Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 378 The battle situation is frustrated

Chapter 378 The battle situation is frustrated
"Compared with the illusions of the deep sea that occur from time to time, I think you have more important problems that need to be solved now." Linde looked thoughtfully at the two people who were already dressed.

"What's the problem?" The two said in unison again. This time they seemed to realize something and looked at each other in shock.

"It seems that you have realized the problem." Linde turned to look at the bachelors and spellcasters in charge of the operation, and asked: "Has a similar situation happened before? The phenomenon of telepathy between two recipients of implants .”

"No, never." Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads.

An alchemist suddenly thought of something and guessed: "Could this be related to the fact that their implants are all cultivated in the same pool of culture fluid?"

"Use the same pool of culture medium?" Linde was stunned when he heard this, and frowned: "Why use the same pool of culture medium?"

The bachelor in charge of the experiment said a little innocently: "Your Majesty, you are rushing too fast. The Black Cave does not have spare culture fluid to cultivate the implants of two adults at the same time, so we can only use the culture fluid from the same pool. .”

Linde did not intend to blame them, but asked: "How long will this kind of spiritual connection last?"

After exchanging opinions with each other, the bachelor and the spellcaster said: "There is no precedent for this kind of thing, and we don't know how long it will last. However, from various indications, this kind of psychic communication comes from the implant. Then it might be the same as their bellicosity.”

"That means it will last forever." Linde couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said.

Hearing this, James also had a smile on his face.

The Red Viper said with a mocking look: "Hey! Are you no longer pretending? Admit to the world that Robert's three children are You and Cersei..."

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I was a little rude!" Red Viper restrained his cynicism, stood up, and apologized to Linde in a serious manner.

Lynde promised: "As for the Kingsguard, I will reorganize them, and you will still be the captain of the Kingsguard."

Linde turned around and ordered to the attendant who was following him: "Go and call the members of the Imperial Council and the Speaker and Members of Parliament, and let them meet the new Prime Minister."

"Pfft!" As soon as Lind finished speaking, Garland couldn't help laughing.

"Prince Oberon, you are now the Hand of the King. You should restrain your poisonous tongue appropriately." Lind interrupted Oberon and reminded: "Don't forget, Myrcella is still Augustus. Your fiancée, she is also your niece-in-law."

James ignored the Red Viper, but turned to look at Lind, and said seriously: "Your Majesty, I remember that you did not arrange the position of the Kingsguard. I hope to become the Kingsguard again."

James said solemnly: "I am going to let Tommen be named Lannister and hand over Casterly Rock to Tommen to inherit."

Red Viper nodded and said: "Good idea, I accepted your suggestion, Lord James."

"Your Majesty, if you let me be the King's Hand, I won't be afraid of making a mess of the kingdom." The Red Viper sat very casually on the chair prepared by Duke Tywin for himself, then frowned and said, "I The first thing to do as Hand of the King is to replace the chairs and tables here, they are too rigid, like furniture that a dead person would use."

"You are my King's Hand, and I leave this place to you." Lind pointed to the room and said to Prince Oberon.

Linde suppressed the abnormal expression on his face and said with an apologetic look: "I didn't expect such an accident. You can only adapt to it yourself."

Everyone looked at Garland in unison, wondering why Garland thought this was funny.

James sarcastically said: "For you, it might be better to turn this place into a brothel."

Lind frowned and asked, "What will happen to Casterly Rock if you become the Kingsguard again?"

After hearing Garland's words, Linde couldn't help but show a strange expression on his face, and the others couldn't help but turn their heads to the side. Only the Red Viper and the Kingslayer looked very ugly.

Garland suppressed his smile and said: "I was thinking that Prince Oberon's lover seems to be free of both sexes. If he..., Lord James doesn't know how he would feel."

James responded: "Yes, Your Majesty, I know what to do."

"It's okay, just pay attention to it in the future." Linde didn't think that the Red Viper would change, because if it changed, it would no longer be the Red Viper. He didn't pay too much attention to the Red Viper's rudeness and returned to James' issue. , said: "Casty Rock City is your Lannister family's own territory. How to deal with it is your own business. My only request is that there can be no trouble when the title is changed. Even if there is trouble, you must calm it down as soon as possible. You should not You will want to see me personally go out and help you solve the problem."

After saying that, Linde led Garland and others out of the basement and returned to the Prime Minister's study in the Prime Minister's Tower.

"Yes, Your Majesty." After hearing the instructions, the attendant turned and left.

Not long after, members of the Imperial Council and Parliament came to the Prime Minister's room.

The Red Viper was a little surprised when he saw Margery as the Speaker, but he was not too surprised. After all, he also knew the parliamentary system implemented by Linde in Summer Hall, and knew that the most important thing to do as the Speaker was to coordinate the relationship between the members. Margery is competent at judging whether an issue is good or bad.

On the contrary, he was a little surprised when he saw that Linde continued to appoint Pycelle as Grand Maester and Littlefinger as Finance Minister. After all, these two guys had caused a lot of trouble during the Baratheon Dynasty, even in the previous war. There are also traces of their mischief behind the scenes.

Seeing the unexpected expression on Red Viper's face, Lind seemed to be explaining to Red Viper, and also seemed to be expressing his stance to Pycelle and Littlefinger, saying: "No matter what I have done in the past, or what I am thinking now, I just want my subordinates to do everything according to my instructions, not to violate my laws, and to do things seriously, do you understand?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, we understand." Pycelle and Littlefinger stood up at the same time and responded.

The entire Royal Council, Lynde, did not transfer anyone from Summer Hall. All members were recruited from the Seven Kingdoms. The Hand of the King was the Red Viper, the Captain of the Kingsguard was James, the Grand Maester was Pycelle, and the Treasurer was The minister is Littlefinger, the minister of justice is Garland, the minister of sea is Paxter Redwin, Earl of Arbor, and only the intelligence chief is Balin. Soon everyone from the Royal Council and the Parliament arrived. Linde signaled everyone to quiet down, and then introduced the Red Viper's identity as Prime Minister to everyone.

Linde said to everyone very formally: "In the next period of time, I will go to the Great Wall and then to Braavos. During my absence, I hope that you can agree to cooperate and complete the plan I specified, even if it cannot be completed. Don’t cause any trouble.”

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will live up to your Majesty's trust." Everyone responded one after another.

In fact, according to Linde's plan, he would need at least a few more months to completely stabilize the political system of the new dynasty before setting off for the Great Wall of Despair.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. For some reason, the operation that should have successfully conquered the wildling tribes beyond the wall went wrong. Stannis failed to defeat the coalition of wildlings beyond the wall in one fell swoop. Instead, it increased the morale of the wildlings outside the wall in disguise. They were preparing to Build a raft to bypass the Great Wall and reach the south.

Therefore, Lind had to leave for the Great Wall in advance to deal with the matter of the wild people outside the wall, and then go to Braavos to capture Braavos and solve an important hidden danger.

Just when Linde set off for the Great Wall, all the ranger captains gathered in the conference hall of the Forward Fortress outside the Great Wall to report on the latest battle situation. Stannis listened to their reports with a gloomy face. Everyone can feel that he is very angry now.

"Can anyone tell me why the other party's army appeared behind our position? If Jon hadn't discovered this force in time, we might have been attacked by a sneak attack, and now this forward fortress has also fallen into the hands of others. In the hands of the other party." After the last person reported, Stannis glanced at everyone, and finally landed on the two castle commanders, and said: "Lord Wheelen, Lord Hosteen, I remember correctly. You are defending the position on the side, and the Free People's Alliance troops passed through your position. Tell me why you were not able to discover their whereabouts. Are all of you blind?"

"Commander-in-Chief, we really don't know why those people were able to pass through our defense line?" The two people quickly stood up and defended: "There are no loopholes in our defense line, and there is no fighting. Everyone is focused on fighting. No one dared to relax at all. But that team of troops passed through our position silently, and we were shocked when we heard the news from the rear."

Stannis stared at the two men, silent. He did not believe that the two castle commanders would betray the Night's Watch. But the problem was that an army of more than 2,000 people appeared so suddenly in the rear. Judging from the various traces they left behind, they passed through the defensive positions on the eastern front.

"Could it be related to magic?" At this time, Jon Snow, who had successfully prevented the enemy's sneak attack and made great achievements, guessed.

"Magic?" Stannis was stunned, then turned to look at the magic consultant sent by Linde not long ago, and asked: "Can magic allow people to pass through tightly defended positions silently?"

The magic consultant thought for a while and said: "The wizards of Qarth are good at magic that creates illusions. This magic can deceive the defending army by creating illusions, but the range of that magic will be very large, at most It can only allow a dozen people to pass. If there are thousands of people like this, only His Majesty Linde or the gods can do it."

Although the description of the magic consultant's last sentence was a bit transcendent for the believers of the Seven Gods, they did not refute it, because deep down in their hearts they felt that His Majesty Lynd Terra was already almost a god.

Stannis was silent for a moment, then turned to look at the others and asked, "What do you think?"

Everyone said that only magic could be used to allow thousands of troops to pass through a dense defensive position and arrive at the rear of the position silently. They felt that in this case, it would be impossible for any commander to defend the opponent. The army should not be punished.

It was obvious that they were so supportive of not punishing the two castle commanders because they were worried that their own positions would also encounter such an elusive savage coalition. Once punishment was initiated, they might also be unlucky.

Although Stannis wanted to punish the two commanders so as to put pressure on others and let them focus more on fighting, since everyone said that they should not be punished, he could only do as he was doing and let the two go. Commander.

He felt that his personality seemed to have changed a lot after he became the Commander-in-Chief of the Night Watch. If before, he would not let those two commanders go, even if Linde asked for mercy.

"Is there any way to deal with this kind of magic?" Stannis did not think about punishment any more, but returned to the topic and asked the magic advisor.

"Sorry, I don't even know what magic the other party uses, and naturally I don't have a corresponding solution." The magic consultant gave a disappointing answer, but changed the subject and added: "But something like this can Creating an illusion that covers thousands of people is definitely not something that ordinary magic can do, and the magic power that needs to be consumed is also very huge, and it is impossible to cast it a second time in a short period of time."

After hearing the words of the magic consultant, everyone in the room was slightly relieved. After all, an army can sneak through the position and attack the weak points behind the army at any time. Anyone would feel nervous.

"But we have no way to launch another attack now." Someone reminded: "Our bait has been used, and the other party will definitely not be fooled again, and the current situation is that the other party seems not to prepare to confront us head-on, but intends to create Raft, around the Great Wall of Despair.”

"It's impossible to bypass it." Stannis shook his head and said, "There is a miraculous fleet..."

Jon reminded in a low voice at this time: "My lord, you have forgotten that the Miracle Fleet and the White Harbor fleet are both in Braavos now."

Stannis was stunned for a moment, and then realized that he had inadvertently ignored this important matter.

He immediately thought about it and said: "Since they are unwilling to confront us head-on, we will force them to confront us head-on and concentrate our forces to attack a coalition of free people's tribes, leaving no one alive, making them feel pain and making them angry, as long as They are angry..."

"Lord Commander-in-Chief, what you are doing may be contrary to His Majesty Lynd's original intention," Jon couldn't help interrupting Stannis and said: "His Majesty Lynd hopes to conquer these free people tribes and draw them into the world. Fight against the hordes of White Walkers, rather than destroy them.”

"Jon, you are so concerned about the life and death of those wild... free people. Could it be related to the female prisoner in your tent?" A ranger captain suddenly said loudly: "I remember the name of the female prisoner... …”

"Ygritte, born with the kiss of fire, a famous marksman in the free folk tribe, several of my brothers died under that woman's arrows!" Someone else echoed loudly.

Everyone immediately looked at Jon Snow with a strange look. After all, putting a woman who killed his Night's Watch brother in his room seemed like a betrayal.

Jon Snow, on the other hand, looked pale and lowered his head, saying nothing.

Stannis broke the silence in the room and said: "I asked Jon to guard that woman, and that's the end of the matter. Now let's break up the meeting and go back to reorganize the army. We will then focus on attacking the Rock Tribe on the west side. .”

After saying that, he stood up and walked out of the room, followed closely by Jon.

(End of this chapter)

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