Chapter 2 The Blessed

"What are your plans next?" After there were fewer people in the tavern, Father Bain also had time to rest. He came to sit across from Lind and asked with concern.

Lind thought for a while and asked, "Dad, do you have any connections in the guard team of Red Lake City?"

"You want to go to Red Lake City to be a guard?" Father Bain frowned, looked down at his mutilated hands and legs, and said solemnly: "Guarding is not an easy job."

Father Bain had been a guard in Red Lake City before, and was also the captain. He once went to Highgarden with the head of the Klein family and met most of the nobles in the Reach. It can be said that he has seen the world.

Unfortunately, he was very unlucky. During an operation organized by the Klein family to consult bandits in the Red Lake Forest, he was ambushed and seriously injured. If he hadn't happened to meet Linde's father, he might have died in front of the bandits. In his hands, this is why Father Bain treats Lind like this.

Although he has resigned for a long time, he still has some connections in Red Lake City. It is not particularly difficult to introduce someone to become a guard in Red Lake City.

Father Bain reflected on his past, and then Chao Lind asked: "Why do you want to go to Red Lake City to be a guard? Didn't you want to be as good a hunter as your father?"

"I want to go outside and have a look." Linde found an excuse and said: "I don't want to know the White Village and the Red Lake Forest until I die. I want to go to Highgarden and see King's Landing. , I want to see the legendary Great Wall of the North. If I continue to stay in Bai Village, I’m afraid I won’t be able to see what I want to see until the day the stranger greets me.”

Father Bain looked at Lind and said, "It seems that this injury has had a big impact on you. You are different from before."

When Linde heard this, he was slightly panicked, but his face did not show anything unusual.

"Indeed, death can indeed completely change a person's personality, and I was the same way at the beginning." Father Bain sighed, and explained Linde's transformation. Then he said extremely seriously: "Do you think... Can you go to those places and see what you want to see as a guard in Red Lake City?"

Linde responded: "At least there is a better chance than now."

Although Lind could leave White Village alone and go to any place in Westeros, in that case he would lose his civilian identity and become a refugee. Once he becomes a refugee, it will be difficult to turn over. In the end, they will either completely rot in a corner of a certain city, or they will become bandits. The worst thing is that they will be caught by some nobles and sent to mine, or they will be secretly sold as slaves to the other side of the Narrow Sea.

It is already difficult enough to climb up as an ordinary civilian. After becoming a refugee, the difficulty will increase exponentially. Even if Linde has talent and golden fingers, he is not absolutely sure to obtain the power he wants as a refugee. and status.

Therefore, becoming a guard of Red Lake City, getting in close contact with the nobles of this world, and looking for opportunities is the best way he can think of now.

Father Bain stared at Lind for a while, and then said slowly: "The person who is now the captain of the Red Lake City Guard is Smiling Will. He used to be my subordinate, and he has a pretty good relationship with me. I recommend him. You should be fine."

After hearing this, Linde couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, but his face remained restrained and calm.

But the calm mentality shown by Linde was very appreciated by Father Bain. In the past, although Linde had a cold face every day, he did not hide his emotions. Others could easily read from his face. His mood could be seen from the expression on his face, and now he seemed to be a different person, with all his emotions hidden in his heart. This made Father Bain couldn't help but lament again what this life and death experience had brought to him. Impact.

Father Bain continued: "Although I can recommend you, and Will will give you a test opportunity because of me, whether you can eventually become a guard of Red Lake City depends on your own ability."

"The ability you are talking about is..."

"Follow me." Father Bain stood up, gestured to Lind, then told the waiter in the tavern, and walked towards the yard behind the tavern.

Linde stood up with his crutches and followed closely.

The two came to the backyard. Father Bain motioned to Lind to wait in the yard for a while. He then followed him back to his house and groped under the bed. After a while, he saw a broad sword and an inlaid sword being taken out. He picked up the iron buckler and walked out.

"Here, let's try it." Father Bain walked up to Linde, handed over the sword and shield in his hand, and said.

Linde put the crutch aside, took the sword and shield, and waved it twice casually. When he wanted to use the broad sword in his hand according to the sword skills in his memory, a strong feeling of discomfort came over him, making him feel uncomfortable. What was originally a simple movement became extremely clumsy and rough.

Father Bain was not surprised when he saw Lind's clumsy movements of swinging the sword. In his eyes, this was what a person who had never touched a long sword should be like.

However, Lind was obviously dissatisfied with his current performance. He waved twice and then stopped. He turned to Father Bain and asked, "Father, can you give me another sword?"

Father Bain was stunned when he heard this. He thought that Lind felt that his clumsy movements were because the weapon was not in his hand, so he wanted to try another weapon. So he didn't say anything more, returned to the house, and took out a weapon. A knight's sword.

This knight's sword has been well maintained like the broadsword, and there is no rust on the surface. Judging from the emblem on the handle of the knight's sword that has been polished off, this knight's sword should be the trophy of Bain's father back then, but Judging from the craftsmanship of this knight's sword, the person who mastered this knight's sword was at best a knight's attendant or a hired knight, not a well-known big shot.

Linde did not put down the broadsword in his hand, but instead put down the shield he was holding in his other hand, then took the knight's sword and turned himself into a dual-wielding state.

Seeing Lind holding a knight's sword and a broadsword at the same time, Father Bain couldn't help but be stunned. Although there were indeed some knights who dual-wielded weapons among the knights in Westeros, those knights were all in Qingshi. Each and every one of the great people whose names are mentioned has the ability to match ten with one.

Those famous knights dual-wielding weapons can double their combat power, but ordinary people dual-wielding weapons will only seek death.

Just when Bain wanted to correct Lind's cognitive error and tell him that the more weapons in his hands, the better, Lind leaned down slightly, and then his body, which needed crutches to walk normally, moved on both sides. Driven by his feet, he moved quickly, and while moving, the two swords of different lengths in his hands chopped and thrust in an extremely perfect way.The fact that Father Bain can become the captain of the Red Lake City Guards means that he has excellent sword and shield skills. Moreover, he has also witnessed many knight duels and tournaments, and his vision is naturally extraordinary. At this moment, Lin The swordsmanship displayed by De made him feel like watching those famous knights duel.

It is no exaggeration to say that he felt that even if he stood in front of Linde fully armed, it would be difficult for him to resist Linde's double sword attack, because he could see that the thrust directions in Linde's swordsmanship were all aimed at the weak armor. They are everywhere, and they are all difficult to defend.

"Is this a swordsmanship specifically for knights?" An idea quickly emerged in Father Bain's mind.

At this time, Linde also stopped. It was not that he had used all the swordsmanship he had mastered, but that his body had reached its limit. If he continued to use it, he might relapse into old injuries.

"Dad... do you think... my current... ability... is enough... to be... qualified to be a... guard?" Linde pressed his swords to the ground, supporting his sore and exhausted body, panting heavily, and asked road.

"Qualified enough." Father Bain calmed down his chaotic heart and gave Lind a positive reply, and then asked curiously: "When did you learn this kind of swordsmanship? Why haven't I seen it before? been?"

Regarding Father Bain's question, Lind had already considered it when he used dual-wielding sword skills. Now that he heard the question, he took the opportunity to speak out the answer he had prepared.

I saw him making a prayer gesture on his chest, and then said to Bain's father with an extremely pious expression: "When I was injured and unconscious, I met my warrior master. He was impressed by the bravery of hunting mountain bears in revenge. Bless me and give me the fighting skills of a large number of warriors, so that I can master these fighting skills like a real warrior." As he said, he pretended to be sorry and said: "It's a pity that my body is really weak. It’s too bad. I can only master this kind of dual-wielding swordsmanship. The other combat skills are still sealed in my mind. I need to wait for my body to recover and grow to a certain level before I can give them again.”

Father Bain was completely stunned at this moment. He never expected that Lind would give him such an incredible answer, which was completely different from the answer he had guessed.

The Faith of the Seven Gods is the official faith of the Seven Kingdoms. The Reach is also dominated by the Faith of the Seven Gods, but Father Bain is not a devout believer of the Seven Gods.

He has seen how the corrupt clergy of the Church of the Seven Gods do evil things in the name of God. He has also seen how those nobles get the support of the church and how they go to great lengths to create the so-called miracles of the Seven Gods. He has even seen some businessmen who are How to package a worthless thing into the Seven Gods and sell it to those devout believers, taking out the last copper from their already poor pockets, so he does not believe in the Seven Gods, but just pretends to be one. Just believers.

However, now someone he was very familiar with was telling him that he had been blessed by a warrior among the seven gods. This made him feel very ridiculous and instinctively thought it was a lie.

However, when he saw the panting Linde, he felt that the warrior blessing Linde said might be true.

Because it can be said that he grew up watching Linde. In the past 15 years, Linde has never shown any swordsmanship ability. He is just a common hunter in Bai Village. And the swordsmanship skills that Linde showed just now let alone 15 years old. As a teenager, even an adult knight may not be able to possess it. It requires long-term and continuous training to possess such superb and powerful swordsmanship, and Linde does not have such time conditions at all.

After denying that Linde obtained such an advanced dual-wielding sword through normal means, the only thing that can explain this situation is Linde's explanation just now, which is that the blessing of a warrior, one of the Seven Gods, can make a A man who knew nothing about swordsmanship became a warrior who mastered superb swordsmanship.

And the reason for the warrior's blessing is completely reasonable. After all, in countless legends in the past, there has never been a 15-year-old boy who hunted a giant bear as big as a hill alone. His experience of revenge for his father was enough to be written by those bards. The poems sung.

In fact, some bards who passed by Bai Village did record Linde's story, intending to compile it into poetry and pass it on.

"Are you telling the truth?" Father Bain asked Lind very seriously.

"I can swear to the Seven Gods that all my words are true." Lind put his hands on his chest and swore like a devout believer.

In Linde's view, let alone the Seven Gods not existing, even if they existed, there would be no problem with the oath he made, because his golden finger was indeed a blessing for the warrior in a sense.

"Who else have you told this about?" Father Bain asked again.

"Except for you, I have never told anyone else." Linde looked at Father Bain very sincerely and said, "I also feel that this matter is too unbelievable, and I am worried that if I tell it, It might have a bad impact, so I have no intention of saying it out loud, but dad, you are different, you are the person I trust most in the world, so I have no problem telling you this."

Hearing Linde's words, Father Bain also showed a happy smile under his thick beard, and then asked him: "Is your idea of ​​going out for a visit also because of this incident?"

"Some," Lind replied.

"Understood." Father Bain nodded and said, "After your injury recovers, I will go to Red Lake City to recommend you. However, before that, you need to build two weapons."

Linde looked at the knight sword and broadsword in his hand and asked, "Can't the two swords in my hand work?"

"You must keep the knight sword, that thing will cause you trouble." Father Bain shook his head and said: "In addition, if you just want to be an ordinary guard, my broad sword is enough, but if you If you want to develop better, it is essential to create your own weapons that suit you, and a set of equipment that suits you can make it easier for you to survive on the battlefield and gain military exploits."

After hearing this, Linde nodded in agreement. Although he had used the two swords perfectly just now with the dual-wielding swordsmanship that had been integrated into his body, he could still feel a sense of discomfort. If he could create a With a long sword that suits him, his combat power should be able to become stronger.

After Linde figured it out, he asked, "Can the blacksmith in the village make it?"

"He can only make sickles and horseshoes." Father Bain snorted disdainfully, and then motioned to Lind not to worry, saying: "Leave this matter to me. Your five golden dragons are still with me. They are Enough to make two decent swords.”

(End of this chapter)

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