Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 167 Chamber Questions

Chapter 167 Chamber Questions

"This is all my experience outside the wall." Linde sat in the meeting hall. In front of him were the important ministers of the Royal Council. Except for the Prince of Dorne, the guardian dukes of other kingdoms had arrived, and the president of the Church of the Seven Gods was also present. The bishops and bachelors also sat in the auditorium, and the bachelors carefully recorded every word Linde said.

After arriving at the outskirts of King's Landing, Linde was led to the Gate of the Gods by the courtiers waiting there early. King Robert had already led many ministers and lords waiting there to greet Linde.

Although they already knew about the existence of giants, they were still shocked when they saw giants four to five meters high.

Afterwards, King Robert took Lynd into the Gate of the Gods, took the last section of the King's Road, and went directly to the Red Keep, and also allowed Lynd to bring the giant into the city.

A large number of people gathered on both sides of the road. Golden robes stood guard on both sides of the road to prevent anyone from intruding. With the arrival of Linde, everyone cheered for the Chosen One and scattered the prepared petals towards the middle of the road. A rain of flowers formed all over the sky.

This scene reminded Linde of the scene of a certain filial son entering the city.

He then observed King Robert's expression to see his attitude towards the cheers of the people around him. However, what surprised him was that Robert was not angry at all. Instead, he looked very happy as if he was the one receiving the cheers.

After arriving at the entrance of the Red Castle, Lind placed the stone giants and Glory in the square at the door. King Robert specially asked people to prepare food and wine for these giants. Even the knights who followed Lind also got take care of.

After placing the giant, King Robert personally led Lind directly to the meeting hall of the Prime Minister's Tower. At this time, the important ministers of the Red Castle and the guardian dukes of the Seven Kingdoms had already arrived here to wait for Lind.

Afterwards, Lind recounted his experiences north of the Great Wall in front of the top dignitaries of the entire Seven Kingdoms.

Although many details were not mentioned in the narration, especially the details of the battle, which were mentioned by Linde in a few words, one could still hear the moods of everyone present fluctuating, especially between the Fist of the Ancients and the Aliens. The story of the confrontation between the ghost army was completely different from what Wallis said and what the person involved said.

After hearing Lind mention that steel would be as fragile as glass after touching the White Walkers, and showing them the damaged right gauntlet, the expressions on the faces of everyone present became extremely serious.

Lord Tywin frowned and asked, "Is there nothing that can harm those monsters?"

"Yes." Lind replied: "Both Valyrian steel and dragon crystal can hurt them. As for steel weapons, they are useless to them. The weapons made of stone by the barbarian tribe may be able to hurt them, but these injuries must be temporary. Yes, they will recover quickly, unlike Valyrian steel and dragonglass weapons that can cause permanent damage, but if you want to kill them, you can only use Valyrian steel and dragonglass to cause fatal injuries to them. . The physical strength and movement speed of the White Walkers are several times that of ordinary people. Ordinary knights who encounter them will be killed by them without even being able to touch their bodies."

After hearing Linde's words, everyone felt a lot heavier.

"Where are the ghouls? Is there any way for the ghouls to kill them?" the Archbishop of the Church of the Seven Gods suddenly asked.

Linde replied: "Killing ghouls is very simple. You only need to use fire. Their bodies are easy to ignite. Once ignited, they will be burned to ashes quickly."

Knowing that the corpse ghost can be solved so easily, everyone's mood eased a little.

After listening to Lind's story, Robert asked Duke Arryn to tell Lind the aid plan they had discussed for the Night's Watch, and also told him about the changes in the weather and the threat of the White Walkers at the meeting. .

"I agree with Grand Maester Pycelle's inference." Lind nodded and said: "When I left the shelter of the Savage Tribe, I could already feel that the weather outside the Great Wall was getting warmer. Under such weather conditions, the White Walkers are It is impossible to go south, they will only stay in the land of eternal winter farther north. If there will be a long summer as measured by the city, then the White Walkers should not be a problem we need to worry about during this period."

After hearing Lind's words, many people present looked surprised, because in their opinion, Lind should exaggerate the terrifying threat of the White Walkers as much as possible, so that the Night's Watch could let him, who had defeated the White Walkers, Only when ghost people are taken seriously can they get more resources. But what he didn't expect is that he actually believes that the White Walkers will not be a threat for a long time in the future. This realistic attitude has made some people have a change in his view. .

Linde then said: "When I left the Great Wall, I also learned about the situation of the Night's Watch. Currently, the Night's Watch only has guards in Castle Black, Eastwatch and the Shadow Tower. The other fortresses have been guarded. It is abandoned and requires a lot of money to restore it, and it involves the passages and elevators of the Great Wall. These cannot be repaired in a short time, so it is not the most important thing to expand the manpower of the Night Watch Legion now, but to provide repairs to various facilities of the Great Wall. The greatest help to the Night's Watch is to send out scholars and craftsmen who can repair the fortress. Your Majesty, the support plan discussed with your Lordships is in line with the current situation of the Night's Watch. I have no objections."

Everyone looked at Linde with a look of satisfaction. After all, no one wanted the plan they discussed to become useless in the eyes of others.

"Lord Linde, I heard that you have found the Horn of Winter. Do you have that artifact with you now?" the old Hoster Tully suddenly asked.

"Yes, Duke Hoster, I have brought the artifact with me." Lind nodded, placed his backpack on the table, and then took out the box containing the Horn of Winter from his backpack under the gaze of everyone. , placed it on the table and opened it, and also deliberately displayed the dragon eggs in the backpack in front of everyone.

Although many people's attention was attracted by the Horn of Winter, some people still noticed the dragon egg and looked at Linde in great surprise.

After taking out the Horn of Winter, Archmaester Pycelle couldn't wait to stand up from his chair, walked to Linde, carefully picked up the Horn of Winter with both hands, put it in front of his eyes, and looked through it, while looking at it, While murmuring: "This horn is very old, at least the product of the Dawn Era and before. There are several runes on it that I have seen in a book that records the runes of the ancestors in the early Dawn Era. These Several runes appeared only during that period and never appeared again.”

Another bachelor from Highgarden also looked at the horn carefully and said: "The material of the horn looks like bronze, but it should be just like it. It is another kind of metal. Otherwise, it would not be like this after so long." Bright, like gold, long overdue for patina.”

Several other bachelors also gathered around, expounding their own opinions. No matter what they said, they all had a common conclusion, that is, this horn is very ancient.

"Damn it, you guys, stop mumbling there and bring it over quickly and show it to me!" King Robert ordered impatiently.

Archmaester Pycelle took the horn and walked up to King Robert. When King Robert casually grabbed the horn, he couldn't help but tremble, for fear that King Robert might accidentally drop the horn to the ground.

"This thing is the Horn of Winter that can awaken giants in the underground? It looks so inconspicuous. I thought it should be studded with gems." King Robert put the horn in his hand and looked at it casually, with a smile on his face. He felt a little disappointed, and then suddenly he put the horn to his mouth and blew hard before anyone could react.

"Your Majesty!" Duke Ed and others immediately stood up and looked at King Robert in panic.

However, there was no sound, because the air blown by King Robert did not pass through the horn at all. Although his mouth was inflated greatly, the horn seemed to be blocked, and the air he blew did not pass through the windpipe. "Weird! It's really weird! It obviously passed." King Robert let go of his mouth and turned his eyes to the mouth of the horn. He saw that there was nothing blocking the inside of the horn. He could see through the opening and see the image on the other side. .

Then he tried again, still the same.

"You are also in time, this thing is really interesting!" King Robert handed the horn to Lord Tywin beside him and said.

Duke Tywin also tried to blow it, with the same puzzled expression on his face. Then he thought about it, took off the necklace from his neck, and stuffed it from one end of the horn, trying to see if there was anything inside. Something transparent blocked it, but the necklace came through easily.

Later, others also tried it one after another, with the same results.

"Lind, have you tried blowing it?" King Robert asked Lynd.

"No." Linde was also surprised by this situation and said: "I was at the edge of the Great Wall and didn't dare to blow it. If it blew, the underground giant would wake up and knock down the Great Wall, then I would become A sinner."

"Haha! That's right, that's right! It seems that I discovered the secret of the Horn of Winter first." King Robert suddenly smiled excitedly. Apparently, discovering a secret of the Horn of Winter made him feel like he was with Linde. It was like experiencing this adventure firsthand.

"I think the reason why it can't blow must be related to the cracks on the horn." Grand Maester Pycelle said solemnly: "Your Majesty, after leaving this artifact, can you allow me to study it? Maybe I can study it. How to fix it.”

"Wait a minute, this artifact should be placed in the Great Cathedral." The Archbishop of the Seven Gods immediately objected. The Church of the Seven Gods has already gained a lot of benefits from the corpses. Now with the addition of the Horn of Winter, it will definitely be able to Make the reputation of the Church of the Seven Gods even stronger.

Linde said to the two of them: "I'm sorry, sir, I was entrusted by Lord Willas to find this artifact outside the wall, so it needs to be sent to Lord Willas in Highgarden and cannot be placed in King's Landing. .”

Varys said in a deep voice: "Lord Lind, you may not know that in the previous meeting, the Duke of Metz had agreed to place the Horn of Winter in the Red Castle."

Lind was stunned for a moment, then saluted Robert and Mace Tyrell respectively, and said: "Sorry, Your Majesty, Your Majesty the Duke, I still said the same thing, I was entrusted by Lord Willas to go there. Looking for the Horn of Winter outside the Great Wall. Now that the thing has been found, I must complete this commission and hand it over to Lord Vilas. As for how Lord Vilas will deal with this artifact in the end, that is Lord Vilas’s business. I won’t interfere anymore.”

Hearing Linde's words, everyone around them looked surprised, and then looked at Linde with eyes full of approval. Even King Robert smiled and nodded, and then said with a serious face: "Okay! Okay! What a rigid guy! I won’t stop you from completing your promise, just take the things to Willas Tyrell!" As he said that, he turned to look at Mace Tyrell and said : "Duke of Metz, please wait until the item is delivered to High Court, and please send it back."

"Okay, Your Majesty." The Duke of Metz was not unhappy because Linde violated his decision. Instead, he admired Linde's loyalty to his promise.

After all the courtiers in the room looked at the horn, the horn was handed back to Linde, who put it back into his backpack.

At this time, Hand of the King Jon Arryn suddenly asked: "Lord Linde, do you have a dragon egg in your backpack?"

"Yes." Linde was waiting for them to ask, so he admitted calmly.

"Where did this dragon egg come from?" Jon Arryn asked again.

"Lord Arryn, haven't you heard the song of the Chosen One, the Ghost, and the Dragon Egg?" Before Lind could answer, Robert took the initiative to answer for Lind: "This dragon egg was given by the ghost of Summer Hall. Yours? Right? Bear hunter."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Lind nodded and said: "That day in the Summer Hall, I completed the ghost trial and redeemed all the ghosts trapped there. In the end, the tall Sir Duncan ghost will This dragon egg is in my hands."

"Can I see it?" Jon Arryn asked.

"Of course." Lind took the dragon egg out of his backpack and handed it to Jon Arryn.

"Why does it look like a stone? It looks fake." At this time, Renly, who was sitting next to Robert, suddenly came over to take a look and said bluntly: "It looks like a stone. Second brother, your dragon It is said that there are many petrified dragon eggs on the stone island. You should be able to distinguish them and see if this is true?"

Stanlis looked at Renly displeased, then glanced at the dragon egg in Jon Arryn's hand, and said: "It is real, but it has been petrified. The dragon egg is dead."

"A dead dragon egg?" Robert smiled and said to Lind: "Bear hunter, are you taking it with you and still thinking about hatching this dead dragon egg?"

"To report back to Your Majesty, I do have this idea." Linde said with a smile.

"Haha! You really dare to think and do it!" Robert laughed and said: "Even if you can hatch it, if you want to ride a dragon, you still need the blood of the evil dragon family. Do you have it?"

The whole room fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at Robert with serious expressions.

"I don't have the blood of the Dragon family, but I have two knight swords." Lin De reached out and patted the lost knight sword on his waist without changing his expression, and said: "If the hatched dragon does not obey me, I just slaughtered it and roasted it."

Robert patted the table and laughed: "Yes! Yes! Slaughter it and roast it. You must give me a portion when the time comes!"

(End of this chapter)

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