Chapter 415 Postscript ()

The ship was shaking violently in the storm, so Bailey had to stop writing notes, carefully change the ink screen, hold the wall and walk to the hammock next to him to lie down, letting his body sway with the hammock, quietly Waiting for the storm to pass.

"Am I right or wrong to sign up for the Origin Adventure this time?" Bailey was thinking wildly while lying alone.

According to his own personality, staying at home is the life he wants. As for things like adventure, he can just read the newspaper.

It's a pity that he had to sign up, because if he continued to stay at home, he would need to get married to a woman he didn't like.

However, now that the expedition ship has passed through the Stepped Stone Islands and entered the Narrow Sea, he has some regrets. His regret is not because of the danger. Although there were some casualties when the previous two expedition ships returned, these casualties were all. It was due to negligence, not because of how dangerous the place of origin was.

The reason he really regretted it was that when the expedition ship passed the Stepped Stone Islands, news came from the Imperial Capital that they were going to build a permanent base at the place of origin. The participants of this expedition ship had to stay in the base for at least three years. This was different from The first few months were so different.

However, even if he was dissatisfied, he could not change anything, because this was an order personally issued by His Majesty the Emperor and could not be changed.

"Farewell! My beautiful flowers!" Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh and said.

At this moment, the closed door was opened, and an unusually tall and strong man walked in. He looked at Bailey who was lying on the hammock, turned around, closed the door, and picked up the bag next to him. Wiping the rain and sea water off his body with a towel, he asked in a deep voice: "Didn't you say you wanted to write adventure notes? Why are you lying on the hammock?"

Yes, curious. Even though he knew that it would be dangerous for civilians like him to come into contact with those secret things, he still couldn't help but feel strong curiosity in his heart.

In the past three hundred years, the Stark family in Yimen Tower has had an extremely close relationship with the God-Emperor royal family. They have been married several times. It can be said that apart from the Yilin Tyrell family, they have the closest relationship with the God-Emperor royal family. More than a hundred years ago, the Stark family was gifted a dragon egg, and became the second noble family other than the God-Emperor royal family to own a dragon.

Bailey didn't speak, and he didn't know what to say. He was just an ordinary commoner born in the city of God. He was not born when the rebellion occurred more than thirty years ago, and he couldn't figure out those upper-level things. He didn't even dare to inquire too much, even if he was extremely curious.

He sat on the wooden bed, his body swaying slightly with the room. He took out the pipe and tobacco from the leather pocket hanging on the bedside, lit it and took a few puffs, and said: "We should arrive at Blackwater Bay in two days. However, news came from the last expedition that Blackwater Bay is frozen, and we may have to land near Crab Claw Peninsula, take the land route, pass through the King’s Territory, and head to Old King’s Landing.”

Although the new God-Emperor came to the throne three years ago to grant amnesty to the world, the Stark family was not among the sinners who were pardoned.

Because the rebellion started and ended so suddenly. The sudden news of the rebellion had just reached the border of the empire, and the news of the quelling of the rebellion followed one after another. Calculating the time, I am afraid that the rebellion did not even know about it for a day from the beginning to the end. Many people They all think this is really strange.

Bailey could not help but take another look at the roommate in front of him.

Bailey asked in return: "What about you? All of you God-chosen sons have been tested by the God Emperor. Logically speaking, you can withstand all harsh environments. Why do you still wear leather jackets and cotton-padded clothes?"

That's why Bailey was so surprised when he learned that his roommate turned out to be from the Stark family, because normally he should be in Mya City, so why would he participate in this adventure targeting the place of origin? ?
Jon seemed to know what Bailey was thinking at the moment, and without waiting for the other party to ask, he took the initiative to answer: "His Majesty the God-Emperor allowed me to undergo the God-Emperor Trial. I passed the trial, and His Majesty the God-Emperor pardoned our sins. "I agree to participate in this expedition. If I can gain something and make some achievements, my family will be pardoned."

Jon smiled wryly and nodded.

Bailey listened silently. After a while, he asked a little abruptly: "By the way, we have been here for half a month. I only know that your name is Jon, but I don't know your last name."

According to rumors, Sansa Stark, the founder of the Stark family in Yimen Tower, was the mistress of the God-Emperor. She never married and gave birth to a child for the God-Emperor, who later became the White Wolf Eddard Stark of Yimen. Tucker.

The strong man smiled and said: "Don't you bachelors all accept the black cave trial? I thought this environment was very common for you."

The strong man smiled and did not argue with Bailey anymore. He took off his soaked clothes, put them in the clothes basket, and then put on a pair of dry clothes.

When he heard the strong man's surname, Bailey was stunned, sat up from the hammock, looked at the strong man Jon with a surprised look on his face, and asked: "Stark? Is it the Stark from Yimon Tower?"

But for those who were actively or passively involved in the rebellion, the subsequent effects were less inexplicable. Overnight, more than half of the top nobles of the empire disappeared, including many who were very noble in the old continent like the Stark family. The ancient aristocrats, and countless middle-level people were involved. Until today, thirty years later, the aftermath of the influence has not completely disappeared.

"Do you think you can write in this state?" Bailey rolled his eyes and pointed at the shaking room.

In the empire, the Stark family of Yimen Tower is the top noble family, not only because of their status as hereditary dukes, but also because the Stark family has the blood of the God Emperor.

It is precisely because the rebellion happened so suddenly and ended so suddenly, coupled with the royal ban, that the rebellion is full of unknown mysteries, and it is still the focus of research by the bachelors who are not afraid of death in the city.

The strong man was silent for a moment and said, "Stark, my surname is Stark."

Unfortunately, more than thirty years ago, during the rebellion in the City of Gods, the Stark family was on the wrong side. They were deprived of their titles and the dragons were taken back. The entire family was exiled to the city of Mya in the far east. Guarded by the spellcasters and silent monks of Asshai.

Among the many mysteries, the Stark family’s involvement in the rebellion is the biggest one. You must know that the Stark family has always been an absolutely neutral faction of the empire. They stay away from the divine capital and guard the entrance to the Yi River. They have never been involved in the rebellion. The political struggle in Shendu.

But during the rebellion more than thirty years ago, Brynden Stark, the patriarch of the Stark family, inexplicably publicly declared that he was on the side of the rebels, and the time of his declaration was when news of the rebellion reached the Yi clan. At the time of the tower, that is to say, the rebellion in the divine capital had actually subsided.

Therefore, no one responded to Brynden Stark's call. The Night's Watch troops stationed nearby directly captured the Yimen Tower. When the Stark family fled by boat, they were attacked by the Martell family on the Isle of Tears. It was intercepted. Almost everyone who studies this period of history believes that Brynden Stark should have been bewitched by some kind of witchcraft at that time, so that he made unwise choices under those circumstances. Even the original trial of the Stark family The judges all think so, otherwise, the Stark family might have been exterminated like several other families that directly participated in the rebellion, instead of being sent to the Far East and placed under house arrest.

In the end, Bailey couldn't help his curiosity and asked: "Why did your clan leader suddenly announce his support for the rebels at that time? I think your family's eyesight in the city of God should have already known that the rebellion failed? According to Xin Falcon's speed, the news should have reached Yimen Tower, why..."

Jon Stark was silent for a moment, took a few puffs of his pipe, and then said resentfully: "It's all because of that damn love!"

After hearing Jon's words, Bailey immediately understood. Among the many rumors about the Stark rebellion, there was one that said that Brynden Stark was deeply in love with the rebel's mother, the then God Emperor's concubine. , so he made such an irrational decision, which ultimately cost the entire family.

Thinking of this, Bailey looked at Jon again with a hint of regret. Obviously Jon should be born into the Stark family after the rebellion. He was born with the family's original sin and had to sacrifice himself in the end. To atone for the sins of the family, although completing the trial of the God Emperor and becoming the Chosen Son of God is a supreme honor for every empire member, becoming the Chosen Son of God also means completely losing the ability to have children, and then no longer have your own life. Everything lives for the God-Emperor, just like the God-Queen's Unsullied Legion.

"You don't have to feel sorry for what happened to me. In fact, this is not a good thing for me. I can leave that ghost place, join the expedition team, and come to the land of my ancestors. This is my biggest dream." Jon looked at Looking at the map of the old continent hanging on the cabin, he said, "Maybe we can find the whereabouts of the God Emperor this time?"

"The whereabouts of the God Emperor?" Bailey was stunned and said in confusion: "Isn't the God Emperor in the capital of God?"

Jon corrected: "In the hearts of our ancient families, there is only one God-Emperor, and the one on the Supreme Throne of God's Capital is only the Emperor, not the God-Emperor."

"Ah! The God Emperor you are talking about is His Majesty!" Bailey immediately showed a clear look and said: "In fact, the Temple of the Storm God, the Temple of the God of Natural Disasters, the Temple of the God of Magic and the Church of the Seven Gods are also They all think so, but they don’t dare to say it openly.” As he spoke, he showed a smile and said, “I didn’t expect you to believe that unreliable folklore, and actually think that person is not dead yet. , but returned to the old continent.”

"He is a god." Jon said solemnly.

Bailey smiled and said, "I am a bachelor of the Mortal Sect."

The empire's views on Linde Terra, the founder of the Terra Dynasty, are polarized. The divine faction, centered on the royal family and the church, and the mortal faction, centered on the academy and nobles, are the two mainstream views. Although mortals have always The factions are all in a weak position, but they have never disappeared. There are often debates in the city about whether Lind Terra is a god or a human.

Jon said in a deep voice: "If I told you that fifty years ago, my great-grandfather once met His Majesty the God-Emperor, would you believe it?"

"Really?" Bailey said in surprise: "Then His Majesty the God-Emperor is not three hundred years old?"

Jon didn't say any more, he put the pipe on his boot and knocked it, cleaned the ashes inside, put it in his pocket, and lay on the bed with his eyes closed to rest.

Although Bailey wanted to continue this topic, he could feel that Jon would not speak again, so he did not ask any questions. Instead, he lay on the gondola, thinking about what Jon had just said. True or false.

The entire Terra Empire has various opinions on whether the God-Emperor Lynd Terra is still alive in the end. After the death of God-Queen Daenerys and Nymeria, the God-Emperor handed over the throne to the divine Emperor Augustus then left the empire on the sacred dragon Diltos.

Some ships sailing in the Summer Sea saw Diltos staying in the ruins of Valyria for a while and then entering the depths of the Essos continent and missing.

Some people say that the God-Emperor went to the Holy City of the God of Natural Disasters. After all, the God-Emperor is the God of Natural Disasters, and the abandoned holy city is equivalent to his home city. Others say that the God-Emperor went to Braavos because that is where the Storm God is. The source of the temple, and Lind is also the god of storms.

However, more people believe that the God-Emperor flew over the continent of Essos, across the Narrow Sea, and returned to the continent of Westeros.

So far, the final whereabouts of the God-Emperor are a mystery. The royal family has organized people to go deep into the continent of Essos and Westeros more than once to search for the God-Emperor. In the end, there was no result. However, a ship discovered that Deltos was being captured. The frozen old town appeared.

Therefore, the most mainstream of the many rumors is that the God-Emperor’s final destination is the continent of Westeros.

The purpose of this expedition is not only to build a base to help the bachelors study the possibility of returning to the Old World, but the more important thing is to find the tomb of the God Emperor, or to find the sacred dragon Diltos.

Because the current God-Emperor urgently needs to find Lind Terra’s grave and the sacred dragon Diltos to prove his legitimacy to the throne.

Although the current God-Emperor is the successor designated by the previous God-Emperor, and there is no problem in the succession process, he has a fatal flaw, that is, he does not have a dragon.

All the dragons owned by the royal family did not surrender to him. He could only control the dragons through the Dragon Horn, so some people with ulterior motives used this to attack him, saying that his blood was not pure and he was not the true heir to the God-Emperor.

Although the current God-Emperor has absolute control over the entire empire, and those hidden clowns cannot pose any threat to him, the words of those clowns attacking him still formed a knot in his heart, making him continue to After taking the throne, he did not hesitate to use the royal treasury to organize continuous expeditions to explore the old continent, hoping to find the tomb of the first God-Emperor or the sacred dragon.

With abundant financial support from the God Emperor, the ships used by the expedition team are the best ships currently available. They are powered by the runes developed by the Black Cave. They do not require sails. Their sailing speed is much faster than that of multi-masted sailing ships, and their bottoms are made of steel. The hull of the ship is stronger than that of a wooden ship. Even if it hits an ice floe on the sea, the ship will not be destroyed and no one will be killed.

Two days passed quickly. As a horn sounded, Bailey and Jon in the cabin woke up from their deep sleep. They immediately put on their clothes, ran out of the cabin, and came to the deck. At this time The deck was already full of people. They looked into the distance and saw a line of land emerging from the end of the ice.

"Old Continent! We are back! Old Continent!" Waves of cheers rang out from the ship. Bailey and Jon looked at each other, shouted excitedly, raised their hands high, and rushed into the cheerful crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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