Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 341 Robb the Sworn

Chapter 341 Robb the Sworn

Compared with the time it took for other nobles of the Seven Kingdoms to receive the battle report, this battle report about King's Landing was sent to Robb several days later, because this battle report needed to be sent to Riverrun first, and then from Riverrun to the mainland. Use the fast horse to transfer to Cliff City.

The contents of this battle report are good news for Robb from various perspectives. If he can seize this opportunity, he can attack the Western Army in the Riverlands from both sides and completely eradicate them, or Drive out of the riverlands.

However, Robb was unable to take advantage of this opportunity, not only because the announcement issued by Stannis also regarded him as a traitor when he proclaimed himself king, indicating that he would be attacked next, but also because he was now in the Northern Territory within his own country. There are some problems in the coalition. If they are not handled well, the coalition will definitely split.

"Lord Rickard, because you massacred the captured Western soldiers without authorization, which caused the surrendered Western soldiers to riot and caused unnecessary casualties to us, I must punish you!" Robb had just recovered and his expression was still there. A little pale, he sat in his seat and tried to keep his body strong, looking at the tall Rickard Karstark in front of him, and said with a serious expression.

"My two sons died for you on the battlefield, and I lost all my heirs. I must take revenge." Rickard opened his eyes wide, looked at Robb Stark, and said through gritted teeth.

"I am extremely saddened by the deaths of Lord Torrhen and Lord Eddard. I can also feel your sadness, but this is not a reason to kill the prisoners." Robb Stark stood up from his chair, looking slightly weak. His body made him unable to stand still. Janey Westerling on the side immediately stepped forward to help him, but was pushed away by him. However, after pushing away, he felt that doing so was a bit too much. , turned to look at Jenny apologetically, then turned to look at Rickard seriously, and said: "I pronounce the sentence in the name of the King of the North, Rickard Karstark must He was punished for his killing of prisoners, and all the loot after entering the northern territory was confiscated and distributed to the lords whose troops were damaged in this prisoner-of-war riot."

After hearing this, Rickard was stunned. He looked at Robb with disappointment in his eyes. He also looked at the other northern lords around him. Without saying anything, he turned and walked out of the meeting hall.

"This old guy will not change. His character is as strong as the Great Wall." Greatjon Umber reminded: "If you don't want him to continue killing prisoners, your Majesty, you should transfer him back to the North."

The other northern lords present also nodded in agreement.

"No, every army is very important to us now. We originally didn't have many troops on hand. If we transfer the Karstark family's troops back to the north, it will only stretch our already small troops. ." Robb Stark shook his head, and then said with a serious look, "It is no longer appropriate for us to continue attacking Casterly Rock. We should now take advantage of Stannis's attack on King's Landing to contain Tywin's army. This leaves him unable to return to aid King's Landing, and when Stannis captures King's Landing, Tywin's army in the West will no longer be threatened."

"I believe His Majesty Robb is kind and generous, and is willing to abide by his oath." Black Walder smiled and said: "However, I have a small request now. I am still single and have not been able to find anyone. Marry a suitable noble lady," he said, pointing to Janey beside him, and said: "Until I saw Miss Janey of the Westerling family, I felt that she was the wife I wanted most. I hope that Luo Your Majesty, considering the achievements that the Frey family has made for your Majesty, your Majesty will send Miss Jenny..."

Robb's face became extremely ugly and he said: "Walder Frey, now that you know this, how dare you say such words just now!"

"What kind of words did you say?" Black Wald smiled disdainfully and said, "I just said it, but you can't stand it anymore. So what about your insult to the Frey family? Your Majesty, what do you think of the Frey family?" The Frey family's oath promises again..."

Robb said seriously: "Let's not worry about it. Our main enemies now are King's Landing and the West. Let's deal with them first and then consider other things."

Everyone expressed no objection and prepared to return to their respective military camps to prepare for the withdrawal from the Western Region.

Black Walder looked at Robb pretending to be puzzled, and asked: "Does the Frey family's efforts not qualify you to give me a noble daughter from the Westland family who has just surrendered to your Majesty? It seems that our Frey family It’s not enough to pay for His Majesty’s oaths and promises, and it’s not enough to kill one heir, so what about two?”

Black Walder stopped teasing and said directly: "But this Miss Jenny is already your Majesty Robb's wife, right?"

"I see the Frey family's contribution in my eyes and remember it in my heart. I will definitely give the Frey family due reward, but Jenny..." Robb said in an extremely serious tone.

Black Wald looked around coldly, then turned to look at Robb, and said: "Your Majesty Robb, if you terminate your engagement with Miss Jenny now and choose one of my cousins ​​to get married, it will be completed. Oath, then we will treat this time as if you were sworn not to exist, and continue to work for you..."

Although the northern lords present here also sympathized with Rickard's experience, and felt that if they were the same as Rickard, they might do the same thing.

"No." Robb Stark interrupted Black Wald immediately before he could finish his words.

Someone said worriedly: "But Stannis doesn't like us either. Once he solves Tywin and King's Landing, then we..."

However, at this time, Black Walder of the Frey family suddenly stopped everyone, and then looked at Robb Stark very seriously and said: "Your Majesty Robb, our Frey family will keep our promise and serve your cause wholeheartedly. I tried my best to not only provide the food and fodder needed by the army, but also provided a large number of troops to accompany you in your expeditions, and even my grandfather Steve Lun died on the battlefield for your cause."

Robb felt something bad and said solemnly: "The contribution of the Frey family is obvious to all. When the war subsides, the Frey family should receive no less glory and rewards."

The other northern lords around also laughed, and only a few of them frowned slightly.

Just yesterday, the prisoners of war held in Brand City even had a riot, and they almost took Brand City back. Fortunately, Little Jon Amber, who was guarding the city, discovered the clues in time and put out the riot. Otherwise, Brand City would Once the city is recaptured by the Western Army, their retreat will be completely cut off and they will be trapped in the Western Territory.

It was precisely because of this that when Robb punished Rickard just now, they did not plead for Rickard.

"What kind of oath do we need to make with the weasel?" Great Jon suddenly taunted.

But the problem now is that Rickard's actions have indeed affected the situation of the war. The Western Army that they encountered before would surrender, and the resistance was not very fierce. But since the news of Rickard's killing of prisoners spread, they have encountered All the troops from the Western Territory who arrived were desperately resisting, and their casualties increased greatly, and the fortresses were lost as a result. All the villages and towns on the road to Casterly Rock City also built walls, making it difficult for them to move forward in the Western Territory.

"It goes without saying! I will not break off our engagement with Jeyne." Robb reached out and held Jeyne's hand and said.

Black Walder's face became extremely gloomy, but he quickly regained his composure. He saluted Robb and said, "Since you have broken your oath, Your Majesty Robb, we will no longer serve you. I hope you can continue." Good luck in martial arts."

After saying that, he led the Frey family out of the meeting hall without looking back. "Even without the weasels, we can still win. The armies in the Western Region are just a bunch of weak sheep!" A northern lord said with disdain.

Others agreed. The recent series of victories made the northern lords feel that the western army was not as powerful as expected. On the contrary, as in the legend, one northern warrior could defeat ten southerners. This also made them confident and felt that It is not difficult to win this war.

Robb also felt sorry for the Frey family's departure, but like the Northern Lords, he believed that they would win this war, so he didn't care too much.

Although Robb and others did not care much about the Frey family, the departure of the Frey family still affected the morale of the Northern Alliance forces, which also prompted Robb to return to Riverrun as soon as possible to avoid affecting the retreat plan.

At the same time, Roose Bolton's army had passed Riverrun and arrived on the east bank of the Green Tea River, joining Daisy's Bear Island army.

"Lord Bolton, do you want to attack Harrenhal?" After hearing Roose Bolton's goal, Daisy also showed a surprised expression on her face and reminded: "Although the defenders of Harrenhal were defeated by Kevan A lot has been taken away, but Harrenhal itself is a strong city, and I am afraid that it is not possible for the men and horses under your command to capture it."

"Don't worry, Count Daisy, I already have a complete plan, there will be no problem," Roose Bolton smiled extremely confidently, and then said: "But in order to avoid accidents, Daisy is still needed The count will guard the rear."

Daisy nodded and said: "I will send an elite team to guard the important road. If you fail, they will help you block the pursuers and assist you in retreating."

Roose Bolton asked in confusion: "Lady Daisy, aren't you personally in charge of the rear?"

Daisy explained: "I just got in touch with Lord Yohn Royce of the Valley. He promised me that as long as I help the Valley get the Blood Gate back, he will send people to join the army in the north to deal with Duke Tywin."

"Has the wildling rebellion in the valley subsided?" Roose Bolton asked.

"Not yet." Daisy shook her head and said, "But places like Runestone City, Hongge City, and Red Base have stabilized, and thousands of people can be freed up. Although the number is not large, they have joined our crusade. It can be regarded as an attitude expressed by the Valley to the outside world, which is more useful than sending more people to directly participate in the war."

"I understand." Roose Bolton said doubtfully again: "But the Lannister family has placed an army of 4,000 people at the Blood Gate. Coupled with the defense of the Blood Gate itself, if you want to take down the Blood Gate, I'm afraid It won't be any easier than when I took Harrenhal."

"Lord Bolton, don't worry, I have a way to easily capture the Blood Gate." Daisy shook her head and said, "Maybe before Lord Bolton has captured Harrenhal, I will have already captured the Blood Gate. When the time comes, I might also lead the army in the valley to support you?"

"In that case, that would be better." Roose Bolton couldn't help but smile, but his smile did not make people feel like a spring breeze. Instead, it was like a poisonous snake-like smile, which made people feel inexplicably frightened. .

Daisy frowned slightly, then returned to normal, and asked Roose Bolton: "How do you plan to cross the river? The bridges on the river have been demolished and the boats have been burned. If you make a raft, it will be difficult to cross the river." There are also some difficulties. The water of the Trident River is very fast, and rafts can easily get into trouble. Moreover, people from the West often patrol the other side. If you want the army to cross the river smoothly, I'm afraid..."

Roose Bolton said with great confidence: "Don't worry about Count Daisy. I already have a way to cross the river, and I can definitely catch him by surprise."

"In this case..." Daisy nodded and was about to say something when her adjutant suddenly burst in from the outside. Without seeing anyone else in the tent, he hurriedly said: "My lord, Mrs. Caitlin and Boo Lady Renee has been found.”

"Found them? Where are they?" Daisy asked immediately after hearing this.

The adjutant hurriedly reported the report: "In the mountain forest about three leagues away from here, the people we sent to the Blood Gate to check the situation found it when they came back. At that time, they were being chased by a group of wildlings. Lady Brienne seemed to be injured, and Kate Mrs. Lin is doing well, and they are being sent here now."

Roose Bolton also clapped his hands and said, "This news is great. When I went to Crag City to meet Lord Robb, Lord Robb was still worried about Lady Catelyn's safety."

"Fortunately nothing happened." Daisy also breathed a sigh of relief.

Because of Caitlin's appearance, Roose Bolton did not immediately separate from Daisy. Instead, he waited in Daisy's camp for half a day and met Mrs. Caitlin before continuing south.

As Adjutant Daisy reported, although Caitlin was exhausted, she did not have many injuries on her body. On the contrary, Brienne had many scars on her body, and even an extra scar on her face, which made her not very good-looking. His appearance became even uglier.

Catelyn learned from Roose Bolton that Robb was ill. She was worried and wanted to return to Robb immediately, so she did not stay in Daisy's camp.

Brienne did not stay. She said that she vowed to return Catelyn to Robb safely, so she wanted to leave with Catelyn.

Although Daisy was curious about what happened at Storm's End, how Renly died, why Brienne ran away with Catelyn, etc., she also felt that this was not the right time to ask questions, so she A team of troops was arranged, under the command of Brienne, to escort Catelyn to join Robb Stark.

When Brienne was leaving, she suddenly grabbed Daisy and asked about Linde, especially the mages under Linde.

When Brienne left Summer Hall, Linde had not yet formed organizations such as the Mage Association, so she was not familiar with the mage forces under Linde's command.

However, Daisy also didn't understand these things, so she couldn't provide her with anything useful, but Daisy could feel that Brienne's question might be related to Renly's death.

(End of this chapter)

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