Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 209 Mill’s Political Struggle

Chapter 209 Mill’s Political Struggle

"A Dothraki war horse, five God's Choice Golden Dragons, no one in Myr can offer a higher price than me." Late at night, a fat Lys businessman with obvious Valyrian blood took the initiative Arrive at Linde's camp and discuss the sale of Dothraki horses with Linde.

This businessman can be considered a well-informed person. After seeing Linde wearing a set of exquisite armor, he couldn't help but be stunned. He quickly returned to normal and went straight to the topic.

What surprised Linde was that the currency used by the merchants for transactions was neither Myr's ship coins, Tyrosh's tower coins, nor Lysian gold coins, but the golden dragons made by Linde himself, which the merchants called God's chosen golden dragon.

Although Linde did not deliberately promote the God's Chosen Golden Dragon, with the expansion of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce, the God's Chosen Golden Dragon in Midsummer Hall has become the most important currency in the Free Trade City.

The reason is not only that Linde's own strength affects the value of the currency he casts, but also because Linde uses special gold technology, alloy technology and stamping technology to cast this gold coin, which makes the gold coin look better than other gold coins. It is much more exquisite, not easy to wear, and has a full weight. The overall selling price is much better than other currencies, so merchants are more willing to carry the God's Choice Golden Dragon for trading.

The current price of God's Choice gold coins in major banks in the Free Trade City is that one God's Choice gold dragon can be exchanged for two Lysian gold coins and 37 ship coins, or two Pentos gold coins and 53 Braavos square iron coins. Or maybe two Norvos gold coins.

Even on the continent of Westeros, the value of the God's Chosen Golden Dragon is much higher than the value of the normal gold dragon. The exchange ratio is about one golden dragon plus 27 silver deer to exchange for one God's Chosen Golden Dragon. Therefore, except for those in Casterly Rock City Except for the few territories that own gold mines and have the right to mint coins, most merchants or nobles in other places have become accustomed to using the divinely selected golden dragons and silver deers.

Although the God's Choice Golden Dragon looks much better than other gold coins, in fact the gold content of the God's Choice Golden Dragon is only equivalent to one Lysian gold coin. Because other metal alloys are added to it, the weight is not much lighter, and those alloys It requires ultra-high temperatures to separate it from the gold, and you don't have to worry about someone discovering that the gold coin isn't entirely real gold.

So now Linde's mint not only smelts gold mines and casts gold coins, but also melts gold coins exchanged from other places and recasts them into the God's Chosen Golden Dragon, which is handed over to the Miracle Chamber of Commerce for promotion.

Although the trade in this world has been very developed, not only trade wars, but also banks, but whether they are businessmen or people in power, their understanding of the coinage power is still at a very shallow level, and they do not know who controls it. Whoever has the right to mint money controls finance, so they will allow Linde's God's Chosen Golden Dragon to be circulated and used in various city-states, gradually replacing the currency in their hands.

For example, the gold coin systems of the three free trade cities closest to Summer Hall have been gradually replaced by Linde's God's Choice gold coins. Even Reese, who has minted gold coins, is also using God's Choice gold coins. From this point of view, using It won't be long before other Free Trade Cities will also use the God's Choice Gold Coin, and the finance here will be unknowingly controlled by Linde.

While Linde was thinking about the God's Chosen Golden Dragon, he also gave a reply to the businessman, saying: "I have promised others to sell the war horse to..."

"Is it Fenya?" The businessman knew his relationship with Fenya very well and said, "Not to mention whether she can afford so much money to buy your war horse. Even if she can, she should have already done it by now. I’m not in the mood to make this deal with you.”

"What do you mean?" Linde asked.

"Not long ago, Governor Guymon Belleris claimed at the Governor's Council that Fenia did not deliver the goods of Governor Pasig to the buyers, but instead sold the goods midway, misappropriating the property of Governor Pasig." Businessman's With a hint of schadenfreude in her tone, she said: "Now that her property has been seized and awaiting parliamentary investigation, she can't even maintain the basic operation of the Chamber of Commerce with the money she has on hand, let alone conduct transactions with you."

"Are you from Governor Gaimon Belaris? Or from Governor Pasig?" Linde asked in a deep voice.

"No." The businessman shook his head and said, "I am not involved in those power struggles in Myr. I am just interested in making money. The war horse you have on hand is a good opportunity to make money, so I am here."

From the beginning, Linde planned to trade these war horses to the Summer Hall on the other side of the Narrow Sea. He had no intention of trading the war horses to local merchants, so he just used Fenia as a shield, so he said: "Sorry, since I have already I promised Fenia that I will not trade with other merchants until Fenia cancels.”

Hearing Linde's answer, the businessman couldn't help but show surprise on his face, and at the same time, he looked at Linde with a hint of admiration.

The businessman did not force it, and said with a smile: "There are not many people who stick to principles like you now. Although I think the final result is similar, I still respect your choice. If Fenia cancels the transaction with you, please You must give me priority, I am still at the same price. By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet, my name is Trigg O’Molen, just ask around in the city and you can find out where I live.”

When he heard the businessman's name, Linde was stunned. He remembered that the man who would cuckold Big Bear in the future was called this name, but judging from the current appearance of this businessman, he should not have become the trade prince of Reese yet.

Early the next morning, a haggard-looking Fenia, accompanied by several Myr guards, came to Linde and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Lord Onstein, you may have been implicated by me."

"The reason?" Linde asked, pretending to be puzzled.

Fenya then recounted what happened after she entered the city yesterday. The situation was not much different from what Trigg O'Molen said.

It is understandable that the Governor of Pasig would be suspicious of her. After all, she brought back too many goods this time, and her situation was well known to all merchants in Myr. She was at the end of her rope and couldn't spare any extra money to buy these goods. Therefore, people naturally suspected that she did not hand over the goods to Mir's collaborators as per the task, but instead took the goods from Governor Pasig on the way. Take it out for trading.

What's even worse is that the news that the collaborator of Governor Pasig has been wiped out by other Dothraki LS has also reached Mir, so many people think that there is a causal relationship between the two, for example, because Fenia did not send the weapons to , causing their collaborators to be annexed by other Dothraki.

In this way, the matter is no longer a dispute of interests between her and the Governor of Pasig, but has become a serious political issue of whether Fenia betrays the city-state.

This also caused Fenia's affairs to escape the control of Governor Pasig and fall into the hands of Governor Gaimon Belleris, the president of the Noble Association. As his opponent, Gaimon wanted to use this incident to attack Pasig. The prestige of Governor Stone weakened the prestige and power of the trade governors headed by Governor Pasig in Myr.

Because with the emergence of Summer Hall and the unification of the Stepped Islands, trade on both sides of the Strait became more prosperous, which directly led to Myr merchants gradually gaining greater influence, and as the leader of the merchants, the Trade Governor The power in his hands has also increased a lot.

As a result, the rights of the governors and nobles of the noble association were naturally weakened.

Although the nobles would like to restore the rights in their hands, under the general trend of the commercial tide, they can do nothing but watch the rights in their hands shrink little by little.

Now, a batch of important cargo in the hands of the Governor of Pasig has been revealed, and this batch of cargo is related to the safety of Myr. Naturally, they will not let go of this opportunity to attack the Governor of Trade, so they directly snatch Fenia's matter. past, and made great efforts to guide this matter in the direction they desired.Now Fenia is almost under house arrest. Even if she comes to see Linde, she still needs to be accompanied by some guards.

"Do you know anyone from the Miracle Chamber of Commerce?" Linde asked.

"We know him, but not familiar with him." Fenya nodded.

Linde said: "Help me find the director of Miracle Chamber of Commerce in Myr and tell him that I have a group of war horses and slaves to sell to Summer Hall."

Fenya frowned and said: "I can meet ordinary members of Miracle Chamber of Commerce, but the director of Mir Chamber of Commerce, I..."

Linde took out a senior member's nameplate and handed it to Fenia and said, "You don't have to worry about this. Just give this to the people at the Chamber of Commerce."

Fenya was stunned, took the nameplate, looked at it carefully before her eyes, and then looked at Linde with a little surprise.

It is not difficult to become a member of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce. You only need to accept a few purchasing tasks at any branch or liaison office of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce. After your assets reach a certain level, you can join.

But it is very difficult to become a senior member of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce. You can only become a senior member by receiving an invitation from the headquarters of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce in Miracle Harbor. Now it is known that the main criterion for becoming a senior member is to accept the announcement of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce. other relatively difficult purchasing and trading tasks.

As for the benefits of becoming a senior member, in addition to being able to purchase better weapons, you can also obtain the right to sell a certain amount of Shengxia Hall potions.

Now not only the continent of Westeros is flocking to the potions produced by the Summer Hall, but even the dignitaries of the Essos continent highly respect the potions of the Summer Hall. Needless to say, there are seven mysterious potions that can save lives, and others such as potions for treating diseases. etc. are also extremely welcome.

Moreover, like the smuggling of contraband that Fenia encountered, if it were dealt with by senior members, the person involved would only be punished, and the ship owner would be fined some money, but the ship and other non-problematic goods would not be impounded. .

Fenia had already noticed the potential of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce when it first entered Mir, and joined the Miracle Chamber of Commerce and became a member. In the past few years, she has also been working hard to climb up to the senior membership. Without this An accident, so in a year or two, she might already be a senior member of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce.

So now that she saw the nameplate belonging to a senior member of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce, she felt a lot in her heart.

When Fenia was about to leave, Lind suddenly asked: "By the way! Do you know Trigg O'Molun? Yesterday, a Reese businessman named Trig O'Molun came to me and wanted to buy me. A war horse in hand.”

"Trig O'Molun?" Fenya was stunned and said, "He is a friend of the Governor of Pasig. When I went to see the Governor of Pasig yesterday, he was right next to me."

After saying that, Fenia waited for a while, and when she saw that Lind didn't ask any other questions, she turned and left.

Back in the city, Fenia immediately walked towards the Miracle Chamber of Commerce branch located near the port pier.

On the road, many people who knew Fenia stayed away from her, and no one dared to come up and talk to her, as if there was some invisible dirt on her body.

All well-informed people knew that Fenia was definitely doomed this time when she got involved in the political battle between merchants and nobles. The eyes that looked at her contained both contempt and ridicule, but also sympathy and pity.

Fenya ignored the sights around her. There was only one thing on her mind right now, which was to rescue her implicated men.

The South Gate of Mir is not very far from the port area. It took about ten minutes of walking to reach the location of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce branch.

The Miracle Chamber of Commerce branch is an ordinary warehouse with a two-story building. This warehouse originally belonged to a Braavos businessman, but this businessman was very unlucky. His business went bankrupt and he had to sell off Myr's property. , this warehouse went through several twists and turns, and finally fell into the hands of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce.

As usual, the small building of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce was crowded with merchants from various city-states. Some of these merchants came to check the daily purchasing tasks, and some simply came here to make friends. There were even more people who came here. Check here for weekly commodity trading prices.

When establishing the Miracle Chamber of Commerce, Linde had already planned to build the Miracle Chamber of Commerce into a trading center, exchange and other places, so whether it was a branch in a large city-state or a liaison office in a small port, they were all directly opposite the entrance. A bulletin board is installed on the wall with the transaction prices of various commodities written on it, and these prices will change over time and change weekly.

It is precisely because of this trading bulletin board that the Miracle Chamber of Commerce in any city-state or port is a gathering place for different merchants.

There were also people who tried to imitate Linde's exchange model, but they quickly gave up because this method not only required a lot of manpower and material resources, but also required strong credibility, and this credibility not only required Strength is needed to support it, and reputation is needed to build it.

Looking at all the celebrities in Westeros and Essos, there are only a handful of people who have two points at the same time, such as Robert Baratheon of the Iron Throne, Sea King of Braavos, etc., but they can Linde is the only person who is trusted very much by many businessmen.

The reason for this is because Linde has strong strength and power, and also because Linde is endorsed by the Church of the Seven Gods. The Chosen One is not only a name in the hearts of many people, but also the spokesperson of the church, and those legends The story made many people firmly believe that Linde was the incarnation of the gods.

With the incarnation of gods as the cornerstone of credibility, those businessmen are naturally more willing to believe in the product prices written on the bulletin boards at the Miracle Chamber of Commerce.

(End of this chapter)

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