Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 14 Sword Fighting

Chapter 14 Sword Fighting
"Use all your strength and let me see what you call the most gorgeous dual-wielding swordsmanship in Westeros!" In a small manor next to the east gate of New Barrel City, Formotti Klein drew out the long sword from his waist. , said to Linde who was standing opposite.

Although he had no expression when he spoke and his tone was calm, people who knew him well could still tell that he seemed a little dissatisfied with the bear hunter in front of him.

This is mainly related to Fertimo's character. He prefers calm and serious people, like Lord Randyll Tarly, while Lind was too flamboyant, whether it was the spread of the Bear Hunter's Song, He didn't like what he just said about the most gorgeous dual-wielding swordsmanship in Westeros.

However, he is a person who distinguishes between public and private affairs, and rarely decides on certain things because of his own preferences. The moment his friend recommended Linde to be his knight attendant, he had already decided to agree to his request. , and now it was just his selfishness, wanting to teach this overly arrogant bear hunter a lesson and let him know that in front of a real knight, his dual-wielding sword skills that he learned from nowhere were nothing.

Linde also knew that he said the wrong thing in front of Fotimo, but he did not regret it. He would say the same thing next time, because these words were not meant for Fotimo, but for him. It was for Garlan Tyrell next to me.

Although Garlan Tyrell behaved very calmly and maturely in the tavern, not like a child who had just entered his teenage years, his calmness and maturity were more like imitation and disguise. Under the disguise of imitation, he still retains the temperament and ideas that a young man should have. For example, he believes that certain legendary figures should have flamboyant personalities, and Linde's pride in his swordsmanship is just in line with his preferences. This can be seen from their You can get a glimpse of it on the way back to where the Tyrell family team is stationed.

On the road, Garland Tyrell changed his calm behavior in the tavern and transformed into a curious baby. He asked Lind many questions, especially the questions on the battlefield in The Bear Hunter's Song, and Lind's answers It is not the content described in the Bear Hunter's Song, but the truth, such as the actual number of people killed, and the process of killing the enemy by borrowing the hunter's trap, etc.

And his truthful narration not only did not disappoint Garlan Tyrell, but made him appreciate his honesty even more. This also more or less affected Fortimer's view of him, thinking that even if he was too He is too proud, but he is also an honest person.

However, Garland, who has been trained by nobles since childhood and has been under the influence of the Queen of Thorns, has naturally learned some ways to control his subordinates. Slightly suppressing the confidence of his subordinates can help him more easily control those subordinates with arrogant personalities, just like the knights. It was like taming a fierce horse, so after returning to the station, he couldn't wait to ask to see what Linde called the most gorgeous dual-wielding swordsmanship in Westeros.

However, after all, Garland is just a child who has just entered the teenage stage. No matter how good the education he receives, it is difficult to remain calm. When he makes his request, his thoughts and intentions are also written down. On the face, Linde and the others could easily see through.

Lind didn't care about Garland's little thoughts. Even if Garland didn't bring it up, he would think of other ways to have a duel with Fertimo Klein, and if Fertimo wanted to give Lind A lesson learned, killing him was different from his arrogance. He hoped to understand his true strength through the duel with Fotimo.

Although he had killed so many enemies before, those enemies were not very strong, and he mostly used other auxiliary conditions to deal with the enemies, which could not be used as a basis for him to estimate his true strength.

He had also thought about having a formal swordsmanship contest with Joel, but Joel refused on the grounds that there was no benefit in winning and it would be ugly to lose. Now, another swordsman as famous as Joel offered to compete with him. Competing against himself is exactly what he wants. Even if Fertimo Klein doesn't mention it, he will still fight with all his strength.

I saw Lind walking in front of Fotimo, and at the same time he drew out the two broad-bladed hand and half swords from his waist, and assumed the basic sword posture of the Peacemaker. His legs were slightly bent, and he lowered his body slightly, staring at Fotimo. Mo, the whole person feels like a ferocious beast that is ready to attack at any time.

At this moment, Linde brought his whole body and mind into the memory of the Peacemaker's battle. It could almost be said that he completely transformed into the Peacemaker. This also caused his whole temperament to change, the kind that only belonged to the battlefield. The smell of blood and murderous aura emanated from his body.

This momentum was so strong that even Garland Tyrell, who was standing at the edge of the courtyard, could clearly feel it, and was frightened by the momentum. He couldn't help but take a step back, and Joe, who was standing next to Garland, Er was also affected by this momentum, his expression became serious, he spontaneously took a step forward, blocked in front of Garland, and involuntarily put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Compared to Garland and Joel, Fertimo, who was standing opposite Lind, completely withstood this warrior aura. His feeling was ten times stronger than the people around him. At this moment, he also completely let go of the warrior momentum. He wanted to train Linde's mentality, but as if facing a powerful opponent, he grasped the hilt of the sword, and the warrior aura on his body also exuded, colliding with Linde's aura, and the whole person entered a real fighting state. .

At this moment, although Fertimo still doesn't know how good Linde's swordsmanship is, in terms of momentum alone, Linde has surpassed most of the warriors and knights he has seen. Among the people he knows, only Only veteran warriors and knights who have been on the battlefield have such momentum, such as the fearless Barristan. Among the younger generation of knights, only Gregor Clegane of the Mountain can surpass Lind. This also makes He couldn't help but wonder why Linde, who was obviously just an Orion and had not experienced many wars, had such a strong warrior aura.

Both Linde and Fortimo were suppressing each other with their momentum, trying to make the other party reveal some flaws under the influence of their momentum. However, the momentum of both sides was evenly matched, and neither of them had any effect, which led to a confrontation between them.

Although it was already night, there were still many Tyrell guards patrolling and standing guard at the garrison. Their eyes were also attracted to the duel in the courtyard at this time, and those who had fallen asleep also listened. When they heard the news, they all came out to see what was going on. As a result, more and more people gathered around the courtyard. Even the attic windows were opened, and several people gathered near the windows and looked down.

However, what made them a little disappointed was that they did not see a wonderful duel. They only saw their instructor Fertimo Klein and a young man holding two swords standing there motionless, looking like Not only was there no feeling of tension, but it actually seemed a little funny.

Only a small number of guards who were close to the two sides of the confrontation could really feel the two powerful auras that had enveloped the open space in the courtyard. However, they did not know the source of this aura, nor did they know what the aura was. They just felt that their thoughts had changed. I feel sluggish and my body is a little out of control.

Just when many people felt bored and were about to go back to their rooms to rest, Linde and Fortimo, who had been confronting each other for a long time, took action almost at the same time.

Fotimo rushed forward with a lunge, and slashed straight at Linde with the long sword in his hand. The sword was so strong that it felt like he could easily avoid anything in his way.However, Linde had no intention of intercepting this attack forcefully. He knew very well that his strength was weak, not to mention that the blocking power of a one-handed sword could not block the force of the two-handed knight sword. The result is death.

Therefore, when Fertimo took action, he had already thought of a way to deal with it. He moved quickly with his feet, and his whole body moved to the side as if sliding on ice, just in time to avoid the long sword attack. At the same time, he The broad-bladed hand and half swords in his hands also moved forward and backward, matching the body's pace, and attacked Fotimo's chest and waist.

Fertimo seemed to have expected that his attack would fail. While Lind was avoiding it, his steps began to move sideways, his body twisted, and the long sword in his hand continued to trend. Under the control of his exquisite wrist, , drew an arc in the air and attacked Linde's lower back again, seemingly exchanging injury for injury.

However, as the person involved, Linde knew very well that the moving distance of Fotimo plus the length of the long sword and the attack speed would ultimately mean that before he could attack Fotimo, his lower back would be hit by Fotimo's long sword. Give a hit.

Faced with this situation, he did not panic at all. He stepped out quickly, like a galloping horse, and ran towards Fotimo, further shortening the distance between him and Fotimo, and Fotimo He also distanced himself with extremely quick reactions.

In this way, Linde and Fertimo both moved and dodged in the courtyard at a pace that was beyond ordinary people. While the weapons in their hands were moving, they constantly changed their attack methods and attacked each other's vital points, but every time they would Being dodged by the opponent's moving steps, although the attacks were extremely fierce, none of the attacks could hit the opponent.

The onlookers were all watching the duel in the center of the courtyard quietly at this moment. No matter how stupid they were, they could see how fierce the fight between the two sides in the courtyard was. If you were not careful, you might be hit in the vital part and die on the spot, let alone For those who don't understand the situation, even Garland and Joel, two bystanders who know why the two sides are fighting, have the illusion that the two people in front of them are life-and-death enemies.

Although the steps of Linde and Fotimo are equally fast and agile, anyone with a little knowledge of swordsmanship can see the difference in their steps. Every step of Fotimo moves according to the regular pace of a knight. Simple and direct, but very practical, Linde's steps are more like an exquisite and gorgeous dance step. Along with the swing of his body and the attacks of dual-wielding long swords, he looks like a skilled dancer. It is pleasing to the eye.

But only a discerning person like Joel with extremely high swordsmanship can see how deceitful Linde's dual-wielding swordsmanship is, because Linde's long sword can always attack the opponent's vital points at incredible angles, leaving the opponent with nothing but No defensive action can be taken other than avoidance.

The current rhythm of the two of them moving and attacking is actually led by Linde, while Fertimo is only reacting passively. From this point of view, Linde has the upper hand from the beginning, if nothing unexpected happens. , Fertimo is very likely to lose this battle.

However, just when Joel thought that Fertimo would lose, Linde's movement speed suddenly slowed down a bit, and Fertimo also keenly seized this opportunity, raising the long sword diagonally from bottom to top. , forced Linde to move to avoid, and at the same time crossed his swords and pressed down, trying to slow down the speed of the long sword.

However, the power contained in Fotimo's sword was extremely powerful, and it directly knocked away Linde's swords. However, the offensive was also slowed down, giving Linde enough time to avoid, so that the sword tip scratched in front of him. Pass.

At this time, Fotimo seemed to be moving a bit too much, and a huge flaw was revealed in his body. If Linde attacked at this moment, it was very likely to defeat Fotimo, but Linde made a move that was very unpleasant in the eyes of the people around him. In an act of understanding, he quickly retreated, widening the distance between him and Fortimo, and put his swords in defensive positions.

"No need to continue, it's a draw." Fortimo took a breath and put the long sword back into the scabbard. Then he looked at Linde with satisfaction and said, "From tomorrow on, you are mine. Knight Squire, I will teach you how to be a true knight."

After saying that, he turned around and saluted Garland, then signaled to the onlookers to leave, and walked to his room alone.

Fertimo is also very authoritative here. After hearing his order, the onlookers dispersed, but their emotions still have not recovered from the short and exciting competition just now. [-]% to [-]% The group was discussing in low voices, and what they discussed most was the identity of Linde. After all, a boy who looked only fifteen or sixteen years old actually had swordsmanship comparable to that of a swordsman like Fertimo Klein. , which is enough to make anyone curious.

Most of them are guessing that Linde is the illegitimate son of a certain big noble, because only the big nobles can hire real swordsman masters to teach illegitimate swordsmanship, because the real descendants of the big nobles don't need to be very skilled in swordsmanship. Most of them need to learn the relevant knowledge of nobles.

However, some people speculate that Lind may be from Starfall City, because Arthur Dayne, the Sword of Dawn, is good at dual-wielding swordsmanship, so the people of the Dayne family also know how to master dual-wielding swordsmanship.

However, this speculation was quickly refuted, because it was completely a rumor that the Dawn Sword was proficient in dual-wielding swordsmanship. From the beginning to the end, the Dawn Sword was only using the Dawn family's inherited artifact, which required dual-wielding. It is a giant sword that can only be wielded by holding it in hand. Because of this, the rumor has become that the Dawn Sword is proficient in dual-wielding swordsmanship.

Among the many wrong guesses, some people guessed that Lind was the bear hunter mentioned by the bard. If we want to say that the most famous dual-wielding sword master in the Reach is now, then naturally it must be the bear hunter. In The Bear Hunter's Song, Linde has been described as a fierce general who kills people like mowing grass.

Because of this, those who guessed the correct answer were not completely sure of their guesses, because in their eyes Linde was too young, and his body shape did not match the mighty form in their minds.

(End of this chapter)

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