less than this length, it will simply float in the air."

Alice was intrigued by Lindsay's observation.

“Lindsay, why are you recording this data?”

"Logically speaking, we are just passing through the [Dust Road World], there is no reason to record it in such detail, right?"

At the same time, the two happened to pass by a bush on an empty island.

Lindsay casually picked off a shrub seedling called "Blackheart Berry" and smiled back at Alice:
"It's my adventurous habit."

“Everything is connected. Pay attention to details. You never know when they might come in handy.”

Lindsay thought about it and changed her words:

“Or is it that not letting yourself get lost in the journey is also a way to build confidence and experience?”


Alice blinked, then asked:

"Is this the methodology you brought from the previous universe?"

Lindsay immediately shook her head:

"It can't be called a methodology. It's just what I accumulated during my adventures..."

Suddenly, Lindsay's voice stopped.

His steps forward also stopped in place, and the whole person did not move. He just raised his head and looked up into the sky.

It was as if there was something extremely attractive in the sky above their heads.

Alice looked up as well.

There was no sun in the sky of [Dust World], she only saw a white cloud floating in the sky.

Other than that, there's nothing noteworthy here:
"Lindsay, what's wrong with you?"

Lindsay answered subconsciously:

“Look at the clouds.”

Alice was even more puzzled:
"Clouds? What's so good about clouds?"

Lindsay turned around at this time.

Listen to Alice's voice and watch her carefully considered movements.

Lindsay suddenly felt like laughing. Because what the upright girl didn't know was that on his attribute panel, the [Sky Compass] was giving a prompt!
There's a hidden space nearby!
And it was right in the center of the cloud above their heads!

"Alice, that cloud is not simple, there is something inside it."

Alice's eyes narrowed at the prompt.

But after carefully sensing for more than ten seconds, he still couldn't find what Lindsay was talking about:

"Lindsay, I can't feel it."

This was Alice's perception ability, and it was the first time that she failed to get the corresponding information.

Lindsay suddenly had a desire to win, as if he had won. He ostentatiously dragged the Sky Compass out of the equipment bar and held it in his hand.

ding ding ding-

A pleasant bell rang over the sky island, and Lindsay's explanation followed:

“This is the equipment I synthesized during my adventure!”

“In addition to weather forecasting and terrain exploration, it also has a special function – finding hidden spaces!”

Alice's expression became even more confused:

"Hidden space?"

Lindsay nodded vigorously:

"Yes, it's the hidden space!"

"For example, the [Purple Leaf Vine Branch] that I used to repair the connection between the two worlds was obtained from a place like this!"

The girl who behaved properly looked serious.

She still remembers vividly the scene of repairing the connection points of the worlds. This was also one of the most amazing miracles that Lindsay had created since they met.

Alice looked up into the air, questions coming one after another.

The clouds that Lindsay pointed to should be thousands of meters high from the sky island where they were.

Looking around, an even more frustrating fact lies before us.

The cloud happened to be floating in an empty area.

Therefore, even a way to use the nearby sky island as a stepping stone to climb up does not exist.

"Lindsay, how do we…"

Alice was about to speak when she stopped asking.

Because in front of her, Lindsay had taken out a clod of earth from his bag, then he jumped high on the spot and stuffed the clod of earth under his body, making him one meter higher from the spot.

Snap—Lindsay jumps again.

Bang—the soil clods are stacked again.

Lindsay is extremely skilled at this vertical rise maneuver.

In the blink of an eye, he pushed himself up more than 10 meters, and his hands moved faster and faster.

Alice's tone was subtle:
"Lindsay, are you... just going to stack it up one meter at a time?"

The brain of the upright girl can understand the feasibility of this method. After all, she has also used Lindsay's game module.

They even used this method when crossing some sky islands.

Can be raised on the spot...

This kind of straight picture that needs to be looked up has a more surreal style in the sight, so that Alice finds it difficult to react.

Lindsay on the stone pillar misunderstood the meaning of the righteous girl.

Then he waved his hand, and a house immediately stood on the sky island, opening the door for Alice:

"Anyway, I must go up and take a look."

Lindsay's figure continued to rise, and her voice became ethereal:

"Let's put this house here for now, Alice. You can take a rest inside and wait for me."

Lindsay's figure completely disappeared, and the shouts from the sky became faint:

"As long as you get the things up there, I'll come down right away!"

Alice stood there, looking up:


(End of this chapter)

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