Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 142 Obena seeking peace of mind

Chapter 142 Obena seeking peace of mind

In the following days, Linde and Nymeria were in the village camp receiving the village chiefs and elders who came after receiving the notice.

Although their nominal lord was Earl Wyland Weir of Weir City, the person who now controlled the lifeline of their land was Linde, so that nominal lord was naturally forgotten by them.

Faced with Linde's request for their allegiance, they naturally did not dare to object, and they couldn't wait to say their loyalty oaths one by one.

They also happily accepted the taxes set by Linde, because the taxes set by Weir City were much higher, and Linde's taxes were simply charity in their eyes.

Within a few days, from the estuary of the Weir River to the estuary of the Redwei River, all the villages and fishing villages along the coast of Skeleton Point swore allegiance to the lord Linde. There were 43 villages and six fishing villages in total, and among these Among the villages and fishing villages, there are nine villages and two fishing villages that were established after Shiheleng City invaded and occupied the territory.

These nine villages and fishing villages were completely accidental, because Luo Suo didn't know the way, and the few village boys who followed him and acted as guides were also lost. In the end, they ran a little too far until they reached the mouth of the Hongwei River. The person on the other side of Stonehelm City realized that he had passed.

Along the way, when they saw a village, they read out Linde's lordship proclamation. The village chiefs and elders of some of the villages knew that the land cultivated by them and others belonged to other people, and they were worried that the lord of the land would drive them away. , so he came to swear allegiance with a guilty conscience. As for Stonehelm City, he kept it secret for the time being and let the lords of the land and the lords of Stonehelm City negotiate.

Linde didn't care about the little thoughts of these low-level villagers. He happened to know the situation on the other side of the Redwei River through the village chiefs and elders of these villages. At the same time, he also asked them to go back and bring the God's Chosen Linde Terra. Publicize the matter of becoming the lord of the Red Earth Watch and Red Guard areas, and ask those villages that have not yet come to pledge their allegiance to send village chiefs and elders to pledge their allegiance. Otherwise, if they wait until they pass and pledge their allegiance, the annual taxes will be a different number.

Also at night, the Savage King led a dozen people outside the village camp. Among the dozen people there was a petite woman.

"I didn't expect you to capture the Bone Bridge so easily." When the Savage King saw Linde again, he had a little more respect than the first time.

It's no wonder that his attitude changed like this, because after hearing how Linde gained control of the Bone Bridge, he had a new understanding of Linde's power.

Although it was only a few days, the Knights of Blackport who followed Linde had already conveyed what happened on the Bone Bridge that day and the subsequent results back to Blackport, and the bards in the tavern of Blackport Town had also This content, together with the battle record of hundreds of Linde's knights annihilating thousands of Well City garrison soldiers, was compiled into a song and began to be sung. As for the tune, it was still to the tune of the Bear Hunter's Song.

Perhaps because of some similarities, some people have vaguely compared the process of Lind's request for the Bone Bridge from the Lord of Wer City to the process of Duke Tywin sending a singer to persuade the Lord of Fairy Island. They believe that the Chosen One Lind Terra already has With the same power as Duke Tywin back then, there was no need for war, just a few words to achieve the desired results.

"How many people have you brought here this time?" Linde asked directly without beating around the bush with the Savage King.

The Savage King replied: "50 people, all of them are the strongest warriors of the tribe."

Lind frowned and said, "Is 50 people enough? There should be many knights protecting Wylan Weir, right?"

The Savage King said very confidently: "That's enough. As long as you can lure away the garrison soldiers outside, then my people will be able to deal with the knights around him."

Lind nodded, pointed at Rosso Brun beside him, and said: "In this case, I will ask him to bring people to cooperate with you, and you can discuss the specific implementation method with him."

"Wait, it's not you personally..." The Savage King looked stunned and said hurriedly.

"There is no need for me to do this kind of thing myself, he is enough." Linde said very confidently: "If you don't believe in his strength, you can test it yourself. I think no one among you can do it one-on-one. Defeat him."

As soon as Linde said this, everyone was in an uproar, and someone immediately stood up to challenge Rosso.

Facing the challenge, Rosso stood expressionlessly opposite the challenger. When the savage warrior had just reached out to draw his weapon and wanted to attack Rosso, Rosso had already drawn out the sword from his waist and used The spine of the sword struck the opponent on the cheek, knocking him to the ground.

At this moment, everyone could see that Rosso was very strong, especially when he drew the sword very fast. Everyone could only see a shadow, and this was still using the spine of the sword. If he had used the blade, the wildman warrior would have been killed. It's somewhere else.

None of the savage warriors around him could defeat him with this quick sword alone. Even the savage king weighed it in his mind and found that even if he took action, he might not be able to defeat the opponent, so he just had to fight because Linde would not take action himself. Any trace of dissatisfaction also subsided.

"Sir, how many people will you send to assist us?" the Savage King asked again.

"Seven hundred of the best warriors," Lind said.

Hearing this number, the Savage King said nothing more. After all, the record of Linde's cavalry was there. Hundreds of them killed thousands of Weir City's garrison soldiers, and only a few of them died. There were more than 700. With the help of several warriors, Wylan Weir would not have to worry even if there were thousands of warriors protecting him.

After handing the matter over to Rosso, Lind turned around and went to the tent prepared for the future Countess of Well City.

At this time, Nymeria's twin female attendants were cleaning the woman's body and changing her clothes, while Nymeria, Jon, and the bachelor who had just arrived from Blackport were checking the identification documents.

The bachelor went through all the documents line by line, especially the bachelor's signature and seal on the birth record document.

After completing the inspection, the bachelor nodded to Lind and said: "Your Majesty, there is no problem. There is no problem with these documents. As long as the documents stored in the school city are compared correctly, the identity of the young lady from the Weir family will be revealed." It can be confirmed.”

Jon also raised his head from the pile of letters and said: "There is nothing wrong with these letters, which can prove that Earl Wyland Vere fostered her in the home of Sir Roman." As he said, he hesitated again, Said: "However, these letters are probably not complete. Some are missing in the middle. I just don't know if the missing ones are important."

Linde thought of the scattered letters that Glory saw in the Savage King's camp and said: "The missing ones are not important, the contents have nothing to do with her."

After saying that, he asked Jon to put these documents away and took the maester down to rest. "How's the discussion going over there? Have you determined the location?" After the Blackport Bachelor left, Nymeria glanced towards the entrance of the camp and asked.

Linde said solemnly: "I have handed over that matter to Rosso. Neither you nor I are suitable to intervene directly."

Nymeria nodded in agreement, and then asked: "Where are the manpower to prepare? Are there enough people from the Savage Tribe?"

"That's enough." Linde said with a smile.

At this time, the curtain of the tent was opened and twin female attendants were seen leading a petite noble lady out.

This noble girl has a beautiful appearance and elegant temperament. She should have received a very good education from her adoptive father in Yronwood City.

Although she looks timid and fearful, with her head lowered all the time, and due to her figure, she looks a bit weak, but if you look carefully at the obvious muscle lines on her exposed arms, it is not difficult to see that under her Beneath the frail exterior lies the physique of a warrior.

Linde did not reveal the other party's disguise, but asked directly: "Do you know who you are?"

"I know, sir." The other party said solemnly: "I am Obena Weir, the daughter of Wylan Weir, the lord of Weil City. My adoptive father is Harman Shad, the guard captain of Yronwood City."

"How did you get captured by the Savage King Hamil?" Lind asked again.

Oberna Weir answered honestly: "Two years ago, when my adoptive father and I were on an outing near Yronwood City, we were attacked by savages. My adoptive father was killed at that time. I was unable to resist and was captured by these savages. in."

Although Oberna spoke calmly as if this incident had happened to someone else, Lind could still see that she was full of hatred for the Savage King Hamil.

Linde did not continue to ask Obena about what happened in the savage tribe, but said frankly: "If there is no accident, your father will pass away in the next two days, and then I will send you back to Weir City to inherit. Your father’s title and territory.”

When Obena heard this, she suddenly raised her head, which had been lowered just now, and stared at Lind with a look of shock on her face.

"When you inherit the territory, I hope you can sign an offensive and defensive covenant with me." Linde continued: "Of course, you don't have to sign the covenant, and I won't do anything to you. I just hope you don't provoke me. I will just be your Countess of Well City. Do you understand? Miss Oberna."

"Understood, my lord." Obena Weir nodded in agreement. Then she looked at Linde and Nymeria beside her, and asked: "I don't know your identity yet..."

"I am the Earl of Summer Hall, Lynd Terra, and this land of Red Earth is also my territory." After introducing himself, Lynd pointed at Nymeria and said, "She is the Earl of Tengshi Town, Nymeri. Ya Fu Deli."

Obviously, Obena has been completely isolated from the outside world during the two years she was imprisoned. She knows nothing about Lind, the most legendary figure in the Seven Kingdoms. Instead, she heard about Nymeria's Tengshi Town. , showing a strange look. Apparently, according to the education she received, Tengshi Town was a territory that had declined to the extreme.

Obena looked at Linde who was wearing the armor of the lost knight, and suddenly made a bold decision in her heart, and said: "Sir, I hope to marry you so that your territory and my territory will be integrated in the future."

Linde was stunned and looked at Oberna. He soon realized that the reason why she wanted to get married was probably because of the insecurity she felt after being imprisoned for two years. She was worried that she would suddenly change her mind and imprison her again, so she thought Get a layer of protection through marriage.

Just when Lind was about to refuse her, Nymeria, who also saw Obena's thoughts, had already spoken first and said: "Earl Lind will not marry you, and you don't have to worry that we will regret it. In our eyes, Vail City may be a giant, but in our eyes, Vail City is insignificant."

Obena did not give up because of this. She had already seen the relationship between Linde and Nymeria, so she did not ask for a marriage with Linde anymore. Instead, she settled for the next best thing and said: "I am also willing to marry Lord Linde." Jazz marriage and a closer alliance."

It was obvious that Oberna had been frightened during the two years of imprisonment, and verbal promises were no longer enough to reassure her, so she was eager to find someone to rely on.

After hearing this, Lind frowned and was about to refute the proposal, but Nymeria nodded and agreed: "This is also a good choice." As she said that, she pointed to the people around her and said: "Anyone who can stand here is considered to be Linde's cronies. You can choose for yourself! As long as they agree, we will arrange for you to get married."

Hearing Nymeria's words, Obena breathed a sigh of relief, then looked at the people around her, her eyes lingering on Jon for a while. Judging from Jon's performance just now, he is undoubtedly the most powerful among Lind's many men. Someone close to him, choosing Jon is undoubtedly a good insurance policy.

But I don’t know why Oberna didn’t choose Jon. Her eyes quickly shifted to Rossos next to Jon, and then she pointed at Rossos and said, “I choose him.”

Rossos was completely stunned. He never thought that he would be chosen. After all, among the many knights of Linde around him, his appearance was definitely mediocre, and because of so many years of wandering life, he He looked much older than his actual age, and he didn't look like a husband who would be favored by the future countess.

The unprepared Rossos froze on the spot and didn't speak for a long time. It wasn't until Nymeria asked him if he was willing to marry Obena that he recovered, and nodded without any thought: " Yes, of course I do.”

No normal person would refuse this. After all, for a low-level knight like Rossos, this is definitely an opportunity that can make him soar into the sky. What's more, Rossos has been waiting for such an opportunity. , but he didn't expect it to come so quickly. After only one year of following Linde, the opportunity had already appeared.

Seeing that Rossus agreed, Lind said nothing more and ordered to Jon: "Ask a monk from Blackport to come over and let them get married in the camp in the next two days."

"No need to bother," Nymeria pointed at Linde and said, "You forgot, you are the chosen one of the Seven Gods, and you are also qualified to witness the marriage."

(End of this chapter)

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