My different world is game mode.

Chapter 733 Meeting in Secret

Chapter 733 Meeting in Secret
At night, Lindsay quietly left her room.

There were also servants working at night in the castle.

However, he turned on the stealth mode and walked in the darkness that ordinary people could not detect, so naturally no ordinary people could detect him.

As for the craftsmen and guards in the castle.

The former worked in the dark, and the latter had designated patrol routes. These awakeners, whose strongest was around the 5th stage, were also unable to detect Lindsay who was deliberately avoiding them.

In this way, Lindsay groped his way to a sloping corridor on the right side of the castle garden.

Next to the well-paved stone steps, a staggered and overlapping stone bricks extend all the way to the inner corridor.

Lindsay opened the map.

[Thief's Trap Installation Guide] has the information marked out.

"Move the second floor tile from the left. There is a handle underneath. Turn it clockwise to open the passage."

Following the map, Lindsay found the corresponding floor tiles.

But after he pulled out the brick, he did not turn the handle of the mechanism.

There is naturally no problem with the method of opening the tunnel.

But Lindsay was cautious.

He thought that it was late at night and everyone was asleep. It was fine for him to sneak around, but the noise from opening the tunnel would definitely attract the attention of other awakened people.

"No, you have to lower your voice."


Lindsay thought for a few seconds.

Then he gave up the normal tunnel entrance and followed the trajectory of the underground passage to a dark corner nearby that was blocked by a wall and where no guards passed by.

bang bang bang --

Lindsay took the objects out of his bag and built a completely enclosed earthen fort in the corner.

When the inner and outer spaces are completely isolated, the propagation of sound is also hindered.

Lindsay activated the [Hand of Construction] and began to dig vertically towards his feet.


In the darkness, only very subtle sounds could be heard. There were already craftsmen working in the castle, so naturally no one noticed the subtle movement.

Lindsay, who was in the dark, was more careful in her movements.

After digging out enough space to accommodate the body, he dismantled the bunker above. Then, while digging downwards, he filled the top of his head with the original floor tiles to ensure that the ground would not reveal any clues.

And so on.

After digging through the castle foundation and about three meters into the soil.

Lindsay's feet suddenly felt empty, and his young body fell downwards.

“It’s been dug through.”

Lindsay's face lit up.

He adjusted his posture in less than half a second of falling, and when his body landed, his feet were already firmly on the ground.

What appeared before his eyes at this moment.

It is a dark and secret tunnel leading to the distance.


Lindsay put on the [Multi-Function Survival Equipment], which had a five-meter lighting radius and illuminated the nearby tunnels.

He walked forward step by step.

Lindsay: [Alice, I'm doing pretty well here, shall we meet in the passage?]

Alice: [No problem, I just found the entrance too.]

Lindsay: [You can dig a hole right above the tunnel. That way no one will even notice that the tunnel has been opened.]

Alice: [Good idea.]


Lindsay walked forward in the dark tunnel, the only sound she could hear was the rustling of dirt and rocks beneath her feet.

More than 10 minutes later.

With his keen perception, he detected the sound of subtle footsteps coming from the other side.

Lindsay immediately quickened his pace, and when something new appeared in his sight, he subconsciously made a move:

"I rely on-"

Lindsay was frightened, or rather, shocked but not frightened.

There was no other reason. Alice was coming from the opposite side of the passage as expected.

However, the person who emerged from the darkness was not the beautiful girl that Lindsay was familiar with, but a construction foreman with a catfish head.

Imagine – in a dark tunnel.

A humanoid creature with a human body, a fish head and a strange light in its eyes walked out of the darkness, and any normal person would be startled.

On the other side, Alice's tone was also not calm.

She opened her mouth, pointed her hand at Lindsay, and made an incredible sound in the tone of a fish:
"You... Lindsay?"


Lindsay pointed at herself blankly.

Then he realized the problem - he was still wearing the child's appearance he had been pretending to be in the past few days, which was also inconsistent with Alice's impression of him.

Lindsay explained with some guilt:

"I am in disguise so that I can find the spaceship in the castle, right?"

Alice stared at Lindsay with her weird fish eyes:

"Then have you found it?"



"Come, I'll update the [Survival Construction] module for you."

Lindsay gave Alice an extension of the duration of the module.

During this time, Alice asked him for some food to solve her dietary problems for the next few days.

The two confirmed it again.

The plan was to leave the City of Silver after 4 days without any results.

Then they turned back in the direction they came from, and the two figures gradually moved away in the darkness.

On the way back, Lindsay walked forward and thought, feeling somewhat helpless about what to expect:
"4 days."

"In the past few days, no matter the craftsmen, guards, or servants in the castle, none of them have heard of Ye Haiya's history of using spaceships. I'm afraid it's still impossible to find this thing in the Silver City..."


At this moment, Lindsay paused.

He was walking in the tunnel when he suddenly felt a strong breath of source coming from outside. The other party did not hide his powerful strength, and was actually a seventh-level existence!

"Seven stages!"

"This essence definitely does not belong to the organizer, and it is full of wildness, just like... a dragon beast?"

Lindsay stood in the darkness, frozen in place.

Unable to take a step back to the castle, he directly opened his friend list.

Lindsay: [Alice?]

Alice: [I feel it too! It's the breath of a powerful monster, and it's approaching this sky island quickly!]

Lindsay: [We'll meet up first! ]

Alice: [You don't plan to look for the spaceship in the castle? ]

Lindsay: [Things have to be prioritized - I've been looking here for three days, and the probability of finding a spaceship is low. Now things have changed, and this is not the time to waste time doing these things!]

Lindsay and Alice switched from covert operations to full-scale running.

This time it was just over a minute.

The two met in the corridor, but they looked very different from before.

Lindsay silently restored her body to that of an adult, and Alice took off her catfish mask and faced the world as a righteous person.


The two met, with only eye contact.

Without saying a word, they worked together to dig a straight tunnel overhead to the ground.


At this moment, the originally dark sky is no longer the same as before.

The clouds floating in the sky were also illuminated, casting shadows on each other.

And in the east, a huge figure like the sun was rushing towards them.

Whether it is the clouds in the dark, the air, or the land on the sky island.

All of them are under the shining of this blazing 'sun', emitting a gradually scorching hot breath!
(End of this chapter)

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