Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 139 Savage King

Chapter 139 Savage King

"Your king wants to see me?" Looking at the envoy in front of him, Linde frowned slightly.

Before meeting the savage tribe envoy, Linde had already guessed that this envoy could not come from the savage tribes that had sworn to join him, but could only come from the savage king.

What surprised him was that the news brought by this savage was that the savage king Hamil wanted to see him.

The power structure of the savage tribe is very loose. They are completely centered on the leader. A powerful leader can make the entire tribe stronger. But once something happens to the leader, no matter how powerful the tribe is, it will fall apart in a short period of time.

Hamill's ability to become the Savage King in the northeastern region of the Crimson Mountains means that he is not only brave, he must also have a mind, and he should know the dangers of meeting Lind.

However, he still sent an envoy to meet with Linde, which made Linde wonder whether the Savage King had absolute confidence in his own strength or was too arrogant.

"Yes, the patriarch will meet you alone at the Sword Handle Lake three leagues away from here. I believe you won't bring anyone there, right?" the savage envoy said very seriously.

Linde ignored the envoy's words, but turned to call the officers stationed at the Gale Tower, and then asked about the location of Sword Hilt Lake.

"The place is easy to find. From the path outside the camp, you can reach the sword handle lake at the end." The officer replied: "The place is not very big, it can only be regarded as a slightly larger pool."

After hearing this, Linde nodded and asked the officer to leave. Then he said to the savage envoy: "How can he guarantee that he will go to Sword Hilt Lake alone?"

The savage envoy said calmly: "Just like you can't guarantee that you will go to Sword Hilt Lake alone, our clan leader can't guarantee it either. It all depends on which of the two has more integrity."

Linde looked at the savage envoy with interest and said, "Your words and conversation don't sound like a savage."

The savage envoy stood up straight with great pride and said: "My teacher is called Du Lun. He is a bachelor with profound knowledge. In order to study the history of the savage tribe, he has lived in the savage tribe for more than ten years. What I have learned He taught it too.”

"Scholar Duren? Studying the history of the savage tribe?" Nymeria suddenly sat up straight, with a thoughtful look on her face, and said, "Does this bachelor Duren have a birthmark the size of a seal on his face?"

"Yes, Lord Nymeria, do you know him?" the savage messenger looked at Nymeria doubtfully and asked.

Nymeria did not answer, but continued to ask in an indifferent tone: "How is he now?"

The savage messenger felt that there was no kindness in Nymeria's tone, and couldn't help but feel a little worried, but he still answered truthfully: "Dead! He died in a sneak attack a few years ago."

"Is he already dead? This would be an advantage for him." Nymeria snorted coldly and said.

"Does this Bachelor Duren have a grudge against you?" Linde asked.

"Before Bachelor Ives, this Bachelor Duren was my mother's bachelor advisor," Nymeria said solemnly: "It was this guy who betrayed my mother to that man, and he was also the one where my mother needed help the most. At that time, he stole all the property from my mother's hands. My mother, the Earl of Tengshi Town, was unable to pay for medical treatment, and eventually died of illness, all because of this guy." Although Nymeria said this with a faceless face Her expression and tone were calm, but she could still feel the hatred in her words.

The savage messenger also felt the hatred from Nymeria. Big drops of sweat broke out on his forehead, and he began to regret in his heart that he had revealed the origin of his knowledge in order to show his extraordinary qualities.

At this moment, he felt that he might be doomed.

"Don't worry, I won't take my anger out on you because of my hatred for Bachelor Duren." Nymeria looked at the extremely nervous savage envoy. After the savage envoy's expression relaxed a little, she continued: "However, Count Linde has no intention of honoring your Savage King's invitation, because we cannot trust the Savage King. If the Savage King wants to see Count Linde, then let him come by himself, and we can ensure his safety."

"In this case, how can we trust you?" Although the savage envoy was a little worried about being angry, he still asked bravely.

"Then you have to bet on whether we will keep our promise." Nymeria said very directly: "In addition, you have to understand one thing. It is your savage king who wants to see Earl Lind, not Lin De. Earl de wants to see you, so you are the only ones who need to gamble on luck and integrity."

The savage messenger hesitated for a moment, turned to look at Linde, and asked, "Lord Earl Linde, is this what you mean?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Lind nodded, and then looked at Nymeria. He had to say that he was a little surprised and surprised by Nymeria's performance just now.

"I understand. I will convey your intention to our clan leader truthfully." The savage messenger stood up and left in a hurry without saying anything else.

At the same time that the savage messenger left, Glory, whose body had returned to normal in the past two days, also disappeared in the shadow of the camp.

"Why do you think this Savage King Hamil wants to see you?" After the Savage Messenger left, Nymeria asked in confusion: "Daisy and the others annihilated thousands of Well City soldiers in just two days. I’m scared by your record, do you want to join you like the other savage tribes?”

"It doesn't feel like it." Linde shook his head and said, "It should be for other things? Maybe he wants us to let them pass through the Bone Passage to the desolate mountainous area in the west. I remember that the mountainous area seems to be a deserted area. The land of the lord, they will not be suppressed by the lord when they go there.”

After hearing this, Nymeria thought for a while and nodded, thinking that this was a possibility. Then she asked, "If this is really the case, will you let him go?"

Linde shook his head decisively and said: "No, I have also taken a fancy to that piece of land. In the future, when the territory here is stable, I will expand there and completely master this red mountain range. It is completely unnecessary. Let others get involved." As he spoke, he smiled again and said: "Although the Savage King's tribe looks very powerful, it is actually restricted by me. It is not too difficult to destroy him. There is no need to let him go."

"What if he really keeps the appointment to see you?" Nymeria asked.

Lind hesitated for a moment, tapped the table with his fingers a few times, and said, "Then this person can be considered a courageous person. If he can be conquered, then he will be conquered. If he can't be conquered, then..."

As he spoke, he suddenly stopped and followed him into the shared vision of Glory. He saw the savage envoy who had just left the camp after turning a corner of the mountain and came to a forest where 200 people gathered at the moment. Many savages.

Among these savages, the leader was much taller than the others, almost as tall as Linde, and held a mace covered with iron spikes in his hand.

But the most eye-catching thing about him is not his body shape and weapons, but his body is covered with brown hair, even his face is the same, only a pair of bright eyes are exposed from the thick hair.Compared to the savages around him, it is obvious that the man in charge is more like an uncivilized savage, but the savages wearing various animal skins around him show great respect for him. Obviously this strange-looking man should be the savage king. Mir.

Seeing this scene, Linde somewhat admired the Savage King for being able to sneak so close to the camp with so many people silently.

Although he had already considered sneak attacks when setting up the camp at Gale Tower, if so many people suddenly attacked, it would still cause some trouble to the guards.

While thinking about expanding the surveillance scope of the secret sentry in the future, Linde also heard the eyes of Glory and saw every move of these savages.

I saw that the savage envoy walked up to the savage king Hamil and repeated Nymeria's words just now. The savage king did not show any angry look. On the contrary, the surrounding men had angry faces, as if they had been affected by it. As if they were being insulted, they all raised their weapons and expressed their attitudes loudly.

The wildling king Hamir scolded everyone in an unknown language with a strong Dornish accent.

Everyone immediately became quiet after hearing this, but everyone still looked indignant.

After the people around him became quiet, Savage King Hamil also fell into deep thought, seeming to be considering what the messenger just said.

After a while, he seemed to have thought about it, and then said something.

The surrounding savages tried to persuade the Savage King one after another. From the performance of these savages, it is not difficult to see that these more than 200 savages should be the most loyal confidants of the Savage King.

However, in the face of the persuasion of his loyal men, the Savage King shook his head and seemed to have made a decision. Then he gave these savages a few words and explained some things, especially to a few of his men who looked very wild. He gave the order in an aggravated tone, and did not explain anything else until his subordinates nodded in agreement.

After explaining the matter, he and the envoy walked out of the woods and walked towards the Gale Tower camp.

After the Savage King left, the restless men began to encourage the others, but were stopped by the other Savages, which made them all so angry that they used their axes to chop down the surrounding trees to vent their hearts. Emotions.

Linde handed over the task of monitoring these savages to Glory. If any of these savages made any move, he would immediately notify himself, and his consciousness would return to his body.

"Did Glory discover anything?" Nymeria, who was waiting on the side, asked when she saw Lind's eyes returning to normal.

Linde replied: "We have guests, get the salt and bread ready."

The Savage King Hamil walked towards the camp ahead with a hint of uneasiness. He knew that he had to make this trip, otherwise, it would be difficult to realize his long-cherished wish.

When he arrived at the entrance of the camp, he saw servants waiting there carrying salt and bread.

This made the Savage King immediately realize that he might be being watched, and he also thought of the Skinchangers.

There used to be an old shapechanger in his tribe. This shapechanger could possess a raven and help him detect enemies. Unfortunately, the old shapechanger suddenly one day died tragically not long after possessing a raven. He suddenly died after screaming, which also prevented him from monitoring every move of other tribes as before, which directly caused the predicament he encountered now.

Thinking of this, he looked around and did not see anything like a raven. Although he was still confused, he did not continue to investigate the cause. Instead, under the guidance of his messenger, he came to the servants and took the Dip the bread in some salt and eat it.

The soldiers and servants guarding the door were stunned by the hairy appearance of the Savage King. The surprise in their hearts did not ease until the Savage King entered the camp.

On the contrary, Asha and Brienne, who were responsible for guiding the way, did not show too many unusual expressions. They just glanced at the Savage King and led the Savage King to Lind's tent.

The Savage King has become accustomed to others looking at him strangely. The expressions of the servants and soldiers before seemed to him to be normal expressions, but the expressions of Asha and Brienne were abnormal.

"Aren't you two afraid when you see me?" The Savage King couldn't help his curiosity and asked.

"Why are you afraid? You just have more hair on your body." Asha looked at the Savage King with disgust and said disdainfully.

"Glory is much scarier than you." Brienne also said.

As they spoke, several people came to Linde's tent. Asha raised the curtain and let the Savage King go in. Then she and Brienne guarded the door.

After the Savage King entered the tent, Nymeria was stunned for a moment when she saw his appearance, and then returned to normal, while Lind acted very calmly, as if the Savage King in front of her was an ordinary person.

The reactions of Linde and Nymeria also surprised the Savage King. He almost doubted whether he knew the two people in front of him in the past, because only people who have known him for a long time would not react after seeing his true face. Showing abnormal reactions.

However, although he had some doubts in his heart, he also knew that now was not the time to deal with these matters. He took the initiative to step forward and introduced himself to Linde and Nymeria: "Two adults, I am the leader of the Stone Mountain Tribe. , Hamil, the barbarian king elected by the Redguard clan, you must have heard of my name."

Linde looked at the Savage King in front of him, nodded and said: "I have indeed heard of your name. You are already a legend in the northeastern section of the Crimson Mountains. After all, you seem to be the first one to appear here in so many years. The savage king of the area.”

"In front of the Chosen One, I can hardly be called a legend." Hamill said in a thick Dornish accent.

"Why did you come to see me? It can't be to show off to each other, right?" Linde asked straight to the point without making any more detours: "Calculating, you should be my enemy. Once I patrol the territory, I will understand After the situation here, we will take action against all the forces in the territory. Bandits are one of the targets, and your savage tribe is also one of the targets. You should know this very well, but now you take the risk to see me, what is the purpose of it? "

Facing Lind's inquiry, Hamill said very calmly: "I came here to give the city of Well to you, sir."

(End of this chapter)

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