Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 390 Loss of fighting spirit

Chapter 390 Loss of fighting spirit
In the early morning of the next day, Linde separated from Penan, the elf and ghost. After one night, Penan taught Linde how to make the ancient blood carriers become bait, and Linde also received additional I learned some ancient knowledge from Penan, especially the use of sacrificial tablets and the knowledge of related runes.

From the beginning to the end, Linde never inquired about Penan's identity in his ethnic group, but from his ability to use the holy coffin, the clothes he wore while lying in the holy coffin, and the esoteric knowledge he mastered, we can infer his status in his ethnic group. Very high, maybe even close to the status of the White Walker Queen among her people.

Lind could feel that the other party still had many secrets that he had not revealed, such as how to kill the White Walker Queen. This key question was not revealed, but he could still be sure that there was no doubt that the other party wanted to destroy the White Walkers.

However, Linde did not intend to put all his chips on Peinan, even if Peinan was extremely confident in how to destroy the White Walkers.

Linde has decided that his plan does not need to be changed, and Penan's method can also be implemented. Whichever one succeeds in the end, it is a good thing for him.

After leaving the Fist of the First Men, Linde did not return to the Great Wall of Desolation, but rushed towards Stodd's Corner in the east.

At this moment, Stannis has forced the Free Folk Alliance to Hardhome at the top of Stodd's Corner, and Mance Rayder's plan to cross the sea was also hampered by the intervention of Lind's secret fleet on Skagos Island. Bankrupt, the Free Folk Alliance Army has been forced to a dead end.

Linde felt that it was almost enough now, and it was time to incorporate these tribes of free people beyond the Great Wall.

Although Stannis is also capable of handling recruitment matters, being capable does not mean that things can be done well. With Stannis's rigid style of doing things, he is more likely to do things badly than to do them well. Much more.

Therefore, in order to avoid any accidents, Lind decided to go there in person. After settling the matter of the free people tribe, he set off directly to Braavos to solve the problem of Braavos.

A large number of well-equipped Night Watch soldiers shuttled through the military camp. Bonfires were lit in the camp to dispel the cold in the camp. Flags belonging to different Great Wall castles were placed in various places in the military camp.

In the camp of the Free People's Alliance Army on the other side, many savages also knelt down to pray, as if they were facing gods. Others who did not kneel down also showed shocked expressions, and some even shouted in panic. As if seeing some monster.

Mance Rayder and the leaders of each tribe, who were discussing the next battle plan in the tent, heard the noise outside and thought it was a sneak attack by the Night's Watch Legion. They ran out one by one with weapons, ready to summon their men to fight.

In the distance, the barracks of the Free Folk Alliance Army were also built on the hillside, but their number was much larger than that of the Night Watch. However, the overall equipment of the Free Folk soldiers walking through the barracks was far from being comparable to that of the Night Watch. Most of the free folk warriors only held a sharpened wooden stick and a polished stone ax in their hands, and they wore animal skins and bark clothing with very low defense.

A commotion spread in the two opposing military camps, and everyone couldn't help but look up at Linde flying in the sky.

The night watchmen quickly recognized Linde's identity from the obvious armor on his body. They all knelt down towards Linde and shouted slogans such as "Long live His Majesty Linde".

Mance Rayder is a very talented man. In a short period of time, he went from being a betrayer of the Night's Watch to becoming the King Beyond the Wall, and he also integrated so many tribes that were enemies of each other. Such an ability is placed in the Seven Kingdoms. They are also top-notch. It is a pity to lose such talents, so Linde made this trip not only for the warriors of the tribe, but also for the talents of the tribe like Mance Rayder.

The Free People's Alliance does not have much supplies and baggage, and they will run out of food in a day or two at most. When there is no food, the morale and combat effectiveness of the tribal soldiers will plummet.

And although Mance Rayder is known as the King Beyond the Wall, he actually doesn't have many people under his control. The others are all united tribal allies. This kind of alliance will not cause any big problems when the battle goes well. Problem, but once there is a defeat, this loose alliance will soon collapse. At that time, Mance Rayder, the king beyond the wall, is likely to become the target of the tribal leaders to vent their anger.

If the current war situation continues, unless the Night Watch Legion is fighting among themselves, there is no chance that the Free People's Alliance will stand up.

However, Stannis is an experienced general after all. He easily saw Mance Rayder's plan, and he also knew very well that the more the enemy wanted to do, the more he would avoid doing it, so when When Mance Rayder couldn't wait for a decisive battle, he chose to defend and drag these free folk tribe warriors with him.

Linde did not hide his whereabouts and flew directly to the sky above the Night Watch barracks. Because there was no snow and clear clouds, not only the people of the Night Watch army could see his figure clearly, but also the free people opposite. The tribe can also see clearly.

It is not difficult to see from the bodies that have not yet been cleared around the fortifications outside the Night's Watch barracks that the Free Folk Alliance has launched more than one strong attack, but Stannis still relied on his rich experience in defending the city to block the strong attacks again and again. .

"Linde Terra!" Mance Rayder, who had been in close contact with Linde for many days, quickly identified Linde's identity from the special shape of the Lost Knight's armor, and at this moment he also realized There is no possibility of a comeback for him.

There is no doubt that Mance Rayder also knows that if he continues to stay in Hardhome, he will be dead. It is better to resist and fight while he still has the strength.

Judging from the current situation, the Free Folk Alliance should have mobilized all warriors from all their tribes, hoping to have another formal decisive battle with the Night Watch Legion to break through the blockade.

But soon they realized that they had made a mistake, and their eyes all fell on Lind, who was slowly falling over the Night Watch Legion. Although most of them did not know the mysterious existence flying in the air and the Night Watchman. What does it have to do with the Legion, but they can still guess from the cheers coming from the Night Watch barracks that the mysterious god-like existence is probably the reinforcements of the Night Watch Legion. This makes them who were already frustrated with the war situation even more excited about the future. Slim.

Lind flew directly over the Ghost Forest, flying at full speed. It took about an hour or so to see a large number of military camps densely distributed on the hillside in the distance. Checkpoints and wooden fences separated Stod. The road leading to the outside world is completely blocked.

When Mance Rayder was at the Fist of the First Men, he saw with his own eyes how Linde displayed his might to eliminate those ghosts and corpses. Back then, Linde was already as powerful as a god. Now in the past He could not imagine how far Linde's power had increased over the years. He just knew that the army he had now could not defeat the Night's Watch Legion led by Linde.

"Is that the Storm God?" Tormund, the giant slayer standing next to Mance Rayder, watched Lind disappear into the Night Watch camp. After hearing Mance Rayder's words, he confirmed asked.

The other tribal leaders around also looked at Mance Rayder in unison, as if waiting for Mance Rayder's answer. "Yes, he is the Storm God." Mance Rayder looked at the people around him, sighed, and nodded.

The expressions on everyone's faces were immediately full of fear, and they completely lost the momentum they had just clamored in the tent to fight to the end with the Night Watch Legion.

A few years ago, the belief in the Storm God spread to the outside of the Great Wall with the smugglers in Braavos. Snowstorms often occurred outside the Great Wall. The damage caused by blizzards was devastating. The fear of blizzards among the wild people outside the Great Wall accelerated the spread of the Storm God's belief. , eventually making the Storm God faith become the main faith of the wild tribes beyond the Great Wall in a short period of time.

Take the current barbarian tribe leaders around Mance Rayder as an example. At least half of them are followers of the Storm God, and the remaining half are also pan-believers.

Naturally, they had also heard the rumors that the Storm God was Lind Terra, and they also knew who Lind Terra was. Before the battle with the Night's Watch, they had thought about whether Lind Terra would intervene in the war beyond the Great Wall. , and the result of their discussion was that it was impossible for Linde to intervene in the war between the Night's Watch and the Free Folk Tribe beyond the wall.

Because in the past hundreds or thousands of years, there have been no instances of southern lords intervening in wars beyond the Great Wall. Most of them only provided material support to the Night Watch, and did not directly send people or personally participate in the war.

Secondly, when they received the news, a war was breaking out in the seven southern kingdoms. The lords of the seven kingdoms were all focused on that war. No matter how big the commotion outside the wall was, they would not pay attention.

Therefore, based on this judgment, they felt that they could have a chance to climb over the Great Wall and escape to the south, so they united without hesitation and launched a war.

However, now they found that their judgment was wrong. Lind Terra came outside the wall and landed in the Night Watch military camp with a god-like attitude in front of everyone. This shocking sight even affected the tribal leaders like them. They all felt scared and worried, not to mention other ordinary tribe warriors.

In this case, once Lind leads the Night's Watch army to appear in front of the battle, it will be lucky that half of them can still maintain their fighting spirit.

"Let's go! Go back to the tent." Mance Rayder said to the surrounding tribal leaders: "If my guess is correct, it won't be long before Lynd Terra will personally come to our camp to persuade us to surrender. We need to discuss For a moment..." As he spoke, he paused, sighed, and said, "How can I surrender gracefully?"

"Surrender, we still have so many warriors, we can still fight!" A tribal leader wearing bronze armor jumped out and retorted.

"Enough! Sidi, enough!" Mance Rayder said in a deep voice: "The army of corpses that drove you from Thann to the Haunted Forest are as fragile as weeds in front of him. How are you going to defeat them? Him?" As he spoke, he pointed to other people around him and said, "Which one of them do you think will support you and fight with you?"

Sidi, the leader of the Thenns, looked at the leaders of other tribes around him. Everyone did not look at him, but turned to look aside. Even the warlike Rattleshirt chose to remain silent at this moment. He didn't see a trace of fighting spirit in anyone, and he fell silent in the face of this situation.

While Mance Rayder and others were discussing in the tent how to deal with the negotiations and how to obtain good enough conditions from surrender, Lind had already arrived in the meeting tent of the Night's Watch. Stannis and most of the tourists The cavalry captains were all waiting here. After seeing Linde, they all stood up and saluted Linde.

Compared with the rangers who naturally call Lynd His Majesty, Stannis has a little difficulty in calling Lynd His Majesty. Apparently he has not yet adapted to the fact that Lynd's Tyranids replaced the Baratheon Dynasty.

Lind didn't pay attention to Stannis's resistance. He went directly to Stannis's seat and sat down, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, please sit down! This is war time, there is no need to make some red tape, you all You know me, and I know you all, so there’s no need to introduce yourself or anything like that, let’s just get down to business!”

After hearing this, everyone sat down one after another, and the steward also brought a chair for Stannis and placed it next to Lind.

Linde looked at the crowd and said solemnly: "I will go to the military camp of the Free People's Tribe Alliance to persuade them to surrender later. This war with the tribes outside the Great Wall should be over soon. After that, the Free People's Tribe will fight in the gift land." placement work.”

Someone said worriedly: "Your Majesty, would it be too dangerous for you to go directly to the military camps of those wild... free people tribes?"

"Don't worry," Linde said with a smile: "If I really die in the military camp of the free people tribe, then you can just surrender!"

When everyone heard Linde's words, they couldn't help but be stunned. Then they all realized that Linde was telling a joke and laughed.

Only Stannis was not interested in Lind's jokes, and his expression remained cold.

Lind signaled everyone to quiet down, and then said very seriously: "Although the war with the free people tribe is over, it does not mean that you can rest, because the war with the White Walkers and corpses will soon break out. "

Linde then told everyone present what he saw in the land of eternal winter. He did not discount the content in the slightest, he just said what he saw.

When everyone here heard from Linde that the army of corpses might number in the millions, or even tens of millions, everyone's faces became extremely pale. You must know that a few years ago, the war they participated in was just The war involving several thousand people has now reached tens of millions. Such huge numbers make them feel desperate.

If someone else had told them that there were tens of millions of ghouls waiting to attack the Great Wall, they would have thought that the person who said this was a madman, but now that the person who told them these things was Linde, they had no reason to doubt.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the tent became tense and depressing, and there was no sign that they were going to win a war.

(End of this chapter)

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