My different world is game mode.

Chapter 720 Employee Onboarding

Chapter 720 Employee Onboarding
"She is from the fish-man tribe and is my apprentice."

"We are both craftsmen. We heard that the Silver Queen has established her capital here, so we naturally want to get a respectable job under her glory."

Lindsay and Alice find the review point into the City of Silver.

This is an unmovable sky island. The pavilion next to the original sky bridge has been artificially transformed into an office. Outsiders are checked here and then they can step onto the sky islands responsible for transporting personnel.

At this moment, Lindsay was in front of an examiner.

Because he had fought with the Knight of Law just one day ago, Lindsay easily identified the other party's identity - he was also a Knight of Law!

After Lindsay finished his introduction, the Law Knight just looked at him calmly.

There was no contempt or preferential treatment, no joy or hatred. The other party just took out a scale from under the table next to him and held it in his hand.


Lindsay's brain shut down instantly.

The words he had prepared were on the tip of his tongue, but at this moment they came to an abrupt end.

Because Lindsay had seen this thing once.

It is a treasure in the hidden border, controlled by Lord Anrui. It can detect lies and is said to have been used only once on a merchant who was full of suspicion.

Second meeting.

The scales of the City of Law were placed before Lindsay to check whether he was lying.

He carefully studied the scales of the man before him.

[Human male——Awakened, suspected to be a Knight of Law. ]

[The Scales of Law - a magical item that has the power to discern lies.]

Under Lindsay's watch.

The Knight of Law held the scales in his left hand, and placed his right hand under the table, either on his leg or on the hilt of his sword:

"You two, your essence has been confirmed without a doubt. You must be Awakened."

"But regarding craftsmanship, are you really craftsmen?"


Lindsay's mind raced.

He tried hard to think whether he had the ability to deceive the judgment of the scales of law, or to seduce the knight of law in front of him?

Alice: [Linsey, you can say whatever you want, but this scale can't reveal your lies.]

This sentence suddenly popped up in the friend list.

Lindsay was startled, but she remained calm on the surface and began to lie in a steady tone:
"Of course, we are both craftsmen! Our skills were cultivated by our teacher since we were young. Unfortunately, our teacher passed away some time ago. We wanted to escape from our unstable living environment, so we walked all the way to the border until we heard about the establishment of this great city."


The Knight of Law was completely unable to see through it.

The scale in his hand did not produce any response, so he just assumed that Lindsay was not lying, so he continued to ask:

"Do you have any ill will towards Her Majesty the Queen? Do you have any other dangerous thoughts when you came to this city?"

Lindsay responded fluently:

"Of course not! We just want to live a peaceful life here."

The Knight of Law continued:
"Very good, tell me your name and age. If you have any ID, please hand it over now and I will replace it with a new one..."


Lindsay's illegal activities are protected by a righteous person.

The process went extremely smoothly.

In fact, this is also a problem of the world itself. Because of the source quality skills, people do not need long investigations or rigorous economic analysis. As long as the skills are used, the details of the other party can be checked clearly.

By cheating in this way, Lindsay and Alice passed the review.

They were soon arranged to go to the sky island of Silver City.

Traveling with them were several other people who had migrated from the border, including ordinary people and awakened ones who had come to seek refuge.

Some people looked nervous and were uneasy about this city that belonged to the witch.

Some people were very excited, with joy on their faces that could not be expressed in words.

——Take refuge with a seventh-stage awakener.

Even if the other party is a loser, it is still a very promising choice!

In order to keep it secret, Lindsay naturally wouldn't speak at this time, so he asked Alice in the friend list.

Lindsay: [Alice, what did you just do? ]

Alice: [The power of the scales of law comes from the extension of the power of law or heart. The Knights of Law here are obviously not loyal to the City of Law or the Righteous Ones, so the judgment method is naturally simple, and the power of will can be used to mislead.]

Lindsay: [Not loyal to the City of Law or the Righteous? What if they are loyal? ]

Alice: [The power of the Law Knights comes from law and order. If they are loyal to the Righteous One, they can draw on the will of the monarch; if they are loyal to the [City of Law], they can draw on the laws and rules accumulated over millions of years; therefore, at the same stage, the Law Knights often have very strong power.]

Lindsay: [The Knights of Law here don’t belong to either of these two categories? ]

Alice: [They are loyal to others, or are trained by ordinary awakeners. The power they rely on is just ordinary laws. Naturally, they can't be as powerful as the knights of the City of Law. ]

Lindsay: [Love is a profession that requires careful attention to sources.]

Alice: [So it was very easy for me to deceive the scales of law that he held. ]

The answer came from Alice.

Lindsay thought again of the Law Knight whose body was cut into pieces by the opponent's sword.

That unlucky guy should also be a Law Knight loyal to the Silver Witch, or even trained by her.

Therefore, the strength he displayed during the battle was far inferior to those that Lindsay had seen.

This is a kind of statement - law enforcement officers from larger countries are more powerful?
Lindsay thought back to what she had seen.

Lindsay: [Alice, a Knight of Law who is loyal to the [City of Law], will it be easier for you to become a slave to the law? ]

Alice: [If you enforce the law, you will naturally be infected. But a normal law knight will definitely not be twisted to the point of becoming a slave. Unless...]

Lindsay: [Unless what?]

Alice: [Unless he experiences a huge setback, to the point where his will collapses, the power of the law will take over his soul, and he will become a machine that only knows how to execute the law.]

Lindsay: [From this perspective, the Knights of the Law who are loyal to the [City of Law] are really dangerous.]

Alice: [When his soul was shattered, he was actually already dead. What remained was just an empty shell that inherited the remnants of his soul and will. Moreover, this kind of thing has rarely happened in history. The will of a strong man cannot be easily shattered.]

When Lindsay and Alice were discussing in their friends list.

Sky Island also circled around the Silver City several times and finally arrived at the core island.

The staff went to hand over the identities.

Lindsay and Alice had just set foot on the island and didn't even have time to take a closer look around.

The person waiting here looked delighted and walked towards them:

"You two are craftsmen?"

"Great, just in time!"

"The camp over there is in urgent need of manpower, come with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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