Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 365: The Iron Throne Belongs to You

Chapter 365: The Iron Throne Belongs to You

"Duke Tywin, I can make Myrcella give up the throne, but what compensation can you give Myrcella?" Looking at Tywin who arrived late at night, Lind was not surprised. The popular viper deliberately caused trouble and will The moment Myrcella was elected as the heir to the Iron Throne, he knew that Tywin would definitely come to find him.

However, what surprised him was that Tywin was so impatient that he came to him that night, and without any unnecessary nonsense, he directly made his request, which was to let Myrcella give up her right to inherit the throne. .

Therefore, Linde also gave a very direct response. It was okay to give up the inheritance rights, but he had to provide something of equal value as compensation.

"What do you want?" Tywin asked in a deep voice.

Lind thought for a moment and said, "What you found on Fairy Island."

Tywin's expression suddenly changed, his eyes widened, and his fingers couldn't help but tremble because of his inner emotions. Then he took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, "When did you know about it?"

"When you asked the Lannister family to marry the last heir of Fairy Island and take over Fairy Island, I had my doubts." Lind smiled and said, "Later, you formed a fleet four times to sail to Fairy Island. Sailing deep into the Sunset Sea, except for one fleet that was in trouble and did not return, the other three times successfully returned to Lannisport and brought back a large amount of spices, gems and gold. Although Lord Tywin still keeps these things secret It's not as good as my dark cave, but it's already far more secretive than other powerful people in the world. Unfortunately, it's humans who maintain these secrets. As long as humans have loopholes, people can follow the clues and understand the hidden secrets. Alyssa's legacy, a safe route around the world, to be honest, after I knew about it, I almost couldn't hold it back, so I went directly to Casterly Rock City to ask for it from you."

"Why didn't you force it?" Tywin hesitated and asked: "With your ability and strength, you can attack the Western Territory directly. Even if Casterly Rock City is built on the top of a mountain, I'm afraid it won't be able to resist your dragon."

Linde smiled and said: "Although I also covet the trade west of the Sunset Sea, I know more clearly what my main goal is. The White Walkers are my main goal. As one of the seven kingdoms, the West is bound to be the future. One of the important forces in the war with the White Walkers, why should I cut off my limbs for a little wealth? What's more, the wealth I have does not need to rely on the trade of the Sunset Sea to make up for the shortfall, but you are different, the gold of the Western Region After so many years of digging, I think we are almost done. Without the support of overseas trade, I am afraid that the prosperity of the Western Region will no longer exist. What do you think? And I don’t think there is a need to snatch it. Someone will automatically take this route. Give it to me first, just like you are now.”

"What are you so happy about? Even if the gold mines are exhausted, Tywin still has gold ingots and gold ore that can sustain daily needs for at least three years. It is impossible to rely solely on the news that the gold mines are exhausted. It is impossible for Duke Tywin to It will have a great impact on the West." Lind shook his head slightly and said: "It is impossible for Tywin to not see this with his mind. It is a pity that all he has heard about gold mines and the Lannister family since he was a child. The depletion of the gold mines made him panic, and he felt that the Lannister family was also on the verge of collapse, so he did not realize that the impact of the news on him was not as great as he thought."

After hearing Lind's words, Tywin felt that all his secrets had been seen through by Lind. Especially when he heard Lind mentioning the depleted gold mine, he felt like he was about to faint.

Linde said in a deep voice: "I just need a stable Western Territory, not a chaotic Western Territory." Then he said: "We seem to have strayed a little bit, let's go back to the succession of the throne? Lord Tywin, what do you want? Have you made up your mind? Do you want to use the Alyssa inheritance you received in exchange for Myrcella giving up her right to inherit the throne?"

"In this case, please come back, Lord Tywin! I hope that Lord Tywin can give you the answer when we meet next time." Linde did not pay too much attention, nodded, and reminded: "However, it is best Please give me an answer before the next King Selection. Otherwise, even if I don't ask for it, someone else will take the initiative to help Myrcella obtain the Iron Throne. After all, your reputation in other kingdoms is not very good. , many people want to see you unhappy."

Tywin was very aware of the problems with the gold mines, so he had already begun to lay out overseas trade routes a long time ago. In order to pretend that the gold mines were still operating normally, he secretly purchased large amounts of raw gold ore from outside, constantly putting the miners on their backs. Going in and out, disguised as a gold mine and still maintaining a good situation, thereby maintaining stability in the territory.

Lind seemed to see Tywin's panic and nervousness at the moment, and comforted him with a few words: "Don't be nervous, I won't tell anyone about the depletion of the gold mines, and I can also secretly provide you with a batch of gold raw materials." The ore allows the Western Territory to continue to disguise itself."

"It should be," Lind nodded and said, "Asha sent people to follow her, but none of them came back."

However, he also knows that this secret cannot be kept secret for long, because as the gold ore decreases, the export of gold jewelry and utensils from Lannisport has also been reduced by half. Some people say this is because of the war, but in fact it is Tywin who is deliberately reducing it. The volume of gold shipments allowed the family's treasury to last longer, long enough for him to think of ways to fill this huge financial hole.

However, just a year ago, someone came to report that the gold mine had been completely exhausted, and all that was dug was low-quality gold that required repeated processing to be extracted.

"Why? Why do you want to help the Western Region?" Tywin asked extremely puzzled.

After hearing this, Tywin said nothing more, turned around and hurriedly left Linde's mansion.

The Red Viper couldn't help but asked curiously: "Tywin really found Alyssa's legacy and discovered the route to the Sunset Sea in the west?"

The depleted gold mines can be said to be the biggest disaster in the Western Territory now, because most of the wealth in the Western Territory comes from the gold trade, which is the backbone of the stability of the Western Territory.

At the same time that Tywin left, the Red Viper walked out of the side room, then looked in the direction Tywin left, and said with disdain: "The Lannister family's shit is made of gold. Now it seems The Lannisters have run out of gold, and that's something to celebrate."

However, now that this secret that was fatal to the West was casually revealed by Lind, how could he not feel scared? If Lind had any ill intentions towards the Lannister family, he would have to send troops to attack the Lannister family. Family, just revealing the secret of the depleted gold mines would be enough to shake the Lannister family's rule over the West.

Tywin was silent for a moment, shook his head slightly, and said, "I want to go back and discuss this matter with others before deciding."

The Red Viper guessed: "It was sunk after being discovered by Tywin's fleet?"

"No." Linde said seriously: "If it was sunk, then Tywin wouldn't have been so surprised and flustered when I mentioned Alyssa's inheritance just now, so Asha's people are very Maybe it was a shipwreck."

The Red Viper said slightly jealously: "The Lannister family is so lucky. The gold mines have dried up, and new gold mines have been delivered to them." "Okay, we don't need to talk about the Lannister family anymore." Lin. De ended the topic and then asked the Red Viper: "Why did you come to me? I have already said that I will not interfere..."

"No! I'm not here for the inheritance of the Iron Throne. No, I'm here for the Iron Throne." Red Viper interrupted Linde's words, and then said his purpose incoherently, but after he finished speaking I also thought this sounded a bit strange, so I changed my sentence and said, "I came to you because I actually wanted to ask you if you are interested in sitting on the Iron Throne?"

Linde was stunned, looked at the Red Viper with a strange look, and said, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

"Of course, of course I know what I'm talking about." Red Viper smiled, then picked up the wine bottle on the table and poured himself a glass of wine, but after taking a sip, he found that it was juice, and put it on the table again. and continued: "In fact, your influence now is no different from that of the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, the guardian of the entire territory, and the lord of the Iron Throne. Think about it, the North, the Stormlands, and Dragonstone are all under your control." Under our control, plus your Summer Hall, our Martell family's Dorne, and the Tyrell family's Reach..."

Lind asked in a deep voice: "Wait a minute, is this just a sudden idea of ​​yours, or is it a proposal discussed with the Tyrell family?"

Red Viper said excitedly: "It's just my temporary idea for now, but I think the Tyrell family won't refuse."

"In other words, it's not just the Tyrells who don't know your thoughts, you are also making decisions for Prince Doran." Linde smiled and said, "Have you never considered that they will refuse?"

"No, they will never refuse," Red Viper felt more and more that his sudden idea was very feasible, and said, "Do you feel that your identity prevents you from becoming the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and sitting on the Iron Rail? Obstacles to the throne? In fact, you don’t have to worry at all. Who in the entire Seven Kingdoms has a more noble identity than the Chosen of the Seven Gods, the Storm God, and the Lord of Natural Disasters? Your reputation far exceeds that of any Lord of the Iron Throne. Even if Even the Conqueror King Aegon back then was not as good as him, so no one would object." As he said that, he shouted towards the door: "What do you think? Duke Sansa and Duke Shireen."

At this time, Sansa, Shireen and Patchface were seen walking out from behind the door, looking at Lind timidly. Sansa stood up and said, "We didn't eavesdrop on purpose, we were just walking around outside because we couldn't sleep. Inadvertently……"

"No need to explain. If I didn't want you to eavesdrop, the Redemption Sister outside the door would have taken you away long ago." Lind looked at a few people and said, "You all heard Prince Oberon's proposal just now. Tell me what you think, Shirin, you go first."

"Sir, I think it's fine." Shirin looked at Lind, then lowered her head and said.

Sansa also said hurriedly: "My lord, if you can become the lord of the Iron Throne, then all the disputes in the Seven Kingdoms will stop and the kingdoms can regain peace. This will also be good for the future war with the White Walkers. After all, the Seven Kingdoms Only when there is peace can we send out more people and more supplies to support the Great Wall in desperate situation."

The Red Viper looked at Lind with a strange look on his face and said, "You ask them if it is necessary? They two still need support to secure their positions as Duke of Storm's End and Duke of Winterfell. How could they oppose you? Become Lord of the Iron Throne?”

"Well, I don't think they will object." Linde nodded knowingly, then looked at the Red Viper and said: "Then please go see the Duke of Metz and Duchess Caitlin, and help me ask them if You are willing to support me in becoming the lord of the Iron Throne, and also ask Prince Dolan, lest you agree for him and he regrets it."

Hearing Linde's words, Red Viper was stunned for a moment, but soon realized something and hurriedly confirmed: "You agree to my proposal."

Linde said calmly: "You have already placed the Iron Throne in front of me. It would be too pretentious for me to push it further."

"I knew you would definitely agree. I will go to Tyrell's house now..." Red Viper also seemed very excited. He was about to follow Lind's words and ask Duke Mace and Duchess Caitlin what they thought, but he Suddenly stopped, turned his head, looked at Linde with a strange expression, and said: "This is wrong! You obviously want to sit on the Iron Throne, why do you want me to help you as a lobbyist? other people?"

Linde smiled and said: "Didn't you put forward this proposal? Since it was you who put it forward, it is naturally up to you to solve it. If other people get involved, it will make things confusing. After all, there is still another person. It’s Tywin who’s blocking the road!”

Red Viper looked at Linde for a long time and said: "I always feel that I have suffered too much in this matter. I have been busy and busy, but I have not benefited at all. All the benefits have been taken away by you."

Lind took out a plan he compiled not long ago, handed it to the Red Viper, and said: "In this case, I will form an expedition team soon to go deep into the Sothoros continent to find a suitable settlement. You Are you interested in taking a team to take a look there?"

After seeing it, the Red Viper immediately became very interested. He was originally a restless person, but for various reasons, he had to stay in Dorne Sunspear. Although Sunspear was his home, he could not He did not admit that he was tired of staying in Sunspear. Now the proposal made by Linde was exactly what he wanted. Moreover, if Linde sat on the Iron Throne, then he would no longer have to stay in Sunspear and could be himself. things went.

Thinking of this, he took the plan and looked at it carefully, then returned the plan to Linde and said: "Leave this matter to me, just let me become the captain of the expedition team afterwards. "

After saying that, he hurriedly walked outside the official residence.

When the Red Viper left, Sansa couldn't help but come over and said doubtfully: "My lord, didn't you plan to hire Prince Oberon to lead the team with a high salary from the beginning?"

When Linde heard this, he just smiled and put the plan away.

(End of this chapter)

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