Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 156 Ranger’s Patrol

Chapter 156 Ranger’s Patrol

"Lord Linde, you should change to a set of leather armor, and it's best to wear a leather jacket underneath." Elder Xiong looked at Linde in the Ranger team who was wearing the armor of a lost knight, frowned, and said, "You If you wear too thin a layer of armor and wear steel armor outside, if you go north of the Great Wall, you will freeze to death in a short time."

"Commander-in-Chief, do you believe in the Seven Gods?" Linde, who was riding on Heifeng's back, smiled and asked Mr. Xiong.

"I believe in the old gods." Elder Xiong replied.

"Did the old gods respond to you when you prayed?" Linde asked again, and then continued without waiting for Old Xiong's answer: "The seven gods responded to me when I prayed. He told me that the cold will be far away. To me, the Land of Everwinter is like Highgarden to me."

When Lind said these words, the believers of the Seven Gods among the rangers behind him involuntarily made prayer movements. Seeing this scene, Jeor Mormont couldn't help but raise his eyebrows with a strange look on his face. look.

In just seven days, Lind has become the object of worship of the entire Night Watch of Castle Black. Most of the Night Watchmen who believe in the Seven Gods firmly believe that he is the human incarnation of the Seven Gods. This is what he spends most of his time on. The effect of staying in the library.

However, Jeor Mormont had to admit in his heart that Lind was a very charming figure. If he were more than ten years younger, maybe he would have the same admiration for Lind as the boys at Castle Black.

Because when Linde showed his god-like strength, everyone knew that those rumors were true. Hundreds of well-trained Night Watch brothers were as fragile as weeds, just dozens of breathing people. At this time, all the brothers of the Night Watch fell to the ground. This was the result of his use of the unopened training sword. If he used the two legendary magic swords worn on his waist to lose his hometown, I am afraid that those who fought him would be afraid. All are dead.

Whether it is the night watchman who participated in the gambling fight or the night watchman who did not participate in the gambling fight, all of them are worshiping Linde now. If Linde is allowed to stay on the Great Wall of Despair for another ten days and a half, Geo... Mormont believed that the entire Night's Watch would become Lynd's personal army.

Following the order from Jeor Mormont, who was in a complicated mood, the passage door of Castle Black slowly opened, and the rangers entered one after another, with Lind and Glory walking behind the team.

The moment he entered the passage of the Great Wall, Linde was always checking the situation of the dragon runes, feeling that the power contained in the dragon runes was becoming perfect, and while the dragon feast rune in his heart was restoring its power, it also made the dragon The power generated by the ritual began to transform Linde's body into a more complete transformation.

Linde only felt his blood boiling, as if his blood was burning. A large number of evil thoughts came out of his heart, and he wanted to kill everything in front of him.

For this reason, he had to take out several dragon crystal necklaces and wear them on his body, while using the frozen dragon runes to cool down his body.

The mixture of hot blood and cold air made his whole body like a steam engine, with hot air constantly coming out of his armor.

Fortunately, the passage of the Great Wall was pitch dark, and apart from the torches in the hands of the rangers, nothing else could be seen. Although several rangers looked at Linde from time to time, they did not notice anything unusual about Linde.

As the three iron bars were opened, the rangers had passed through the middle section of the Great Wall passage and had entered the outside of the wall.

The abnormality in Linde gradually subsided after passing through the middle section of the Great Wall. He felt that his physical fitness and supernormal strength had improved a lot, as if he had completed another dragon feasting ceremony, and the last dragon feasting ceremony was still intact. The undigested power has now been completely integrated into Linde's body. Theoretically, he should be able to perform the Dragon Feast Ritual again.

But that was only theoretically speaking. What happened just now made Linde realize that the two dragon feast rituals he had performed before were not fully used at all. There was also a large amount of ritual power sealed in the dragon runes, just like The dragon rune on the sword of the Homeless Knight is the same.

He was lucky this time. The power of the first dragon feast ceremony that took him a year to digest was not added to the power of the second dragon feast ceremony. Otherwise, he might have fallen into a trap just now. The danger of losing control.

Therefore, he should not perform the dragon feast ceremony for the third time before thoroughly confirming that the power of the dragon feast rune in his heart has been completely digested. Now he also understands why in the memory of the lost knight, they treat every The Dragon Feast Ritual was used with such caution.

Although there was a little out-of-control accident, Linde still got a lot of benefits. At least now he felt that his combat power was no weaker than that of the official Homeless Knight who completed the Dragon Feast Ceremony for the first time.

After his abnormal physical condition calmed down, Linde tried to use his extraordinary vision to see the situation inside the Great Wall. All he could see was white magic, just like looking at a ball of light at a close distance. Then he continued Try to borrow the eyes of glory.

But after completing the vision sharing, his eyes were completely dark. Confused, he exited the vision sharing, turned to look at Glory, and found that Glory was completely closing his eyes at the moment, walking forward with his head lowered. It was obvious that the magical light of the Great Wall It's also too exciting for it.

Seeing this situation, Linde did not force Glory to open his eyes and give up observing the magical mystery of the Great Wall from the inside.

Soon, you can see the light penetrating through the gap in the entrance and exit hanging door in front of the passage. The rangers speed up and arrive in front of the hanging door. As the rangers guarding the hanging door raise the hanging door, they have had enough of the darkness. The environmental rangers couldn't wait to get out.

"Where should we go next?" Lind also got out of the passage and asked Benjen Stark, who was leading the team.

"We will first go to White Tree Village to rest for one night, and then go to meet our friend Custer of the Night Watch to see if there is any news about the wildling tribe from him. After that, we will stay at Custer's fortress for two days. Check out the surrounding Haunted Forest." Upon hearing Lind's question, Benjen Stark quickly gave the answer and told Lind their trip plan.

Although Benjen Stark did not have a believer-like worship of Lynd like other rangers who believed in the Seven Gods, he still had great respect for Lynd, and this reverence originated from an earlier period, namely When Linde participated in the martial arts competition.

Lind thought for a while and said: "I will separate with you when we go to Custer's fortress. Then I will go further north to have a look. If your patrol mission is over, I haven't come back yet. , you can go back by yourself! After my matter is resolved, I will return to the Great Wall by myself, but when the time comes, you'd better inform the rangers guarding the passage, so as not to cause any misunderstanding when I go back."

"Yes, my lord." Benjen Stark nodded and asked, "Do I need to send you a guide?"

Linde smiled and said: "No need, I may know more about Beyond the Wall than you rangers now, and I still don't know who will be the guide for whom."

Bunyan just smiled and did not take Linde's words seriously, thinking he was joking.

Under Bunyan's order, the rangers began to move towards White Tree Village. After passing through a snowfield, they entered the Ghost Forest.

After entering the forest, Glory seemed to have regained its wild nature and quickly disappeared. Through visual sharing, Lind knew that it was chasing an elk.

The rangers became silent after entering the ghost forest. They watched the surrounding movements vigilantly, as if someone would sneak up on them from behind the trees at any time. Some experienced rangers had already wrapped themselves tightly. Inside the cloak, although the inner layer of the cloak cannot block the steel arrows, it is enough to block the bone arrows of the savages.

On their first day as Rangers, their seniors told many examples of savages lurking on the Rangers' patrol routes, sneaking up on unsuspecting Rangers, and telling them that if they didn't want to be heard by the next group of Rangers, Hear examples of what to do.However, these so-called experiences are not particularly useful. When encountering a sneak attack, no matter how well prepared they are, they will still die. These so-called experiences only make them feel a little better.

Compared with the cautiousness of these rangers, Linde who followed behind was obviously more casual, and it felt more like an outing.

Not to mention that the glory wandering around can detect any human beings who try to get close, but Lind's extraordinary perception, which has improved along with his physical fitness, can also easily detect abnormal movements around him.

However, Lind did not tell the Rangers about his abilities, but asked them to follow the usual training. This kind of patrol training will undoubtedly allow the new Rangers to better integrate into this crisis-ridden environment.

Although on the map, the location marked by Baishu Village seems to be very close to the Great Wall of Despair, as if it only takes ten minutes to walk to Baishu Village after entering the forest, the actual distance between the two places is actually very far, and it feels longer than the distance from Houguan Town. Castle Black is far away.

And because of the blizzard a few days ago, the snow in the forest was already higher than a person's height, and it was all soft and floating snow. Once stepped on, even half of the body of people and horses would fall into it.

Although the person in charge of leading the way was an old ranger who could easily find a suitable place to walk in the forest, but faced with the situation where the entire forest was covered with drifting snow, he had no way to solve it. He could only act like a bulldozer. Slowly advancing through the drifting snow bit by bit.

The team climbed over the ridge of a small hill, passed through several dense forests, and walked through several small rivers covered by ice and snow.

On the edge of one of the small rivers, they discovered an abandoned savage camp. Judging from the remaining items in the camp, the people in the camp were not in a hurry and took away all the items that could be taken away. It is not difficult to judge from the snow above that these people should have left before the previous snowstorm.

I also saw a fire outside the camp. Inside the fire were the remains of corpses that had not been completely burned. Depending on the situation, they might be someone with a high status in the camp, such as a leader or a witch.

The Rangers only knew that burning the corpses of the dead was a tradition of the wild people beyond the wall, but they did not know that the wild people beyond the wall actually did this to prevent these corpses from turning into ghouls.

"There's something wrong with this." Bunyan looked at the camp in front of him and said, "The savage tribes in the Ghost Forest all know that this place is too close to the Great Wall and is within the patrol range of the rangers. They will never set up a camp here. "

"Could it be a defeated tribe that fled here?" An old ranger guessed: "The war between the savage tribes is very cruel. Some survivors will flee in panic and run close to the Great Wall. Our power prevents the pursuing savage tribes from getting close."

"It's possible." Bunyan wasn't entirely sure.

Linde also discovered something at this time, so he got off his horse and swept away a piece of snow, revealing a pile of bones covered under the snow. It seemed that they should be human bones, but there were many teeth marks on these bones.

"The people in this camp should be a cannibal tribe." Lind picked up a leg bone with tooth marks and threw it to Bunyan and said.

"The cannibal tribe?" Bunyan said with a puzzled look after taking the leg bone, "Is it the cannibal tribe on the other side of the Great Glacier?"

Others also took the leg bones and looked at them, their expressions becoming serious.

Immediately afterwards, someone found a wooden sculpture in a simple and dismantled tent. There was a strange symbol engraved on the wooden sculpture.

Seeing this symbol, Bunyan's face darkened and he said, "Yes, it's the cannibal tribe on the other side of the Great Glacier."

Someone asked in confusion: "Why did the cannibal tribe cross the Fangs of Frost and Snow and come here?"

Someone jokingly replied: "Maybe they want to change their taste and taste what the people east of Frost and Snow Fang are like."

However, no one laughed when they heard this joke, because in their opinion, this joke might be the real reason why the ghost forest appeared in the cannibal tribe of Great Glacier.

Linde learned from the rangers that there was a cannibal tribe living on the frozen coast on the west side of the Frost Fang mountain range. They had been enemies of another savage tribe in the area, the Walrus People, and were extremely powerful.

Now that such a powerful tribe appears on the east side of Frost and Snow Fang, it is definitely not a good thing for the Night Watch.

The rangers did not stop any longer and continued to march in the direction of Baishu Village. They had arrived near Baishu Village before dark, but they all stopped and did not continue to move forward because there were some obstacles in the direction of Baishu Village. The thick smoke and fire from burning damp trees signify that there are people in White Tree Village.

This reminded the rangers of the cannibal tribe camp they had discovered before, so the rangers dismounted in a well-trained manner, then took out their weapons one by one and lurked towards Baishu Village.

Linde did not participate in the battle, because Glory had already arrived at Baishu Village before them, and saw that the people camping in Baishu Village were also rangers.

Sure enough, after a while, there was a burst of laughter from the direction of White Tree Village, followed by Benjen Stark's voice from the direction of White Tree Village. The night watchman who was waiting for the horses led the horses and walked towards White Tree Village. , Linde also followed.

"Lord Lind, let me introduce to you. This is Mance Rayder, the chief ranger of Eastwatch." Bunyan pulled a young man with long brown hair and introduced him.

 There are some contradictions as to when Mance Rayder broke his oath. According to the information, Benyan broke his oath before joining the Night's Watch. Neither Benyan nor Eddard had ever met Mance Rayder.But later it was mentioned that Mance Rayder had visited Winterfell with the Commander-in-Chief of the Night Watch, met Eddard Stark, and also met Robb and Jon Snow when they were children. This was obviously different from before. contradiction.

  So I simply pushed Mance Rayder's oath-breaking back a little and let Benjen and Mance Rayder get to know each other, so that the two of them would have more conflict.

  One is called the Freedmen's Bane and the other is called the Night's Watch's Bane.

(End of this chapter)

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