Chapter 718 Disaster
"The Silver Witch has already made Baiya City her base camp, and now renamed it the City of Silver."

"As for them..."

"These poor people are all relatives and friends of the former administrators of Baiya City, so they are being purged now."

The fifth-stage awakener introduced the situation ahead.

In two days, Lindsay and Alice were already quite close to the border guard's hometown. They only needed to cross more than ten sky islands before they could encounter the first big city in this world.

The specific situation is the same as the previous speculation.

The Silver Witch rules there and has launched a purge of the city.

These fleeing civilians in front of us are the ones who escaped during the purge and finally found an opportunity two days ago to escape.

But even so, the witch's law knights immediately led their men in pursuit.

As long as they don't leave the Central Ring World, these strict enforcers of order will not let any fish slip through the net.

After listening to this, Lindsay couldn't help but complain:
"In order to seize the city, we also need to kill the administrators?"

"If it were a normal city, this would not only significantly reduce the people's stability, but would also set the worst example and ultimately harm itself."

The Awakened One just smiled bitterly:

"Most of the lords here are like this."

"The witch possesses absolute power and only requires absolute loyalty. The ants crawling on the ground are not in her eyes..."


Lindsay suddenly heard a small voice.

He looked in the direction and found that it was Alice's right hand, the right hand that was holding the hilt of the sword.


Lindsay patted the upright girl on the shoulder.

While comforting his companions, Lindsay handed the captives over to the awakened ones.

These people have lost the ability to resist, and the people they are hunting are the ones who are qualified to judge their fate.

It's just that the handover is about to end.

Lindsay was somewhat curious about the other party's awakened abilities. He was worried that it was related to the Deformers, so he asked casually:
"Sir, your Awakener skills are somewhat similar to those of a Life Scholar?"

“But it seems a little different?”

The man laughed and replied to his savior calmly:
"Me? I'm from the Disaster School."

"This body is all I have. The fight just now was really embarrassing for you two."

After confirming that he was different from the Deformed, Lindsay said goodbye:
"Since you are fleeing, we won't waste your time."

"All those who are chasing you are left to you to deal with. Have a safe journey from now on."

The man from the School of Disaster looked at the prisoner in front of him.

When Alice asked just now, he also remembered which people were forced to obey orders and come to chase; and which people did so deliberately, even to satisfy their selfish desire for killing.

There is a distinction in my heart.

The two sides also said goodbye in reality.


This temporary encounter came to an end.

But Alice Love still stood there, and Lindsay stepped forward to interrupt the girl's thoughts:
"Alice, go collect prey materials first."

"This is a fifth-stage Law Knight. Maybe he can reveal some good stuff."

Alice frowned:
"Collecting prey materials - even humans?"

Lindsay shrugged:

"The game doesn't care whether you are human or not."

"My attitude on this matter is that we cannot deliberately create killings for the sake of gaining benefits, but if the enemy dies in my hands, then I will not be polite in obtaining the materials." Having said this, Lindsay handed over the game module.

Alice thought carefully about Lindsay's answer, but then accepted the module.

As the two of them were collecting materials from the body of the Law Knight, Lindsay asked casually:
"Alice, that person just now said that he was from the Disaster School. I don't think I've heard much about him."

The upright girl immediately replied:

"The Disaster School is based on a very special theory."

"They believe that insects will die, humans will die, and all life will die. Then, extending outward, the mountains and rivers will die, the earth and the sky will also come to an end, and the universe that contains all the worlds will also meet its own end."

"So the purpose of their accumulating essence and training their skills is to enable themselves to survive the catastrophe that is destined to destroy the entire universe."

Hearing this, Lindsay's tone was a little subtle:
"Faced with this kind of crisis, the solution they came up with was to temper their bodies?"

Alice explained:

“They have two avenues.”

"The former is the man we just met. He cultivated his body and eventually built an indestructible and eternal body to fight against disasters. In terms of physical strength alone, even the strong men of the School of Life are probably slightly inferior."

After introducing the first type, Alice pointed to her chest again:
"The other type is inclined towards the inner heart. They shape their souls and wills. After the fifth stage, they will even abandon their bodies and create multiple selves, pursuing the realm of eternal reincarnation that transcends the constraints of time and space, in order to avoid the disaster."

Lindsay took note of this school of awakeners.

But then, his attention turned to the foundation of this school:
"Alice, do you think the catastrophe that they believe will destroy the universe is real?"

Alice also adjusted her mood at this time.

She turned her head and smiled at Lindsay, while extending her right hand holding a [Source Seed] towards him:

"Lindsay, this is my hand."

"The most precious thing a human has is his hands. Not only can he eat, wear clothes, drink water, and work, but he can also create his own destiny when necessary."

"If that disaster is destined to happen, I will not think about escaping it by myself, but will use these two hands to break it!"

Lindsay laughed dumbly:

"You guy - seeing your reaction just now, I thought I should say a few more words to comfort you."

Alice's tone was as calm as ever:
"To crush the will of those who practice justice, a scene of this magnitude is far from enough."

Cleaned up the battlefield.

Lindsay and Alice set off again, this time at a quicker pace.

Before nightfall that day, they successfully crossed the last few islands and stopped at the edge of the empty Sky Island.

Ahead of them on the sea of ​​sky.

A huge island, hundreds of kilometers wide, was floating in the blue-gray sky.

At the same time, all other small islands around were cut off from air bridges and subject to certain special rules.

They float around the huge central island, like satellites in constant motion.

The huge island is undoubtedly the City of Silver.

It is also where the seventh-stage awakener, the Silver Witch, is located.

If you want to enter and exit this city, you either have to fly or take the satellite islands controlled by the other party.


Lindsay and Alice looked at each other.

They have two choices.

One is to take a detour and refuse to deal with the witches in the Silver City.

As for the other option, it is to sneak in and try to find the kind of flying spacecraft inside the city.

(End of this chapter)

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