My different world is game mode.

Chapter 735: The Dragon Attacks

Chapter 735: The Dragon Attacks
"My 'positive'..."

Alice didn't expect Lindsay to ask this question at this moment.

A girl who does right is more action-oriented.

As she walked forward, she spoke to Lindsay who had caught up with her:

"The path I want to take is to end this too long conflict and let people return to peace, rather than being plagued by endless wars."

Alice responded.

After hearing this, Lindsay couldn't help but smile.

Traveling with such companions, adventure is just a piece of cake.

After that, the two stopped talking and walked side by side towards the east.

The temperature in the air is still rising little by little.

The dragon beast flapping its wings in the distance was getting closer and closer in the firelight.

It’s just that the world and the sky are so vast.

According to the opponent's flying speed, it should take about a quarter of an hour to actually reach the sky island where the Silver City is located.

Just a few minutes later, Lindsay and Alice arrived at the edge of the sky island.

The operating rules of the surrounding sky islands were modified by the organizers. Even when the dragon beast was approaching, the small sky islands were still moving along their original trajectories, and the three large sky islands were moving back and forth endlessly.

But half an hour ago, it was still a temporary camp for night rest.

But now it has changed its appearance.

Craftsmen worked overnight to modify the specifications of the houses in an effort to turn the camp into a fortification.

The soldiers who had been resting with their eyes closed also stood up, ready for battle, their eyes fixed on the flames approaching from the east.

Only those believers who act as doctors have a somewhat delicate position.

These people told each other about the situation, and most of them were even ready to leave Sky Island.

Under Ye Haiya's leadership, most people's hearts were united.

But deep in the minds of these believers, the word "faith" is firmly locked, and the deeper souls are interfering with their will.

At the same time, the leader of the warriors who was leading the battle in the front also noticed Lindsay and Alice.

Because the direction they were heading towards was the City of Silver.

The warrior leader misunderstood this, so he asked in a subtle tone:
"You two, why did you come out of the city?"

"Could it be that Lord Ye Haiya..."

The soldier's voice gradually became lower.

Because in Alice, he felt the will and power that belonged to the righteous. This ability also protected everyone on the Sky Island, especially the frontline fighters in the Eastern Camp!
Under normal circumstances, a righteous person appears before you.

Out of concern for his monarch, the warrior would certainly draw his sword and start fighting immediately.

But at this moment, a greater threat hangs overhead.

The approaching dragon beast is the sword of Damocles that is about to fall.

Considering Alice's direct expression of will and her actions of actually sheltering everyone.

Positions that are usually intolerable become compromiseable.

The soldier's expression changed again and again.

Alice's sharp eyes and keen perception allowed her to detect the psychological changes of the warrior in front of her.

So the first thing a righteous person does is

It is to establish his leadership authority on the Eastern Front:

"I'm better at commanding battles."

"Next, in order for everyone to survive and to defeat the enemy, please follow my command."

Except believers.

The thoughts of everyone present were unified under the influence of Alice's will.

After the upright girl confirmed the situation, she quickly approached the craftsmen and gave them instructions for the next specific preparations.

"Ferland, go and reinforce the foundation beneath the wall."

"Nar, you can't use water. The dragon beast's fire attribute will directly damage its structure!"

"The back of the wall also needs to be reinforced. This is a structure designed to withstand impacts!"

Because of the cooperation in the past few days, Alice was able to call out the names of the corresponding craftsmen as soon as she opened her mouth, which actually frightened these people.

People were confused about Alice's identity.

But I also felt that this person was very familiar, and I had the feeling that I had been led by him in the past few days.


At this time, a roar came from the sky.

The dragon beast was getting closer and closer to the sky island, and Lindsay could clearly see its figure hidden under the flames.

The evil beast in the sky opened its bloody mouth.

At its throat and lips, the source essence gathered into bright spots, and then the fire element quickly gathered. Finally, under the interference of the power nurtured in its chest, it condensed into a ball of gray smoke and then ignited in the air.


The dragon beast looked up and down.

A pillar of red fire gushed out, as if a sharp blade was slashing down from above.

Although it is not an awakened one, its power is also the real seventh stage.

Even an ordinary breath can almost shake the heaven and earth.

The air was pierced by a pillar of fire, and its path through the sky looked like an ugly scar.


Seeing the flames coming, Lindsay immediately changed into the [Molten Emblem] and prepared to deal with the attack.

But at the critical moment.

A white light appeared on the top of the tall castle in the Silver City behind them.

The white light shot out straight out like a silver pillar.

It collided with the pillar of fire that spanned the sky and earth in the center.


Lindsay looked up.

The exploding source essence echoed between heaven and earth.

The pillar of fire spewed out by the dragon beast was obviously more powerful. It found that its attack was resisted, and in anger, it even increased its strength and continued to increase the destructiveness of the attack!
In contrast, the beam of light emitted from the top of the Silver City was somewhat strange.

The power of the source substance contains almost no human emotions. Instead, it has a power similar to that of mechanical operation, and its form remains stable and unchanging.

Alice reminded Lindsay:
"Lindsay, it's the power of craftsman creation!"

Lindsay nodded in understanding:

"It turns out that the organizer left his trump card in the city before leaving!"

By this time, Alice had already given orders for the tasks in the camp.

Holding the Law Steel Sword in her hand, she and Lindsay came to the edge of the sky island, and the blazing flames were right before their eyes.

"The seventh-stage demon beasts have completely left the ranks of ordinary life. But the dragon beasts..." Alice pointed to her head and chest, "Their emphasis on the body also makes them have physiological weaknesses. The brain and heart, if these two places are destroyed, it is possible to kill it!"

Lindsay nodded slightly.

He opened the equipment list and organized several corresponding attack methods in his mind.


At this time, another roar sounded from the distant sky.

Although the dragon beast's breath can suppress the resistance of the Silver City, it can never completely defeat it and then destroy the city.

Then, the beast's action of spitting flames suddenly stopped.

This doesn't mean it's over.

As the dragon beast continued forward, bright spots appeared on its lips, throat, and even chest, emitting an even brighter light.

Then the flame began to condense at an unimaginable speed and suddenly disappeared in his mouth.


A thin orange line like an atomic ray suddenly appeared 5 meters in front of the dragon beast's huge mouth.

Then it sprinted straight ahead.

In just one second, the resistance of the Silver City was pierced from the middle, and the high temperature also dissolved the castle in the center of the city from the top.

(End of this chapter)

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