Chapter 738 Cheers
Deadly power bloomed in the dragon beast's chest.

The rage of revenge, the temptation of [Dragon's Mead], and the physical pain.

All feelings disappeared from the dragon beast at this moment.

It felt as if a nail was driven into its chest.

The powerful heart that normally beats constantly, giving the whole body endless energy, was nailed to death in the chest by this nail.

The strong scales that protected the body were cut in half by a single sword from the righteous man.

The [Dragon Hunting Black Arrow], which was the most effective weapon against dragon creatures, also tore through Lindsay's muscles and pierced into his chest.

Life was rapidly draining from the massive beast.

The dragon beast's body, which had been maintaining itself in the air, also lost momentum and fell downwards.

The misty flames in the sky began to dissipate immediately, and they fell together with the dragon beast, bringing down a rain of fire in the dark red sky.

Only the residual temperature in the air still maintains a warmth that shouldn't exist.


Lindsay glanced at the [Hunting Notes] on the dragon beast's chest.

After confirming that he had killed another legendary creature, he looked at the wound on the dragon beast's body in front of him, and then without saying a word, he went straight in.


[Dragon Hunting Black Arrow] is not a disposable consumable, but a real object!

Since its restraining properties against dragon creatures are so powerful.

There was no way Lindsay would let this thing fall with the enemy's body.

Lindsay, with his head buried in the wound of his heart and his body covered in blood, successfully snatched back the [Dragon Hunting Black Arrow].

During this period, he also caught some prey materials.

After waiting for a few seconds, Lindsay crawled out of the corpse, stepped on the dragon beast's corpse, and jumped into the air.

The [Multi-functional Survival Equipment] in the equipment bar took effect, carrying Lindsay's body and gliding in the air.


Lindsay shouted her companion's name and wiped the blood off her face.

At the same time, the girl who walked the right path was also falling in the air. She had just been thrown away by the dragon beast and was flying farther and faster.

It’s just that with the help of equipment, Lindsay can control his body more conveniently in the air.

As he approached Alice, he heard the girl yelling to him:
"Lindsay, turn around!"

"We can't get back from this position by gliding!"

Alice simply stated the facts.

All the sky islands surrounding the Silver City were mobilized by Ye Haiya's skills and turned into satellites to guard the city.

During the battle with the dragon beast, it turned into a vertical wall.

After the fight, Lindsay and Alice had fallen to their final limit.

Lindsay turned back by herself and was able to barely return to the sky island by relying on her gliding ability.

But if he continued to chase Alice who was falling, the two of them would meet and their fate would be to fall into the void below.


Alice continued to fall from the sky, and she was ready to meet her fate.

The void sea below.

Even if it is a place from which there is no return, it is a place that symbolizes the end of all things.

She also has to rely on the sword in her hands and in her heart to fight her way back to the real world and then return to the [City of Law].



But at this time, it appeared in the eyes of the righteous girl.

However, Lindsay did not turn back at all, but continued to move forward on his own, even accelerating towards him.


Alice's voice was filled with anger and rage, but it was also inevitable that she revealed her trust in her companions:
"You are simply..."

Lindsay glided to Alice's side and grabbed the girl in front of him. After overcoming the force brought by the different falling speeds, he even smiled and said to Alice:

"What did you say just now? I didn't hear you clearly."

"How could you not have heard it clearly!" Alice sighed, "Lindsay, you also told me that you went through countless hardships and dangers along the way to get here from the border of the world..."

Lindsay suddenly interrupted Alice:

"Look at what you said. Don't be so depressed. I have many ways to deal with it!"

At this time, Lindsay's gaze drifted off into the distance:
"But... still the old rules, do me a favor first."

The sound of falling wind passed by my ears.

Lindsay grabbed Alice to her chest and continued to control the gliding ability of the [Multi-Function Survival Equipment], flying towards the dragon beast's corpse that was falling faster.

And the righteous girl who was held by his chest.

At this moment, he also felt a module seed sticking to his back from behind.


Alice was a little stunned for a moment, but still accepted the module.

——Hunting simulation.

"What are you doing? You're still thinking about collecting materials at this time?"

Alice reacted, and Lindsay laughed loudly in the air:
“Not just collecting materials!”

"I have other options. Anyway, I'll go down first."

Passing through the hot afterglow of the air, Lindsay and Alice grabbed the scales of the dragon beast's fallen body.

After the evil beast died, the power of the source gradually left its body.

The high temperature alone cannot harm Alice's body.

The two of them grabbed the scales tightly, then stepped on the corpse, feeling the temperature below. Then, looking at the seventh-stage creature they had killed together, Alice looked somewhat dazed, like a little girl receiving a gift:
"A fifth or sixth stage awakener killed a seventh stage dragon beast."

"This is really... this is really..."

Lindsay joked:

"Are you surprised now?"

"I didn't see you so surprised when you jumped down with me just now."

"It's different. I just have to do it!" Alice's eyes were determined and she returned to her normal self. "Some things, even if you know they can't succeed, you still have to do them!"

As she said this, the upright girl also collected the materials for the dragon beast from under her feet.

With the movement of bending over.

Alice saw the scene further down.

In the previous battle, Sky Island was torn into countless pieces that fell downwards, and at this moment, in her sight, these fragments were sinking into the void one by one, creating ripples like the surface of water in the world's concept of space.

"not good!"

"Lindsay, prepare for impact, we're almost there."

Alice warned sharply.

But Lindsay beside her calmly held Alice's hand, took out a bottle of light blue potion from her bag and put it in the girl's hand.

[Potion: Randomly teleport potion]

[After drinking the potion, the drinker will be randomly transported to any place in the current world that can be settled. The effect of the potion guarantees the safety of the foothold, but does not guarantee the pros and cons of the surrounding environment. 】

[Rare space ability potion, moderate value. 】

There were three bottles of this thing when I got it.

In the world of "Seven Seas Alliance", a bottle was given to the one-armed painter Arason to ensure that he could escape from his psychedelic dream.

As for the remaining two bottles.

The two people in front of me just happened to have one each.

Lindsay shook the potion bottle at Alice, and smiled as it was about to fall into nothingness:

"Come on, cheers!"

(End of this chapter)

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