Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 323 Chasing Euron

Chapter 323 Chasing Euron

"Is this the end?" Jia Ben looked at Diltos who was lying aside digesting dessert with a blank look on his face. He reached out and touched the empty hole in his forehead to feel if he was dreaming.

He originally thought that Linde needed to perform some kind of important ritual and use extremely complicated methods to test dozens or even dozens of times before he could solve his hidden dangers. However, he never thought that it would be so simple, just let the The weird dragon came over and took a sniff, and the hidden danger disappeared. He didn't feel anything during the whole process, but he felt a little more comfortable after the hidden danger disappeared.

Compared to Jaben, Quellier, as a bystander, could see it more clearly. He saw that when Diltos came to Jaben's head, a small stream of black liquid erupted from Diltos's mouth. The light, which looked like some kind of dark warlock or shadowbinder magic, covered the hollow on Jia Ben's forehead, and then pulled out the dark warlock magic in the hollow and ate it.

He had carefully examined the black light on Jia Ben's head before, and he knew very well how dangerous that black light was. It was no exaggeration to say that once the magic power in the black light was released, and then amplified by the special environment of Yaxia, he All creatures within a dozen meters around him would have no chance of survival.

This is why even though Jia Ben is extremely weak at the moment, he is still able to stay in Yaxia safely and unharmed, without being revenged by his former enemies, or being captured by a dark warlock who covets the secrets of his spellcasting. reason.

"Check it yourself and see if there are any problems." After Lind asked Diltos through spiritual contact, he said to Jia Ben: "The hidden danger caused by the backlash of the dark warlock's magic power in you should have been eliminated. Now you can continue to use dark magic, but I don't recommend you to do so, because the curse of Asshai still exists, the more you use magic, the deeper the curse will be, and the best solution is to leave Asshai, as long as you leave Asshai, the curse will Nature no longer exists.”

Although he had already felt the changes in his body and had reached out to touch the hollow on his forehead, he was suspicious by nature and still did not fully believe what Linde said, so he used his own methods to completely check his body.

While Jaben was checking his body, Lind was not idle either. He turned to Quillier and asked: "I came to Asshai this time for Euron Greyjoy. As far as I know, he should have already When you come to Yaxia, please help me find out the whereabouts of this person."

"Euron Greyjoy?" Quillir thought for a moment and said, "I have heard of this man. He is said to be a very powerful pirate. Can you tell me specifically what this man looks like?"

Lind nodded and briefly described Euron's appearance and the image of the ship.

"Ah! I've seen this person." As soon as Lind finished speaking, Quillier immediately gave a clue and said: "A few days ago, this person appeared at the dock, and then he was looking for someone from the Land of Shadows in the city. Guide, it is said that he wants to go to Stea, the city of dead bodies.”

Upon hearing this, Linde hurriedly asked: "Has he found the guide?"

"It has been found." Quillier replied: "He found the Shadowbinder Master Quemir, and he had set out two days ago. If they walked fast, they should have reached the end of the Ash River by now. .”

"Have you set off yet?" Linde frowned and ordered, "You must immediately find a guide for me in the city of Asia. I am also going to Stea."

Quellir looked embarrassed and said: "My lord, this may be a bit difficult to handle. It seems that the only person in the entire Yaxia who can enter the back section of the Ash River is Quemir. The others can only enter the front section of the Ash River..."

"Who said that only Quemir can enter the back end of the Ash River." Before Quellier could finish speaking, Jia Ben, who had checked his body at the side, interjected: "I have also been to the back end of the Ash River, and even entered it. Staia, it’s just that the monsters there are too dangerous, so we didn’t go deep into it. Lord Lind, I can be your guide and I guarantee that you can cross the Ash River smoothly.”

"Indeed, you, Jaben, are indeed the best guide." Quellir nodded in agreement, but said with some concern: "It's just that your current body makes it difficult to even stand up normally. Can you go on the road? The road to the Ashes River is not Good to go."

Jia Ben was stunned, with a troubled look on his face. Although the backlash of his dark warlock's magic power had been resolved, the physical mutation caused by the backlash had not disappeared. It was still very difficult for his body to move normally and it would take a long time. Recovery is possible with exercise.

Linde said disapprovingly: "You don't need to worry about walking. Diltos can catch you and fly in the air. What you need to worry about is safety." After saying that, he hesitated and looked at Jia Ben , said: "If we are lucky and we can intercept them halfway, then there will be no problem. But if we are not lucky and we fail to catch up with them, then we need to enter the city of Stea. In that case, you may You must stay outside the city. Although Diltos should also stay outside the city by then, it will fly into the air to help me at any time. You will need to stay alone outside the city. If Staia really If it's as dangerous as the rumors say, you..."

Jia Ben said with great confidence: "Please rest assured, although I can't compare with my heyday now, there is still no big problem in protecting myself outside the city of Staia."

"In this case, let's set off now. Maybe we can intercept Euron on the way, and we need to enter the city of Stea." Linde did not persuade Jaben anymore, turned around and stepped on Diltos's wings, and returned On the dragon saddle, he then motioned for Jia Ben to stand still and then asked Diltos to catch him.

Although Jaben has a giant-like body, his actual weight is not much heavier than that of an ordinary person, so his body is also very fragile. Diltos needs to be very careful not to scratch him.

After catching Jia Ben, Lind suddenly thought of something. He took out a gem necklace from his pocket and threw it to Cuillier. He said: "This necklace is a new thing made by Moroya and the others. It can It may be of some use to you to help mages cast spells more smoothly and reduce their reliance on spell-casting media."

Quillier quickly caught the necklace and looked at it. He did not immediately see the efficacy of this necklace, but he was still extremely grateful to Lind for the gift. If Lind was still standing in front of him, he would definitely kneel on the ground again. Kiss Linde's instep as a sign of respect.

Under Lind's command, Diltos spread his wings and trotted for a short distance before flying into the air. However, this time, he did not fly high into the sky. Instead, he flew low over the city of Asshai close to the top of the building. Arrive at the dock area outside Yashai City.

Soon Lind saw Euron's ship docked at the pier. He immediately ordered Deltos to fly over. In full view of everyone, he sprayed out a stream of dragon flames and set Euron's ship on fire. The walking corpses inside the ship were also burned together.

While burning Euron's ship, Lind also saw a very dilapidated and old ship parked on the edge of the dock. Logically speaking, this ship should be destroyed or dismantled, but the Asshai people did not. Instead of doing that, they preserved it and even set up some protective guardrails around it. It can be seen that the Yashai people have great respect for the ship. "Sunstrider!" Seeing this weathered ship, a name came to Lind's mind. This dilapidated sailing ship that was incompatible with other ships in the dock should be the one mentioned by Corlys Velaryon in his book. The Sun Chaser, belonging to the female navigator Alisa Farman, may also be the only ship in the world to complete a circumnavigation of the world.

After feeling a little emotional about this legendary ship, Lind ordered Diltos to fly towards the Land of Shadows along the Ash River that passed through the city.

For people living in Yashai, the River of Ashes is like a partner that they hate but can never get rid of. Although this river flows with extremely scarce fresh water in Yashai, except for a few crazy people, very few people can get rid of it. Few people would drink the water from this river and eat the fish from this river.

During the day, the River of Ashes appears inky black, while at night, the river emits light green phosphorus fire. Spellcasters such as Necromancers, Pyromancers, and Shadowbinders believe that the River of Ashes contains extremely mysterious fire power. , this kind of flame comes from the seven levels of hell, it is the fire of hell. If you master this kind of flame, you can see into the mystery of death.

Therefore, you can often see Necromancers, Pyromancers and Shadowbinders gathering on both sides of the Ashes River in the city late at night, using their own secret techniques to analyze the secrets of the phosphorus fire in the Ashes River.

However, this secret of phosphorus fire that has troubled Yasha casters for countless years seems very simple to Linde. Just when flying over the Ashes River, he has already discovered that the secret of phosphorus fire is nothing more than a special kind of algae. That's it, this kind of algae is also the cause of the mutation of the creatures in the Ashes River, and this kind of algae is also a magical creature, because Lind saw weak magic fluctuations in these algae.

Because of this, and as the magic of the entire world begins to become active, Asshai will become particularly important, so Lind decided to wait until Euron is dealt with and returns to Summer Hall to try to get the Miracle Chamber of Commerce to go east to Erso. The Sri Lanka continent developed until Yaxia was included in the route range.

Afterwards, an organization similar to the Black Cave was established here with Quillier's Temple of the God of Magic as the core, allowing the forces of Summer Hall to penetrate into this ancient city and try to take the spellcasters here under their control.

In addition, the Ultes continent across the sea from Asia is also one of the migration options when the extreme cold climate moves south in the future, so it is necessary to make arrangements in advance to prepare for the future.

While Lind was thinking about how to occupy Yashai and how to use Yashai, Diltos had already flown out of the city of Yashai and followed the Ash River into the mountains of the Land of Shadows.

The mountains in the Land of Shadows stand tall and towering, with almost no slopes around them. They are all steep cliffs, which are like layers of barriers pushing towards the north.

There are countless cracks in the mountains. These cracks split the mountains into countless pieces. In the deep valleys under the crack cliffs are streams and rivers. When these streams and rivers come together, they form the River of Ashes.

Under Jaben's guidance, Diltos flew into a cliff crevice and penetrated into the mountains of the Shadow Land.

The huge body of Diltos and the dragon power emanating from it disturbed the creatures on the cliffs. These creatures made shrill screams and flew up from the cliffs, quickly heading out of the cliff canyon. Escape.

At first, the appearance of these creatures was quite normal, just like some bats, falcons and other creatures. But as they went deeper into the Shadow Land and entered the outskirts of the Heart of Shadows in Jia Ben's mouth, the monsters living on the cliffs began to appear. It became hideous and terrifying.

Big bats with wings ten meters long and covered with horny scales were flying around in the canyon. Jellyfish-like creatures with mouths on their bodies but floating in the air were constantly using their tentacles to reach into the ashes river below to prey on fish and shrimps. A strange creature that looks like a centipede but has a body like a worm lies on the stone wall. It sticks its head into some caves and bites out the creatures living inside and swallows them.

In addition, there are a large number of caves on the cliffs on both sides. These caves are also home to some monsters that cannot be described in words. In short, it is as if the mutant monsters in the entire world have gathered here.

After Diltos used lightning to tear apart a big bat that was blocking the way, Lind turned towards the north and grabbed Jaben in his claws, and said loudly: "I heard that demons and giants also live in the land of shadows. dragon?"

"Devils live in the Heart of Shadows, near Stea, and I suspect that those demons are the original residents of Stea, but they were distorted by some force when Stea declined." Jia Ben also said loudly He replied: "There are also giant dragons, but they are not real dragons, just some huge pterodactyls."

Almost as soon as Jaben finished speaking, a huge monster emerged from the cave next to the cliff, rushed towards Deltos at an extremely fast speed, and opened its big mouth, trying to bite Deltos. Si's neck.

However, Diltos moved much faster than it. A bolt of lightning instantly struck the monster, causing it to scream and fall from the air. Diltos glided and smashed the monster's head. The head was caught in its claws and crushed instantly. Then it threw the monster into a mouthful of dragon flames, causing it to turn into a ball of fire and fall to the bank of the Ashes River below.

The fire formed by the burning monster illuminated the dark canyon below. The strong fire instantly caused a commotion among the creatures in the canyon. A large number of insect-like creatures fled around and hid in the surrounding shadows. It was not until the flames went out that It will come out and bite the cooked monster.

As they entered the Heart of Shadows area, Linde and others encountered more and more attacks. The monsters here seemed to attack any outsiders who broke in, and their desire to attack was so strong that it exceeded the might of the dragon. Oppression keeps popping up to attack them like annoying flies.

To this end, Diltos did not hesitate to spend his magic power to gather thunder and lightning around his body, forming a high-voltage power grid that could both warn and kill enemies, electrocuting the approaching monsters into charcoal.

(End of this chapter)

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