Chapter 355

The fact that Stannis Baratheon gave up Dragonstone and went to the Great Wall to serve as the Night's Watch was definitely the most talked about thing. Even Joffrey I's wedding was suppressed by this matter.

Originally, everyone thought that Stannis's tough character would directly conflict with Lind. Then the Miracle Fleet besieged Dragonstone Island and captured Dragonstone Island. In the end, no battle took place. It was just Lind riding a dragon. After a trip to Dragonstone, Stannis bowed his head. This made people feel that Stannis was not worthy of his name, but he also lamented the strength of Lind.

However, the news that soon spread from Summer Hall made people realize that Stannis would give up resistance and voluntarily join the Night's Watch. It was not incomprehensible. After all, Lynd Terra adopted Shireen Baratheon as his adopted daughter. , and promised to let Shireen Baratheon inherit the position of Duke of Storm's End and Warden of Stormlands when she comes of age.

No one would think that these promises of Lind were false, because when Lind made the news public, he also summoned all the lords of the Stormlands to the Redemption Temple in Summer Hall, and asked these lords to confess to Shireen in front of the Seven Gods. Baratheon swore allegiance.

It is almost universally known that Stannis Baratheon has a knot in his mind about Storm's End and the Stormlands. Lind's actions undoubtedly solved his knot. Some people on Dragonstone saw Stannis When he led his army to leave Dragonstone, a smile appeared on his face, as if he had gone to the Great Wall to become a king instead of a night watchman.

Tywin was also surprised by Lind's method of dealing with Stannis. He never thought that Lind would give up Storm's End and Stormlands so easily. He would never have been able to do this. .

Although this result was not what he wanted to see the most, he was still satisfied. After all, the Iron Throne's most trusted confidant became the Night's Watch, and the owner of Storm's End was just a little girl who hadn't grown up yet, so he didn't need to care at all. What threat does she pose to the Iron Throne?

Just as Lind indirectly helped him solve Stannis's problem, the situation in the North, the Riverlands and the Valley was also changing.

When King's Landing's decree was sent to Winterfell, Roose Bolton was preparing to recapture the Dreadfort, but the situation was not optimistic because Theon had never been able to capture his illegitimate son Ramsay Snow. Ramsay asked for the location of various secret passages in the Dreadfort, and prepared an ambush in advance. As a result, when Roose Bolton wanted to use these secret passages, he suffered a big loss and failed to conquer the Terror in one fell swoop. fort.

Although the Northern Territory was not as divided as the Riverlands and the Valley, because all the Northern Territory lords died in the Twins, there were some problems with the inheritance of their territories.

Since then, battles over the succession rights of lords have emerged one after another in various parts of the North. The initial quarrels have turned into armed confrontations and even bloody conflicts. All in all, the actual situation in the North is not much better than that of the other two kingdoms.

Afterwards, Daisy sat in Winterfell, waiting for Sansa to go to Winterfell to inherit the title and territory.

Lysa Tully naturally would not agree. She ordered all the passages to be blocked, and then arrested those suitors who she thought were suspicious and threw them out of the Moon Gate of the Eagle's Nest. Was any of these people... There were indeed evildoers, and Lysa Tully didn't care at all.

Roose Bolton and Catelyn Tully's inheritance of Riverrun was not so smooth. Daisy Mormont had left before they arrived. Although they met on the road, they didn't even say hello. Obviously Daisy Mormont had left. West is dissatisfied with Catelyn's betrayal of Lord Eddard.

As for the situation in the North, the situation was slightly better. After Daisy returned to the North, Stannis also arrived in the North. People from both sides gathered together and took the Dreadfort by storm. Theon and the Ironborn were captured. Taken away by Stannis, he is going to be taken to the Great Wall to serve as a night watchman.

It's okay for those territories that already have heirs, and the heirs can directly inherit the position of lord. But for those without heirs, such as the lord and heir of the Amber family who died in Twins City, there is a problem with their inheritance rights.

After receiving the decree from King's Landing, he decisively gave up wasting time in the Dreadfort and took Lady Catelyn south to inherit Riverrun. As for the Dreadfort, he left it to Sansa, who inherited Winterfell. He believed that Lind would help Sansa capture the Dreadfort, and that he would only have to pay a small price to still maintain his title and territory as Earl of the Dreadfort.

After Caitlin officially inherited the title of Riverrun, she summoned the vassals of the Riverlands to come to Riverrun to pledge their allegiance, but they were all rejected by the lords of the Riverlands. Those lords with good tempers would find similar territories that were too busy rebuilding. They gave excuses such as this, while the bad-tempered ones directly told the messenger that they would not be loyal to Caitlin.

And Blackfish Brynden also left with Bronze Yohn Royce on the same day that Caitlin arrived at Riverrun, and went to the valley, without Caitlin.

The situation in the Valley is similar to that in the Riverlands. After the Savage Rebellion, all the lords in the Valley suffered heavy losses. During the Savage Rebellion, the Eagle's Nest City completely ignored the requests for help from various territories and blocked all roads leading to all Eagle's Nest cities. , ignoring the turmoil in the valley, this inactional behavior has aroused the resentment of the lords of the valley, big and small, but because there is no one to take the lead, the lords of the valley can only suppress this resentment.

However, after the Iron Throne's decree of rewards and punishments reached the valley, the lords and lords of the valley just had the right excuse and the right leader. When the bronze Yohn Royce returned to the valley, the lords and lords of the valley gathered together. Runestone City elected Yohn Royce as its leader and jointly launched an attack on the Eyrie City, demanding that Lysa Tully follow the orders of the Iron Throne and hand over Robert Arryn, the heir to the Eyrie City, and leave the valley.

All in all, the Riverlands have been torn apart, and it is very difficult to return to normal.

As a result, like the Riverlands, the lords and vassals of the Valley broke apart, and the interior fell into the brink of war.

If the Duke of Winterfell and the Warden of the North are still there, the lord can decide who the final heir is, but now the lord of the Northern Lords is still in Summer Hall, and the lord is only a little girl, so he will not be able to do so in a short time. Gain the trust of the northern lords.

As for Daisy Mormont, although she has gained quite a reputation in the North due to her impressive record, she is only the Earl of Bear Island after all, and is not qualified to intervene in the internal affairs of various lords in the North.

Roose Bolton's illegitimate son Ramsay Snow was found in the dungeon, but he had been tortured into a human form, and Daisy ended the pain.

Although the current situation in the Riverlands, the Valley and the North cannot be said to be exactly what Tywin expected, it is not much different. These three kingdoms are unlikely to cause him any trouble for a long time in the future.

Now for Tywin, the only one he needs to watch out for is the Tyrell family in the Reach.

Although the Reach and the West are allies now, they are only nominal allies. The moment Robb Stark died in the Twins, the alliance between the West and the Reach was called into question. . Tywin was already notorious in King's Landing. Many people still remember Tywin's evil deeds against King's Landing. And this war was caused by the Lannister family. Naturally, the residents of King's Landing are also aware of it. The Lannisters did not generate much goodwill.

Although, Tyrion did his best to take care of the people of King's Landing during the war, and even ransacked the homes of powerful people to plunder food to avoid famine in the city, so that everyone had something to eat every day, even if the food was not good. , but at least he can survive.

But these actions of his are very secretive. Only a few people around him really know and understand them. The people of King's Landing do not understand these. They only remember that Tyrion forcibly recruited soldiers, requisitioned the houses near the city wall, and sent golden robes. Search for property in the city and so on.

Therefore, Tyrion has surpassed Tywin in a short period of time and has become the most hated person in King's Landing. The little demon monkey is the nickname of Tyrion by the people of King's Landing, and he even uses this title in public.

King's Landing's dislike of the Lannister family and its love for the Tyrell family are also reflected in the welcome of the people in the city when the two armies entered the city.

When the Tyrell family entered the city, the people gave them cheers, flowers, and kisses from girls. But when the Lannister family entered the city, they only received cold looks. Some even let their children attack the Lannister army. pee.

The reason why the people of King's Landing are so bold is entirely because after the Tyrell family entered the city, they immediately took over all the defenses of King's Landing in the name of maintaining law and order. When the Lannister family troops entered the city, they were responsible for The troops of the Tyrell family were all responsible for maintaining law and order, and the Tyrell family's army did a good job of blocking the angry Lannister family soldiers from attacking the people of King's Landing, further gaining the love and trust of the people of King's Landing. .

Tywin also immediately discovered that something was wrong with the atmosphere in King's Landing. He forced his army to take over the defense of the Red Keep, and in order to win the hearts and minds of the people in King's Landing, he imprisoned Tyrion, the greatest hero in protecting King's Landing. Confinement.

Although this has eased the relationship between the powerful people in King's Landing that Tyrion offended, it has not been very effective in winning over the hearts and minds of the people of King's Landing.

And the worst thing is that I don’t know how Garlan Tyrell did it. His relationship with Joffrey became very good. Joffrey almost obeyed Garlan’s suggestions, and in a public meeting, Joffrey Freedu directly expressed his desire for Garland to become the Hand of the King.

All kinds of things made Tywin feel that the fruit of victory was stolen. He led his people to fight outside, and even his younger brother died on the battlefield. However, the final fruit of victory made the Tyrell family, who had only fought one battle, The speculators had snatched it away, which Tywin could not accept, so when Littlefinger Petyr Baelish suggested to him that he should bring Dorne together to fight against the Tyrells, he was very disappointed. A suggestion was quickly accepted and an invitation letter was sent to Dorne under the pretext of Joffrey's wedding.

However, when Tywin calmed down and thought about it seriously, he realized that it was a very stupid thing for him to invite Dorne to join the power system of King's Landing. But at this moment, it was impossible to withdraw the invitation.

"What? Father actually invited Dorne to King's Landing? Is he stupid? Did Uncle Kevan take his brain away when he died?" When Jaime told Tywin about the decision to invite Dorne to join the royal council After telling Tyrion, who was under house arrest in his mansion, Tyrion looked shocked and shouted uncontrollably.

Hearing Tyrion say this about Tywin, James couldn't help but frown and said, "What you said is a bit vicious, although..."

"Vicious? Can I be as vicious as him?" Tyrion took a sip of wine and said angrily: "If my surname was not Lannister, he might have hung my head in order to please those guys. At the city gate, you must know that I am the biggest contributor to the defense of King's Landing. Without me, King's Landing would have fallen into Stannis's hands long ago. But what did I get? Nothing. He didn't even give me a compliment when he saw me. , they arrested me directly.”

James said in a deep voice: "I think my father also locked you up to protect you. After all, you have offended so many people. There are thousands of people in King's Landing who want you dead. If you are not kept here, Let you walk around freely, and I think what I might see now is your body, Tyrion."

"I think your brother is right." Bronn snatched the flagon from Tyrion and said.

"You are really good at finding a new master. In just a few days, you have become his lackey?" Tyrion glanced at Bronn.

"I can't help it. I can't resist the charm of the golden dragon." Bronn shrugged with a helpless look, then pointed at James and said: "Duke Tywin has asked His Majesty Joffrey to remove your brother's Kingsguard, he has agreed to return to Casterly Rock to inherit the title."

After hearing this, Tyrion dropped the wine glass in his hand to the ground, then looked at James up and down, and said with a shocked face: "Who are you? You can't be James. If it is James, he will never Take off your white robe."

"How can I be a Kingsguard if I lose my hand?" James looked at his hand with a sad look on his face and said, "Maybe it's like what my father said. I lost my hand, but I got my brain and how to understand." Think about things, know the pros and cons and consequences of everything, no longer like before..."

"Tell the truth, Jaime! Tell the truth." Tyrion interrupted Jaime's emotional self-narration and said: "I should know you better than you know yourself. Let alone losing a hand, even if you lose both hands and feet, Even if you lose, you won’t be willing to take off your white robe, James, it’s better for you to tell the truth.”

James said with a serious look: "Father threatened me with Cersei, Joffrey, and Tommen. If I don't agree, he will kill Cersei and the others."

When Tyrion heard this, he was stunned. He did not expect that Tywin's methods would be so drastic.

"You'd better listen to your father. Uncle Kevan's death has hit him hard." Tyrion said seriously: "Uncle Kevan is like the embodiment of father's rationality. Because of Uncle Kevan's suppression, father Only then can I suppress my violent side and be able to look at things rationally at all times, but now that Uncle Kevan is dead and my father has lost his rationality, he will become more and more severe, like..."

"Just like Mad King Aerys." Bronn suddenly said beside him.

Tyrion and James looked at each other, their expressions becoming a little ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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