Chapter 171 Illyrio
Such a huge amount of bonds made Lind fall into deep thought. He seemed to be thinking not just about whether the bonds would be invalidated, but also about other things in an expanded manner.

The blacksmith and Varys were waiting for Lind to recover from his thoughts without disturbing him.

After a while, Linde returned to normal, then looked at the blacksmith and said: "I will give you six thousand gold dragons. You must repay the money to those who were deceived by you, and this money is lent to you. Yes, I will deduct [-]% from your salary every month to repay this debt." Then he pointed to the box in front of him and said: "As for this bond, I will treat it as a punishment for you. , confiscate it. From now on, I will teach the blacksmith apprentices in Shengxia Hall honestly. I must be a professor without any reservations. If you dare to cause any trouble again, I will kill you directly without anyone else taking action. You understand. ?"

Tob Mott nodded repeatedly and said: "I understand, I understand!" Then he couldn't help but ask: "My monthly salary is..."

"The salary ranges from fifty silver deer to three gold dragons. It depends on your performance. If your performance exceeds expectations, there will be additional rewards. Generally, the reward will be more than double the monthly salary." Linde replied : "If you have no objection, just sign a contract with me!"

"I am willing to sign a contract with you." Tob Mott knew very well that he had no other way to go now, and Linde was his only life-saving straw, and the solution proposed by Linde was also very good. After all, even if Without the debt of these six thousand golden dragons, he would still have to join Lin De and work for the rest of his life.

Soon Tob Mott signed the contract, and Linde also said that he would send a special person to keep an eye on these six thousand gold dragons and ask him to repay the creditors one by one. As for the insufficient part, the blacksmith would have the blacksmiths from Junlin City. The blacksmith shop was sold and the holes were repaired. Anyway, after he went to Summer Hall, the blacksmith shop in King's Landing was no longer needed.

After taking care of this matter, Lind and Wallis left the blacksmith shop.

On the way, Wallis suddenly asked Linde: "Lord Linde, what are you going to do with this Tyrosian bond?"

Linde smiled and did not say anything directly. Instead, he said to Wallis, "I want to meet your friend and discuss a business deal with him."

Wallis was stunned, not understanding why Linde suddenly wanted to see that person. Although he was confused, he did not show it, and he did not refuse Linde's request to meet. He thought for a while and said, "You are free. ? Let’s go see him now.”

"Is he in King's Landing?" Linde was stunned and asked.

Wallis explained: "The appearance of such a big thing as a corpse has spread to the other side of the narrow sea, causing quite a stir. He has always been interested in this kind of thing, so he also secretly ran over to see the corpse. He just came ashore during the day today."

"In this case, let's go see him now." Linde directly ordered without thinking too much.

After hearing Linde's decision, Wallis did not lead Linde directly to his friend's secret residence. Instead, he took Linde to the dragon's lair, and then directly passed through the tunnel in the dragon's lair to the bottom of the Red Keep. In a cellar full of dragon bones.

"Sir, please wait here for a while. I will pick him up immediately." Wallis left Lind in the cellar, and then hurried to another secret passage alone.

The surroundings became extremely silent, and an inexplicable eerie feeling filled the whole room.

Linde didn't care about the gloomy atmosphere around him, but took the torch off the wall and walked to a pile of dragon bones.

Among the pile of dragon bones, except for the three largest dragon bones of Vhagar, Balerion, and Vermithor, which are real, the other dragon bones have been replaced by Varys with fake dragon bones. Part of the real dragon bone was stored in the cellar of Miracle Port, while the other part had been used by Linde for the dragon feasting ceremony.

Although Lind had already known that Vhagar, Balerion and Vermithor were the largest dragons, and their bones were naturally the largest, he never imagined that their bones would be so big. , each dragon's skull is comparable to a two-story building.

Take Vhagar, the largest one, as an example. When its mouth is open, people can ride a horse directly through it. And if the mouth is opened to the maximum, just like the legend, it can put a horse through it. The mammoth swallowed it whole.

"How did these skulls get here in the first place?" Looking at these huge and complete keels, and then at the cellar entrance door, Linde couldn't help but have a question in his mind.

However, he soon put this question behind him, because his attention was attracted by the power contained in the dragon bone.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these three giant dragons are just larger than other dragons, but in Linde's eyes, these three giant dragons have undergone some transformations, and the magic power in their bones has become somewhat similar to that of other giant dragons. different.

The most obvious difference is that when Linde touched the bones of other dragons, there would be no abnormal reaction. However, when he touched the bones of these three giant dragons, he could clearly feel that the Dragon Feast Rune was about to move, and there was something in his mind. I couldn't help but want to have a dragon feast ceremony right away.

Fortunately, his perseverance was pretty good, and he endured it, moved away from the keel, and just stood in the distance looking at the keel in the darkness.

At this moment, Linde wanted to summon Glory to his side, maybe he could see some clues through Glory's eyes.

Lind didn't wait long before Wallis led a strong man in servant clothes in.

Although this strong man looks no different from the lower-level servants of the Red Castle, upon closer inspection, you can feel that this man's overall temperament is extremely inconsistent with his attire.

"This is my friend Illyrio Mopatis." After coming to Lind, Varys introduced him directly to the two of them without any nonsense: "This is the Earl of Summer Hall, chosen by the Seven Gods. Lynde Terradar.”

"Nice to meet you, Lord Linde." Illyrio took the initiative to extend his hand to Linde and said.

Lind shook Illyrio's hand and said, "Governor Illyrio, I'm glad to see you too."

"I heard that you wanted to negotiate a big deal with me when you met me?" Illyrio also seemed to understand Linde's character and went straight to the topic without any nonsense.

"Yes." Linde nodded and said: "I hope you will buy all the five-year bonds issued by Tyrosh for me at the lowest price. Anyway, in the eyes of many people, these bonds are no different from dust. .”

Hearing this, Illyrio had a look of surprise on his face. He looked at Lind and asked, "Lord Lind, do you know what the Tyroshi Bond is?"

Lind said solemnly: "Of course I know what it is. Varys has already explained it to me. Otherwise, how could I say that in the eyes of some people, for example, you, Governor Illyrio, it is like It's like waste paper." "In that case, why do you want me to help you acquire these bonds?" Illyrio looked at Linde in confusion.

Linde did not answer the other party, but asked instead: "Lord Illyrio, does everyone who entrusts you with something need to explain the reasons to you in detail?"

"Of course not." Illyrio shook his head and said: "It's just that your identity is too special. Any small action will cause major earthquakes, and these major earthquakes may even have a great impact on my career, so I I must understand your intentions in advance, Mr. Linde, so that I can help you without harming my own interests."

I don’t know whether the reason given by Illyrio was sufficient, or whether Lind had no intention of hiding his thoughts in the first place. He thought about it for a while and then told Varys and Illyrio what he thought.

Lind briefly expressed his thoughts and said: "I want to purchase all the Tyrosi bonds at the lowest price, and then when Tyrosi and other castles go to war, help Tyrosi win the war and let them There is no excuse for scrapping the bonds."

Illyrio frowned and said: "Even if Tyrosh wins the war, they will still find other excuses to abandon the bonds, because they simply cannot spend so much money to redeem the bonds."

"Are those excuses legitimate?" Lind asked.

Illyrio shook his head and said: "Of course it can't be a legitimate excuse. They only need an excuse to refuse the bonds. It's good to have an excuse of defeat. It doesn't matter even if there isn't one. Just make one up. Anyway, it's okay." No one can resist their decision."

At this point, he suddenly realized something. He looked at Linde in surprise and said, "Sir Linde, do you want to take action against Tyrosh?"

Linde smiled and said: "It's not that I wanted to attack Tyrosh, but Tyrosh despicably took advantage of my golden dragon, and I was forced to go to war against Tyrosh."

"You are so bold." Illyrio said to Linde: "You must know that although the three major city-states of Tyrosh, Lys and Myr often go to war over disputed areas, they never allow outsiders to interfere in their affairs. Once a foreign enemy attacks any city in the three major city-states, they will inevitably unite to fight together. The strength of the three major city-states is enough to fight against the Iron Throne. The shadow of the three major city-states was behind the battle of the Nine Copper King."

Linde said calmly: "Of course I know the strength of the three major city-states, but do the three major city-states know my strength?"

Illyrio couldn't help but think of the stone giant he saw outside the city wall of King's Landing during the day through the wooden fence of the camp. He also thought of Linde's various legends and past achievements. He couldn't help but have a feeling of "What if Linde" If there really is a war with Tyrosh, perhaps the final winner is Lind's illusion.

"Why do you actually have to think about it so much? Regardless of the final success or failure of the matter, it will be beneficial to you." Iris reminded his friend.

Illyrio also immediately realized that he was indeed overthinking. As Aerys said, if Lind wins the war, then he will have a powerful ally in the Free City-State Alliance. Even if Lind loses, He was also able to make a fortune by knowing in advance that war would break out.

After understanding this, Illyrio stopped thinking and nodded: "I will accept this commission. I will help you purchase enough bonds at a minimum price of no more than [-] gold dragons."

Lind added: "In addition, you also need to help me collect information on the Stepstone Islands, Tyrosh, Myr and Lys."

"Information about the Stepped Stone Islands?" Illyrio and Iris were both stunned.

They can understand the collection of intelligence on Tyrosh, Myr and Lys. After all, if Tyrosh wants to find someone to cooperate in a war drama, he must only find Mir and Lys to collect their intelligence and know them in advance. Only by taking these actions can we send troops to join the war in time and help Tyrosh win the war.

However, information on the Stepped Stone Islands also needs to be collected, which makes people feel a little puzzled.

The two of them thought at the same time: "Is he still planning to capture the Stepstone Islands before going to war with Tyrosh?"

Just as the two of them thought, Lind then said: "If I really want to go to war with Tyrosh in five years, then the Stepstone Islands cannot be controlled by others. This is related to my connection with the territory. If it is intercepted by others, then I will really be alone, so I will definitely capture the Stone Steps Islands."

"Lord Linde, in the many years since the Stone Steps Islands were formed, no one person or kingdom has ever been able to conquer the entire Stone Steps Islands." Illyrio analyzed for Linde: "Even the Third Daughter Kingdom back then only occupied part of the Stone Steps Islands. Most of the islands in the Stepstone Islands are not under their control. Daemon Targaryen, who is as powerful as riding a dragon, has also not completely conquered the Stepstone Islands. Up to now, the Free Cities Alliance, Dorne, the Iron Throne and Countless pirates have taken control of part of the island, and it is the most chaotic place I have ever seen. With your power, you may be able to conquer one or two islands, but it will be difficult for you to conquer the entire Stepped Stone Islands."

Lind didn't pay attention to Illyrio's analysis and said: "You don't need to say anything. I know the situation of the Stepped Stone Islands very well and know what I am doing. You just need to help me collect information, preferably on each island." The more detailed the information about who it belongs to, which powerful pirates control which waters, etc., the better.”

Illyrio already understood that Lind had made up his mind and his persuasion would not be effective. Then he looked at Aerys and saw that he had no intention of speaking, so he nodded and agreed.

The two then discussed trade matters, such as spices, jewelry, etc., but Linde paid more attention to the sale of slaves.

"You want to buy slaves?" After hearing Lind's trade request, not only Illyrio was stunned, but even Iris was surprised.

You must know that slavery is strictly prohibited in the Seven Kingdoms. This is mainly because there are clear laws and regulations in the Seven Gods' faith that prohibit slavery. However, as the chosen one of the Seven Gods, Linde now wants to trade slaves. Why won't they let them Be surprised.

"Don't worry, I don't buy slaves to exploit them or enjoy them. I want to buy these slaves and make them free people in my territory." Linde explained: "But I have requirements for the slaves I buy. Yes, you must know all kinds of handicrafts, and forging technology is the best. In addition, you can also find knowledgeable scholars, doctors and wizards who know how to treat. In short, the slave I want is not the kind to serve others. A slave, but a slave who must master a certain skill, Lord Illyrio, do you understand?"

Illyrio showed a look of surprise, nodded, and said: "I understand, I will help you find slaves that meet your conditions as soon as possible and send them to your territory."

Linde emphasized: "Don't send it to King's Landing, send it directly to Miracle Port. The dock there should have been built."

Illyrio said he understood.

Although Linde never negotiated the price of the slave from beginning to end, Illyrio knew very well that this transaction was a long-term one, and Linde would never let him suffer a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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