Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 197 Giving birth is like going to the toilet

Chapter 197 Giving birth is like going to the toilet
Putting aside the matter of the Homeless Knight's armor for the time being, Lind spent the next few months accompanying Nymeria, watching Nymeria's belly swell little by little.

In order to ensure Nymeria's physical safety, he also asked Moroya and Qyburn to stop what they were doing when Nymeria was due to give birth and concentrate on accompanying Nymeria with him and waiting for the birth of the child.

Although this was not the first time he had given birth to a child, he still felt nervous. For this reason, he even drove Glory to live in the mountains some time ago because he knew that animals such as cats and dogs have parasites. Such things are fatal to young children.

During this time, Brienne also represented Lynd at the tourney held by King Robert in King's Landing.

Although Lind had good reasons not to attend, the move of letting an attendant attend on his behalf, and sending a female attendant, seemed to many people to be more like Lind's disapproval of the Iron Throne's previous attack on the Summer Hall. A silent protest against the various additional taxes and evidence of the breakdown in relations between Lynd and King Robert.

King Robert was also quite dissatisfied with this. After he learned about this incident, he cursed Lynd as ungrateful and other words in the Red Keep. It is not difficult to feel that he no longer fully trusts Lynd as before.

However, after the tourney began, Brienne's wonderful performance in the lance competition also weakened King Robert's dissatisfaction with Lynd to a certain extent.

Brienne fought all the way to the finals. Every opponent was hit in the vital point by her shot and fell off the horse. Her simple and direct lance skills were regarded by many knights as the standard for lance usage. For a time, Brienne was a model knight. Brienne's fame begins to spread.

After defeating the Kingslayer Jaime Lannister, Brienne's final opponent was the fearless Barristan.

Like most knights, Barristan, who was fearless at first, was extremely dissatisfied with Linde for sending a maid like Brienne to participate in the tourney, believing that Linde's move was an insult to the knights.

However, when he saw Brienne defeat her opponents time and again with her superb lance skills, he gradually accepted Brienne's identity as a quasi-female knight in his heart, and he also regarded Brienne as a true knight on the field. opponent.

This lance duel is the most exciting lance duel after the duel between Jaime Lannister and Jorah Mormont in Lannisport. Everyone even thinks that the excitement of this duel has exceeded that of Lannisport. The final duel in Nice Port, because of this duel, King Robert did not stop it.

Brienne and Barristan fought for a total of seventeen rounds, each breaking seventeen spears. In the end, Barristan made a mistake during the fight due to age and physical weakness, and was knocked off his horse. This was the end. This was a long and exciting lance duel.

King Robert was extremely satisfied with the tourney and even wanted to make Brienne a knight just like he had done with Lynd.

As a result, Brienne rejected Robert's kindness and made it clear that she hoped to accept Lind's canonization after returning to Redemption Town.

This also made King Robert even more dissatisfied with Linde. Although he didn't say anything at the time, he later found an excuse to suspend the trade route on the Rose Avenue to teach Linde a lesson.

However, he did not understand that although Linde also needed Rose Avenue to transport goods, most of those goods were heading towards the Reach. There were not many goods going north across the Blackwater River, so the impact was very small. On the contrary, It was High Court that relied more on this road for north-south trade, and it would be the greatest harm to High Court if it stopped all of a sudden.

Therefore, when the letter of inquiry from High Court was sent to the Red Fort, the trade route that had been blocked for several days was reopened. The whole thing seemed like a farce.

After Brienne returned to Redemption Town, Linde made her a knight in the Redemption Temple as agreed.

After becoming a knight, Brienne left Redemption Town not long after and returned to Evening Hall. She began to assist her father in handling various affairs of Evening Hall and began to learn to be a lord.

Because of Brienne, the Hall of Dusk has also signed an offensive and defensive covenant with the Hall of Summer, and the Miracle Fleet has also built a military port in the Hall of Dusk, expanding the patrol range of the Miracle Fleet to the Dorne Sea. places other than.

Renly Baratheon personally came to Summerhall specifically for this matter, found Linde, and asked Linde to abolish the offensive and defensive alliance with Evening Hall, but Linde refused.

Linde directly showed Renly the offensive and defensive covenant he signed with Twilight Hall. This covenant was completely different from the covenants in Green Valley City and other territories. It was also different from the covenant on Bear Island. This covenant did not involve military affairs. As part of the base, the dock of the Miracle Fleet is only rented. It is not a permanent military station. It is the same as renting a dedicated dock and warehouse in the old town.

Later, Earl Selwyn also heard about this, so he took Brienne to Storm's End to meet Renly, and asked Brienne to swear allegiance to Renly in front of the vassals of the Stormlands. The minor turmoil caused by the offensive and defensive alliance was finally overcome.

Because of this incident, the lords of several castles inside and outside the Cape Wrath Rainforest such as Crow's Nest Castle, Foggy Forest City, and Rainhouse City also signed offensive and defensive alliances with Linde.

The reason why they took the initiative to sign the alliance was not just to obtain the Miracle Corps of Midsummer Hall to regularly assist them in eradicating the bandits in their territory, but more importantly, they wanted to obtain the trade agreement attached to the alliance and join Linde's Miracle Chamber of Commerce. , become a senior member of the Chamber of Commerce and gain the right to buy and sell high-value goods.

You must know that Black Harbor and Weir City, which were the first to sign an offensive and defensive alliance, have already made a lot of money from various trades. They are the best symbols.

For example, when Beric Dondarrion and Allyria Dayne got married, the banquet was so extravagant that it could rival the wedding at the Red Keep. After their wedding, they even left the boring frontier and bought a hotel in King's Landing. A luxurious villa with a courtyard lives in King's Landing City. Various banquets are held every day, and all kinds of fine wine and food are served. It is extremely luxurious.

Everyone knows what is going on in Blackport. The only source of funds that can support Beric Dondarrion's huge expenses is business cooperation with Linde.

If the benefits from Blackport and Vale City were not enough evidence, the real reason that made the lords around the Cape Wrath Rainforest excited was that they came from Weeping Town.

Weeping Town is also one of the Cape Wrath Rainforest territories. The lords of the rainforest know what it was like in the past, but now it has only joined the Midsummer Hall Offensive and Defensive Alliance for more than a year, and it has already built a large castle and port. The town has also become a port city, with a level of prosperity that makes people both envious and envious.

The most important thing is that the Midsummer Hall has helped Weeping Town clean up the surrounding bandits, and built a military port base on the offshore islands to protect the town from pirate attacks. This makes Weeping Town no longer need to invest a lot of military expenditures to protect the safety of the castle and port, and only retain A small garrison to maintain law and order is enough.This also allowed the lords of Weeping Town to live a luxurious life that would be envied by most people.

With such a living example in front of them, how could these lords in and around the rainforest be able to endure it? Before, they were worried that Renly, the lord, would hold them accountable for this matter, but now they have the Hall of Dusk as a benchmark. , they naturally felt relieved.

However, they didn't know that the offensive and defensive covenant they signed was completely different from the offensive and defensive covenant of Mu Lin Hall.

Especially in terms of defense and security, the Shengxia Office will not only assist these territories in cleaning up bandits, but also establish military stations in these territories in order to maintain the security of trade routes.

Perhaps there are not many people in a military garrison, but when all the territories in the rain forest have two or three such military garrison, the number of permanent troops stationed by the Shengxia Department in the rain forest has unknowingly reached 3000 people. Many, these 3000 people are all regular troops equipped with standard armor and weapons, and their combat power is much stronger than the peasant soldiers of various lords in the rain forest.

Moreover, with the implementation of the trade agreement, the trade network of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce has also penetrated into the territory of the Rain Forest. Through bribery, wooing, cooperation, etc., it will not take long to control the middle and low-level officials and the Rain Forest. The lords will also gradually become independent.

Just like Blackport, Beric Dondarrion is actually very smart. He saw that his rights in Blackport have been completely eclipsed and he has no room to resist, so he took the initiative to leave Blackport with his newlywed wife. , settled in King's Landing, out of sight and out of mind about the affairs of Blackport.

After practice in Green Valley City, Black Harbor, Weir City, Weeping Town, Greenstone Castle and other places, a complete process has been developed through the penetration method of offensive and defensive covenants. Linde does not need to personally intervene. The people under his command follow the established procedures. Just do it step by step.

Lind has been staying in the castle during this period, and even the affairs of the cabinet have been handed over to Moose, Bert and others. The most important thing for Lind now is to wait for Nymeria to give birth smoothly.

Although Linde's preparations were very complete, these preparations were not used in the end. Nymeria gave birth very smoothly. It only took more than ten minutes from the time when the amniotic fluid broke to finally giving birth to the fetus. In Melia's words, it was like going to the toilet.

"She looks so ugly." After washing, Nymeria put on clean clothes and came to the study. She looked at the baby in Lind's arms and said with a hint of disgust.

"What do you know? Newborn children are like this. They will look better when they grow up." Lind glanced at Nymeria and asked, "Is there anything wrong with your body?"

"No, it's good!" Nymeria shook her head, then looked at her child and said straightforwardly: "It's less of a burden, which actually makes it easier."

As Nymeria said, under Lind's careful conditioning, her body has become very strong. Even though she has just given birth, it still does not have much impact on her, let alone getting up and walking around. Now it would be no problem for her to put on armor, pick up a battle ax, and go to the battlefield to fight.

"You! You really don't look like a mother." Lind looked at the carefree Nymeria and sighed. Without saying anything, he turned around and handed the baby to the Redemption Sister who was waiting aside.

Compared to Nymeria, Linde has rich experience in raising children. In terms of parenting knowledge alone, he is not only no worse than the three old nuns specially sent by Sister Melissa, he is even better in many places. It must be better, after all, the medical skills in the previous life are much better than the current medical skills.

Before the child was born, Linde had already written a parenting manual and gave it to three old nuns, asking them to strictly follow the above rules. Although the three old nuns felt that some of the rules were too detailed and cumbersome, when they thought about it, This is the child of the chosen one, so they feel that such strict rules are appropriate.

"You give him a name!" Although Nymeria was very concerned about the child's condition before giving birth, she felt an inexplicable sense of relief after giving birth to the little guy coming out of her belly. , and no particular enthusiasm.

Lind thought for a while and said: "Augustus, let's call him Augustus!"

"Augustus? What kind of weird name is this?" Nymeria was stunned and said slightly dissatisfied.

Linde smiled without explaining, and then asked Mus to spread the news that his heir was born and named Augustus Terra, and held a three-day banquet in the territory, with all drinks provided free of charge. Everyone’s pay is doubled this month.

In addition, he also sent invitations to all the lords of the Seven Kingdoms, inviting them to participate in the martial arts competition he held for the birth of the heir. The champions of the group martial arts competition and the archery competition were both [-] gold dragons, while the champion of the lance competition was It's a Valyrian steel sword.

Lind had been collecting Valyrian steel. He originally planned to build a Valyrian steel battle ax for Nymeria, but unexpectedly, Volantis actually sent a battle ax. Those Valyrian steel were forged into three long swords, and the long sword taken out at the tourney was one of them.

For some knights, money may not arouse their interest, but a Valyrian steel sword will definitely make them flock to it. Not only the knights in various territories, but even the great lords are ready to make a move, some of them in the Western Region The Lannister family acted the fastest, sending more than a dozen knights to compete at once. Kingslayer Jaime Lannister also came to Summerhall with King Robert, and will definitely represent the Lannister family in the competition. .

For a time, all the knights from the Seven Kingdoms from the North to Dorne came to the Summer Hall. Even the knights and warriors from across the Narrow Sea came to join in the fun. Everyone and their entourage, tens of thousands of people, entered at once. Arrive at Redemption Town.

Some people originally thought that the Redemption Town Meeting would become chaotic because of this, but what they didn't expect was that Linde had already anticipated this situation. Not only had he opened up a large piece of open space outside the town in advance that could easily accommodate 10 people, The tents have been set up in advance. All you need to do is move into different tents in an orderly manner according to your status. Only some nobles and lords can live in the villas in the town.

In addition, the security of the entire town is very stable with the participation of the stone giants. Anyone who fights and causes trouble will be caught and either pay a fine or be publicly whipped.

However, the busiest people in the entire Shengxia Hall are Bahrain and Rosso. A large number of outsiders have poured in, including many spies and spies trying to pry into the secrets of the territory. In just ten days, they have arrested no less than two people. Hundreds of spies from different places, and these are just the ones they caught. It is said that many people were also caught in places like the forge and the black cave. However, those who were caught were not handed over, but were sent directly to the mines or The dark dungeon.

(End of this chapter)

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