Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 120 Tyrion in Dilemma

Chapter 120 Tyrion in Dilemma

For Tyrion, staying in Casterly Rock, especially in front of Lord Tywin, he felt the pain all the time, and the indelible damage caused by Lord Tywin to him would constantly come to mind.

Especially after he was appointed by Tywin as the steward of the sewers, he has become the laughing stock of the entire Lannister family. Even the branches and vassals of the Lannister family clearly laughed at him in front of him, which also made him The common people of Lannisport began to despise him, laugh at him, and even gave him a new nickname: Little Demon Monkey.

He felt that the entire West was an enemy, with mocking eyes staring at him all the time, and even the air was suffocating him like a pair of hands covering his mouth and nose. Except for the Lannisport brothel, he It seems like I can't find a place where I can't be discriminated against.

He felt that he had to leave here immediately, otherwise, he would go crazy.

After listening to Tyrion's request, Lind was silent for a moment and said, "Why do you think I can take you away? Don't forget, I am still just a knight."

Tyrion said quickly: "Because you are Lynde Terra, the chosen one appointed by the Church of the Seven Gods."

"Do you think Lord Tywin would care about the title of God's Chosen One?" Lind asked Tyrion, and then said: "You are now the first heir of the Lannister family. Do you think Lord Tywin will let him?" Are you out of his sight?"

Tyrion said with strong resentment in his tone: "He will not regard me as an heir. In his eyes, I am nothing. The only heir in his heart is James."

Lind reminded: "But Jaime Lannister is the Kingsguard, and the Kingsguard cannot marry, have children, and inherit the family business."

Tyrion said: "He can ask Jaime to resign from the Kingsguard..."

Lind shook his head and said: "Although I don't have much contact with your brother Jaime, I can feel that he attaches great importance to the position of the Kingsguard, and if Lord Tywin can make Jaime resign from the position of the Kingsguard, he will I have resigned a long time ago.”

Tyrion fell silent and said nothing.

Linde said in a serious tone: "And you got one thing wrong. It doesn't matter whether you are Duke Tywin's recognized heir or not. What's important is that if someone wants you to be, you must be."

"What do you mean..." Tyrion was stunned and looked at Linde in confusion, with a trace of confusion on his face.

"According to the inheritance laws of the Seven Kingdoms, you are Duke Tywin's legal first heir. No matter how much Duke Tywin looks down on you, it cannot change this fact." Lind emphasized and said: "Once Duke Tywin suddenly Death, no matter what the people in the West think of you, you are the heir to Casterly Rock and the Warden of the West. This is an established fact that cannot be changed. Tyrion, you are very smart. You should have imagined that if you suddenly became the Warden and Warden of the West, Duke of Casterly Rock, what will happen in the Westerlands."

Tyrion's expression suddenly changed and his expression became serious, and he asked Lind, "Did you hear something?"

"No, I haven't heard anything. I just made some inferences based on my normal thoughts." Lind stopped and did not scare Tyrion anymore. Then he relaxed his tone and said, "And have you ever thought about following me? If you do, you won't be able to do many things. For example, drinking is not allowed in my military camp. The salary I pay you is not enough to let you stay in a brothel every day, and more importantly, I won't even pay you. You pay the salary, and you have to pay me to keep you around.”

Tyrion jumped down from the chair and said angrily: "What? You are going too far. Aren't we friends?"

"Yes, it is precisely because we are friends that I will give you such treatment," Linde nodded and said: "There is a saying in my hometown that brothers will settle accounts. This is true for brothers, let alone friends. "

"It's boring, it's boring to stay with you!" Tyrion mumbled out of the tent as if he was angry.

When Tyrion walked out of the tent, Lynd added behind him, saying: "If you want to improve your current treatment, you'd better repeat what I just told you to Lord Tywin. Once again, so that he will understand your importance and give you corresponding treatment, instead of being a sewer affairs officer who is looked down upon like you are now."

Tyrion paused for a moment, then continued walking forward, faster and faster.

After Tyrion left, Lind did not continue to possess Glory, but took out a copy of "Nine Voyages" and started reading.

This set of books was found by Linde in the Fairy City. In addition to this set of books, there are also many valuable orphan books, and even some ancient slate rune books that no one can read.

Obviously, in the eyes of Ironborn, these books were far less valuable than those shiny things, so they were left untouched and kept intact. As a result, they were all left to Linde.

Lind asked Nymeria to take all the other books back to Tumblestone, leaving only this set of books detailing the seafaring adventures of Corlys Velaryon as a source of entertainment.

The chapter that Lind is reading now records the experience of the sea serpent Corinth's second great voyage. It records in detail how he passed through Yi Di, Thunder Island, and the Blood Sea, and finally reached the easternmost shadow land of Asshai.

I have to say that although the text looks a bit boring and has no literary quality, just like an instruction manual, the content inside can still make those who read it feel the shock of the sailing adventure.

"Huh?" Just when Lind was about to close the book after reading The Sea Serpent's Second Navigation Adventure and walk around the camp, he suddenly saw the name Alyssa Farman.

There is only one sentence related to this name. This sentence was said by the Sea Serpent, "I know that it must be Alyssa Farman's Sunstrider. I dare to swear on Velaryon's honor that I am absolutely not wrong." .”

Although this sentence did not reveal a lot of information, Linde could still feel the intense excitement shown by the sea snake Collins after seeing Alyssa Farman's ship.

A navigator who has gone down in history was so excited after seeing another navigator's ship, just like the fans in the previous life who met their idols. This also made Linde more interested in this Alyssa. Farman was curious.

This also made him sit back in his chair and continue to look through the book "Nine Voyages" to see if there was any content involving Alyssa Farman later.

A burst of footsteps sounded outside the tent, and then Jon and others were seen outside the tent, standing under the raised tent curtain, bowing to Linde and saluting: "My lord." Linde raised his head and looked at everyone, and found that They all had injuries more or less on their bodies, and they couldn't help but be stunned, especially Bahrain. His left arm seemed to be broken, which made it difficult for him to participate in the martial arts tournament in a few days.

Although in his eyes, the strength of his men is average, they are already top-notch warriors among the Seven Kingdoms, especially Balin from Meereen. His fighting skills can be seen in every battle in the arena. After training, even Nymeria might not be able to defeat him in a one-on-one fight, but now he was injured, and he was the most seriously injured, which made Linde surprised.

"No, are you just asked to bring Daisy back? Why is there another conflict?" Linde stood up, looked at a few people, and asked.

Jon said with an aggrieved look: "We were going to pick up Daisy, but the garrison of Lannisport and Clegane from the Mountain came to attack us. Naturally, we wouldn't just let it go. Let’s start fighting.”

"Mountain Clegane?" Linde was stunned, turned to look at Balin, and said, "Did the Mountain break your hand?"

Balin, who had a silent personality, nodded, and there was no trace of pain from the broken hand on his face. Then he seemed to think that this answer was not accurate, and said in common language with a strong accent: "That guy's hand is also broken. And one of his ears was bitten off by me.”

After saying that, he took out an ear from his pocket and put it in his hand to show Lind. He seemed to regard the ear as a trophy.

"Where are the others?" Linde then asked, "Are there any casualties among the others?"

"They were all a little injured, but not dead," Jon continued to answer, but he paused again and added: "Several people in the Lannisport garrison died, and one of them seemed to be Lannisport. Tell’s, possibly a branch of House Lannister.”

After hearing this, Lind touched his forehead, turned to look at Daisy, and asked, "What about you? Why did you conflict with that Baron Royce Cowart?"

Daisy had an innocent expression on her face and said, "I was just walking on the road, and that guy stopped me inexplicably, and then shouted at me that you are a liar. All your achievements are piled up lies, and we are also a group of liars."

After hearing Daisy's words, Linde said nothing more, and then made a decision: "Daisy will go down and give six military whips, and the others three military whips, and then go to the military medical officer to treat their injuries."

"Ah?" Jon was stunned when he heard this, and said: "Sir, I have no objection to you punishing Daisy. After all, she did not inform you, left the military camp without permission, and caused trouble outside, but we are sent out by you. People, why should we be punished?"

Rosso, Balin and other knights also nodded in agreement.

Lind looked at them and said: "I beat you not because of your conflict with the Lannister family, but because Daisy is being punished. As her comrades, you can't just stand by and watch, so you are punished together. This is called share weal and woe."

Hearing what Linde said, Jon and the others had nothing to say and turned to look for the executioner one by one.

After they left, Lind returned to the tent and continued reading.

Glory also returned outside the camp at this time, but before entering the camp, it encountered a team of Lannisport garrison on the road. The people leading the team were wandering on the hill outside Linde Camp, seemingly unwilling to get close to the camp.

When Glory suddenly appeared next to the Lannisport garrison, they were all frightened. They rolled and crawled towards the city of Lannisport, fearing that if they ran too slowly, they would be eaten by the giant beast. fell, leaving Glory with a confused look on his face.

The conflict between Lynd's cavalry and the Lannister garrison caused quite a stir, and everyone was looking to see how the Chosen Lynd and Lord Tywin would respond to this incident.

Although everyone knew that the identities of Lind and Duke Tywin were very different, no one dared to underestimate Lind. After all, the Church of the Seven Gods stood behind Lind, and the Duke of the North also had a great deal of respect for Lind. The Tyrell family in the Southern Territory also attaches great importance to Lind, and King Robert has expressed his love for Lind countless times, so in a way, the two sides are evenly matched.

The more important point is that Linde's men injured Clegane the Mountain this time, a mad dog that everyone despised. Moreover, the Mountain was seriously injured. One of his arms was broken and his ear was bitten off. One, many people were very happy to see such a result, even the lords and nobles of the Western Region were chuckling to themselves.

What makes people laugh or cry is that as everyone's eyes are focused on Lynd and Lord Tywin, the two people who caused this conflict are Daisy of the Mormont family and Baron Royce Cowart of Coldwater City. On the contrary, he was completely ignored. Even Lord Yohn Royce of Runestone City, Baron Royce's lord, had no intention of standing up for him after learning that everything was caused by Baron Royce's foul mouth. .

However, what surprised everyone was that the Chosen One Lind and Duke Tywin both chose to deal with the matter coldly, without making any response to the outside world or discussing with the other party, as if the matter did not exist.

At the same time, they also adopted the same method of punishment for their subordinates who participated in the conflict. Linde whipped all participants, while Lord Tywin used a rod directly.

Because of the way they handled it, this conflict that attracted everyone's attention quickly subsided, which also disappointed everyone who was waiting to see the show.

However, the attention of these busybodies was soon attracted by new things.

There was a riot in the cell where prisoners of war on the Iron Islands were held. Euron Greyjoy, the younger brother of Balon Greyjoy, incited some nobles and ironmen to attack the guards, then took away the guards' weapons and stormed Arriving at the docks of Lannisport, they robbed a longship and escaped.

King Robert was extremely angry about this matter, and even more angry was Lord Tywin. The garrison at Lannisport was so incompetent that they even repelled a group of ironborn who fled in panic, and even took away a Ship, this was a slap in the face in front of the lords and nobles of the Seven Kingdoms.

Compared with the shame this incident brought him, the previous conflicts between Linde and his men were not worth mentioning.

The result was that the number of guards in the cells where the Iron Islands' dignitaries were tripled was increased. A dozen of the main officers of the Lannisport garrison were all hanged on the port dock. Casterly Rock's garrison temporarily took over the defense of Lannisport. team, and reorganized and trained all members of the garrison. The person responsible for this was another disgusting Clegane, the Hound Sandor Clegane.

Two days later, the long-oared clipper from Oldtown docked at the dock of Lannisport. The Tyrells, Hightowers, and Redwines stepped off the ship, the last to attend the victory banquet. The high lord also arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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