Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 36 Fusion of the second character

Chapter 36 Fusion of the Second Character
Having determined that dragon bones are the key condition for stimulating Goldfinger's energy bar, Linde couldn't help but feel lucky that he could obtain so many dragon bones from the Faceless Man Bovo. Otherwise, he would have found a way to sneak into the Red Keep and sneak into the cellar. Stealing the keel.

Linde was not in a hurry to make a choice at this moment. He carefully analyzed the pros and cons of Goldfinger's two choices, and he found that the information provided by these two choices was so little that he could not make any choice. It's like gambling.

For example, if he chooses a new hero and masters a new weapon, will his combat power really be improved?In his opinion, it is not necessarily true. After all, his current double swords combined with the extraordinary senses given by his body have given him inhuman combat power. Giving up the double swords and using new weapons will only increase his combat power to a limited extent, and even It may weaken his combat effectiveness.

As for choosing to continue to improve his dual swords, he really couldn't think of any room for improvement in his use of dual swords. Maybe the dual swordsmanship he finally acquired just overlapped with his fighting style, causing him to waste a Opportunity to choose.

After careful study, he was certain that the information he obtained from Goldfinger was definitely only part of it. There must be other contents hidden behind the two choices of the energy bar, and those contents were the power that Goldfinger could truly give him.

After thinking about it again and again, Linde felt like he was suffering from difficulty in making a choice, so he did not continue to think about it, but followed his instinct and decisively chose the figure holding two swords.

Although it is very tempting to gain a new hero's combat experience and how to use new weapons, he still feels that it may be safer to continue developing in the direction of dual swords. Even if the final result is not satisfactory, he can do it again next time. Given the choice, there is still time for him to accumulate energy bars.

Just after he made his choice, the energy in the energy bar was immediately injected into the figure holding the two swords, and the figure began to change rapidly. At the same time, he felt the hot breath pouring into his hands become more and faster, If the fiery aura was just a stream of water at the beginning, then now it is like a flash flood.

At the same time, the dragon bones in the box were turned into ashes one by one in Linde's hands, as if the last remaining power in the dragon bones had been completely drained away.

When about two-thirds of the keel in the box was missing, the selected figure holding the two swords no longer changed, and the image quickly became clear.

I saw that this was a very tall knight, who seemed to be more than two meters tall. He was wearing an exquisite full-body heavy armor with mysterious runes all over his body, and a gorgeous helmet on his head. The most eye-catching thing on the helmet was the top. There is a dragon-shaped crown with wings spread.

In addition, this knight also wore two swords, but these two swords are not like Linde's broad-bladed half-hand sword, nor are they knight swords. Judging from the length of the blade and the length of the hilt, they are more like two knight's swords. sword.

Linde simply couldn't imagine using a knight's sword to use two-sword swordsmanship. Even with his current strength, it was a bit difficult to wield a knight's sword with one hand, let alone wielding it with one hand at the same time, and he was heavily armored. , coupled with the knight's sword, completely abandoning the agile pace. Judging from the peacemaker's combat experience, this is simply asking for death.

Feeling that he might have made the wrong choice, Lind looked at the knight's figure that was becoming clearer and clearer with some annoyance. Suddenly he felt that he had seen this knight somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

When the figure of the knight was completely clear, the entire image of the knight turned into a ray of light and merged into Lind's mind. A large amount of information also poured in, and Lind's consciousness was also passively pulled into it, outside. It seemed that Linde had fallen into a coma.

At the same time, nearly three-quarters of the remaining keel bones in the box in Linde's hand were instantly turned into ashes. The fiery breath contained in the keel bones was integrated into Linde's body, and Linde's whole person seemed to be It became as hot as fire.

Glory, which was lying on Linde's body, obviously didn't like the hot temperature, but it did not move away from Linde's body. Instead, it moved to Linde's head and hugged Linde's head, while Glory's body changed. It was extremely cold, like a piece of ice, which in disguise helped Linde weaken the side effects of the hot breath.

About half an hour later, the hot aura in Linde's body began to subside. It disappeared completely within a few minutes, and Linde's body temperature returned to normal.

Although Lind's height and body shape have not changed much, if you look closely, you can still see that the muscles on Lind's body have become much stronger, which makes him look thinner.

After the fiery breath subsided, Linde also broke away from the new knowledge he had gained in his mind. After he regained consciousness, he did not open his eyes. He was still lying on the bed, but there was a look of surprise on his face, and his breathing was even more excited. The mood became much heavier.

After calming down a little, he said to himself: "I didn't expect that the newly acquired character turned out to be him, the number one master in Sol City."

Before this, Linde had always thought that Goldfinger's characters were all in For Honor, but now he discovered that For Honor was only the basic character of Goldfinger, and there were also higher-level characters that existed in other games on his hard drive. Characters, for example, the character he got now is the double-sword red-eyed Homeless Knight from the game Elden's Ring, known as the top master of Sol City.

Even though the memory of his past life has become increasingly blurred, Lind still remembers the experience of being tortured by the Homeless Knight in Sol City when he was playing the Elden Ring.

Although the Homeless Knight with Red Eyes and Double Swords is just an ordinary knight, he has boss-like strength. Among the mortals who use double swords in the entire Elden Circle, he can definitely be regarded as the first.

What's more important is that his swords are not only powerful in swordsmanship, but also enchanted. Coupled with his own ability to teleport and flash, he has become the strongest knight without a home.

This time, Linde gained not only the combat experience of the character, but also various training experiences and occult knowledge of the character. He also had complete forging drawings of the full body armor of the Lost Knight and the Great Sword of the Lost Knight. It can be said that he will All the memories of a lost knight except the memories of his life were instilled in him.

There is no doubt that if the Peacemaker's swordsmanship is still at the level of a mortal, then the swordsmanship of the Lost Knight has truly reached the extraordinary level. What's more important is that Lind discovered that he can also rely on the training methods of the Lost Knight. Giving yourself the extraordinary power of a lost knight does not require any special physique.

Through memory, Linde knew that the extraordinary power used by the Homeless Knight mainly came from two sources. One of them belonged to the category of external force. This external force was the dragon runes on the Homeless Knight's body armor and weapons.

Dragon runes are a unique rune power of the Homeless Knights. The Homeless Knights engrave different dragon runes on their armor and weapons, so that the dragon runes can absorb the surrounding energy at all times to enchant the armor and weapons.

When performing corresponding sword skills, the runes can release the corresponding energy attached to weapons and armor, producing effects similar to hurricanes and freezing.

The ultimate strength of the effect depends entirely on the enchantment time of the dragon rune. That is to say, the older and more complete the armor and weapons of the Homeless Knight are, the stronger the enchantment will be.

In the memory of the Homeless Knight, there was once a time when the Homeless Knight wore an extremely ancient piece of armor and weapons, and performed a freezing sword technique that directly froze a plain, and even the dragon was frozen.

However, the dragon rune is not without its flaws. This flaw is that the energy or magic power absorbed and stored by the dragon rune is not endless. Once used up, it needs to be slowly restored, just like a rechargeable battery.Compared to external forces such as dragon runes, the real power of the Homeless Knight is actually the Dragon Feast Ritual.

The real name of the Homeless Knights should actually be the Dragon Worshiping Knights. They were the first group of knights established because of their belief in dragons. Dragon images can be seen everywhere in their armor and weapons. Even the Homeless Knights There are also dragon-like designs on the flag.

Because they believed in dragons and longed to gain the power of dragons, they invented dragon runes.

Later, they were not satisfied with the extraordinary power generated by the blessing of external forces. They also hoped to have the power of a dragon, so they came up with the Dragon Feast Ceremony.

Through the dragon feasting ceremony, they can extract power from the remains of the dragon to strengthen themselves, and even more, they can inspire extraordinary power similar to that of the dragon. This is why the Homeless Knights are as famous as the Furnace Knights.

However, as the Homeless Knights were defeated and exiled to various places, some Homeless Knights felt that their defeat was because they were not strong enough, so they made some modifications to the dragon feasting ceremony. The method of extracting power from the remains of the dragon was directly Transform into killing a dragon and then eating its heart to gain power.

Among the memories obtained by Linde, there is content related to directly eating dragon hearts to perform dragon feasting rituals. Although this method can quickly increase the power of the homeless knight, it also contains huge hidden dangers, the biggest of which It means going crazy and mutating.

In fact, the Dragon Feast Ritual itself has such side effects, but when they absorb the dragon remains, the side effects are not very effective. This may be because the power contained in the remains has been precipitated by time, and the violence contained in it is All the aura has been exhausted, and coupled with the strong will of the lost knight and the dragon rune necklace that specifically targets chaotic thoughts, there will naturally be no problem in absorbing it.

But directly killing the dragon and eating its heart, the power gained in this way must be full of the dragon's violence and resentment. Perhaps the homeless knight can use his own will to resist the influence of the violent will once or twice, but if it happens more times, it will definitely He will miss. As long as he misses once, his body will be completely assimilated. This is how the original red-eyed Homeless Knight came about.

Not to mention whether there are any side effects of the dragon feasting ritual that swallows the dragon's heart, or whether there are still living dragons in the current world of ice and fire. Even if there are dragons, and Linde can still find the lair where the dragon is, he runs to it. It's definitely not slaying a dragon. With his current strength, it's more like delivering food to the dragon.

On the contrary, the normal dragon feasting ceremony was suitable for him. After all, there were a large number of dragon bones placed in the cellar of the Red Castle, and there were still many dragon bones in his box.

Although the power that a normal dragon feasting ritual can enhance is far from comparable to that of swallowing the dragon's heart, it is enough for him to roam the world of ice and fire.

You must know that the Peacemaker's two-sword swordsmanship has already made him so powerful that he is almost invincible in a duel, and the Homeless Knight's two-sword swordsmanship can increase his combat power several times, and the Homeless Knight's knight's sword is even more powerful. Suitable for fighting on horseback, this undoubtedly makes him even more powerful in mounted combat.

The Dragon Feast Ritual can even give him more powerful inhuman power, which will undoubtedly allow him to stand more firmly in this world.

"Make the armor and weapons first." After Lin De sorted out his thoughts, he immediately had an idea.

If it is before a group competition, this matter may be a little difficult. After all, a piece of high-quality steel plate armor is already worth a lot of money in Westeros. Otherwise, Fertimo would not just borrow that plate armor. For him to use, if he wanted to forge a full-body heavy armor like the Homeless Knight that was thicker than ordinary plate armor, the price would most likely be ten or even ten times that of plate armor.

But now that he has won the team competition championship, he has a championship bonus of [-] gold dragons. Twenty thousand gold dragons should be enough to use to build heavy armor and weapons.

As for forging materials, he naturally would not expect to use Valyrian steel. This is not a matter of price, but that there is not much Valyrian steel handed down now, and they are all made into swords. There is no idle Valyrian steel at all. Yagang is given to Linde for use.

It is enough to use the materials of Garland's two swords. Although the steel is not as good as Valyrian steel, it is already much stronger than ordinary steel. After he is engraved with dragon runes, this kind of steel will The strength of steel can undergo some unknown transformation and become harder under the influence of dragon rune energy.

Linde's memories of the Homeless Knight include the story of the Homeless Knight cutting off the dragon's bones with his Knight's Great Sword, and the material used by the Homeless Knight to forge his armor and Knight's Great Sword is ordinary iron ore.

After finishing absorbing and sorting out the memory of the lost knight, Linde opened his eyes and prepared to stand up, but he immediately felt the ice on top of his head, heavy, as if an ice pack had been pressed against him.

He reached out and grabbed the top of his head, and immediately caught the glory lying on top of his head. Then he grabbed it off, put it in front of his eyes, and said with a smile: "Why are you lying on top of my head?"

Not sure if he understood Linde's words, Glory screamed at him a few times, and then he felt the cold fur on Glory's body in his hands began to return to normal.

Although he couldn't understand what Glory said, judging from the fact that Glory's body became extremely cold and he took the initiative to lie on top of his head, something must have happened when he activated the golden finger just now.

At this time, his eyes swept over the box containing the keel next to his feet, and the situation in the box made him stunned. Then he put down Glory, stood up from the bed, and carefully checked the situation inside the tent.

The reason why he was so alert was because he found that there were a lot less dragon bones in the box. He remembered that when he activated the golden finger, there were still a lot of dragon bones left in the box, but now there were only a few fist-sized pieces left in the box. The keel, and the rest were all turned into ashes.

This made him wonder if someone had sneaked into the tent and stolen some dragon bones while he was absorbing and sorting out the memories of the lost knights.

But he quickly rejected this speculation, because if someone really broke into the tent, then Glory would definitely attack the intruder, not to mention that there were people guarding outside the tent.

"Since no one broke in, how come there were so few keel bones?" Linde was confused and felt thirsty at the same time. He wanted to pick up the kettle on the table and pour a glass of water, but when he picked up the cup When he was doing it, he exerted a slight force on his palm, and the oak cup immediately shattered as if it were made of paper.

(End of this chapter)

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