Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 211 The Real Truth

Chapter 211 The Real Truth

After handling Fenia's matter, Linde did not enter the city immediately. Now that he was dressed in this way, he would be too eye-catching when entering the city, so he left the south city gate and walked half a circle around the outer city wall of Myr. , took off his armor in a relatively secluded grove, changed into an ordinary mercenary uniform, and entered the Myr city through the north city gate.

Compared with the deserted, quiet and sparsely populated South City Gate, the situation outside the North City Gate is completely different. Many caravans gather here and a large number of mercenaries are hired here.

Although the Dothraki melee in the disputed land has basically cut off the trade routes on the road, the trade routes to Pentos in the north are still open, and because the Dothraki LS in the north are all running into the dispute at this time The land was gone, so the trade route to the north became safer.

A large number of caravans set out from the northern city gate and along the Valyrian Road, transporting goods to other Free Trade Cities.

However, all the large mercenary groups with good reputations such as the Golden Company were hired by Mir, so the caravan could only hire some lone mercenaries to make up the numbers.

Therefore, single mercenaries like Linde are everywhere in this area and do not stand out.

After entering the city of Myr, Lind immediately followed the edge road inside the city wall and came to the lower city of Myr. This is where foreigners and poor people live, and it is also the most chaotic place in the entire Myr.

Linde passed through a dense cluster of bungalows, came to a small alley blocked by a wall, and knocked on the door knocker.

The door was opened, and a rough man with buck teeth showed his face. He looked at Linde, who was dressed as a mercenary. He was about to say something when he saw Linde take out a metal plate. , placed it in front of his eyes and said: "I want to see your Rat King."

Seeing the metal plate, the rough man showed a surprised look on his face. Without asking any questions, he immediately opened the heavy wooden door and put Lind in.

Compared to the slums outside, the blocked alleys inside the gate are much cleaner. There is only a small amount of mud on the streets, which should be left by people who came in from the outside before. The roads are not piled up like other streets. Debris, and even two drainage ditches were dug on both sides of the road to remove accumulated water. It is not difficult to tell from the stone slabs on the drainage ditch that these should be newly dug.

Not only is the environment here different from the outside, but the people here are also completely different from the outside. They are neatly and cleanly dressed and look more like decent people living in the upper town of Mill, rather than like the lower class people in the slums.

However, no matter how well-dressed they were, they could not hide their street spirit. When Linde came in, the people chatting on both sides of the street all looked at Linde, and their eyes were habitually directed towards Linde. Glancing over where your wallet might be.

"Go away, all go to work. This is the king's distinguished guest. If you disturb him, be careful that the king will skin you." The rough man waved his fist at the street-style guys around him and yelled loudly.

Those people had a look of fear on their faces, and they turned around and walked to the houses behind them. Soon the alleys and streets were deserted.

Afterwards, the rough man asked someone to take care of Linde's horses, and then led him to an inconspicuous small house, went up to the second floor, opened a secret door, passed through a corridor with a mechanism, and came to the opposite side of the street. In a small building without a door.

The decoration of the small building is very gorgeous. A large number of artworks and decorations from different regions are placed in various places in the room. The sofas from Shengxia Hall are placed in different positions. These positions are also very elegant. Sitting here People on the sofa can appreciate the art in the room from different angles.

From the layout and decoration of this room, it is easy to see that the owner of the room is a person with very artistic taste.

"Please wait here for a moment, I will go and report." The rough man said respectfully to Linde.

Then, he opened the door to another room and walked in.

After about a few minutes, he came out again and signaled to Lind that he could go in.

The room that Lind entered was very simply furnished, with only a desk and a few bookshelves. The overall look was very similar to his study in Summer Hall Castle.

Opposite the desk sat a young man with red hair. He was correcting a document with his head lowered. He didn't seem to realize that anyone had come in, and he didn't even raise his head.

Seeing this somewhat familiar scene, Linde couldn't help but roll his eyes, then walked to the table and knocked on the table.

Linde's behavior was somewhat beyond the young man's expectations and made him feel unhappy. Then he stopped what he was doing and looked up at Linde.

At first, his face was full of displeasure, but when he saw Linde's appearance clearly, his expression changed drastically, and he immediately stood up from the chair, and then asked in a panic: "Sir, why are you here?"

Then, without waiting for Linde's answer, he immediately stood up, walked to Linde, and knelt at Linde's feet like a devout believer. Regardless of the mud that Linde had just walked on, he lowered his head and kissed Linde. German upper.

This young man’s name is Dahax Tiranor. He is a native of Myr. The Tiranor family was one of the thirteen families that led Myr to break away from Valyria and become an independent city-state. It is considered a Myr family. The old aristocrat.

Due to some power disputes within the family, he had to leave Myr and go to the continent of Westeros. Later, when Lind and Nymeria were recruiting people in Tengshi Town, he and Balin joined Lind's command. Do things for Linde.

However, his talents have always been average and he has not shown particularly outstanding abilities, so he has always been just an ordinary civilian official under Lin De.

Until Linde established the intelligence department and Bahrain was transferred to the director of the intelligence department. Linde selected the most loyal people from the group of people who had followed him the longest and joined the intelligence department to hold various positions, while Dahak Si was one of them, and his talents were revealed.

Dahax's talent lies not in intelligence, but in his strong control over low-level gangsters and gangsters. In less than a month, he not only eliminated gangsters in newly built towns such as Redemption Town and Miracle Port, but Under the control of the intelligence department he is responsible for, even the gangs in big cities such as King's Landing and Highgarden are partly under his control.

With this kind of performance, even Varys, who was far away in King's Landing, was full of praise for Dahax's ability and methods to control the gangs. He secretly wrote a letter to Linde, hoping that Lind could dispatch Dahax to King's Landing to assist him. He does things, which is why Linder began to take notice of Dahax's talents.

After careful consideration, Lind did not transfer Dahax to King's Landing. Instead, he sent Dahax back to his hometown of Myr, providing him with a large amount of funds and manpower to help him control the city in a short period of time. The ground rats of Myr have become the most mysterious rat kings of Myr.At the same time, it also provided him with the status of a senior member of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce to help him, or in other words, help the Tiranno family to rise again in Myr, and helped him to a position only one step away from the Governor of Trade, just waiting. Once the governor passes away, he can naturally take the position of governor of Myr.

If the nobles and rich men of Myr see this young man's humble performance, they will definitely be shocked to the point that they think they are seeing an illusion. And if the rats of Myr see their king's behavior like this, they may blind themselves. s eyes.

The reason why Dahax paid such a grand tribute to Linde was not just because he had a clear understanding of why he had such a status, nor was it because the loyalty test he had received before coming here made him have a strong impression of Linde. He is extremely loyal, mostly because he is an extremely fanatical believer in the God-chosen salvation theory.

Just like the church monks in the Church of Redemption and the Church of Miracles, he also believed that Lind was his savior, and his fanaticism even surprised Bishop Hulen, and even made a very rare proposal to Lind. Make Dahax a cleric of the Temple of Redemption.

Although Lind did not agree to this request, he still asked Dahax to concurrently serve as the priest of the Redemption Temple. So now Dahax is still a preaching monk of the Redemption Sect of Myr Seven Gods Faith, and it has also formed a certain scale.

However, Linde was somewhat unable to accept Dahax's religious worship-like salute. He frowned and said, "Dahax, I said, don't behave in such an exaggerated way again. Makes you look stupid and makes me uncomfortable.”

Hearing Linde's words, Dahax smiled without refuting. He stood up from the ground, wiped the dirt from his mouth, and explained: "Because I haven't seen you for so long, I suddenly felt a little excited. Next time No, not next time!" After saying that, he knew Lind's character and asked directly: "Sir, are you here in person for the Dothraki's melee in the disputed land, or for Myr? The fight between nobles and merchants?"

"None of them." Linde shook his head, but still asked in passing, "What's going on with the fight between the nobles and merchants in Myr? Why do I feel something is wrong? Their fight happened too suddenly. There were no signs.”

"I was originally planning to send this news to the Summer Hall, but since you are here, I will tell you directly." Dahax said with a hint of schadenfreude: "In fact, this battle is purely It was those governors who got away with it, couldn't stop it in the end, and got themselves into it."

"Take it off? What do you mean?" Linde looked confused.

Dahax explained: "The gem mine was deliberately revealed to the Tattered Prince by Governor Edmonton. He just wanted to use the gem mine to cause chaos in the disputed area, create opportunities for war, strengthen his position as the armed governor, and use this to To blackmail him so that his grandson can inherit his position."

Lind interrupted: "Wait? Isn't Governor Edmonton a eunuch?"

Dahax continued to explain: "Imonton has a younger brother, and that grandson is his younger brother's grandson. He found him when he was very young and kept him secretly in the city. When he grew up, he He was transferred to the side as an attendant and was not made public until recently."

After hearing this, Linde said thoughtfully: "It seems that Edmonton should have mentioned the succession to the governor's position to the other governors of Myr. The governor of Myr did not agree to let his grandson inherit the position of governor. That’s why he deliberately exposed the location of the gem mine and created chaos.”

Dahax said with disdain: "Imonton has been sitting in the position of armed governor for too long, and he is still trying to make that position hereditary. Nobles and businessmen certainly don't want to see such a thing. So they got together to discuss countermeasures, and they came up with an even worse solution."

"Let the Dothraki intervene, right?" Lind asked.

Dahax nodded and said with a wry smile: "The Dothraki are actually a matter led by the Governor of Pasig. The Governor of Pasig has always been in contact with several Kalls of the Dothraki. In some matters, they have Cooperation, this time he originally just led the Dothraki to a disputed area to check and balance Imonton, but he didn't expect that things got completely out of control."

"What a bunch of insects!" After hearing this, Lind couldn't help cursing, and then asked: "If that's the case, those businessmen and nobles should deal with Imonton together, why are they suddenly at odds with each other? Woke up?"

Dahax sighed and said: "Because the nobles saw that Pasig's plan to introduce Dothraki to counterbalance Imonton failed, and caused the disputed land to fall into unprecedented chaos, they felt that now was the time to deal with Pasig. Chance."

Linde frowned and said, "At this time, they are still playing a power struggle?"

"This is Myr." Dahax shrugged, smiled self-deprecatingly, and then asked slightly excitedly: "Sir, do you want to take advantage of this opportunity..."

Lind shook his head and said: "The situation in Myr and Tyrosh is different. There is no need to use force." As he said that, he thought for a while, then picked up the pen and paper on the table and quickly wrote ten words. He handed the name of the individual to Dahax and said: "You can secretly assist these people to ascend to the position of governor, but do not expose yourself."

Dahax took the list and looked at it. When he saw Fenya at the end, he showed a slightly surprised look, because he knew more or less about the relationship between the other nine people on the list and Summer Hall, but Fenya But Nia was completely beyond his expectation.

"This Fennia has been in some trouble recently. Do you want me to..." Dahax asked.

Linde shook his head and said: "No need, this is a test. Wait until she becomes a senior member of the Miracle Chamber of Commerce before helping her. Otherwise, her name will be removed from the list."

"Yes, sir." Dahax responded respectfully.

Linde then ordered: "Arrange a room for me, I want to take a rest."

"Okay, sir." After Dahax responded, he asked, "Do you need to inform others..."

Linde shook his head and said: "No need, I'm just taking a rest here and will leave in two days. There is no need to alarm other people. Moreover, the atmosphere in Myr City is so tense now. The governors will definitely spread their knowledge. To various districts, if they come to see me they might expose their identity.”

Dahax nodded, then turned around to arrange a comfortable place for Linde. But before leaving, he suddenly thought of something, stopped and said, "The person you asked us to pay attention to now lives in Mir, do you want to see him?"

After hearing this, Linde was stunned, and quickly remembered who the person Dahax was talking about was. Then he thought about it and said, "You don't need to arrange it, just give me the address."

"Yes, sir." Dahax responded, bowed and retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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