Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 204 Myr Businesswoman

Chapter 204 Myr Businesswoman

After leaving Bello Town, Lind changed his clothes and equipment in a dense forest. He took out the set of dragon hunter Onstein's golden lion armor and dragon hunting spear from the box and put them on.

As the last hidden buckle on the leg armor was fastened and stuck, and he put on the lion helmet, Lind transformed into the dragon hunter Onstein in the world of ice and fire.

Because the design of this golden lion armor is more complicated than the design of the Homeless Knight's armor, every armor component and armor piece was made by Tob Mott himself, using the best steel in the forge.

It is said that when making this set of armor, Moroya also participated in the restricted area and added some black magic from the world of ice and fire to it. Tob also used Kohol's forging technology to add some gold to it, so it made it In addition to the real gold color, the appearance of this armor also has some mysterious-looking black and red patterns.

Although Moroya claimed that the power of black magic had been injected into the armor, Lind knew that the armor did not have any magical aura, so the black magic power that Moroya mentioned was not the kind of magic he could see.

For Lindner, those black and red patterns were more like fabrications. Since they did not affect the overall beauty and armor defense of the armor, Linder did not pay too much attention to it.

This time Lind came to the continent of Essos for only two purposes. The first purpose was naturally to go to Braavos to get back his own set of lost knight armor. As for how to get it, he had not decided yet. He would wait until he got there. Say it again.

Another more important purpose is to personally understand what is going on in the disputed land, how far the Dothraki war has progressed, and what the plans of the three major city-states are.

Although the Miracle Chamber of Commerce of the three major city-states had been collecting relevant information about each city-state before this, due to communication reasons, the content of the information was not very detailed.

In addition, the disputed land is full of brutal Dothraki cavalry, and it is very dangerous for the Chamber of Commerce intelligence personnel to go out of the city to collect intelligence in the wild.

For Linde, every intelligence officer of the Chamber of Commerce is now very precious and cannot be lost, so before they are sent out, Bahrain will repeatedly emphasize that intelligence must be collected while ensuring safety, which has led to There is little intelligence on the disputed land.

Without sufficient intelligence, it is impossible to judge the right time and formulate a suitable plan.

Therefore, while Linde used the transportation of immigrants from the Stepstone Islands as a cover to dispatch God's Chosen Corps soldiers disguised as immigrants to various islands in the Stepstone Islands, he also personally visited the Essos continent to understand the situation here.

The first place Linde went to was Lis, because compared to the other two cities, Lis, which was isolated overseas, was the least affected and could best tell the current attitude of the three major city-states towards the disputed land.

However, what he did not expect was that the day before his ship arrived in Reese, Reese suddenly blocked the port. Except for ships transporting various grains, other ships were temporarily unable to land in Reese.

It is said that Reese did this to welcome a mission from somewhere. The specific mission is unknown, but judging from the importance that Reese even blocked the port, this mission is very important to Reese.

Because it was unclear how long Reese would block the port, Linder did not wait or go to the island. Instead, he diverted to Belo Town to get to know the Dothraki in the disputed area first.

After putting on his armor, Linde rode on his mount. This tall black horse was not Ebon Blade, but the descendant of Nymeria's mount Moon Girl. Ebon Blade's figure was too eye-catching. Riding on it , will be recognized quickly, and the meaning of the vest will be lost.

Now this black horse is a relatively ordinary one among Yue Nu's many descendants, but its endurance and speed are the strongest among all the descendants.

Afterwards, he rode a war horse and led a pack horse carrying tents and other luggage along the Valyrian road towards Myr in the north.

When the Valyrian Free Fortress still existed, the Disputed Land could be said to be one of the most prosperous places in the entire area controlled by Valyria, because it was the most important place on the continent of Essos and Westeros. A trade distribution center, nearly [-]% of the trade between the two continents passes through here.

Because of this, Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh were far more prosperous than other Free Trade Cities at that time.

In order to more conveniently control this area, Valyria not only carried out large-scale immigration to these three castles, but also built a city in the center of the disputed land and established a governor specifically to rule the area.

But with the doomsday catastrophe, Valyria was destroyed, and the disputed land quickly fell into war.

The three major city-states struck first and jointly launched an attack on the city whose name was not recorded. The city was unable to resist it. The governor at that time knew that he was doomed, so he burned the entire city with fire before committing suicide. In ruins.

Although most of the residents in the city escaped, they were quickly kidnapped by the armies of the three major city-states waiting outside.

The vast majority of Valyrians have joined Lys, which is why Lys has the purest Valyrian blood.

Because no one was able to capture the governor and obtain the orthodox governance rights of the disputed area from the governor, no one of the three major city-states surrendered to the other, and they began to fight for hundreds of years.

During the hundreds of years of struggle between the three major city-states, there was a brief period of unification. However, this period of unification did not come from the three major city-states, but from Volantis, who claimed to be the heir of Valyria.

However, this period of unification was too short. When Volantis tried to attack Tyrosi and complete the most complete unification of the disputed land, the other Free City-States joined forces with the Storm King of Westeros and Dragonstone. The Targaryens united to support Tyrosh, which was besieged at the time, and finally drove Volantis out of the disputed land, and the captured Myr and Lys also regained their freedom.

It is precisely because of this war that the relationship between the three major city-states in the disputed area and Volantis has always been very bad. To this day, the ports of the three major city-states refuse to allow Volantis ships to dock.

When Lind decided to take action on the disputed land, he read the information thoroughly, and even spent a lot of money to collect first-hand information about the war from Volantis.

For Lind, Volantis is his best reference. If he wants to win the disputed land, he needs to avoid the various mistakes Volantis made back then.

Due to years of war, the Valyrian Avenue, which is paved with solid stones, is also in dilapidated condition. The villages on both sides of the avenue were also in ruins. However, even in ruins, they are still a good place to take shelter from the wind and rain. .

Especially for those who are seriously injured, having a dilapidated house that can block the wind and rain outside can definitely play a life-saving role.

In an abandoned village located in the middle of the disputed land, Myr businesswoman Fenia asked her men to move the injured people into a sheltered house, and then lit the fire with firewood picked up along the way. Together with his men, he covered all the cargo and other plunder taken from the Dothraki camp with canvas to protect him from the rain, and set up several hidden sentries around to guard against sneak attacks.

After repeatedly confirming that there was no problem, Fenia returned to the house where the bonfire had been lit. "How are their injuries?" Fenya asked gloomily as she looked at her men lying next to the fire.

"It's very bad. I may not be able to survive tonight." His subordinate said with a frustrated look: "If there are seven mysterious medicines..."

Fenya couldn't help but roll her eyes at her subordinates when she heard this. She also wanted the Seven Mysterious Medicines, but there were only a handful of people in Myr who could possess the Seven Mysterious Medicines, and her small caravan was obviously not one of them.

Fenya whispered to her slaves and ordered: "Take good care of them and get them something to make them comfortable. If you can't save them, at least let them go without so much pain."

"Yes, Master." The slave responded in a low voice.

Fenya walked to the door again, looking at the pouring rain outside, still feeling uneasy.

Since Fenia inherited her father's caravan, she has been working very hard to support the caravan, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, pulling it back from the brink of bankruptcy and allowing it to triple in size within a few years. It developed into a large caravan with dozens of carriages and three ships.

Her business philosophy has always been to be prudent. It doesn't matter if she makes less money, and she will never take risks.

But this time she had to take a risk, because more than a month ago, her ship was involved in an armor smuggling case in Miracle Port.

As we all know, the Summer Hall in Westeros only sells weapons, and it is strictly forbidden to sell armor and other protective equipment. Once caught, it will be a felony. Anyone who knows the Summer Hall will not touch this taboo.

The blood-armored people in Miracle Port will also try their best to set up traps to lure those who do not follow the rules into being fooled, and then impose severe punishments to warn those merchants who are careful and have not yet taken action. It is already an open matter, and everyone knows not to believe those who claim to be able to obtain armor.

However, the captain she trusted very much got hot-headed for some reason and got involved in an armor smuggling case. He was intercepted directly on Bloodstone Island, and both people and the stolen goods were seized. Not only everyone on the ship was arrested When they got up, even the boat was seized.

This huge loss directly wiped out all her hard work accumulated over the past few years, forcing her to take a very dangerous job given by the Governor of Pasig, working for Shakokao who was fighting in the disputed area. Send a batch of weapons.

Everyone knows what is going on in the disputed land. Not long ago, two Kaos even led troops to fight outside the city of Myr. The number of casualties was so high that it took Myr three days to clean up all the corpses. Clean it up.

The fight that took place in front of them made all Myr merchants doing business in the disputed area know that leaving the city wall meant entering dangerous territory, so almost all Myr caravans going south were willing to pay a high price to visit the Stone Step Islands. Tolls, take the safer sea route, and are unwilling to transport goods on the road. No matter how high the employer pays, no one will risk leaving the protection of the city wall.

So when Myr's large and small caravans learned that Fenya had taken over the task of delivering the Olympic goods to Shakoka and walked through the city gate of Myr with her loyal men, everyone thought that Fenya was This time is definitely over.

In fact, as those people expected, before the recipient of the shipment, Khal Shako had time to receive the weapon, he was killed by another Khal Zhego. Naturally, she and her caravan also fell. In the hands of Khal Zhego.

Originally, she thought that she was doomed and would be sold as a slave to Slaver's Bay by the Dothraki. As a result, Khal Zhego was assassinated that night and was attacked by an unknown Kals. She took the opportunity to bring her The men escaped.

"Don't worry, it's already good that we can escape from the Dothraki." Seeing Fenia's worry, the old man in the caravan came over to comfort him: "And when we escaped, not only did we We brought out our own goods and robbed the Dothraki, but when we returned to Myr and sold these things, we still made a profit."

"It's too early to say this now." Fenya is not so optimistic. At this moment, they are still in the disputed land, and the Dothraki are still looting and killing here. They will encounter Dothraki attacks at any time.

While they were talking, there was a cry from the campfire. Two of the injured men could not survive the night and had just stopped breathing.

Seeing this scene, Fenia took a deep breath, walked out of the house, and started digging a hole in the rain. Others saw this and came out of the house to help her.

Soon a pit was dug, and everyone put the two dead people into the pit, but did not fill it with soil, because there were three seriously injured and unconscious people beside the bonfire. These three people might not survive tonight. , buried together after their death.

Fenya used rainwater to wash away the mud on her body. After returning to the house, she took the hot soup handed over by her subordinates and took a sip to warm herself up.

Because of the rain, night came faster, and soon it was dark outside. The rain outside did not stop, but became heavier and heavier.

The remaining seriously injured people also died when it was completely dark outside, and everyone buried the bodies of their companions together.

Although five companions died, everyone's mood was still stable, even better than before. Because there was no depression caused by those seriously injured, everyone's mood returned to normal after a short period of grief. And without the burden of seriously injuring their companions, they will be able to travel much faster tomorrow.

Most of Fenia's subordinates have been working in the caravan since her father. In addition, Fenia's caravan provides excellent treatment. For example, after the death of a formal employee of the caravan, his or her family can still receive a sum of money. Pensions, etc., so the people in Fenia Caravan are also very loyal.

Just like now, even if they were captured and fled in embarrassment, her men still obeyed her orders and still never thought of abandoning her and escaping alone with the goods.

Because of this, even though she was locked in a cage by the Dothraki a few days ago, with shackles on her hands and neck, Fenya still did not give up hope, and still believed that she still had the possibility of turning over.

At this moment, she not only had to consider the escape route, but also the arrangements after returning to Myr, such as how to get rid of the weapons and plunder snatched from the Dothraki, and how to use the funds on hand to rebuild the country. Put together a caravan and so on.

Sitting next to the warm bonfire, she thought about it, and then fell into a deep sleep. She didn't know how long it took, but a push woke her up from her sleep. Then he saw the guard captain making a silent sign. The bonfire next to him had been covered with earth, and everyone else stood up, nervously holding their weapons and looking outside the door.

At this moment, in addition to the sound of heavy rain outside the door, you can also vaguely hear the rapid sound of horse hooves, which sounds like there are hundreds of people.

Fenya couldn't help but have a thought in her mind, saying: "The Dothraki are catching up!"

(End of this chapter)

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