Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 206: The First Hand of Myr Intelligence

Chapter 206 First-hand Myr Intelligence

Linde deliberately pretended to be a new traveler and asked, "I just came here. I don't know much about the situation here. I have some questions I would like to ask."

"Ask you!" Fenya hesitated and responded.

Lind continued to pretend: "Why are so many Dothraki gathered here? I walked here from Belo Town and met at least four Dothraki from different Kalls. The Dothraki put their S. Dothraki moved here?"

Hearing Lind's question, Fenia couldn't help but sigh, and then carefully explained what she knew.

Through the narration of Fenia, a semi-participant, and the relevant information collected by the Miracle Chamber of Commerce, Linde finally understood the full picture of the war caused by the gem mine.

It turns out that the gem mine was not discovered a few months ago, but had been discovered a long time ago. It is just because the location is too sensitive. Unless someone can control the entire disputed area, anyone trying to dig this gem mine will It will lead to endless wars.

Therefore, the governors and princes of Lys, Tyrosh and Myr all hid this matter in a tacit understanding and did not touch this tempting cake.

The reason why the gem mine was exposed this time was a complete accident. The mercenary group Feng Chui, led by the Tattered Prince from Pentos, happened to pass by the gem mine, and the Tattered Prince's men just happened to pass by. There was a very clever prospector who recognized this gem mine at a glance.

The Tattered Prince knew very well that it was impossible for him to occupy such a large open-pit gem mine by himself, so he planned to find a collaborator. While discussing with the collaborator, the news leaked out, and before the three major city-states could The rulers of the country imposed a blockade, and the news spread throughout the disputed land.

In order to prevent the mercenary groups from attacking the gem mines, the rulers of the three major city-states came up with a bad idea, which was to use the fight for the ownership of the gem mines as an excuse to lure the Dothraki to the disputed area, while at the same time using the security of the city-states as an excuse. He hired mercenary groups to confine them to the city-state, and also purchased a large number of Unsullied from Slaver's Bay to increase the combat power of the city-state itself.

The Dothraki live by plundering and do not engage in production, let alone mining. Their arrival poses no threat to the gem mines.

After some hunting and fighting, the Dothraki will leave on their own and will not stay here for a long time. The only people who will suffer are the villages in the disputed area.

However, those villages are not managed by the three major city-states, and they will not pay taxes to them. They have long wanted to get rid of these villages, and now the Dothraki have just helped them a lot.

It is true that the three major city-states have a very good idea. By restraining each other, they stabilize the situation, deepen their own strength, gradually take the initiative, and finally achieve the goal of jointly controlling the gem mines.

But in the end, something went wrong at the first step. Their original intention was to attract a group of Dothraki to each city-state, use weapons and treasures as bait, and let the Dothraki attack other city-states to create Dothraki. War between the Lacks.

But what I never expected was that when three groups of Dothraki Kalls started a melee here, Dothraki from other places would inexplicably gather here, and more and more of them were gathered here. There are already thirteen Card LSs, and there are at least seven or eight more Card LSs whose names I don’t know.

There are as few as 6000 or 20 Dothraki fighters in these groups, and as many as tens of thousands of people. In other words, more than 20 Dothraki fighters have gathered in a small disputed area, and more than ten to [-] Dothraki fighters have gathered. Warrior Lark, this is no longer a melee, but a disaster, a disaster targeting the three major city-states.

Afterwards, after investigation by the three major city-states, they learned that the reason why so many Dothraki gathered here was because some people spread rumors that the horse riding the world, which the Dothraki believed could unify the Dothraki tribe, would be here. Born out of battles in disputed lands.

It is easy for people to expose such rumors, even the savage Dothraki can easily see through them.

However, when several Dothraki KaLS gather in the disputed land and fight in a melee, there will always be some Dothraki KaLS who will doubtfully come here. With the Dothraki KaLS gathering in the disputed land, With more and more LS, rumors no matter how absurd become reality.

Now more than 20 Dothraki LS teams have gathered here, but this is not all. It is said that many Dothraki LS teams are rushing here. There is no doubt a shocking Dothraki LS team. It's bound to break out here.

The force that created this rumor and created this turmoil is none other than Elios Chihda, the Tiger Party governor of Volantis. This Elios has a good relationship with Linde and is one of the Seven Mysterious Medicines. The only supplier in Volantis, Nymeria's current weapon, the Valyrian battle ax, was given to her by him.

Although they know that Volantis is responsible, the three major city-states have no way to pursue it. The only thing they can do now is to deal with the possible crisis.

In this Dothraki crisis, the three major city-states were inevitably affected. However, the impact may be small or large. Compared with Lys, which is isolated in the sea, and Tyrosh, which is separated by the sea, Myr is obviously The dangers are many.

Lys and Tyrosh have some important towns on land, but their main cities are islands in the sea. It is known that the Dothraki regard the sea as poisonous and will not cross the sea, but they will attack cities, and Myr's The main city happens to be on land, so Myr will inevitably bear the greatest pressure.

For this reason, while seeking help from other Free Trade Cities, Mir also made friends with a large number of Dothraki tribes, asking these tribes to stand in front of Mir and block the Dothraki melee for Mir.

The task Fenya received was to deliver weapons to a tribe that Mir had befriended. As a result, when the weapons were delivered, that tribe was wiped out by another Dothraki tribe. Their caravan became a prisoner of that tribe, and that prisoner Their tribe was wiped out by another Dothraki tribe that night, and they took advantage of the chaos to escape.

Because the entire caravan was captured without any resistance, and both tribes perished very suddenly. They had not yet unloaded the weapons from the carriage, and even the horses were still hitched to the carriage.

What's even more interesting is that because their carriage had a lot of free space, the Dothraki threw the things they plundered from other places on the carriage, and took them out together when they escaped.

After understanding the situation, Linde suddenly felt a headache. Judging from the current situation, before the Dothraki stopped this melee, his plan for the disputed land must also be stopped and wait until the situation stabilizes.

However, he can't do nothing. At least the Tyrosi bonds he has on hand must be put to use, so that Tyrosi cannot get through this crisis so comfortably and balance the strength of the three city-states. .Lys also wants to make a move, but he is not easy to intervene, so he can let Volantis come. After all, Volantis's Tiger Party wants to seize control of Volantis again, and war is indispensable, and at this time Rees, who is alone in the sea, is the best target.

While Lind was thinking about how to adjust his plan according to the current situation, he pointed to the Dothraki horses outside the door and asked: "Did the Dothraki I killed capture your tribe, or..."

"No, it's not the tribe that captured us, nor the Dothraki Khal who attacked Khal Zhego in the end." Fenya looked at the totem on the saddle of the war horse outside the door and said, "They should be from other places. Card LS.”

"It's Khal Kuiko's khals. Judging from the totem on the saddle, he should be a bandit under Khal Kuiko." A caravan guard who knew something about the Dothraki said: "Kua Ko usually knows He is active in the Kohol area and rarely goes south. Unexpectedly, he also led his people south this time. It seems that the rumor has spread to the north, and they also believed the rumor."

Fenya couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "Even the Dothraki from the north have come here. I'm afraid this place will not really become Vaes Dothraki."

"What should we do now, continue walking?" Someone couldn't help but worry: "We will definitely encounter more Dothraki on this walk."

"Even if we don't continue walking, it's difficult to ensure safety if we stay here." Someone else said.

Someone else suggested in a low voice: "We can hire Lord Onstein to protect us back to Mir..."

Before the man could finish speaking, his companions blocked his mouth, and the followers of the Night Lion glared at the man.

In fact, when this person said these words, the same thought came to many people's minds. Being able to kill so many Dothraki cavalry with one person's strength is naturally beyond words. Maybe only Only the legendary Chosen One on the other side of the Narrow Sea can rival him. With such a person escorting them, they will definitely be much safer on the road.

It's a pity that they think they can't hire the Lion Knight, because the other party casually gave them thousands of gold coins. With the wealth on Fenia's hand, how could she hire the Lion Knight.

Just when everyone was confused and frustrated about the way forward, Lind suddenly asked: "Miss Fenia, do you know a horse dealer in Myr who can afford my hundreds of Dothraki horses?"

"I know that several horse dealers can afford the war horses you have on hand." Fenya replied immediately.

Linde said solemnly: "In this case, I will go on the road with your caravan tomorrow. When we arrive in Myr, I hope you can introduce me to the horse dealers you know."

Fenya immediately understood that the other party was deliberately using the horse dealer as an excuse to help her. After all, if Linde really brought so many Dothraki horses to Myr, he would not need her help to introduce the horse dealer, and a horse dealer would naturally come to his door. Come, trade war horses.

Although Dothraki war horses cannot be traded on the continent of Essos because they will be hated by the Dothraki, there is no problem in trading them to Westeros on the other side of the Narrow Sea. Every Dothraki war horse is the best. If you buy war horses in Westeros, you can earn double the profit. These are the most coveted best-selling items for merchants in Myr.

Hearing Linde's words, the people in the caravan in the room couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and their faces also showed joy. The fatigue caused by the two days of escape also dissipated.

Later, Linde asked about things about Myr, especially about the wealthy merchants and nobles of Myr who were respected as governors. This was also the focus of Linde's inquiry.

Although nominally all affairs in Mill are decided by the Governor's Council, in fact the power in Mill is mainly in the hands of three people. One is Governor Pasig, the president of the Mill Chamber of Commerce and the Mill Bank. The commander of Zfennia's weapons delivery mission, he has five Myr trade governors under him, who are responsible for all trade affairs in Myr.

The second one is Gaimon Beleris, who was born into the noble family of Myr. According to his own propaganda, he is a descendant of the Beleris family of Valyria, but not many people believe this statement. His title is derived from his wife. , he became one of the tribunes of Myr City five years ago, and later formed a noble association with other Myr nobles to control the government affairs of Myr.

As for the third one, Governor Edmonton, commander of the Myr fleet, was born as a gladiator slave and gradually became the armed governor of Myr. He not only mastered the important force of the Myr fleet, but also commanded the Unsullied. The power, and the right to hire mercenary groups are all in his hands.

The reason why the other governors feel comfortable handing over their armed forces to him is not only because he is an eunuch with no desires, but more importantly, he is only loyal to the city of Myr and will never participate in any political struggles in the city.

However, Governor Edmonton is already over 70 years old after all, and it is difficult for him to handle the affairs at hand. Now almost all armed affairs in the city are handed over to three armed governors. Without exception, these three armed governors They were all slaves, and without exception they were all eunuchs, and they were all gladiators.

If you want to occupy Mill with arms, you will definitely not be able to bypass Governor Edmonton. It is difficult to deal with such a wantless person, but fortunately the three armed governors under him are not as wantless as him. beg.

Perhaps in the eyes of other governors of Myr, eunuchs have no desires and are easy to control. However, in the eyes of Lind, who knew history in his previous life, eunuchs not only have desires, but their desires are much stronger than those of normal people. , as long as you find out what kind of desires these people have, then they are very easy to control.

As for the aristocratic governors who control the government affairs of Myr, they are the easiest to deal with. Although they still have some wealth in their hands, they are not inferior to those of the trade governors. All they can rely on is their weak and incompetent power. It is a real noble title, but in a place like Myr, this kind of title is just for bluffing people. When trouble comes, they have no effect.

The only ones that are not easy to deal with are the trade governors who are most closely involved with Linde. These trade governors are deeply involved with the Miracle Chamber of Commerce, and many of them are members of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce. It is not easy to collect information about these people through the Miracle Chamber of Commerce. It is difficult to analyze that these people usually are good-natured and kind when talking about business, but once their own interests are touched, they will immediately change their attitude, and if necessary, they will even use any means to attack their opponents.

And they are extremely exclusive. The Miracle Chamber of Commerce has done business with them for such a long time, and every transaction is a big deal. But even so, if the trade of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce touches the interests of one of them, then they will immediately join forces. Work together to put pressure on the Miracle Chamber of Commerce, even if they were enemies of each other a moment ago.

Therefore, if he wanted to deal with these trade governors, Lind could only start from within Myr. At this time, he couldn't help but look at Fenia aside, and some thoughts emerged in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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