Chapter 31
Lind stood outside his tent and threw the pieces of chopped meat far away, letting Glory run to pick them back up, and then reward him with the pieces of meat.

This is a training to improve Honor's obedience. At first, Honor ate the meat directly. After being punished several times by Linde, he realized that he could not eat meat casually, so he spontaneously changed his behavior and took the meat back.

Although there is still about half a chance that Honor will eat pieces of meat during training, it is already very good compared to a day ago. I believe that after another month or two of training, Honor should be able to completely obey Linde's orders. .

Compared with the obedience training effect that can be seen with the naked eye, the training of Glory's wildness is at a stagnant state. Now it can only ensure that Glory does not bite people randomly, but once someone gets too close to Glory, it will still attack without hesitation. Someone comes to attack.

For this reason, Linde had to choose to train Glory when no one was around. When there were usually many people, he would put Glory in a cloth bag, or tie it to his body with a chain, and cover its mouth with a special hood. .

While waiting for Glory to bring back the piece of meat, Linde also turned his head to look at his tent from time to time.

Just after returning to the camp, Lind led Bovo, the faceless man who had disguised himself as a Tyrell soldier, to his tent and met the girl who was already heartbroken and only her body was still alive. .

This girl would not show any emotion in front of others, but when she saw Linde as her savior, she would show a trace of emotion. However, this emotion was not grateful to Linde for rescuing her, but more like Hope Linde kills her now.

The moment the Faceless Man saw this girl, he immediately determined that this was the purpose of the Thousand-Faced God plucking the string of fate to guide him to the continent of Westeros.

However, this girl is as dead as a human being at this moment, and has no reaction to the outside world, let alone a conversation.

After Bovo, the Faceless Man, tried several times and found that he could not arouse any reaction from the girl, he expressed to Linde that he hoped Linde could stay outside the tent for a while so that he and the girl could be alone for some time.

After confirming that the Faceless Man would not harm the girl, Linde agreed to his request and came outside the tent, but did not go far. He sat down a few steps away, training Glory while checking what was inside the tent. Condition.

However, what surprised Linde was that even though he was very close to the tent, he could not hear any sound inside the tent, not even breathing, and other organs could not detect any movement in the tent, as if the tent was It's like it's empty.

This situation is obviously not something that can be caused by conventional forces. Perhaps it involves the power of the Thousand-Faced God. This also makes Linde wonder what level the Faceless Man Bovo's status is in the House of Black and White. Judging from the ability to use a little extraordinary power, it should be similar to Melisandre's status in the Church of the Lord of Light.

Just when Lind was thinking wildly, the tent door was opened by the Faceless Man Bovo. He looked a little tired, but a smile appeared on his face. It seemed that he had succeeded in convincing the girl.

He walked up to Linde and was about to say something when his expression suddenly changed and his body moved quickly to the side. Almost at the same time as he moved, a black figure rushed out from behind him and passed him by.

The Faceless Man, who avoided the attack from behind, looked towards the black shadow and found that it was the albino shadow lynx cub he knew.

Because Linde stayed with Glory for a long time, he didn't feel the changes in Glory that deeply. He could only judge that Glory was growing from Glory's gradually increasing size and weight.

But Bo Wo was different. He had seen Glory in the Royal Forest and knew very well what Glory was like. But now when he saw Glory again, he found that Glory had not only grown up a lot, but had also become a lot more ferocious. This ferocity was not only the attack on him just now, but also the black stripes on Glory's body, which after growing out, vaguely formed a grimace-like pattern, and the several black stripes on his forehead made it even more fierce. Looks very ferocious.

"How did it become so wild?" Bovo couldn't help but ask.

However, Linde was destined to be unable to give an answer, because he also wanted to know what made Glory so wild.

Although he was very curious about Honor's situation, Bovo also knew what business was, so he didn't say much on this issue and returned to the topic, saying: "She is not very easy to move now. You can find a few people to use a stretcher to help her." Shall I carry her to the dock?"

Linde did not respond immediately after hearing this. Instead, he entered the tent and looked at the girl's condition.

It was not difficult to tell from the girl's rejuvenated expression that Bovo must have convinced the girl, but under this vitality, Linde could vaguely feel strong hatred.

"Have you really decided to go with him to Braavos on the other side of the Narrow Sea?" Next to the bed, Lind knelt down, looked at the girl and said, "If you don't want to, I can take you in. "

The girl shook her head and wanted to open her mouth to speak, but her throat seemed to be injured and she couldn't say anything. However, even if she didn't speak, Linde could see her decision from her expression.

"I understand. May the Seven Gods bless you to live well on the other side of the narrow sea and not be harmed again." Linde reached out and touched the girl's forehead, blessing in a low voice.

There was a look of gratitude in the girl's eyes, and tears overflowed from the corners of her eyes.

Lind stood up, walked outside the tent, and asked Raul to call four people and find a stretcher. Then he moved the girl to the stretcher, covered her with a blanket, and carried her out. tent.

When he walked out of the tent, Linde felt someone pulling his hand. When he looked down, he saw the girl raising her injured hand with all her strength and holding his arm. Then he heard the girl yelling in an extremely strange way. The hoarse voice made a completely indistinct sound.

Although the voice did not sound like any language, Linde was able to understand that the voice was saying thank you.

Lind patted her hand, then stuffed it back into the blanket, and then placed the dagger on his waist that Garland gave him after the cavalry was formed next to her.

"Take good care of her." Lind said to Bovo, the Faceless Man.

The Faceless Man smiled and said, "She is my student, so I will naturally take good care of her."

The group walked out of the camp and soon disappeared from Lind's sight.

The Faceless Men and the others walked very fast, passing directly through the slums outside the city. Because of the intimidation of the four Tyrell soldiers, they encountered no trouble at all on the way and arrived at the dock area smoothly.

Then, under the command of the Faceless Man, the four people carried the girl onto a merchant ship docked at the dock and flying the flag of the Free City State, and sent her to a room on the upper deck next to the captain's cabin.

After the four soldiers disembarked and left, the Faceless Man ordered the captain to sail the ship. Although there were still goods that had not been loaded onto the ship, because of the Faceless Man's special status, the Captain did not dare to hesitate and immediately called all the sailors and set sail. .

Watching the ship slowly leave the port, pass through the winch tower, and enter the waters of Blackwater Bay, the Faceless Man turned around and returned to his cabin.He walked to the bed, sat on a stool, looked at the girl who was turning her head to look out at the night through the window, and said: "No matter what your previous name was, you have to give it up from this moment on, just like It’s the same as letting go of your past.”

After hearing the faceless man's words, the girl turned her head and looked at the faceless man. There was no expression of opposition on her face, but there was a sense of relief in her eyes.

"I will give you a new name, which will represent your new life." Seeing that the girl did not refuse, Bovo added.

The girl nodded slightly in agreement.

"Just take my surname, He'ghar. As for the name..." The Faceless Man thought for a while and said, "Just call him Jia Kun! Jia Qun He'ghar."

In the early morning of the next day, before Linde got up, he was startled by the raised tent curtain. While looking towards the entrance of the tent, he put his hand on the ax next to him. If he was attacked, he could make a move at any time. Fight back.

"It's me, don't be nervous." After noticing Linde's movements, Fortimo showed a look of approval on his face, then returned to his usual serious expression and said, "Get up quickly, get dressed, and go to the big tent. , I have something to tell you."

Linde rubbed his face vigorously to wake himself up quickly, then simply put on some clothes, hung a sword on his waist, picked up the glory that had not yet woken up from the bed, stuffed it into the cloth pocket on his chest, and then He walked out of the tent and hurried towards the camp tent.

After entering the camp, he saw the people inside clearly and couldn't help but be stunned.

In addition to Garland, Fertimer and others, I saw several Tyrell vassals whom Lind didn't know but could guess their identities. In addition, Duke Mace Tyrell was sitting in the middle of the big tent. middle position.

Although he didn't know what happened in the tent just now, Lind guessed that it was definitely not a good thing, because Mace Tyrell's face was so gloomy that he was almost dripping with water, and his expression was filled with the word "angry", and he was mumbling. Can't hear what was said.

The atmosphere in this tent was originally solemn because so many important officials of the Rose family were gathered here. Now it has become even more tense. Moreover, the Duke, who was nicknamed an inflatable fish by the Queen of Thorns, is now more like an inflated fish. The extreme bubbles may explode at any time.

When Linde entered the tent, everyone in the tent looked at him in unison.

The tension caused by facing so many people's attention is enough to make most people fall into confusion and eventually do something rude.

However, Linde seemed very calm, as if the sight of the surrounding people did not exist, and his psychological quality far exceeded that of the others around him.

"I've met the Duke, I've met all of you." Under the gaze of everyone, Lind saluted Duke Mace Tyrell who was sitting on the main seat.

Duke Tyrell ignored Lind's salute, but turned to look at Fortimer, and asked: "He is your knight squire, the bear hunter, right?"

Fertimo nodded and said, "Yes, sir."

"Is he really as powerful as you say?" Tyrell asked Fertimo again to confirm.

"Yes, as long as he is holding two swords, his strength will not be much worse than mine." Fortimo nodded and said: "He is the one I can think of who can perfectly take over among the hundreds of people in the camp. My choice.”

"In that case, it's up to him." Duke Mace Tyrell did not ask Linde what he meant, nor did he have any intention of informing Linde of the situation. He directly told Linde, who had just entered the tent, that he could leave and asked him to return. The camp where you are is waiting for the next arrangement.

This situation of being called around like a commodity for sale made Lind feel a little aggrieved, but he did not show it on his face. After hearing that he could leave, he lowered his head slightly. He exited the tent, turned around and returned to his tent, sitting quietly, waiting for someone to explain to him.

Not long after, Garland and Fertimo were seen arriving in the tent. Garland apologized to Linde for his father's rude behavior just now, and then explained the reason for the matter before Linde asked. Again.

It turned out that today, the knights and warriors of the Tyrell family who were supposed to participate in the group competition were all suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, as if they had eaten something bad. Now they are so exhausted that they can hardly even stand up and walk a few steps. , let alone picking up weapons to fight.

As a result, the Tyrell family needed to select another person to participate in the group competition, and this candidate was very difficult to choose. The Tyrell family discussed it for a long time and still had no results, or there was an alternative plan, but it was rejected.

This method is to let Fertimo, the master of swordsmanship in the Reach, participate in the group competition. With Fertimo's swordsmanship and a few soldiers accompanying him to assist him, he must have a great chance of becoming the champion of the group competition.

However, Fertimo has already signed up to participate in the knight's jousting. Although people participating in the knight's jousting do not prevent people from participating in the group jousting, the melee in the group jousting is too dangerous. If he is injured and unable to participate in the knight's jousting, then it is absolutely impossible for Fertimo. It is a huge loss. After all, there will probably never be another martial arts tournament of this scale in the future.

Therefore, Garland proposed to let Linde participate in the group competition, so that it would not affect Fortimo.

Regarding Garland's proposal, the knights and nobles who came from High Court with Garland all agreed. After all, they had all seen the power of Linde's swordsmanship, especially in terms of defeating one enemy with many, which was far superior to the average knight's swordsmanship. .

But those who followed Duke Tyrell and stayed in King's Landing after the Battle of the Usurper did not know Lind's strength or weakness, so they asked Lind to go to the big tent to see Lind's situation.

Although Linde did not show any swordsmanship in front of them just now, Linde's burly figure was enough to prove his strength, and Linde passively became one of the participants in the group competition.

After hearing this, Lind asked in confusion: "Why do we have to participate in group competitions? If I remember correctly, those adults should not attach great importance to group competitions. Even if the Tyrell family does not participate, there should not be any reputation. Damage?"

Hearing Linde's inquiry, Garland showed an embarrassed look on his face, then gestured to Fortimo, then turned and left.

And Fotimo quickly and simply explained that after learning that several major lords would not send people to participate in the group competition, our inflatable fish master immediately became more confident, thinking that he would definitely win, so he borrowed A sum of money was bet on his family. If no one could participate or lost the game, not only would he have to pay a large sum of money, but it would also make him the laughing stock of King's Landing. This made him get up early in the morning. Furious.

Faced with this situation, Linde was a little bit dumbfounded and could only say that he would actively prepare for the war.

(End of this chapter)

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