Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 180 The Black Cave of the Red Guard Castle

Chapter 180 The Black Cave of the Red Guard Castle
While Karaz was flying the kestrel to deliver important information to the Summerhall Castle, the Redguard Castle in the upper reaches of the Redguard Valley ushered in its third great harvest this year.

Horse-drawn carriages piled with food blocked the Red Guard Avenue. Hundreds of soldiers guarding the Red Guard Castle were constantly guiding the carriages on the street so that the road could become smooth as soon as possible.

Among these carriages filled with grain, there are more than a dozen carriages that are very special. Their carriages are not filled with grain, but piles of firewood tied up with ropes, various weeds in bags, and some It looks like a creepy insect.

It is precisely because the things carried on these cars are so weird that the surrounding carriages will involuntarily avoid this convoy at a distance, and look at Viken who is leading the convoy with eyes like looking at monsters.

Viken is a Slaine native. He did not leave the Redguard Valley with his tribe to settle elsewhere. Instead, he stayed and continued to take care of his farmland.

This is not because he likes farming, but because his only family member has been killed by his fiancée's father in the conflict caused by greed. He really doesn't know how to face himself in the future. My fiancée and my fiancée’s father, so I chose to stay.

At first, he planted wheat, soybeans, and corn as before, but then Redguard Castle officials approached him and asked if he would like to grow some herbs.

This was the first time that Viken had heard that herbs needed to be planted. They usually just went to the mountains to pick them directly, so he was curious about what herbs were being grown, and he was a little tired of farming, so he agreed.

He soon discovered that growing herbs was not as simple as he thought, and was completely different from growing food.

He needs to hire special people to take care of the medicine garden, and he also needs to record the growth of various herbs every day. Several bachelors will come here every ten days to check the status of the herbs. If any problems are found, he will immediately ask him to adjust the planting. Way.

All in all, the harvest of the first batch of herbal medicines was very small because he had no experience in planting it. After the wages were paid, he didn't have much left in his pocket.

Fortunately, the Red Guard Castle also knew about his situation and exempted him from taxes for a year. It also gave him a loan with no interest and no scheduled return date, allowing him to continue growing herbal medicine.

Because of the first experience, the second harvest was much better, and he also started to make money, and found that the profit of herbal medicine was much greater than that of growing food. Just a slightly better harvest offset the previous losses, and he also Made a fortune.

After that, he took over the task of cultivating insects, which also made him a famous weirdo in the Red Guard Valley. Every time he came to the castle to deliver harvested herbs and dried insects, he would encounter this kind of thing. He has become accustomed to this situation.

While Viken was dozing off and waiting for the food transport team in front to move forward, a group of castle guards came to him. One of the guard captains, who had interacted with him several times, said to Viken: "Viken , an adult wants to see you and ask something, please come with me quickly! My men will take care of the things on the carriage for you."

Viken was confused, but followed the captain of the guard toward the castle.

The Red Guard Castle is built on a hill. Except for the main castle, which is made of stone, the other parts are made of wood. The city wall composed of wooden piles surrounds the hillside, dividing the hillside into areas of different sizes. , if you want to get from the mountain to the castle, you need to walk around the hillside and pass through at least four urban areas. This also makes the entire castle look more like a fortress.

Viken did not go to the main castle above. Under the guidance of the guard captain, he came to a two-story building in the second city. He remembered that this two-story building belonged to the silent monks of the Salvation Church.

Silent monks are a special type of monks in the Church of the Seven Gods. Those who join them will shave the hair on their heads, put on monk robes made of coarse cloth, swear a vow of silence, never speak again for the rest of their lives, and believe in asceticism and labor.

Although the Silent Monks' daily needs are provided by the Church of the Seven Gods, they still insist on working every day, so they also have a piece of land in the Red Guard River Valley dedicated to growing the vegetables the Silent Monks need every day. This double-story building This is where these working monks lived.

Viken likes these silent monks very much, because after they finish their own work, they help others do their work, and they do it quietly, and they also clean up their farm tools before leaving.

Viken really wanted to hire a group of silent monks to do things, but unfortunately the silent monks never accepted the employment. They would only help those in need according to their own wishes.

The guard captain led Viken outside the small building, motioned for him to go in, and waited at the door.

Viken entered the small building. Although there were many monks busy inside, the surroundings were very quiet. Not to mention the sound of voices, even the sound of walking was very light.

A monk saw Viken walking in, so he came to Viken and asked with gestures the purpose of Viken's visit.

Viken told the monk that he had been called here, and the monk showed a look of surprise, and then led Viken to a room on the second floor.

I saw two people already sitting in this room, one was a silent monk with an old face and a serious expression, and the other was an old man who looked very kind. If you only looked at the appearance of the old man, you would definitely think that the old man was a harmless person. An old man, but the old man is currently wearing a pair of chains used to imprison prisoners, and the chains are still red.

In the territory of Summer Hall, everyone knows that the people locked in red chains are very dangerous prisoners.

Seemingly aware of Viken's fear due to the red chain, the old man showed a kind smile and said to Viken: "Don't worry, I just made a mistake and was punished by the Earl for wearing this necklace. In fact, I am not a vicious person, I am just a bachelor with a strong thirst for knowledge. By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet, you can call me a bachelor of science."

"Bachelor Coburn, did you come to me with something to ask?" Viken relaxed a little after listening to the old man's words, and then asked doubtfully.

Cobain took out a specimen of an insect from his pocket and asked, "Do you remember this insect?"

Viken looked at the insect specimen in Cobain's hand and immediately recognized the insect as a very special insect he had captured not long ago.

The bachelors in Redemption Town have been collecting various insects, and will buy them at high prices when they encounter rare insects. Many farmers in the Redguard Valley will catch insects in their spare time, and Viken is no exception.

The current insect was encountered by him on his way home from the medicine garden one night. At that time, there were several of these insects shining with silver light, with light spots like snowflakes falling from their bodies as they flew. They looked extremely beautiful.

He caught them all with the tools in his hand, locked them in a cage, and later sold them to the bachelor who came to the village to buy insects.Therefore, Viken immediately nodded and admitted that he remembered the insect, and then without waiting for the other party to ask, he took the initiative to tell him everything from when he first discovered the insect to selling the insect to a bachelor.

After listening to Wicken's narration, Cobain frowned and said, "Have you ever seen this kind of insect again?"

"No." Viken shook his head and said: "I guess this is not an insect species native to the Crimson Mountains. My people have not seen this kind of insect in the thousands of years they have lived here. I think it is from the Storm Land. It is more likely to fly over from the rainforest."

"Rain forest?" Coburn hesitated after hearing this, and then said to Viken: "If you see this kind of insect again in the future, please capture it immediately, then send it here and tell any silent monk , this thing is what the Black Cave needs, and they will pay you a satisfactory price."

"Okay, maester." Viken nodded.

Cobain did not stay any longer and stood up to leave. The elderly silent monk in the room also stood up at the same time as Cobain stood up and followed Cobain out of the room. The old man's eyes were always staring at Cobain, it's as if Cobain will disappear immediately if his eyes change.

Qyburn didn't pay attention to the old monk. He walked directly through the castle and came to the shortcut through the Crimson Mountains.

This shortcut through the mountain has been repaired. The narrow road that could only be walked by one person has now been transformed into one that can be walked by three people. A row of wooden railings have also been installed on the outside of the road to prevent anyone from accidentally falling onto the road. Under the cliff outside.

Coburn did not take this road, but went to the elevator on the stone wall on the side of the road. After the old monk also stood in, he tugged the bell in the elevator.

After a while, the elevator slowly rose and soon came to a middle platform.

On this platform, they changed to another elevator and continued to go up. They changed seven elevators before and after, and walked to a long path along the mountain. They rested for a while at some small checkpoints in the middle of the path and continued. We continued walking until it was almost dark, then we reached the end of the path and turned into a mountain canyon.

I saw that a fortress has been built in this canyon. The fortress blocked the entrances and exits of the two sections of the canyon. Only through the passage in the middle of the fortress can one pass. If you force your way through, the gate will fall down and you will be able to break in. The person was trapped and died in the passage.

The two of them walked to the middle of the passage, then asked the guard next to them to open the door into the fortress. After turning around a corridor, they came to the mountain wall on one side of the fortress.

After that, they followed the path beside the mountain wall to a dangerous peak next to the fortress, passed through a small forest that was not very dense, and came to the outside of a natural cave.

I saw that the entrance of this cave had been built with bricks and stones. There was only one copper door on the wall. The door was guarded by at least fifty Chosen Sons wearing seven-pointed star armor. When they saw Qyburn After arriving, he stopped him.

The captain of this team of God's Chosen Sons said very seriously: "Bachelor Qyburn, according to the Earl's order, you are not allowed to do any experiments in the next six months, and you are not allowed to go near the black cave. Please don't make it difficult for us."

"Of course I know the count's prohibition order, and I will not go in." Coburn did not refute the captain's words, but lowered his stance and said, "Can you please send someone in to find Ms. Moroya and tell her, I've found a solution."

The captain of the Chosen Son of God was silent for a moment, nodded, and then he personally entered the black cave and found Moroya.

When Moroya came out from behind the door, she looked a little disheveled, with messy hair and a tired look. It was not difficult to tell that she must have been trapped in some kind of experimental predicament.

When Coburn saw Moroya, he didn't waste any time. He took out the fluorescent insect and said, "Madam, would you like to use it as a catalyst for the divine potion?"

"Ghost fire bug." Moroya was stunned for a moment, then looked at Coburn with a cold face and said, "Why do you still have a fire bug in your hand? I remember that I have used up the last one?"

Coburn explained: "One of the fire bugs died when it was delivered. I felt that the fire bug was pitiful, so I made it into a specimen and kept it. I only remembered it yesterday. "

Although Cobain explained very seriously, Moroya, who knew Cobain well, would not believe his words at all, and she did not refuse Cobain's kindness. She took the firefly specimen and immediately turned back to the black cave. She continued her unfinished experiment.

Cobain did not feel any abnormality at all because of Moroya's indifferent treatment. He always showed a harmless smile on his face. The Chosen Sons around him felt a little unfair that Cobain was treated like this. Only the Chosen Son The captain and the old monk, who had been staring at the textbook, still showed no change of color, because they knew exactly what kind of person this seemingly harmless old man was.

Moroya returned to her laboratory with the specimen of the fire-worm. She did not immediately conduct experiments with the fire-worm. Instead, she put it aside and continued to sort out the unfinished files.

About two or three hours later, she raised her head from the pile of documents, picked up the oil jug beside the table, filled the oil lamp, and then put all the organized documents in an iron box and covered it. Seal with wax.

Then, she walked to the medicine shelf nearby, took out seven or eight bottles from hundreds of finished medicines, and put them into a special medicine box.

"Send the things to Linde immediately. He will wait and see. Also, don't go through the front door. It's faster to take the secret passage through the back door." Moroya handed the iron box in his hand to a man behind him who always stood as silent as a statue. The monk reminded him seriously: "It's best to let two teams of God's Chosen Sons be responsible for protection. What's inside is very important."

After hearing Moroya's words, the silent monk's expressionless face showed a solemn expression. After taking the two boxes, he silently walked out of the room.

Almost at the same time as this monk left, another silent monk walked into the room and stood where the silent monk was standing just now, staring at Moroya.

Moroya had long been accustomed to these silent monks who were like wooden figures. He didn't care about their sight at all. He walked to the workbench beside him, placed the firefly specimen on the table, and began to conduct the previously failed experiment on the divine potion. .

(End of this chapter)

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