Chapter 418 Postscript ()

Although Raymond Terra rode the Bronze Fire, it looked like he was heading north. In fact, he made a circle away from King's Landing and then flew towards Summerhall in the south. He needed to go to Summerhall Castle. Go take a look, maybe you can find some relics of the God Emperor.

The reason why he ventured to the Old Continent this time was to find the relics of the God Emperor, so that he could gain greater reputation and force his father to change the heir to the throne.

Raymond has always believed that he is more qualified to be the heir to the Terra Empire than his brother Rhaegar Terra.

He is the only one who has completed all the royal trials since His Majesty the God-Emperor set the trials for the God-Emperor. The other royals can only complete a dozen or so despite their odds.

In addition, he is also the only person in the entire royal family who has mastered the sword skills of the Lost Knight's great sword and the spear skills of the Dragon Hunter.

More importantly, he was recognized by Bronze Fire and became its dragon master. You must know that in more than three hundred years, no one has been recognized by the dragon under the throne of the God Emperor, although Bronze Fire is not the dragon of the God Emperor. , but after all, it is the descendant of the God Emperor Dragon, so it can have some influence.

However, even so, he was still not valued by his father, and no one in the royal family even wanted to support him, so he needed to look for opportunities to become the emperor elsewhere.

By rummaging through the records of the royal library, he discovered an interesting piece of information, or to be more correct, a law. This law was enacted by the Dragon Queen Daenerys Targaryen before her death, and was obtained by the gods. The emperor's approval was recorded in the royal succession decree.

The Royal Succession Law was first established by the Empire in order to avoid future throne struggles such as the Dance of the Dragons and the Blackfire Rebellion between the Targaryen Dynasty in the Old World. The Emperor and the Imperial Queen formulated the Royal Succession Law very early on. As long as the Royal Succession Law is followed, If the decree is implemented, the succession rights of future emperors will be well arranged.

In the past three hundred years, the order of royal succession has been implemented in accordance with the decree. There have been some small fluctuations in the process. For example, the rebellion thirty years ago was when the previous emperor wanted to amend the decree and rearrange the inheritance. He wanted his favorite younger son to inherit the throne. As a result, there was a rebellion and the younger son's family was massacred. The crown prince was deposed because of the rebellion, and the current emperor got a throne for nothing.

After Raymond's friends in the school learned about this, they analyzed the reasons for his failure and found the problem.

Before setting off to the Old World, Raymond had already tried many times to tame other dragons.

It is precisely because the influence of this rebellion has not disappeared to this day that even though Raymond performed extremely well and was even regarded by the entire empire as the royal son closest to the God Emperor Lynd Terra, he still could not shake the rock. He has no right to inherit the throne, and even the Redemption Church, which has a close relationship with him, has no support for him to seize the throne.

Although Raymond is the second son of the current God Emperor, he is not qualified to see these holy objects, let alone use them.

However, every item left behind by the God-Emperor is considered a sacred object in the empire. When the God-Emperor left, in addition to taking away the armor and sword of the lost knight, other items such as scepters, crowns, and various ceremonial armors were made by himself. The dragon runes and so on are all preserved by the royal family, various temples, academic cities and the transcendent salvation temple. They will only be displayed during major ceremonies. They are usually sealed up and protected by a large number of silent monks inside and outside.

However, now he has found a loophole in the royal succession law, which is the Dragon Queen's supreme inheritance clause. This clause is also called the dragon clause. The content of the clause is very simple, that is, the person who can control the most dragons has the highest rights. Succession to the throne.

The lava dragon Neltharion is the mount of the God Emperor Lynd Terra. It is almost impossible to completely tame it. However, there are no absolutes in the world, and the lava dragon Neltharion is not without its weaknesses. According to records, the God Emperor once He has taken other people to ride the lava dragon more than once, so the lava dragon's fear of the God Emperor has exceeded its nature of not allowing others to ride. The way to tame the lava dragon is very simple, that is, to wear a God-Emperor breath clothing or other items use the power of the God-Emperor to suppress the nature of the lava dragon and then tame it.

However, it is disappointing that all attempts failed without exception.

The bachelor friend believed that Raymond failed to domesticate because he picked the wrong dragon. Now the dragons on Dragon Mountain are all the eight dragons and their descendants of the five sons of the God Emperor and the Dragon Queen, and Raymond domesticated them himself. The dragon is Bronze Fire, a descendant of the lava dragon Neltharion. It is a mutant dragon produced under the influence of the mysterious powers in the ruins of Valyria. It is very different from the dragon in Dragon Mountain.

So as the second son, he wanted to become the crown prince without his brother dying. The only way was to control the two dragons.

The reason why it is ignored is entirely because no one has been able to fulfill this clause since the God Emperor Lynd Terra and the Dragon Queen Daenerys Targaryen. All members of the royal family and those with the blood of the God Emperor Without exception, all the great nobles can only tame one dragon, and even through the Dragon Horn, they can only control one dragon.

Now that Copper Fire has become Raymond's dragon, Raymond is more or less contaminated with the aura of the dragon from Copper Fire. Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to tame the dragon in Longshan, so now There is only one dragon that can be tamed, and that is the lava dragon Neltharion.

Judging from details such as Copper Fire's lair being placed on the outskirts of Longshan, never entering the boundary of Longshan, and frequent conflicts with other dragons, there may be a big difference between the God Emperor's dragon and ordinary dragons.

It may be very difficult for other members of the royal family to tame two giant dragons, but for them of the current lineage of the God-Emperor, the possibility of taming multiple dragons is much greater than that of other members of the royal family, because members of this line of royal family Belonging to the bloodline of the Dragon Queen Daenerys Targaryen, Daenerys owns three dragons just like the God-Emperor, and the possibility of their offspring taming multiple dragons is definitely greater than other royal bloodlines. many.

However, his friends in the school city helped him find a clue to the divine relics of the God Emperor. When the God Emperor left the Old Continent, a set of armor and weapons was left behind in the Old Continent.

Although this clause has always been at the top of the royal succession law and is regarded as the first inheritance clause, it has always been ignored. This clause was even deleted from the later printed clause documents and was only included in the royal books. The original version remains in the museum, the city, the Church of the Redemption and the main temple of each church.

This set of armor and weapons is also very famous. It is the golden lion armor set. The God-Emperor once wore this set of armor and traveled in the Essos continent for a period of time under the name of Dragon Hunter Onstein. The matching set of this set of armor is the famous royal family. Martial Arts: Dragon Hunting and Spearmanship.

It was this clue that made Raymond willing to take the risk, ride the bronze fire, cross the Summer Sea, and come to the Old Continent, the restricted area of ​​Terra's royal family.

The reason why Westeros is a restricted area for the royal family of Terra is entirely because of the legendary ice dragon. In fact, after the Long Night disappeared, the Terran royal family sent people to explore the continent of Westeros to see if there was a chance to return to the old continent.

The climate at that time made it difficult for ordinary people to get close to the continent of Westeros, let alone explore the continent, but for the royal family of Terra, this kind of thing was very simple because they had dragons.

So they sent a team of five people, riding five giant dragons, to the continent of Westeros. In the end, only one person of the team escaped, and brought back very bad news for them. The ice dragon that was killed by the God Emperor Lind Terra appeared again in the continent of Westeros and attacked them. The other four people and the dragons under them all died in the mouth of the ice dragon. Only one person escaped the ice dragon's pursuit by relying on the dragon's flying speed.

The royal family did not listen to the survivors' words, because it was an undisputed fact that the God-Emperor killed the ice dragon. Ice dragons should not appear on the continent of Westeros again, so they secretly sent two investigation teams to go deep into the maintenance. Stro continent.

As a result, as the previous survivors said, the descendants of the royal family and the dragons were attacked by the ice dragon not long after they entered the continent of Westeros. Because of the preparations made in advance, the royal family members and the dragons escaped the ice dragon's pursuit. , and also found that ordinary expeditions entering the continent of Westeros would not attract the attention of ice dragons. Only the appearance of royal descendants and giant dragons at the same time would attract the pursuit of ice dragons.

Because of this, the continent of Westeros has become a restricted area for the royal family. Even after a hundred years, the eternal winter began to disappear and the climate began to warm up. When the royal family formed an expedition team, they still did not send royal members and dragons to Westeros. Luo continent.

As a core member of the royal family, Raymond naturally knew the reason why Westeros became a restricted area, but he was not afraid of it, but was excited because he believed that with his dragon copper fire and his own strength, he could also fight with The ancestors also killed the ice dragon and made great achievements.

The main reason that gives Raymond such confidence is that Copper Fire is a descendant of the lava dragon Neltharion. It has a powerful body and dragon flame that far exceeds other dragons. It has killed three dragons in the past. This is why Copper Fire The reason why he was placed alone outside Longshan was that Raymond believed that with the strength of Bronze Fire, he would be able to fight even if he encountered an ice dragon.

So after arriving in Westeros, he had been looking forward to the appearance of the ice dragon, but as a result, the ice dragon was nowhere to be seen, which made him begin to doubt whether the ice dragon existed.

While looking forward to the appearance of the ice dragon, Raymond also came to the first destination of his trip, the Red Keep of King's Landing City.

The reason why he chose King's Landing as the first destination instead of Summer Hall was mainly because in the years before leaving Westeros, God-Emperor Lynd Terra had always been in King's Landing to coordinate the migration. , did not leave Westeros by boat from the Red Keep until the end, and never returned to Summer Hall, so he felt that the God-Emperor might have placed both the golden lion armor and the dragon-hunting spear in the Red Keep in King's Landing. among.

Unfortunately, he was mistaken in the end. He searched the entire Red Keep's exposed buildings outside the ice but could not find armor or spears.

Originally, he wanted to continue searching within the Red Keep, such as trying to break through the ice covering the buildings and enter the buildings buried in ice and snow to search, but what surprised him was the expedition sent by the royal family. He unexpectedly arrived at King's Landing so quickly, and there was an acquaintance in the expedition team, Jon Stark.

Others may not know the true identity of Jon Stark and only think that Jon is a descendant of a fallen nobleman, but Raymond knows very well that Jon Stark is a blood-armored man of the royal family. If he is here If he makes any noise, Jon will definitely report it to the Empire immediately, and then the Empire will probably send someone to stop him.

Therefore, he left King's Landing immediately, went to Summerhall Castle first, and came back after a while. Maybe the royal family's expedition team had helped him find the golden lion armor and dragon hunting spear. He only needed to start from the expedition. Just grab it from the team's hands.

Flying under the full force of the dragon's copper fire, Raymond soon arrived at the Redemption Town of Summer Hall and saw the legendary Summer Hall Castle.

Although Summer Hall Castle was a bit ugly in his eyes, the moment he saw the castle, he still felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart. After all, this was the birthplace of the Terra Empire.

Raymond drove the dragon and let it circle over the castle, looking for a landing place.

While circling, Raymond saw the makeshift camp the previous expedition had built outside the town of Redemption.

The last expedition organized by the royal family landed at Miracle Port and then walked the Bone Road to the Salvation Town of Summer Hall. However, they did not board the Summer Hall Castle because the elevator leading to the castle was broken. It was basically impossible for people to climb the cliffs covered with solid ice. In the end, they just explored the Temple of Salvation for a while, leaving a temporary camp before leaving.

Because of this, Shengxia Hall Castle still maintains its appearance three hundred years ago, and after three hundred years of extreme cold weather erosion, the main building of the castle has not suffered much damage. This is not only because the stone used in the castle itself is very special. In addition to being strong, what's more important is that there are a large number of runes in the castle. The power of these runes protects the castle and still has an effect to this day, because the storm dragon runes on Raymond's body felt the bursts of runes coming from the castle. The resonance of power.

"Dragon Nest Platform, land on the Dragon Nest Platform." Raymond quickly found a suitable place for the dragon to land. That is the Dragon Nest Platform. It is said to be the place where the sacred dragon Diltos was born. The entire platform area Enough for a dragon to land.

With a pair of powerful wings flapping rapidly, gusts of strong wind blew through the Summer Hall Castle, blowing away the layer of snow covering the surface of the castle, leaving only a thin layer of ice.

When the giant dragon's copper fire fell on the platform, nothing abnormal appeared on the platform. Only the stones on the edge of the platform became loose and fell to the bottom of the cliff.

Raymond calmed the dragon, told it to wait here, and then walked toward the castle's meeting hall alone.

However, he didn't notice a black shadow walking through the castle when he fell.

(End of this chapter)

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