Chapter 220 Braavos
"46, 47, 48, Lee shot 48 pirates, all of them in the eyes and through the skull. Ange shot eleven pirates, two through the skull, seven through the neck, and two Shot through the chest. Like the previous two times, Lee won, and this time he won big!"

Then, the sailors cleaned up the dead pirates on the long ship, and after identifying the number of pirates killed by Linde and Ange according to the arrows, all the people on the merchant ship cheered.

Although the surrounding wind and rain were loud, the cheers of everyone on every ship could still be clearly heard.

This is the third pirate attack the fleet has encountered. Just like the previous two pirate attacks, the pirate ship was already solved by the two sharpshooters Linde and Ange before it even got close to the fleet. Even if most of the remaining people rushed forward, they would eventually die under the siege of sailors and mercenaries.

Linde and Gaia, who played the most important role in the attack, naturally attracted much attention. The shooting competition between the two has become a well-known thing in the fleet, and everyone admires their shooting skills.

In the first two pirate attacks, the gap between Linde and Angai was not very big, only two or three. However, when the pirates attacked this time, there were strong winds on the sea, the waves were rough, and the ships were even more ups and downs, making it more difficult. Not even a little bit.

An Gai was obviously greatly affected, and in the end he only shot eleven pirates, which was a huge loss compared to before. On the contrary, Linde still maintained the previous level, and was even more accurate, taking away nearly fifty pirates. And all the fatal wounds were the same, shot through the eyes and through the skull.

Many people thought that if such a powerful shooting technique appeared on the battlefield, Linde would definitely become a god of death, so they looked at Linde with more awe.

This fleet was unlucky. After one voyage, it encountered three pirate attacks. Each time there were four or five ships and dozens or hundreds of people. According to past practice, at least one ship had been captured, but now because of The role of Linde and An Gai made the three attacks almost safe. Only a few sailors died at the hands of pirates, and most of the others were only slightly injured, which can be regarded as a great blessing among misfortunes.

On the seventh day after leaving Pentos, Lind's fleet had sailed to the sea off Braavos. Everyone standing on the deck could clearly see the Braavos Titan standing on the sea in the distance. Although The distance is very far, but the people on the boat can still feel the sense of oppression.

As the ship gradually approached, the people on board gradually saw the full picture of the Titan clearly.

I saw that the feet of this huge stone giant were connected to the islands on both sides that were as steep as mountain peaks. The legs were spread like an arch, and the upper body was like a warrior holding a dagger high.

The gorge formed by the Titan's feet is the connection point between the outer lake and the outer sea of ​​Braavos. It is also the only entrance and exit to Braavos. Any ship can only enter Braavos from this entrance, and just inside the Titan is On the island is a huge battle fortress and fleet dock, where Braavos' garrison and fleet are stationed. With their protection, almost no one can invade Braavos from here.

Before the Miracle Fleet appeared, the Braavos fleet was considered the most powerful warship fleet in the Narrow Sea, but now this reputation as the strongest seems to have given way.

This is not just because the Miracle Fleet is assisted by the Sea Dragon Glutton, but more importantly, the warships of the Miracle Fleet are also powerful enough.

The story of the naval battle on the Stepstone Islands has been spread throughout the port cities on both sides of the Narrow Sea through various methods. Braavos naturally takes this kind of thing very seriously and specializes in collecting all the intelligence that can be collected.

Although Glutton did attack Tyrosh's fleet in this battle, its attack only accelerated the defeat of Tyrosh's fleet and had little impact on the overall battle situation, especially for the Pirate Alliance and Sanhai. The fleets of the Strange Alliance cooperated with each other to divide and cannibalize all the pirate ships. The entire battle process was so perfect that the Braavos fleet generals had to admit that even if they led the Braavos fleet, they probably would not be able to do this. Perfect.

Although the canyon at the foot of Titan is large enough to allow three to four ocean-going merchant ships to enter and exit side by side, the water here is very fast. If you want to pass through this canyon safely, you will not be pushed by the current onto the rocks on both sides, or you will have to fight against it. Collision with other ships requires excellent skills on the part of the boat driver.

Fortunately, the captain of the merchant ship Linde was on was a veteran and easily passed through the gorge. However, a merchant ship following behind was not so lucky and was pushed directly by the current and hit one. The ship that was approaching and preparing to leave Braavos was lucky enough to have only a hole in the hull. With a simple repair, the ship could continue sailing.

After entering the inner lake, the ship bypassed some islands filled with houses and sailed along the waters of the outer lake to the brick pier on the west side of Braavos. Then, under the command of the pier guide boat, it docked at several behind a merchant ship, waiting for inspection by customs officials.

The customs only inspected the goods on the ship and were not interested in the people on the ship, so when the ship just stopped, it didn't take long for some local people's manned boats to approach.

Linde took over the remaining commission from the ship owner and took An Gai on a manned boat to the nearby used clothes dealer's wharf.

The docking spots at the Used Clothes Dealer's Wharf are all occupied by foreign merchant ships. Some ships even cannot find a docking spot and can only anchor on the water not far away and wait for a spot to become available.

On the pier, sailors, porters, and repairmen can be seen everywhere, but many of them are thieves and beggars. They have spotted their target and come forward, begging and stealing at the same time. The whole pier is filled with noise, noise, and yelling. , making outsiders who have just enjoyed a peaceful voyage extremely uncomfortable.

Although Linde and An Gai were also outsiders, their mercenary attire and murderous aura that had not completely subsided made people on the dock subconsciously feel that they were not easy to mess with, so they chose to avoid them and did not say anything to them. They take action.

"What should we do next?" An Gai patted the commission on his waist, his eyes fell on a few prostitutes walking around not far away, and he couldn't move his eyes away.

Lind ignored Ange and looked around. Although it was his first time to come to Braavos, this place gave him a sense of déjà vu because it was so similar to a famous water city he had visited in his previous life. .

"It's not what we do next, but you." Linde looked at An Gai beside him, took out a special God's Choice Golden Dragon and handed it over, and said: "Find a place to live by yourself, when will you spend the money?" When you are done, take this to the Miracle Chamber of Commerce’s liaison office in Braavos, and the people there will arrange your whereabouts.”

"Miracle Chamber of Commerce?" An Gai was stunned, looked at Linde in surprise, and said, "Are you from Shengxia Hall?"

Linde did not answer and walked straight into the crowd. An Geben wanted to follow him, but gave up and then walked towards the prostitutes who were showing off.

Linde no longer foolishly found his own way like Pantos. He directly hired a guide at the dock and asked him to take him to a slightly more comfortable hotel.

"A slightly more comfortable inn?" The Braavos man can speak fluent Valyrian, and his pronunciation is purer than Lind's pronunciation. "How much money can you afford?" When saying this , the Braavos people also looked at Lind, and mentally weighed the fee he could pay.

Linde took out the money bag containing the commission, shook it in front of the guide, and said, "That's all. You can stay for ten days at most and then leave."

The guide took the bag and looked at it. He quickly calculated how much money was in the bag. Then he picked out a few copper coins and put them in his pocket. He handed the rest back to Linde and then took Linde with him. Passing through several small islands filled with houses, we then walked towards the north. After walking for a few minutes, we came to a circular artificial pond.

The guide pointed to a hotel consisting of four three-story buildings next to the pond and said: "That's the Shrimp Head Hotel, the best hotel next to the pier. You can see the entire pier from the balcony of the hotel. If you're lucky, , you can also see the scene of ships colliding on the pier, which is much more exciting than the stage play in the theater."

"I want a quieter place, it's too noisy here." Linde looked at the busy hotel and the surrounding noisy streets, shook his head and said.

"Is it quieter?" The guide thought for a while and said, "The hotel on the List of Gods Island is much quieter than here, but the price may be..."

Linde interrupted: "It doesn't matter, I still have some savings on hand."

"If that's the case, then come with me!"

After saying that, the guide led Linde through several houses and came to a waterway. He directly asked Linde to hire a small boat. Then he took the boat and traveled through the city's waterways. After passing an arch bridge, , the scene in front of them suddenly became clear, because they had arrived at a river called the Heroes Canal.

On both sides of the Heroes Canal are statues of past sea kings. They are wearing bronze robes and holding different things in their hands. Their expressions are all solemn and solemn, making people on the boat feel an inexplicable power.

After passing through several arch bridges connecting different islands and urban areas, the boat entered the waters of the Central Lake of the Gods Island in the center of the city.
The islands in this water area are all majestic religious buildings. From the obvious features of these buildings, you can tell which god's temple, shrine, church, etc. they belong to.

The boat swam south along the edge of the street close to the cornerstone of the Red Temple. After passing under the arch bridge in front of the Temple of the Moonsinger, we saw the shrine of the Weeping Lady and the three towers belonging to the three gods in the distance. , the gate of the Courtyard of Black and White, and saw a large number of temples and halls of gods that even Linde could not name.

After passing through the temples of a number of strange gods, Linde saw a familiar emblem appearing on the roof of a palace in the distance. It was a seven-pointed star emblem belonging to the Seven Gods.

The belief in the Seven Gods is also one of the mainstream beliefs in Braavos, and the piety of the Seven Gods' followers is not much different from that of the Moonsingers' followers.

Looking east from the island where the Church of the Seven Divines is located, you can see the large green dome of the Palace of Truth, which is the grandest building in Braavos second only to the Palace of the Sea King.

When the ship swam past the island where the Seven Sacred Temples were located, Linde had a look of surprise on his face at the temple on an island not far away.

The size of this temple is similar to that of the Seven Sacred Cathedral. Judging from the condition of the building materials, it should have been built in the past few years. The reason why this temple surprised Linde is because of the structure at the top of the temple. The Holy Emblem is a variation of the Lind family emblem, which is the Storm Divine emblem adapted by the Storm God followers based on his family emblem.

Ever since the power of the Storm Dragon rune was demonstrated in Lannisport, the belief in the Storm God began to spread in the port towns along the coast of Westeros, especially in those towns that suffered from the Ironborn. Quickly, some people have already begun to build temples and other buildings, and have also erected a statue of the Storm God.

Because there are no unified specifications, the statues of the Storm God all have different shapes and appearances. The only standard is that all Storm God statues wear two knight swords.

Regarding the Storm God's belief, Linde's attitude has always been to let it go. He has publicly recognized the Seven Gods and has never admitted that he has anything to do with the Storm God. However, he has never stopped others from believing in the Storm God, and even They didn't even say anything about things like building the Temple of the Storm God in places like Miracle Port or the Stepstone Islands, and just let it be.

However, he never expected that so many people in Braavos would believe in the Storm God. From the magnificence of the temple and the dense crowds of people on the arch bridge leading to the temple, it can be seen that the Storm God's belief has great influence. The intensity here.

"Why do so many people here believe in the Storm God?" Linde couldn't help but be curious and asked the guide.

"Of course it's to bless the ship!" The guide looked at the temple, made a religious gesture with his hand, and said in a deep voice: "The storm god can bless the ship to sail safely in the storm, so naturally there will be more people who believe in it."

Linde deliberately questioned: "Is it useful to believe in the Storm God?"

The guide frowned, looked at Linde displeased, then took out a Storm Sacred Emblem necklace from his neck, and said: "A year ago, the ship I was on encountered a shipwreck in a storm. There were 67 people on board, and only seven of them The seven people who survived are all believers of the Storm God, and I am one of them. There are countless things like this where the Storm God protects believers safe and sound in storms. Otherwise, the believers would not jointly invest in buying this island. The temple of the Storm God has been built." As he spoke, he said proudly: "I also contributed part of the money to build the temple."

As he was talking, the boat began to dock on the shore. The owner took a staircase and placed it directly on the stone platform on the shore. He motioned for Linde and the guide to climb up. After the two climbed up, he took off the ladder and turned the bow of the boat. , and move to other places.

After the guide landed, he led Lind directly to a small square near the arch bridge leading to the Temple of the Storm God, and then took Lind into the lobby of a hotel next to the square and said: "Yege Hotel, here It should meet your requirements, quiet and comfortable.”

Lind looked at the surrounding environment, nodded with satisfaction, and then told the guide that he would hire him for a few days to visit Braavos and ask him to meet him here tomorrow morning.

Naturally, the guide would not refuse the business and readily agreed without even asking Linde for a deposit.

(End of this chapter)

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