Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 351 An accident within an accident

Chapter 351 An accident within an accident

"Have you really decided to go to Joffrey's wedding?" Margaery asked again the same question she had asked a few hours ago.

"Yeah." Linde looked at the document in his hand and answered casually without looking up.

"Can I come with you?" Margery asked softly.

Linde said solemnly: "Are you going to leave Sansa alone in the castle?"

"Huh?" Sansa raised her head when she heard her name, looked at Lind, then lowered her head, flipping through the documents she had been looking at for several hours.

Ever since she heard that Robb Stark had been assassinated by the Freys, Sansa had become confused and seemed to be in a state of confusion, living in a state of confusion every day.

Linde has asked Qyburn to see her. Qyburn believes that Sansa is suffering from a mental illness caused by excessive sadness. It will take a period of time to adjust and she will gradually get better.

However, because Sansa is in a state of confusion, she often needs someone to accompany her, otherwise something will easily happen, and as her best friend, Margaery is naturally the best companion.

"Why don't you bring Sansa with you?" Margaery suggested.

"Don't you think she has been stimulated enough? You also want her to see the place where her father was beheaded, and see her enemies laughing and laughing?" Linde raised his head and looked at Sansa, sighing. , said: "If she really takes her to King's Landing to attend Joffrey's wedding, she might be completely stupid when she comes back."

"You get up first." Lind stretched out his hand to lift Sansa up, then took a piece of information from the table and handed it to her, saying: "This letter is from the Seven Gods who presided over the wedding of Roose Bolton and Lady Catelyn. It was a letter sent by a church monk in an urgent manner. The monk was a monk from the Seven Holy Cathedrals in White Harbor. He was transferred from Miracle Port. He had presided over various affairs in the Miracle Cathedral for many years and had accepted the trial of the Redemption Cathedral. Lian is a devout and loyal cultivator of the Seven Gods, and his words are absolutely trustworthy."

Everyone who knows Caitlin will think that this matter is too strange, and there must be something wrong with it. On the contrary, ordinary people think that this kind of thing is reasonable.

"It's not a good time for now." Linde shook his head and said, "Winterfell is an empty city now. How will Sansa live if we send her back?"

"You have to have some confidence in your own judgment." Lind said solemnly: "Wait for a while, and you will know whether he has betrayed Robb Stark."

"It's impossible. My mother is absolutely loyal to her father. Her love for her father exceeds the love of anyone in the world. She will never marry someone like Roose Bolton." After learning the relevant news, Sansa, whose eyes were still red and swollen, rushed out of the room and said emotionally.

Think about it, Catelyn Tully lost her husband who she relied on more than a year ago. After that, her two sons were burned to death by her husband's adopted son. The eldest son was killed in a tragic way again. His head was cut off and a wolf's head was sewn on. No matter how strong a woman is, she will be crushed by this series of tragedies.

If the only people attending the wedding in the godswood of Winterfell were Roose Bolton and Catelyn Tully, then it would be reasonable to speculate that Roose Bolton used some means to cause Catelyn Tully, but the problem is attending the wedding Roose Bolton is not the only one, there are also Lord Wyman Manderly of White Harbor, Lord Herman Tallhar of Torrhen Square, Lord Galbert Glover of Deepwood Motte, and his brother Robert ·Glover, as well as Meggie Mormont of Bear Island and other northern noble lords.

Sansa quickly took the letter and read it carefully, her face becoming extremely pale.

Roose Bolton's army was not the only army outside Winterfell at that time. Others brought troops to join the battle to regain King's Landing, and their numbers were not much less than Roose Bolton's.

Upon hearing Winterfell, Sansa seemed to be touched by something and raised her head slightly.

Sansa ignored Margaery's persuasion, walked to Lynd and knelt down, praying: "Your Majesty, please have mercy on me, for the sake of my father, investigate this matter. This matter is definitely not rumored by the outside world. Then Roose Bolton must have done something to make my mother marry him."

"Poor Sansa!" Margaery stroked Sansa's head as if she were a pet, and then asked, "Will you send Sansa back to Winterfell?"

"Do you still remember why you analyzed Roose Bolton's move to break the embankment and cross the river?" Lind looked at Margaery and said, "You forgot so quickly. Let me remind you that the result of your analysis was Roose Bolton. Bolton wants to betray Robb Stark."

In fact, there was no need to wait for a while. Almost more than an hour later, an intelligence letter from the North was placed on Lind's desk. The content on it was somewhat shocking. Roose Bolton had captured Winterfell. The invading Ironborn fled to the Dreadfort, and Roose Bolton, who captured Winterfell, actually married Catelyn Tully in the godswood of Winterfell, witnessed by the Seven Monks.

"Calm down Sansa, what you say now is useless to the situation. It's not that we let Lady Catelyn marry Roose Bolton. Do we believe that Lady Catelyn's love for Lord Eddard is useless?" ." Margaery looked at Sansa with a hint of pity and said.

"Isn't there Lady Catelyn?" Margaery said in confusion: "Mrs. Catelyn has returned to the North now. With Lord Roose Bolton's methods, the Ironborn invasion should be easily extinguished. Lady Catelyn should also return to Winterfell to take charge. When the time comes, Sansa will be sent back and Lady Catelyn will take care of her."

Anyone who has a mental breakdown will definitely instinctively look for new support. At that time, there was only Roose Bolton beside Catelyn Tully to rely on, and Roose Bolton took back the castle belonging to the Stark family. , this made Catelyn Tully excited, and it was reasonable to marry Roose Bolton, paving the way for her daughter in Summerhall to inherit Winterfell.

Margaery shook her head and said: "This analysis is wrong. Until Robb Stark died, Roose Bolton did not seem to have made any move to betray Robb Stark. On the contrary, Frey The family was something we didn’t expect.”

Before the wedding, Wyman Manderly and others repeatedly asked Catelyn Tully whether she was sincere in marrying Roose Bolton and whether she was coerced. If Catelyn Tully admitted that she was coerced at the time, , then Wyman Manderly and others will never sit idly by and will definitely save Caitlin Tully.

However, Catelyn Tully stated in front of everyone that she sincerely married Roose Bolton. In this case, the monk from the Seven Holy Cathedral in White Harbor solemnized the wedding for the two.

"How is this possible? Mother loves father, and she will never marry someone like Roose Bolton!" After reading the letter, Sansa was completely confused, and her face was full of confusion and confusion. , there was even a trace of resentment mixed in with his mother's infidelity. "I believe in Lady Catelyn's love for Lord Eddard, but it is an indisputable fact that Lady Catelyn voluntarily married Roose Bolton." Lind sighed with relief.

To be honest, Lind was surprised when he saw this letter, because it was completely inconsistent with his memory of Catelyn Tully. In his impression, Catelyn Tully was a person who could do anything for himself. A woman who sacrificed everything for her husband and son, including her life.

But now Catelyn Tully has taken the initiative to marry someone she will never like, which is obviously completely inconsistent with Catelyn Tully's character.

So he subconsciously thought about whether there was magic, witchcraft or the like in this matter, but he quickly rejected this guess, because the Seven Gods monk who was responsible for officiating the wedding was undergoing the trial of the Salvation Temple. , there are special identification and prevention methods for things like magic and witchcraft. Being able to pass the trial means that this Seventh God monk has the ability to identify magic. It is absolutely impossible not to tell whether Catelyn Tully has been under magic. The influence of such forces.

Therefore, all possibilities have been eliminated, and the final result, no matter how incredible, may be the truth, and the fact is that Catelyn Tully did indeed marry Roose Bolton sincerely.

Lind looked at Sansa and Margaery and said solemnly: "We can be sure that Lady Catelyn does not love Roose Bolton, and her decision to marry Roose Bolton should have been when she returned to the North. So let’s think about what makes a woman decide to marry someone she doesn’t love in a short period of time.”

Sansa's mind was completely confused at the moment and she couldn't think calmly at all.

On the contrary, Margaery quickly thought of a reason that was very likely to be close to the truth and said: "Territory, she married Roose Bolton for the Stark family's territory."

Sansa looked at Margaery blankly upon hearing this, and Lind also had a thoughtful look on his face.

"I guess Lady Catelyn still doesn't know that she still has two sons alive, and on the Wall, in Lady Catelyn's opinion, all the men in the Stark family are dead, and one of her daughters, Arya, is missing. , life and death are unknown, only Sansa is still alive, and you are the only heir of the Stark family." Margaery analyzed seriously: "Although you have received the protection of Lord Lynd and are not in danger, there are still questions about the heir to Winterfell. Lord Lind will definitely not interfere in this matter, so whether you can inherit Winterfell is still unknown."

As she said that, she picked up the wine glass and took a sip of juice, and then continued: "Now among the two most powerful noble forces in BJ, one is Daisy Mormont of Bear Island, and the other is Roose Bolton. For example, Lord Manderly of White Harbor is far behind them, so only with the support of either of these two people can Sansa be able to take the position of Duke of Winterfell."

Sansa immediately shook her head and retorted: "That's not right! If this is the case, should mother choose Lady Daisy? Lady Daisy's loyalty is impeccable. She also avenged Robb. Mother should be more You should trust Daisy, there is no way you would choose to marry Roose Bolton!"

Margaery nodded and said: "Indeed, under normal circumstances, Lady Daisy Mormont should be chosen, but something happened in the middle that may have caused Lady Catelyn to change her mind and choose another extreme path. Marry Lord Roose Bolton."

After speaking, she looked at Lind pointedly.

And Lind also thought of something because of Margaery's words, and said, "Is it because of Storm's End Castle and Dragonstone?"

Margaery nodded.

Sansa, who was already very smart at this moment, also understood what Margaery wanted to express, and said: "My mother felt that if she chose to gain Daisy's support, Winterfell would be annexed by Lord Lynd like Storm's End, so Only then would I choose to gain Roose Bolton’s support and marry Roose Bolton.”

"Yes." Margaery sighed and said: "I think Lady Catelyn should have been completely panicked by the death of Her Majesty Robb and lost the ability to think normally, because if she could think normally, You will find that even without Daisy, if Lord Lind wants to annex Winterfell and the North, he can start from you and make you a puppet. It is not impossible to even directly let Daisy occupy Winterfell. Who will do it then? If you dare to object, who has the ability to do so?”

Sansa was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked in confusion: "But what good will this do to Roose Bolton?"

Before Margaery could speak, Lind gave the answer: "I'm afraid Roose Bolton is heading for Riverrun."

"Riverrun?" Sansa was stunned, and soon realized that with the death of Edmure Tully, Riverrun also lost its male heir, and now the only people qualified to inherit the title and territory of Riverrun are apprentices. Leigh sisters and Blackfish Brynden.

However, Blackfish Brynden had publicly broken with Duke Hoster a long time ago and established his own family. He is no longer qualified to inherit the Tully family. Among the two sisters of the Tully family, Catelyn Tully's inheritance rights must be Lysa. ·Above Tully, so as long as he marries Caitlin and then makes some operations, Roose Bolton can use Caitlin to occupy the magpie's nest and make his descendants the masters of Riverrun.

"The descendant of Roose Bolton became the Duke of Riverrun?" Not only Margaery found this matter extremely absurd, but even Sansa had a strange look on her face.

The most hated person in the riverlands, from the lords and nobles to the common people, is not Duke Tywin who started the war and let his men plunder the riverlands, but the man who dug up the river embankments and flooded the riverlands. Roose Bolton.

But now Roose Bolton has the opportunity to become their lord. This makes them in the riverlands so embarrassed. Just thinking about that kind of situation makes people feel interesting.

Obviously Duke Tywin should also be aware of this, and he is more aware of the benefits of this matter to himself. After all, an unstable Riverland is in his interests.

As a result, a decree of rewards and punishments from the Iron Throne was announced to the Seven Kingdoms. Catelyn Tully became the Duke of Riverrun and the Guardian of the Riverlands. Her and Roose Bolton's descendants are the legal heirs of the next Duke of Riverrun. , Littlefinger Petyr Baelish became the Earl of Harrenhal, Sansa Stark became the Duke of Winterfell and Warden of the North, and Robert Arryn, the Duke of the Eyrie in the Vale, was handed over to Jon, the Earl of Runestone City. ·Raised by Royce until he came of age to inherit the Eagle's Nest and the title, Lysa Tully immediately chose a noble to marry and then moved away from the Eagle's Nest.

In addition, there are rewards and punishments from a series of lords and nobles in the Riverlands, the Royal Territory, the Valley and the North. In short, this reward and punishment decree from the Iron Throne has thrown the entire territory north of the Blackwater River into chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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