Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 375 Conquering the Academy

Chapter 375 Conquering the Academy
While Tyrion was giving advice to Nymeria and others, Oldtown Academy was also having a hard time recording how Linde became the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and the lord of the Iron Throne.

It’s not that this experience is not easy to record, but it’s a very good record. Basically, it can be written in one sentence. The guardians of the seven kingdoms jointly recommended it, and then he ascended the throne and became the king. This experience is considered complete.

There is no need to even record the grand ceremony of the coronation ceremony, because Linde did not hold any ceremony related to the coronation of the Iron Throne at all, and the day after he became the king, he had the Iron Throne dismantled. Transported to Dragonstone as a souvenir, the throne room was converted into a council chamber.

You must know that the records of dynasty changes in the past were full of epic colors, making people feel as if they were actually there when reading them, but now everything is too bland, so bland that it is not even as good as recording the change of lords of a small lord.

However, after Archmaester Pycelle of King's Landing sent a draft announcement document, the entire city exploded.

This draft document is an appointment document and an authorization document. The content of the appointment document is very simple, which is to appoint a monk named High Sparrow to become the Archbishop of Baelor Cathedral in King's Landing.

This is not the reason why the city is shocked, because it is not the first time that an unreasonable person has been appointed as the Archbishop. There was a precedent in the Targaryen Dynasty back then, and this was only an internal matter within the Church of the Seven Gods. There is nothing shocking about the Citadel.

What really shocked the Citadel was the latter authorization document, which authorized the Cathedral of the Stars in Old Town in the Reach, the High Cathedral in Highgarden in the Reach, the Cathedral of the Seven in Lannisport in the West, and Baelor in King's Landing. Seven churches, including the Holy Temple, the Holy Temple of Fertility in Riverrun City, the Holy Temple of the Source in Seagull Town in the Vale, and the Snow Temple in White Harbor, formed the rights belonging to their respective temples, the Knights of the Star and the Knights of the Holy Sword. It is equivalent to re-liberating the church's weapons.

Anyone who knows the history of Westeros knows very well that the Targaryen Dynasty actually fought the Seven Years War to disarm the church, which ended with the brutal death of Maegor I, and was finally mediated by Jaehaerys I. Let the Seven Gods Church give up its church arms and its right to judge.

The world only saw the efforts made by the Targaryen Dynasty to solve the church armed forces. They did not see that the Citadel contributed to this matter. In fact, the church armed forces of the Church of the Seven Gods will eventually be disbanded. A large factor is because of the Cathedral. The city secretly contacted various lords to stand on the same side as the Targaryen dynasty and jointly put pressure on the church. Even the Targaryen dynasty's attack on the church's armed forces was guided by the city.

The Duke of Metz nodded and asked, "What if His Majesty Linde refuses?"

Maester Jace said seriously: "We should unite to put pressure on the Iron Throne and ask His Majesty Lynd to withdraw his order to restore the church's arms."

There is no doubt that the establishment of the church's armed forces directly threatens the rule of the lords, so the school city also immediately sends letters to the staff bachelors around each lord, asking them to guide the lords to oppose the establishment of the church's armed forces to the Iron Throne.

In fact, the day after the Academy received the draft announcement document, the formal announcement document had been delivered to all parts of the Seven Kingdoms by the messenger crow. Naturally, the Starry Temple and the Towering Tower also received it, and the Starry Temple's first It took time to rebuild the Star Knights and the Holy Sword Knights belonging to the Starry Temple based on the announcement of the Iron Throne. In less than three days, nearly 7,000 people were recruited.

But now it seems that the restoration of part of the church's judicial power may have been a trial. It was precisely because of the lack of response from the city that Linde restored the church's core armed rights at once after he ascended the throne.

However, the Duke of Metz did not show much enthusiasm. He just sighed and asked: "Scholar Jace, I know everything you said, so how can you solve this problem for me?"

However, more than ten days have passed. Not to mention other areas, not even the Hightower family in the old town where the school city is located and the surrounding lords have not raised any objections to Linde, or protested against the establishment of church armed forces. As if the restoration of the church's arms was nothing more than a trivial matter.

Therefore, the city bowed to the church on the surface and obeyed the church's arrangements. It secretly influenced the lords' decision-making through the bachelors assigned to each lord, and supported the lords who were anti-church to come to power. Finally, in the world-famous King Maegor I, After the tyrant appeared, they took advantage of the situation and completely completed the greatest weakening of the church's power.

"My Lord Duke of Metz, His Majesty Linde's move is clearly to use the armed forces of the Church of the Seven Gods to interfere in the internal affairs of the High Court. If the church's armed forces are allowed to develop, eventually the lord's rights will be stripped away bit by bit, completely Become a puppet of the church." The lobbyist spared no effort to elaborate on the dangers of the church's armed forces, and what he said can be found in precedents. When the church was strong, even the choice of the lord's successor had to be decided by the church.

So for other people, the church armed forces are not under control, but for him, the church armed forces can be easily controlled like his own chosen son. Even the commander of the church armed forces can be replaced by him at will, and The most important thing is that such a large armed force does not need to use its funds. Every Seven Holy Church that authorizes the restoration of church armed forces spares no effort to support the formation of church armed forces.

The reason for this was entirely because the Church of the Seven Gods was too powerful at the time. The church's influence even penetrated into the school city. All books included in the school city had to be reviewed by the church, and the church would even directly invade the school city. They were seized as bachelors, put on trial, and publicly burned at the stake.

Logically speaking, any ruler would not want to restore the uncontrolled power of the Order's armed forces unless he was an extremely stupid idiot, but Lind Terra was different. He was the Chosen One of the Seven Gods. He is the church leader second only to the Seven Gods in the Seven Gods Church. Even within the Seven Gods Church, he already has the same status as a god. For example, under the Seven Gods statue is his statue.

Bachelor Jace continued: "We can form a coalition..."

However, what Linde has done now has made all the efforts of the city more than two hundred years ago in vain. Before restoring the church's arms, Linde had already restored part of the church's judicial power, because their judicial power mainly targeted people. Those unruly spellcasters, and the city did not like the spellcasters, so it did not prevent the church from restoring this part of its rights.

Thinking that the various lords did not realize the seriousness of the matter, the school city specially sent lobbyists to go to each lord to personally explain the disaster of the restoration of the church's armed forces, trying to get them to unite and prevent this matter like they did back then.

The first lobbyist to arrive was naturally the Tyrell family in Highgarden, and the high church in Highgarden has already initially formed two church armies. Each church arm has three thousand people. In terms of number alone, It is already enough to contend with the garrison branch of the Tyrell family in Highgarden.

Before the other party could finish speaking, the Duke of Metz interrupted him and said, "You mean you want to rebel."

Maester Jace shook his head and explained: "It's not a rebellion, it's just to show our strength and determination to His Majesty Linde."

Duke Metz added: "What if His Majesty Lynde still refuses?" Bachelor Jace said: "Then we can march to King's Landing..."

The Duke of Metz raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't this considered a rebellion?"

"This..." Bachelor Jace didn't know how to give a more appropriate answer for a while.

However, the Duke of Metz did not pay attention to his answer, but continued to ask: "If His Majesty Linde suppresses it with force, how can your school city resist His Majesty Linde's divine power? Is there any way to resist His Majesty Linde's power?" dragon?"

Bachelor Jace fell silent. Although he wanted to say that he could use a crossbow or other weapons to shoot down the dragon, he had seen the lava dragon that Lind often rode and knew how terrifying that dragon was. .

Lind once rode this dragon to Old Town, and the dragon fell down on the front of the school city. Bachelor Jace once saw the dragon up close, which seemed to come from the seven hells. He didn't think any weapon could deal with it. The dragon caused damage, and the dragon's flames were enough to melt anything.

The Duke of Metz looked at the lobbyist sent by the school coldly and said in a deep voice: "You can't resist His Majesty Linde's power. Why do you think we can? You are completely asking us to die, and Have you ever thought about how many believers of the Seven Gods there are in the Seven Kingdoms, and how many devout believers and fanatic believers there are among these believers of the Seven Gods? Have you ever thought that when we just launched a rebellion, the believers of the Seven Gods under us would rebel against us, and then Our heads will be chopped off by them and given to His Majesty Linde as a gift."

"Your Majesty the Duke of Metz, we..." Bachelor Jace looked embarrassed and wanted to say something, but was stopped by the Duke of Metz who raised his hand.

The Duke of Metz then ordered Academician Jace to be sent away from Highgarden, and then ordered Archbishop Halvin of the High Seat Church to be found, and he repeated to Archbishop Halvin what Academician Jace had just said.

Archbishop Halwin smiled and said: "Duke of Metz, please rest assured that the church will never interfere in the internal affairs of the High Court."

"Of course I'm relieved. You're much better and more well-behaved than the guy named Tassie before." Duke Mace waved his hand, then took out a document from King's Landing and handed it to Harvin. The archbishop said: "I called you here not only to tell you about the lobbyists in the school city, but also to show you this order document from His Majesty Linde, so as to avoid any misunderstandings caused by my execution of the rights conferred by the document. .”

Archbishop Halwin frowned and took the document and looked at it carefully. This document was also an authorization document, authorizing the Duke of Metz to supervise the qualifications of officers at all levels of the Order Arms in the High Church. These qualifications include, in addition to In addition to abilities and beliefs, the most important thing is that any officer of the sect's armed forces, including the smallest captain level, must go to the Redemption Temple to undergo a faith test that matches their status. Those who fail the test are not allowed to serve. Any officer position.

Seeing Archbishop Halvin frown slightly and remain silent for a long time, Duke Metz smiled and asked: "Your Excellency, Archbishop, do you want to oppose His Majesty Linde's order?"

Archbishop Halvin shook his head quickly and said: "Of course not. I will compile the list of officers as soon as possible and hand it over to you, the Duke, for review, and then send them to the Salvation Temple to undergo trials."

The Duke of Metz smiled and said: "This is the best. I hope that the two of us can cooperate tacitly and complete the tasks assigned by His Majesty Linde."

In the following period, similar things happened in various big cities one after another. All the guardian dukes of the kingdom that the school city came into contact with were without exception not interested in resisting the restoration of church arms. Even though those small lords and nobles were worried and dissatisfied, But the guardian duke did not express any objection, and they naturally did not dare to say anything. As for the devout lords and nobles, they were driven away without even giving them a chance to speak.

While the school was plotting to resist Linde's order to restore the Order's armed forces, Linde also struck hard at the school's vitals.

He ordered the city to open the books to the exchange bachelors of the Sphinx Academy for copying, and the bachelors of the Sphinx Academy would compile the orphan books. The three sets are stored in the Sphinx Courtyard, the King's Landing City Library under construction, and the Queen's Palace of Lorne Gona Sastar.

Faced with this order that almost cut off the roots of the school city, the school city was naturally unwilling to agree, so the city doctors closed the school city on the day they received the order, completely cutting off the school city from the outside world.

At the same time, the Starry Church and the Hightower family, who received Lind's order, immediately used church armed forces and the Old Town garrison to surround the school city, cut off the school city's drinking water source, cleaned up the houses around the school city, and built The high wall completely surrounded the school city, cutting off the school city's water and food supply, thus sealing the school city.

When the water supply was cut off, the school city kept releasing messenger crows to ask for help from other lords of the Seven Kingdoms, but received no response from any lords. The entire school city was isolated by the seven kingdoms.

In addition, although the school city has measures to reserve food and drinking water, because the school city has never been treated like this in the past, there is not a lot of food and drinking water in reserve.

Four days later, the academy offered to negotiate, but neither the Hightowers nor the Starry Cathedral paid heed to it. On the seventh day, the academy's drinking water was completely exhausted. On the ninth day, the academy opened its gates and announced that it would give up resistance and accept Lin's offer. Moral arrangement.

Under Linde's instructions, the Church Armed Forces of the Starry Temple separated a group of troops and the Hightower family's garrison to form the Academy Guards, replacing the Academy's guard knights and taking over the defense and security of the Academy.

After that, the exchange bachelors from the Sphinx Academy entered the school city and began to take over the library of the school city, sorting and compiling all kinds of books. Although the bachelors in the school city were extremely dissatisfied with this, there was nothing they could do to stop it. All the doctors from the school were transferred out of the school by Linde and recruited to King's Landing to take charge of various affairs of the new library.

At this point, the two major forces in Westeros that worried Lind the most, the Church and the Citadel, were all under his control, and he could handle other matters with peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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