Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 39 The plan is accomplished

Chapter 39 The plan is accomplished
Hearing Linde's heroic words, Garland and Fortimo were so shocked that they couldn't speak. They stared at Linde blankly, as if they were looking at some rare animal.

The treasure of Valyrian steel is self-evident. There are only a handful of weapons made of Valyrian steel in the entire continent of Westeros, such as the Ice of the Stark family, the Broken Heart of the Tully family, etc. wait.

But these were weapons, and armor made of Valyrian steel had never been heard of, which made both Garland and Fertimo think that Lind was completely delusional.

Linde also knew very well what associations his words would have with Garland and Fortimer, and he was helpless about it.

If he wants to fully use all the extraordinary strength and swordsmanship of the Homeless Knight, he must use weapons and armor made of Valyrian steel, because just like ordinary obsidian cannot withstand the power contained in the dragon rune, ordinary obsidian cannot withstand the power contained in the dragon rune. The steel cannot be engraved with dragon runes either.

Yesterday, he tried to make an obsidian dragon rune necklace and found that ordinary obsidian could not withstand the power of the dragon rune. According to the details in the memory of the lost knight, Raul took some silver deer and bought them from the dragon's lair in King's Landing. He picked up some obsidian that had been sprayed by dragon flames.

As a result, except for a few obsidian stones that were not sprayed by dragon flames and fell apart after being engraved with dragon runes, the other obsidian stones that were sprayed by dragon flames were all successfully engraved with dragon runes without exception.

And after he put on the necklace, he felt the same effect as when the homeless knight put on the necklace in his memory. The violent emotions in his mind were relieved by the cool breath conveyed by the necklace, which made his spirit Became extraordinarily sober.

It's a pity that these necklaces are consumables. Wearing them for a long time will gradually weaken the power of the necklace, so it needs to be replaced with new necklaces from time to time. Fortunately, the amount of dragon flame obsidian in the dragon's cave is very large, enough for him to use it to completely solve this dragon attack. The day when the side effects of the ritual occurred.

In addition, after discovering that ordinary obsidian could not withstand the power of the dragon rune, Linde couldn't help but wonder whether ordinary steel, like obsidian, could not withstand the power of the dragon rune.

So, he found some steel plates to test, and the results were as he expected. After the dragon rune seal was engraved on it, the steel plates immediately shattered. Not only did they shatter, but the fragments of the steel plates were as easy as dirt. Just pinch it and it turns into powder.

Obviously, the power of the dragon rune not only tore the steel, but also destroyed the molecular structure inside the steel, turning these steel fragments into another fragile material.

For this reason, Linde carefully recalled the process of making armor, and soon he discovered a misunderstanding caused by a misunderstanding.

Although in memory the material used by the Lost Knight to forge armor and weapons is ordinary iron ore, the ordinary iron ore of the Lost Knight is completely different from the ordinary iron ore in the world of ice and fire.

The world of the Homeless Knight is a world where humans and gods live together. That world is full of magic and divine power, and the iron ore in that world is also produced by endless magic. The iron ore itself has magic power and is made into After steel, magic power still exists, which means that the ordinary steel used by the Homeless Knights actually contains magic power. In the entire world of ice and fire, apart from a few steels made of meteorites, the only steel with magic power is Valais. Leah steeled.

This is why Lind abandoned ordinary steel and used Valyrian steel to make his own armor and knight's sword.

However, the reason why he used this to explain why he sold his cavalry spot was just as an excuse to cover up his true purpose of doing so.
"Are you crazy? You want to use Valyrian steel to make armor and weapons?" Fortimo recovered from the shock first and couldn't help shouting.

Linde smiled and did not continue to explain, and he couldn't explain it.

Garland also recovered. He was not incomprehensible to Linde's decision like Fertimo. Instead, he seemed to be serving as a reference for Linde. He analyzed: "Twenty thousand golden dragons want to make Valyrian steel." There are indeed too few armors and weapons, but just making a Valyrian steel weapon may be enough. The question is where is the Valyrian steel now, and who can make weapons with Valyrian steel? As far as I know All known craftsmanship in Valyrian steel sank to the bottom of the sea with Valyria."

Linde smiled bitterly. Garland completely hit on the difficulty of this matter. He had no clue now.

He knew that there was a blacksmith in King's Landing who knew Valyrian steel craftsmanship. More than ten years later, Duke Tywin asked this blacksmith to smelt the Stark family's ice and reforge it into two Valyrian steel swords. Widow's Wail and Oathkeeper Sword, but he couldn't remember the name of the blacksmith, and there were dozens of blacksmith shops in King's Landing, and he didn't know which blacksmith shop he worked at.

What's more important is that the blacksmith is still a young man. Whether he has mastered the craft of Valyrian steel is still unknown, so finding the blacksmith may not be useful.

As for Valyrian steel, he also has a clue. He remembers that there is a city in the Essos continent that has complete Valyrian steel crafting technology. Maybe there are enough Valyrians in that city to make armor. Yagang, but he couldn’t remember the specific city.

Fotimo obviously didn't take Lind's decision as seriously as Garland did. He just thought it was an arrogant decision made by Lind after winning the team competition championship. Lind should wake up after a while. .

What he is more concerned about now is Linde's decision to sell his spot in the cavalry team, which obviously had a very bad impact on Linde.

So in order to make Lind realize the seriousness of his wrong decision, he told him directly: "The fact that you sold cavalry spots to those guard soldiers has been known to the Duke. Some people think that you are like this." Your behavior is very bad and you must be severely punished."

Linder wasn't surprised; he was concerned that things would turn out the way he wanted.

Garland on the side did not show any worried look, but smiled and said: "Lord Fortimo, you don't have to be so serious. Father will not punish Lind. After all, Lind has done something for us Tyrell." The family has made great contributions.”

"That's because King Robert's invitation letter was sent, and the Duke did not punish him." Fortimo glanced at Garland and said seriously to Linde: "What you did went too far. If Not punishing you will not help the Tyrell family manage their subordinate armies."

This time Garland did not refute Fotimo's words, but gave Lind a wry smile.

"Originally, Bachelor Morath and Lord Roger wanted to bring you to High Court for training. Although the Duke did not agree at the time, he did not object either, and it seems that he is very likely to agree." Foti Mo sighed and said: "But now this matter is basically impossible. The Duke will not allow a person who privately sells the qualifications of the Cavalry to control the Duke's Guard, not even the High Court Guard." If we let you in, you will most likely be sent out to do some drudgery." "Actually, you don't have to worry. Even if it is drudgery, as long as you do well, you will still have a chance to be transferred back to High Court." Garland He immediately comforted Linde with a few words to prevent him from being hit.

However, Garland didn't know that this was the result that Lind wanted to see. In fact, ever since he asked Scar Eye to spread the news yesterday that he was selling his spot in the cavalry, he had been using this self-defiling behavior to get Duke Tyrell to follow him. His cronies found excuses to veto his decision to go to the High Court.

While going to Highgarden seemed like a promising prospect for him, that was definitely not what Lind wanted.

Lind's reputation has risen too quickly. From a country boy, he has become a high-profile figure in a short period of time. Even the king has firmly remembered him. This reputation has aroused the attention of a group of powerful people around Duke Tyrell. envy.

Maybe these powerful people have nothing to do with him now, but once they return to High Court, which is their home court, they have plenty of ways to make themselves suffer.

After all, the power games played by the powerful are not what Linde is good at. If he is too close to the center of power in his current position, he will only fall into an extremely passive state, just like being burned if he is close to a flame. Therefore, stay away from the center of power and accumulate Strength is what he needs to do most now. Only when he has enough strength, will he not be shaken by some conspiracies and tricks.

"Lord Garland, do you know how the Duke will handle this matter?" Linde tried to get some useful information from Garland.

However, Garland didn't know either and shook his head.

However, Fertimo seemed to know something. After thinking about it, he said: "The cavalry will definitely expand, and your identity as captain of the cavalry will not change. However, you'd better choose someone in advance, no matter whether the person you choose is Whenever I give you money, you must meet one requirement, that is, you can fight immediately without any additional training." After saying that, he paused again and added: "In addition, you'd better know about Tengshi Town and The surrounding environment.”

"Tengshi Town?" Linde and Garland both had surprised expressions on their faces, but their surprises had completely different meanings. Linde was surprised because he had never heard of the name of this town, while Garland was surprised. It was because he was surprised to know the situation in this town.

As if he felt that he had revealed too much, after Fortimo finished speaking, he and Garland left the tent on the pretext of not disturbing Linde's preparations for tonight's banquet.

After the two left, Lind immediately turned around and dragged out the box containing Bachelor Holly's books, and then found the book containing information about Tengshi Town from among the many books. After flipping through it quickly, he had no idea about this book. The town, which had never heard of it, felt a tinge of yearning.

Although Tengshi Town is not well-known now, Tengshi Town has left a mark in the history of Westeros, because it participated in the whole process that affected the situation of the entire Westeros continent and affected the entire Westeros continent. During the great event of the Dance of the Blood Dragons, the rise and fall of the Glian Dynasty.

During the Dance of the Blood Dragons, two major battles took place in Tengshi Town. The Green Party and the Black Party gathered tens of thousands of people to fight in this area. Two dragons, a prince, and countless nobles and soldiers died. Here, the entire town was burned to the ground by dragon flames and turned into ruins, which remains unchanged to this day.

It is said that the souls of the dead people and dragons still remain around Tengshi Town, constantly making shrill screams, telling everything that happened in that crazy war.

In addition, although Tengshi Town is now in ruins, it still has an owner. It is the territory of the Bodleian family, and the Bodleian family is one of the poorest noble families in the Reach. Apart from the noble name, this The family is no longer much different from ordinary farmers.

Therefore, even though Tengshi Town has an extremely advantageous geographical location. It is located on the upper reaches of the Mander River and can be reached by boat directly to the High Court, which is much faster than walking on land. However, it has not been rebuilt after so many years and is still in ruins.

What Fertimo said just now should be a hint that Duke Tyrell intends to rebuild Tengshi Town. As for the original lords of Tengshi Town, the Bodley family may move them to other places through territory replacement, or perhaps It was other forms of cooperation that allowed House Tyrell to control the lands in and around Tumblestone.

No matter which method is used, for Linde, what he cares about is his position in this matter. If there are no accidents, he should lead a team of cavalry to sit in Tengshi Town while supervising the reconstruction of the town. While clearing out the bandits nearby, they restored trade between the southern and northern regions.

Because Tengshi Town is very close to King's Landing, only six leagues away. Calculated in kilometers, it should be more than 300 kilometers away. It is right on the edge of the Royal Forest and only two or three leagues away from Rose Avenue.

Although the road connecting Rose Avenue has been abandoned for so many years, if it is cleaned and repaired, it will still be a good road. After all, when this road was built, it was built in full compliance with the specifications of Rose Avenue.

Once the road is clear, it is very likely that the caravans from the north will transport the goods directly to Tengshi Town, and then go south along the Mande River from Tengshi Town to Gaoting, which can greatly save manpower and material resources. , and even reduces transportation time and dangers that may be encountered during transportation.

As a result, the rebuilt Tengshi Town will inevitably become one of the most important commercial and military towns in the Reach.

This is an opportunity for Linde, but it may be very difficult to become the lord of Tengshi Town. Linde has no idea how to do it specifically. He can only wait for the situation to change in the future and slowly look for opportunities.

However, the most important thing for him is to be a knight, and I do n’t know if I am too miserable whether I am rare. Yesterday, although he said to Linde, he expressed his Although he appreciated it, he did not directly canonize Linde as a knight, which made Linde a little disappointed.

But he was not depressed because there were still many opportunities for him, such as the subsequent Iron Islands Rebellion, which was a good opportunity for him.

However, now that he had received the invitation letter to the banquet from the Red Fort, Linde vaguely felt that at this banquet, he might be able to cross this important threshold of his identity.

(End of this chapter)

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