Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 348 Reversal and Reversal

Chapter 348 Reversal and Reversal

I don’t know if God thought Tywin was living too comfortably. Just when everyone thought Tywin was in a good situation, something happened to Kevan Lannister, the commander of another army in the West.

Kevan Lannister, who was guarding the town of Duskendale, commanded nearly 20,000 people and rushed to King's Landing for rescue. While passing through an abandoned town called Stonetooth Town, he encountered Sir Goode Morrigan of Crow's Nest in the Stormlands. ambushed by the Stormlands Alliance forces.

Ser Goode Morrigan first fought with Kevan outside the town, and then retreated to the deserted Stonetooth Town. He used traps to trap Kevan and his army, and ignited the wildfires that had been planted in the ruined town.

The army in the town could not escape at all, and Kevan Lannister was burned to death. Only the three thousand people guarding outside the town survived.

However, these three thousand people did not escape the siege of the Stormland coalition forces, and they were all wiped out.

In the end, nearly 20,000 troops were wiped out. Gud Morrigan then led the Stormland coalition to attack the town of Duskendale. Davon Lannister, who was stationed in Duskendale, could not hold out. Stannis was blocked on the Crab Claw Peninsula. The army also followed the trend and moved south to join the Stormland coalition forces in Dusk Valley Town.

The death of Kevan Lannister caused a sensation in the Seven Kingdoms far more than the annihilation of 20,000 people, because Kevan's identity is really special. He is Tywin Lannister's closest relative. His brother, Tywin's right-hand man, served as the steward of Casterly Rock for many years and was one of the cornerstones of stability in the West. His death was an extremely heavy loss to both Duke Tywin and the West.

It is said that Tywin was extremely sad after learning the news of Kevan's death in the battle. At that time, Earl Mechi Severn of Severn City in the north and brothers Willis Mandlery and Wendel Mandlery of White Harbor were leading The troops at the headquarters tried to attack the rear of the Western Alliance forces. Duke Tywin personally led the Western cavalry to wipe out more than 9,000 Northern troops. Earl Meech Severn, Sir Willis, and Sir Wendel were all killed in the battle, which was considered a recovery. They suffered some losses, so that the armies in the northern border of Riverrun and the River Bend did not dare to attack easily again.

In this series of battles, Gud Morrigan was undoubtedly the most prominent one. He first led Stannis's logistics in Stannis's camp and resisted the defenders led by Adam Malbrand. He and the golden cloaks launched a sneak attack to defend Stannis's camp. This time he set up an ambush in Stonetooth and annihilated 20,000 people in the Westerlands, killing more than a dozen generals of the Westerlands, including Kevan Lannister. It can be said that he has made great achievements in battle.

Many people are curious about where this Gud Morrigan came from and how Stannis had such a powerful subordinate out of thin air.

After that, information about Goode Morrigan was soon investigated by various forces.

In fact, Stannis was defeated unjustly. After the news of Gud Morrigan's annihilation of Kevan Lannister reached King's Landing, he pressed all his troops on King's Landing. After almost two The attack lasted two days and two nights. When Tyrion, Adam and other generals who defended the city were not paying attention, the captain in gold robes who was supposed to guard the gates of the gods opened the gates of the gods and broke into King's Landing.

Almost two days later, another bigger event suppressed the reputation of the rookie Gud Morrigan. This event was Stannis's defeat, the entire Dragonstone coalition army was annihilated, and Stannis escaped. Returning to Dragonstone, King's Landing is completely out of danger of falling.

Later, Lister Morrigan became unwell, and he had no descendants, so he wrote a letter to recruit Good Morrigan back, preparing him to inherit Crow's Nest Castle.

However, what everyone did not expect was that a cavalry regiment holding Renly Baratheon's flag appeared outside the city and rushed directly into the city. The leader wore Renly Baratheon's armor. , directly entered Stannis's central camp outside the Red Keep.

In this war that led to Stannis's defeat, the name of another person also became the focus of everyone's attention. His reputation even surpassed that of Good Morrigan before him. This person was Garland, the heir to Highgarden. Ser Tyrell.

After the city gate was breached, the temporarily recruited city defenders collapsed instantly and either surrendered or fled back to their homes in the city to hide. Stannis' army that invaded King's Landing did not encounter any resistance.

When the Dragonstone coalition saw a knight suspected of being Renly Baratheon slaying Stannis from his horse and cutting off the military flag, they truly believed that Stannis had been killed. With the dragons leaderless, the entire coalition collapsed instantly. Fleeing in all directions, he was pursued by the cavalry team that followed. Tyrion's defenders and golden robes in the Red Keep also took advantage of the situation to attack, and together with this mysterious cavalry regiment, they hunted down the Dragonstone coalition forces.

However, after repeated confirmations, they finally realized that Stannis had really been defeated, and that he had been defeated miserably. It can be said that the entire army of his direct line was wiped out.

There is no doubt that his plan has been successful. Now anyone knows how powerful Good Morrigan is and will never have any objection to his inheritance of Crow's Nest.

Although the war situation has been ups and downs in the past, it has beaten the nerves of those who pay attention to the war to an extremely solid level. It is difficult for ordinary movements to cause too much emotional fluctuations in those who follow the war. For example, Tywin's complete annihilation of the Northern Alliance forces, in the eyes of many people It's just an ordinary thing.

Because just two days ago, Stannis's prospects were very good. The West and King's Landing were in decline. But in just two days, Stannis, who was about to capture King's Landing, was completely wiped out and fled back to Dragonstone Island. Okay, how can people really believe such exaggerated news?

At that time, everyone believed that Stannis had won the war. Even Tyrion and others in the Red Keep felt that they were destined to lose. Queen Cersei, who had been imprisoned, was released, and she brought With Joffrey I and her youngest son Tommen, she went to the Iron Throne Hall and placed the remaining wildfire in the hall. She planned to light the wildfire and commit suicide once the Red Keep was breached.

At that time, there were many knights from the Stormlands in Stannis's army formation. They were all stunned by the sudden appearance of Renly. They did not have time to set up their defenses. The entire army formation was easily penetrated by the cavalry regiment, and then it was suspected that Renly's knights rushed in front of Stannis, and before Stannis could recover from the shock, they killed Stannis off his horse. Stannis's banner was also cut off, and Stannis died in the battle. The sound spread throughout the battlefield.

It turns out that Good Morrigan is the younger brother of Lister Morrigan, the lord of Crow's Nest Castle in Stormland. He left Crow's Nest Castle in his early years and joined Summer Hall, becoming an officer in the Chosen Sons of Summer Hall.

This time, the Stormlands formed a coalition. Originally, Lister Morrigan, Earl of Crow's Nest Castle, did not intend to let Good Morrigan go. Initially, he wanted to let his guard captain lead the troops, but Good Morrigan He took the initiative to ask for help. He felt that he could make a contribution in this war and let the people of the Seven Kingdoms know that he was fully qualified to inherit the position of Earl of Crow's Nest.

However, the news of Stannis's defeat still shocked all forces, and many people subconsciously believed that the news was false.

After that, he participated in the battle to clear out the savage tribes in the Crimson Mountains, and was stationed on the Stepped Stone Islands for a period of time. After that, he went to the disputed area and served as a ranger captain for a period of time. It can be said that he has rich practical experience.

Tyrion Lannister and Adam Malbrandt, who defended the city, led the remaining Lannister troops and golden robes and retreated to the Red Keep, closing the gates of the Red Keep for the final defense.

In the end, except for a small part of the Dragonstone coalition forces who escaped the city and fled back to their respective territories by boat, the rest were all surrounded and suppressed in King's Landing. Stannis did not die, but was seriously injured and fell into a coma. Some people saw the Onion Knight wearing Foss led a group of personal guards to rescue Stannis, escaped from King's Landing, escaped by boat, and should be on his way back to Dragonstone now.

After the war, the man wearing Renly Baratheon's armor took off his helmet, revealing his true face. He was Garlan Tyrell, the heir of Mace Tyrell, Duke of Highgarden.

It turned out that after receiving Lord Tywin's announcement letter, Garlan Tyrell expected that Stannis would attack King's Landing with all his strength and wanted to capture King's Landing before the reinforcements from the Reach arrived. Therefore, he abandoned all the baggage at Bitterbridge and let Randyll Tarly march behind with the infantry coalition. He took all the cavalry to form a cavalry regiment and traveled all night. Finally, Stannis had not yet achieved the final victory. Shengguo arrived at King's Landing before.

When he learned outside the city that Stannis's army was led by many Stormlanders knights, he immediately raised the banner of Renly Baratheon, put on Renly's armor, and disguised himself as Renly. , attacking Stannis's central army, using Renly's remaining influence on the Stormland Knights, he defeated Stannis's central army in one fell swoop, establishing victory.

With the arrival of Garlan Tyrell, the entire city of King's Landing was happy and joyful. There was only one person who wished that Garlan Tyrell would die in battle. That person was naturally the Queen Mother Cersei. As for Jofer On the contrary, Lee I thought that having such a strong relative might be a good thing, and even took the initiative to meet Garland Tyrell and had a pleasant chat with him.

The remnants of the Dragonstone Army who escaped from King's Landing, led by the remaining knights of the Stormlands, went to Duskendale to join Good Morrigan. After Good learned about the battle in King's Landing, he immediately gave up the siege of Davon Lan. Nestor, before the army from King's Landing arrived, evacuated to the Crab Claw Peninsula with complex terrain, waiting for Dragonstone to send a ship to respond.

On the other side, Roose Bolton of Harrenhal also decisively withdrew from Harrenhal after receiving the news from King's Landing, crossed the Trident River, and joined Daisy.

However, when he withdrew from Harrenhal, he secretly sent a carefully prepared gift to King's Landing.

After reuniting with Daisy, they originally planned to build a simple pontoon bridge on the Green Fork River and cross the river to Riverrun. However, they received an order from Riverrun, informing them that they had reconciled with the Frey family and that the Frey family and the Tully family had married. news.

In the order, Roose Bolton was sent back to the north to be responsible for destroying Theon and his Ironborn army, while Daisy led the team through the Twins and back to Riverrun, waiting for the next decisive battle with Tywin.

When Daisy and Roose Bolton's team marched near the Twins, a cavalry of thousands of people chased them from behind.

At first they thought it was the cavalry from the Western Region, but after seeing the flag clearly, they realized it was the flag of Runestone City in the Valley.

After the cavalry arrived, the bronze Yohn Royce who commanded the cavalry came out, came to Daisy and Roose Bolton, and said: "I heard that you are going to have a decisive battle with Tywin. I think It is my responsibility to lead the troops to support you."

Daisy had previously helped the Valley to retake the Blood Gate, and also sent some cavalry to work with the lords of the Valley to quell the wildling rebellion, so the people of the Valley were also very grateful to Daisy, but because of Lady Lysa Tully of the Eagle's Nest, They cannot openly ally with them, so they can only send a team of troops to support them.

"Lord Yohn Royce, in fact, you don't need to go to Riverrun with us against Lady Lysa's order. You can help us just as you are stationed at the Blood Gate." Daisy looked at the Valley Cavalry behind Bronze Yohn and said .

Bronze Yohn smiled heartily and said: "You don't have to worry about the woman Lysa Tully. That woman is busy dealing with various suitors now and will not pay attention to our affairs at all. You have helped us in the valley, you Even if they are our friends, we in the valley will naturally not be stingy with our friendship." As he spoke, he looked at Roose Bolton and said, "Lord Bolton, your methods are ruthless. It’s flooded. I’m afraid if you go to Riverrun this time…”

"Lord Bolton is not going to Riverrun." Daisy said with a smile: "I think His Majesty Robb also thought that it would not be appropriate for Lord Bolton to go to Riverrun, so he asked Lord Bolton to return to the north to clear out the invading iron armies. People, take back Winterfell."

Bronze Yohn laughed and said: "That's good, that's good! Otherwise, if you go to Riverrun and there is a conflict, I really don't know who to help."

Roose Bolton frowned and said nothing, but he was quickly attracted by the approaching group of people in front.

Daisy also looked over and exclaimed: "Lady Catelyn, Brienne, why are you guys?"

Arriving at the front, Brienne looked at Daisy awkwardly and said, "Your Majesty Robb has agreed to Frey's conditions, so Old Walder released us. In addition, Your Majesty Robb asked Lady Caitlin to Return to the North with Lord Roose Bolton, and after retaking Winterfell, he will take up command in Winterfell."

Everyone looked at Catelyn Tully, and the haggard Catelyn smiled bitterly, turned to look at Roose Bolton and said, "Lord Bolton, I will trouble you for the rest of the way!"

Roose Bolton smiled and saluted Catelyn: "It is my honor."

Daisy asked Brienne at this time: "What about you? What are you going to do next?"

Brienne hesitated for a moment and said, "I originally promised Lady Catelyn to send her to His Majesty Robb, but now..."

Caitlin said quickly: "No, Brienne, you have done a good enough job. If it weren't for you, I would have died several times on the road. You have fulfilled your promise, and now you should follow your own ideas." Do it.”

Brienne had a confused look on her face, as if she had lost her purpose in life.

"You come with me to Riverrun!" Daisy suggested.

Brienne thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

So the team was divided into two here. Daisy led her troops and Bronze Yohn through the Twins and rushed towards Riverrun, while Roose Bolton took Lady Catelyn and headed north. march.

(End of this chapter)

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