Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 122 King's Reward

Chapter 122 King's Reward
When Lind heard the Queen of Thorns' words, he couldn't help but be stunned. He quickly realized what he was talking about and answered very seriously: "Although I have not been engaged, I have already made an agreement with Count Nymeria of Tengshi Town."

"Is it just an agreement?" Queen of Thorns looked at Linde with interest and asked.

"Although it is an agreement, it is also a promise. It is a man's promise. This is a promise that cannot be changed." Linde emphasized.

"What a pity." The Queen of Thorns could see Linde's thoughts and did not continue the topic.

Some of the noble ladies around also looked disappointed at this moment, and some even felt a little envious of Nymeria.

Seeing that she could no longer marry Linde, the Queen of Thorns seemed to have lost interest in Linde. After chatting with Linde for a few words, she asked Garland to take him out.

Linde felt a little baffled by this meeting with the Queen of Thorns. It was really just a small talk. You must know that Linde had already worked hard to deal with the Queen of Thorns, but the result was a bit anticlimactic, until When Lind returned to his camp, he couldn't figure out why the Queen of Thorns wanted to see him.

However, when Lind casually spoke to the men who came to congratulate Lind on his knighthood, Jon's response cleared up Lind's doubts.

This sentence means that there are no women in the Tyrell family who are suitable for marriage with Linde. Those suitable women are either already engaged or married, or they are too young and the status gap is too big.

Only then did Lind realize that the purpose of the Queen of Thorns meeting him was not for him at all, but for the noble ladies from different lords and noble families in the backyard. She was using Lind's answer to let those nobles and lords The family gave up the idea of ​​marrying him.

From the perspective of the interests of the Tyrell family, it is best for Lind to marry the Tyrell family and become an in-law of the Tyrell family. This can increase the strength of the Tyrell family in disguise.

However, currently, the Tyrell family does not have a suitable partner for marriage with Lind. Little Rose is still a child, and there is a big gap between her and Lind. Moreover, even if the age is suitable, I am afraid that the Tyrell family will not be willing to marry Little Rose. He, after all, the identity gap between the two is quite big.

The most suitable thing is to find a noble girl with suitable status from the Tyrell family to marry Linde, but the problem now is that no one can be found.

Therefore, preventing Linde from marrying other great nobles and lords in the Reach that could threaten the Tyrell family's status has become the most important thing for the Tyrell family.

Now, by meeting with Lynd and directly telling all the other nobles in the River Bend through his own words that the possibility of marrying him is zero, this will undoubtedly make the Tyrell family free from complaints from the nobles of the Reach Land. , the best way to solve the trouble of Linde marriage.

As for the marriage between Linde and Nymeria, they probably didn't take it to heart. After all, compared to the lords and nobles with prosperous families and long-standing inheritance in the Reach, the people who are located on the border of the Reach are thin. They didn't take the Fu Deli family seriously, and they weren't worried that the Fu Deli family's prosperity would threaten them, because after Tengshi Town became stronger, those who felt the greatest threat should be the West, the Stormlands, and the Riverlands.

Thinking of this, Linde couldn't help but sigh that the old man is still too old. The Queen of Thorns just took advantage of an opportunity to meet him and solved a big problem for the Tyrell family, and it would not affect the reputation of the Tyrell family. This kind of political skill has become so sophisticated that it is almost impossible to guard against it. Perhaps every word she says may be used by her to achieve her own goals.

Linde stayed away from such a person. Even if he had to meet the Queen of Thorns again in the future, he should say less and do less to minimize the chance of being taken advantage of by her.

Because of his promotion to Baron, Lind also gave his subordinates two days' leave and allowed them to go to Lannisport in batches, but they could only go in batches. He also spent a sum of money to reward everyone in the cavalry. , even the groom who took care of the war horses received five silver deer.

Afterwards, King Robert suddenly sent a ceremonial officer over to prepare for Linde's celebration banquet that night.

In addition to teaching Linde some simple court etiquette, the etiquette officer also prepared more than a dozen sets of gorgeous aristocratic costumes for Linde, and asked Linde to try them out respectively. After improving some inappropriate places, he settled on one Set of clothes.

"Originally, weapons are not allowed on occasions like banquets, but His Majesty thinks you are a brave knight. If you don't wear weapons, it will be like a woman without makeup." The etiquette officer paused and said, "Uh! This These are the exact words of His Majesty the King. So you are allowed to wear weapons to the banquet, and your pets are also allowed to be brought to the banquet, but you must be careful not to hurt anyone."

"Understood." Linde nodded.

Just as the ceremonial officer was preparing for Lind to attend the banquet, the Chosen Lind was canonized as a baron by Duke Mace Tyrell and received a territory. This news had spread throughout Lannisport, and everyone They were all shocked by this incident.

You must know that Lind has only become a knight for less than two years. This is just the beginning of a person's knight career. There are countless people in the Seven Kingdoms who have been knights throughout their lives.

However, it only took Linde two years to cross the two classes of wealthy knights and titled nobles that others may not be able to cross in a lifetime, and directly became a lord. Even if the territory was very bad, but that was not the case. No matter how bad the territory is, it is still a territory, and no matter how small a lord is, he is still a lord.

Many people also believe that Linde became a lord not only because of his own abilities and achievements, but also because of the influence of the Church of the Seven Gods.

With Linde's astonishing performance in the battle against the rebellion, his status as Archbishop of the Starry Church, a supporter of the Church of the Seven Gods, also improved, which also affected Linde's career in disguise.

Linde obviously knew this, so before attending the banquet, he went to the Seven Holy Cathedral in Lannisport to pray in full view of the public.

Although Lind was the core of the matter of being knighted and promoted to lord, which aroused the envy and jealousy of countless people, the focus of most people's attention was not on Lind, but on the Tyrell family.

Because the Tyrell family used Lind to become a knight and become a lord, it silently gave a good publicity to their family, that is, as long as you have the ability, you can also become a lord in a short time.

Even if everyone knows that it is difficult for the next Lind to appear again, not only because of Lind's own ability, but more importantly, the Tyrell family no longer has an unappreciated enclave to grant, but this does not mean Prevent those people from having hopes and fantasies.

Therefore, for a long time in the future, the Tyrell family will be the first choice for those skilled mercenary knights.

Other great lords also want to imitate the Tyrell family, but they just think about it.Because among all the great lords, except for the Stark family in the north, which owns some not-so-good territories, the territories in the hands of the other great lords are very tight. For thousands of years, the territories on the continent of Westeros have long been After being divided up, where can you find free territory? What is even rarer than the territory is a powerful and influential knight like Linde.

Although Lind's becoming the lord caused a lot of commotion, as King Robert's celebration banquet was held, everyone's attention fell on the celebration banquet, because this celebration banquet was not just a banquet, King Robert In addition to announcing the rewards of various lords and nobles at the banquet, the punishments for various noble lords of the Iron Islands will also be announced at the banquet.

The banquet venue was not in Casterly Rock City, but in the royal camp on the outskirts of Lannisport. Because he was praying in the Seven Sacred Cathedral, Lind came to the royal camp almost when the banquet was about to begin.

When entering the camp, he was not subject to any inspection, because the glory that followed him was his best status symbol.

Under the guidance of the royal servants, Lind came to the banquet venue. All the nobles who were in Lannisport and had been invited had already arrived here early. The moment Lind entered the venue, their eyes were all All of them fell on this upstart of the Seven Kingdoms, with all kinds of looks, such as jealousy, envy, hostility, disdain, etc. If all these looks were turned into lights of different colors, it might make Linde feel like he was back. A nightclub from a previous life.

However, when these eyes fell on Glory next to Linde, they all turned into a look of fear, and some showed a little greed.

Although it was a banquet, the participants seemed very reserved. They did not stand together and talk casually like the last banquet in the Red Castle hall. They were all divided according to the different kingdoms they were in and the level of their status. an area.

Lind's eyes scanned the field and soon found the area where the nobles of the River Bend were. He also saw Garland following the Duke of Metz and waved to him.

Lind walked over and, under Garland's guidance, still stood beside Randyll Tully.

The people around him are all lords of the Reach or nobles with special status. For example, Garland, the second son of the Tyrell family, does not have a knight. This is almost the same in other kingdoms. Only the people in the north have one more knight. Night Watchman, it seems that he wants to take this opportunity to take a large number of prisoners to the Great Wall.

After Lind stood beside him, Randyll Tully stopped talking with the lord of Star Shuttle City's Baker family, turned to Lind and said: "Red Earth Watch is not a good place. Not only do you have to face the surrounding The lords of Stormland and Dorne, as well as many savage tribes, are said to have elected a savage king. If you don't have enough people, I can lend you some people."

"Thank you, Lord Tully. I will definitely ask you for help if I need it." Seeing Randyll Tully's kindness, Linde naturally would not refuse, and then asked directly: "Sir Tully, you Any idea where I can find a stonemason who knows how to build a castle?”

Randyll Tully answered: "You don't need to worry about this. You are already a lord. You can apply for a bachelor's consultant from the city. When the time comes, submit this request, and the city will help you select a suitable bachelor's consultant. "As he spoke, he paused and reminded: "Building a castle is not a small expense, and it takes a very long time. You must plan it well."

Linde thanked: "Thank you for reminding me, I know what to do."

Randyll Tully looked at Glory again, lying next to Lind, and said, "Is it still growing? I heard that it only took a year for it to grow from a cub to its current size."

"No, less than a year." Lind corrected.

As he was speaking, the palace master of ceremonies walked to the front of the king's seat, and then heard him announce loudly: "Welcome to the king of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, Baratheon Your Majesty, Robert I of the House, welcomes His Majesty Cersei, Queen of the Seven Kings, Light of the West, House Lannister, Lord Stannis of Dragonstone, Lord of the Sea, Lord Baratheon, Warden of the Stormlands , Lord Renly of Lord Baratheon’s family at Storm’s End.”

As names were called out from the master of ceremonies, King Robert arrived at the banquet venue with his wife and brothers.

Everyone could see that among the people who entered the banquet venue, Duke Stanlis and Queen Cersei looked unhappy, as if they had had a quarrel, while King Robert still had a smile on his face, not caring about his brother at all. With the expression on his wife's face, beside him, Renly Baratheon, who was about the same age as Loras Tyrell, was trying hard to straighten his chest, trying to look more mature.

After sitting on his seat, King Robert looked around, his eyes lingering on Lind and Glory for a moment. Especially when he saw Glory, he couldn't hide the look of surprise on his face.

However, King Robert soon returned to normal, and then said to the great lords and nobles present: "Rebellion must be punished, and loyal ministers must also be rewarded. Obviously we are not gathered here just to have something to eat. , drink some wine, as your king, I will no longer waste your time, Grand Maester Pycelle, read out my reward!"

Grand Maester Pycelle, who had just arrived from King's Landing the day before, stood up, walked to the throne, pulled out a parchment scroll, opened it tremblingly, and then began to read out the contents, the names of the guardian dukes of each region. From his mouth, rewards were announced to everyone.

Because they all knew the content in advance, the guardian dukes did not show too strong emotions. They just bowed to King Robert after hearing their rewards.

After reading out the rewards for the guardian dukes in each region, Archmaester Pycelle put down the parchment scroll in his hand and took out a new parchment scroll and unfolded it.

The list read out this time were all secondary nobles who had made achievements in this battle, such as the Reed family who assisted Linde in regaining the Moat of Cailin, the Frey family who was forced by Linde to send troops to assist, etc., they all because of the establishment of the His achievements were rewarded with certain rewards.

When Grand Maester Pycelle studied Jorah Mormont, Jorah stood up and hoped to use his achievements in exchange for King Robert to knight him.

Faced with this request, King Robert did not refuse. After all, Jorah also performed very bravely on the battlefield. He was the first to rush to Pike City and kill Balon Greyjoy's second son Maron Grey. Joey.

In front of everyone, King Robert canonized Jorah as a knight, and after the canonization, he also emphasized: "The last knight I made was Baron Lynd Terra. I hope your performance in the future will be the same." If you can rival him, don’t let down my canonization.”

Jorah, who became a knight, excitedly said yes, not knowing his future destiny at all.

The list of awards continued until the last name on the list was read out. Only then did everyone realize that as one of the greatest contributors to the counterinsurgency war, Linde was not on the list. Everyone looked at Robert and Lin in confusion. Virtue.

(End of this chapter)

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