Chapter 183 Cracks
It is not uncommon for mysterious sea monsters or sea dragons to appear in the Dorne Sea. In the past 100 years, similar rumors have continued to spread.

These rumors are like the sea monster legends on the Stepped Islands. Many people claim to have seen sea dragons and sea monsters, but there is no real evidence, because all ships that encountered sea dragons and sea monsters eventually sank to the bottom of the sea. Most of the people who died also died, and even those who survived did not have any evidence to prove their words.

However, one thing is certain, that is, a large number of ships will disappear inexplicably on the Dorne Sea. Not only the merchant ships, but also the warships cannot escape the fate of disappearance.

Because of this, even though Thor City, Weir City and Soul Hill on the Dorne side, and Weeping Town on the Stormland side all have ports on the seaside, taking advantage of their geographical advantages, they still have not developed into large seaports.

When Linde planned to occupy the Dorne Sea, he had already inquired about various information and legends about the Dorne Sea, which naturally included the common legends of sea dragons and sea monsters in the Dorne Sea.

However, he did not pay attention to these rumors at the time, thinking that they were just an illusion of shipwrecks by people who made a living at sea. Even if there were any, they might be some giant sea creatures like whales.

However, now he knew that he was wrong. There were indeed sea dragons in the Dorne Sea, and they had just attacked a cruising fleet of fifty long galleys and four galleys a few days ago, with only one warship. and some people on the warship survived.

After repeated questioning of those survivors, it was finally determined that the attack on the fleet was a huge sea dragon, not the octopus-like sea monster in Ironborn legend.

"In the past few months, businessmen have reported to the Chamber of Commerce of Miracle Port that ships have disappeared in the Dorne Sea. Could it be related to this sea dragon?" After reading the letter in his hand, Moose made some associations. , guessed.

"It's possible." Linde nodded slightly and said, "If you find the relevant information immediately, you may be able to find some useful clues."

After hearing the order, Mus quickly took his men waiting outside the study to find the stubs of relevant information from the nearby archives room.

Linde and Nymeria both looked at the intelligence data and found that if these missing ships were looked at individually, there would be no major problems, but when put together, the connections could be discovered.

Because the sea areas where all the ship disappearances occurred are consistent with the sea areas where the cruise fleet was attacked by sea dragons. They all occurred in the sea areas between Tor City and Soul Hill, close to the coastline.

If only one or two ship disappearances occurred in that sea area, it might be a coincidence. However, in just a few months, more than a dozen ship disappearances occurred in that sea area. It is no longer a coincidence that can be explained. pass.

"Since there have been more than a dozen ship disappearances in that sea area, why didn't you report it to me immediately?" After reading the information, Lind frowned and asked General Manager Mus and Chief Intelligence Officer Balin.

"Because most of these missing ships are smuggling ships on the other side of the Narrow Sea, specializing in smuggling weapons." Muss immediately explained: "They specifically use the southern coastline of the Dorne Sea to avoid our patrol boats. Along the coastline, from Cape Brokeback controlled by Dorne, we took the route of Gray Gallows Island and bypassed the waters of the Stepstone Islands controlled by us, so we didn't find anything unusual."

"I know about the smuggling fleet." Nymeria added: "Because there is news that there is a smuggling fleet taking that coastline to transport various types of armor that you have banned from selling, so not long ago I re-opened the meeting with the cabinet. A patrol route has been added, which is the patrol route taken by this incident fleet."

Lind was silent for a moment, then said to Nymeria, Mus and others: "I will leave the pensions and other matters for the victims of the patrol fleet to you. I want to go to Miracle Port in person."

Hearing Lind's words, Nymeria's eyes lit up and she said, "I'll go too."

Lind shook his head, looked down at Nymeria's not-so-obvious belly, and said, "You'd better stay here, don't run around, don't forget, you are pregnant now."

When Lind finished speaking, everyone else in the room nodded in support of Lind and opposed Nymeria's adventure in Miracle Port with Lind. For them, protecting the heir to the territory in Nymeria's belly was important. More important than anything else.

At this time, Nymeria also thought that she was no longer alone. She looked down at her belly, curled her lips, and said nothing more.

Now, the news of Nymeria's pregnancy is only known to the top officials of the two territories of Midsummer Hall and Tengshi Town. General officials and people are not aware of this matter. The number of guards around Nymeria secretly protecting her safety has also increased by several. Times, this is mainly to avoid something bad happening.

For Linde, Nymeria and the senior officials in the territory, Nymeria's pregnancy is definitely a sudden and extremely good news. You must know that in the past few years, Linde and Nymeria have been able to have an offspring. Everyone in the territory has been worried, but the results have never been satisfactory.

For this reason, Lind even cooperated with Moroya, using the sacrificial tablets, dragon runes, and the bottles of potions that Vilas gave him, to develop a potion specifically designed to enhance Nymeria's physique, and now Lin De The most important commodity in De's forest land, the Seven Gods Potion, is only one of the by-products of this potion.

Fortunately, in the end, these things were satisfactory. After constantly taking potions to enhance her physical fitness, Nymeria finally became pregnant successfully, giving the two people an heir to their territory.

Although this was not the first time for Linde to have offspring. He had already had several children in his previous life and had long since lost the mentality of being a first-time father. However, he did not care about his first offspring in this world. He also attached great importance to it, so he not only arranged more guards to protect Nymeria's safety, but also dispatched seven silent monks, seven nuns of redemption, and hundreds of chosen children who had taken the secret medicine from the Church of Salvation. Protect Nymeria personally.

Not to mention the hundreds of chosen children who have taken the secret medicine and are completely capable of risking their lives, these seven silent monks and nuns of redemption are enough to protect Nymeria from any danger.

You must know that these Silent Monks and Sisters of Redemption are not ordinary monks of the Church of the Seven Gods. They are warriors who have raised their physical qualities to the limit of human beings by taking trial potions. In this way, a team of 14 temple warriors is enough to compete with thousands of people head-on. An army composed of regular soldiers.

However, these protections are not as good as Nymeria's own strength. With the help of special potions, Nymeria's overall physique has been improved to an inhuman level in more than a year. From the time she was able to conceive, Linde's children show her strong physical fitness.In addition, Linde continued to train her in combat skills and took her to participate in various actual battles. It is no exaggeration to say that Nymeria's strength now has surpassed Linde's strength when she participated in the martial arts tournament. Linde, who had just acquired the second character Homeless Knight, was slightly worse.

With such strength combined with the protective power around her, unless she is besieged by thousands of people, or uses some inhuman mysterious power, such as the shadow killer of the Shadowbinder, Nymeria basically has no safety concerns.

After arranging enough protective forces for Nymeria, Linde left Summer Hall and went to Miracle Port to solve the Dornish Sea Dragon matter.

However, Linde's departure also allowed him to avoid some trouble.

For example, after he left Redemption Town, an envoy sent by the Archbishop of Baylor’s Cathedral came to Redemption Town and wanted to see him. It seemed that he wanted to get support from him.

This messenger always believed that Linde was deliberately avoiding him and did not want to help the archbishop at all. The statement from Bishop Hulen of the Redemption Church the next day also confirmed his thoughts.

Following the release of the statement from the Church of Redemption, the Church of Miracles also issued a similar statement, and churches in other cities also issued accusations one after another that the Archbishop attempted to overturn the original sacred oath due to selfish desires. In many cases, In the church, the Archbishop of the Starry Cathedral made the most severe statement, which just plainly stated that the Archbishop had been corrupted beyond redemption by lust for power and money.

For a time, Baelor Cathedral, which was once the center of the Church of the Seven Gods, became the target of public criticism. The Church of the Seven Gods had great momentum to kick Baelor Cathedral out of the church's sanctuaries and transfer the center of the church back to the Starry Cathedral.

However, this wave of turmoil caused by the archbishop's attempt to restore the church's arms did not last long, and soon ended when the archbishop was assassinated by a devout extreme believer.

Before the various churches of the Church of the Seven Gods received the news that the Archbishop had been assassinated, the Iron Throne found a reason to select a fat monk from the Great Cathedral of Baelor as the Archbishop.

Although in the past history of the Church of the Seven Gods, the Iron Throne did intervene in the appointment of the Archbishop. For example, Baelor I once selected a stonemason and an eight-year-old child as the Archbishop.

However, no matter how strong Baelor I was at that time, he had to make his request for the archbishop to the group of cardinals composed of archbishops by providing a reference, and then let the archbishops of the group of cardinals act in accordance with his requirements. Choose the person for the High Bishop.

But this time, the Iron Throne directly appointed the Archbishop, completely ignoring the Church of the Seven Gods. This was undoubtedly the greatest violation of the church's rights.

Although, in the end, through the mediation of Jon Arryn, the churches in various places accepted the candidate of the High Bishop of Baelor, in fact, the churches in various places have actively separated from the Cathedral of Baelor, and the stars that represent the ancient inheritance The Holy Temple and the Redemption Temple, which represents the emerging power, have gradually become the new center of the Church of the Seven Gods.

Also because the Archbishop of Baelor Cathedral has been replaced, all the agreements between the previous Archbishop and Linde have been invalidated, and Linde can no longer receive any financial support from Baelor Cathedral.

However, this is not a bad thing for Lind. With the replacement of the Archbishop, the money lent to Lind by the Archbishop in his own name no longer needs to be repaid. The Great Cathedral of Baelor was built for the Stone Giant. The cost of the bronze armor does not need to be repaid, and the funds lent by the Archbishop in the name of the Church of the Seven Gods, Lind does not need to return to the Great Cathedral of Baelor, but can return it to the Cathedral of Redemption and the Cathedral of Miracles. , and eventually the money will come back to him.

Although the turmoil caused by the Archbishop has ended, the aftermath of this turmoil has not ended.

Even though under Lind's instruction, the Church of Redemption first issued a statement condemning the Archbishop's actions, this did not relieve the Iron Throne's suspicion of him. The new taxes targeted by the Iron Throne have not been canceled and are still being implemented. With.

This is mainly because in the condemnation of the archbishop by churches in various places, many people have seen Linde’s influence in the Church of the Seven Gods. This influence is not imaginary, but can actually affect the Seven Gods Church. Regarding the actual influence on matters within the Church of God, it is no exaggeration to say that the only difference between Lind and the Archbishop is a crystal crown.

A powerful lord with actual territory and substantial influence in the church. The presence of such a powerful figure is not a happy thing for anyone in power.

In the past, King Robert did not realize Lind's strength due to various reasons. Perhaps in his mind, Lind was still the hunter from the Reach who had just been knighted by him. Coupled with his love for Lind, he made him Linde was not considered a threat at all.

But now he seems to have woken up and returned to the state of mind that a king should have. When he wakes up, he should have seen that Linde's strength has reached the point where he can threaten the king's power, so he did what he did. Such behavior of suppressing Linde.

Although the relationship between the two does not show any signs of hostility, many people can see from various details that there are cracks in the close relationship between the Iron Throne and Summer Hall, and this crack will follow Linde's development. Strength continues to increase and gradually expand.

All the changes caused by the Archbishop's hot-headedness were not important to Lind. Ever since he made the decision in the castle study, he had forgotten about it and didn't think about it anymore. .

Now the thing that Linde is more concerned about is the sea dragon in Dorne Sea, because just when Linde passed by the Black Port, the manager of the Black Port asked someone to give Lin a raven letter that had just been transferred from the Summer Hall. Germany, the content on the letterhead is that not long ago, sea dragons once again attacked a merchant fleet that had to go to the southern coastline to take shelter due to a storm. Two of the ships sank under the attack of sea dragons. The other two ships were lucky. Escaped in time through the storm.

Because there were many survivors of this attack who witnessed the entire attack, more information about Hailong could be collected. However, the raven letterhead was too small, and there was not much that could be written. All we could do was wait until Linde arrived at God. After arriving in port, the relevant investigation data will be handed over to Linde for review.

Twelve days after the accident of the patrol fleet in Miracle Port, Linde came to the Miracle Fleet Military Port Pier in Miracle Port and saw the warship that had just been towed back from Changwei Island and survived the sea dragon attack.

(End of this chapter)

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