Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 42 The best blacksmith shop in King’s Landing

Chapter 42 The best blacksmith shop in King’s Landing

The fact that Lind was canonized as a knight spread throughout King's Landing the next day, and many people felt extremely envious and jealous of Lind's good luck.

You must know that many warriors are still looking for opportunities to become knights, with no hope at all. Now, a 15-year-old boy has been canonized as a knight a few months after becoming a knight's squire, and he is also a king. Canonized, which made them wonder if Lind was the illegitimate son of a great nobleman, and not just the son of an Orion as stated in the Bear Hunter's Song.

Not only the ordinary warriors were jealous of Linde's change in identity, but also the free knights and mercenary knights who participated in the tournament were extremely envious of Linde, because after becoming a knight, Linde had a loyal lord and became As a personal knight of the Tyrell family, this means that Lind not only has a fixed salary, but also means that Lind will have the opportunity to become a wealthy knight or even a small lord in the future.

However, after they learned that Lind had actually rejected King Robert's invitation to become a member of the Kingsguard, their envy and jealousy towards Lind disappeared, and instead they laughed at Lind's stupidity. Apparently they thought that Lind This man from a rural background did not know the significance of the Kingsguard and missed this opportunity to rise to the top in one step.

However, even so, Linde is still the envy of countless people, and can even be said to have become the idol of the lower class civilians. His experience can be called a legend, and those bards have rewritten the content of the Bear Hunter's Song one after another. He compiled it, extended the story to the canonization in the Red Keep, and then sang it repeatedly in the tavern, making a lot of money.

The name of Bear Hunter Lind and the legendary stories in the songs also began to spread to other parts of the Seven Kingdoms with the merchants coming and going from King's Landing, and there were even traces of spreading to the continent of Essos on the other side of the Narrow Sea.

However, as the person involved, Linde seemed very calm. The change of identity did not change his living habits. He still took his cavalry to the outskirts of Jun for training the next day. He was still training Glory's hunting ability and obedience. After returning to the camp, I was still learning various knowledge from the new bachelor arranged by Duke Tyrell, and my schedule was full.

In the afternoon, the heraldic officials from King's Landing came to the Tyrell family's camp, found Linde, and asked about Linde's family heraldry style and family name.

Linde had already thought about these things, so after the heraldry official asked, he immediately gave the answer.

His coat of arms is very simple, with a red background. The main pattern is a sword stuck in the ground. The only special thing is that the top of the sword hilt is the Chinese character Li, which was his last name in his previous life, and the knight's last name he thought of was Terra.

The heraldry officials did not expect that things would go so smoothly. According to past experience, a new knight would need to consider for several days before deciding on his heraldry style and surname. Moreover, most knights did not choose their own surnames, but adopted an extinct surname. The surname of a noble family seems to want to use this to make their family look like they have a long history.

After recording the coat of arms and surname, the heraldry official was about to leave, but Linde stopped him and asked, "Isn't it necessary to record the family motto?"

The heraldry officer looked at Linde and left without saying anything, and his eyes looked like he was looking at an idiot.

Although the heraldry official did not answer, Linde also knew that he seemed to have made a joke, and he also understood that there would probably be many more such jokes in the future, and he would not change until he was truly accustomed to the aristocratic behavior of this world.

The knight's spear duel continues today. Compared with yesterday's deserted scene, the number of spectators today has increased and has almost returned to normal levels. Not only are the open spaces on the hillsides around the competition venue full of people, but there are also Some people climbed into the trees in order to have a clear view of the duel in the arena.

The reason why the number of spectators has become so large is because the excitement generated by the group competition has settled down after a day, and everyone needs new excitement, and the knight's spear duel has become the best substitute.

In addition, compared to yesterday's knight duel, today's knight duel is obviously much higher quality and more intense, because those knights with average level have been eliminated yesterday, and those who can still stand on the competition field today Knights can be regarded as the elite among knights, so the knight's spear duel is more exciting.

For example, the kingslayer Jaime Lannister had a spear duel in the morning. His opponent was a mysterious knight from across the narrow sea. The two fought back and forth seven times, using up three spears. Finally, Jaime A close call ended.

This knightly contest was so exciting that the surrounding spectators even forgot about the regicide's notoriety and cheered after his victory.

Fertimo's knight duel was also held in the morning. His opponent was a knight from the Malbrand family in the West. The battle was not as intense and exciting as the Kingslayer. The strength of the two was very different. Knock your opponent off his horse.

However, in the afternoon competition, Fertimo was not very lucky. He encountered the fearless Barristan. After two rounds, he was stabbed in the chest by a spear and fell off his horse. Fortunately, he was not seriously injured.

Among the knights from the Tyrell family who participated in the competition, only one person is left to advance to the quarterfinals tomorrow. This person is Jon Bulway from the Bulway family in Black Crown City. He is the third son of Earl Bulway. Now Serves as Third Steward to Roger Redwine at the High Court.

The reason why Jon Bulwe was able to become the top eight was not because of how strong he was, but because he was so lucky.

Jon Bulwe's strength is only slightly stronger than the average knight. If there were no accidents, he should have been eliminated yesterday. But what is interesting is that the opponents he encountered along the way were either due to problems with his equipment or accidents. Defeated, or voluntarily withdrew due to previous injuries. As a result, Jon Bulwe became one of the top eight in the knight competition without any danger, and he also had an outsider. Called Lucky Bulwe.

However, for the Tyrell family, only one person was promoted to the top eight, and he was promoted in this tricky way, which made them feel a little shameful, especially Mace Tyrell's face after losing from Fortimer. After that, it remained gloomy, making everyone around him feel that the atmosphere was depressing.

Fortunately, this depressing atmosphere did not last long. As Duke Tyrell was invited by Lord Jon Arryn to hold a meeting in the Red Keep, his gloomy expression completely dissipated when he returned, and his smile was always on his face. on his face.

Afterwards, Duke Tyrell also summoned his vassals and held a meeting in the camp, seemingly discussing something important.

Although Lind was also curious about what Duke Tyrell and the others were discussing, the tent was surrounded by Duke Guards and he could not get close, and he had more important things to do.

Lind asked Raul to go to King's Landing to find out where the best blacksmith shop was. In the evening, Raul found out the relevant information, and then took Lind to King's Landing.

The two of them came directly to the Steel Street under the Visenya Hills. Because the tournament damaged the weapons and equipment of many warriors and knights, the blacksmith shops in the Steel Street area became prosperous, and the hot furnaces It has not been extinguished for several days in a row, and the noisy sound of blacksmithing envelopes the area. Even people who live here can't stand the noisy noise, so they choose to live in a nearby town for a while, and then come back after the storm has passed. .Raul led Lind to a blacksmith shop that was much larger than other blacksmith shops. This blacksmith shop was made of wood and rocks, with a layer of white lime, ebony and weirwood on the surface. The made gate looks thick and strong, and its three-story height allows people to overlook the entire Steel Street.

But after entering the blacksmith shop, Linde frowned, because compared to the bustling working scenes in other blacksmith shops, the blacksmith shop in front of him was deserted, and even the fire of the furnace was not lit.

"Is this the best blacksmith shop in King's Landing that you heard about?" Lind asked.

Raul looked embarrassed, and then shouted angrily into the store: "Is there anyone there? Is there anyone in the store? There is a customer."

Lind looked around and was quickly attracted by a row of knight swords hanging on the wall.

After Raul shouted a few times, he saw an old man walking out from the back of the store with the help of a servant.

The old man looked at Linde and Raul and said angrily: "We are closed. If you want to make something, go to other stores."

"Are you Clint Mott, the best blacksmith in King's Landing?" Raul looked at the old man with some confusion and asked.

"I was once the best blacksmith, but now..." The old man laughed self-deprecatingly: "Do you think I can still hold a hammer now?"

Raul's face immediately darkened, and he cursed in a low voice the guy who provided him with the information.

"Can you let me take it out and try it?" Linde on the side suddenly pointed to several knight swords hanging on the wall and asked the old man.

The old man was stunned, nodded, and said: "You try it! I can give you a discount if you want. Anyway, these weapons will be cleared out recently."

Linde reached out and took down the two knight swords he was interested in, then walked to the large open space next to the house specially used for sword testing, and started swinging them according to the sword skills of the lost knights.

Just as he thought, the memories he merged were not only on the spiritual level, but also on the physical level. The two knight swords did not feel unfamiliar at all when used. The swords moved smoothly, as if they had been used countless times. Same year.

When Linde tested his Homeless Knight swordsmanship and Knight's great sword, everyone in the room was stunned.

Raul had been Linde's sparring partner before, and had seen Linde perform double swordsmanship countless times. But at that time, Linde was using half-hand swords, and the doubleswordsmanship he performed was still within the understandable range. Even he could do it. It can be seen that what really makes the swordsmanship show its power is Linde's pace and grasp of weaknesses.

However, the double-sword swordsmanship now used by Linde has gone beyond the limits of normal humans. The two knights' swords are as easy to swing as daggers. When the swords are dancing, they even create a wind pressure around them, and this The wind pressure brought with it a hint of sharpness, making him feel as if his face had been cut by a knife even if he was outside the damage range of the long sword. His exposed skin ached faintly, and even some of the hair on his head They all broke apart after the wind pressure caused by the sword's force blew over them.

It is no exaggeration to say that he feels that the double-sword swordsmanship used by Linde now is ten times more powerful than before, and he also believes that if Linde had used this double-swordsmanship in the competition field a few days ago, then Linde could Directly use head-to-head combat to kill all those participants on the spot.

Raul, who was very familiar with Linde, was so surprised. The owner of the blacksmith shop and his servants were even more stunned and completely speechless.

As the forger of the Knight's Great Sword, Clint Mott knew very well how heavy a Knight's Great Sword was. Even extremely powerful knights would not be able to use it with one hand, but Lind was now holding a Knight's Great Sword in each hand. , and then he can perform exquisite sword skills that he has never seen before as easily as he is holding two straws, especially when he can hold two such heavy knight swords, leap into the air, and make various cutting movements. This This physical quality and the powerful swordsmanship he displayed were completely beyond his common sense over the years. He even had the illusion that there was a powerful monster living inside Linde.

After Linde briefly performed the basic sword skills of the Lost Knight, he stopped. It was not because he didn't want to use other sword skills, but because other sword skills needed to be combined with the extraordinary power given by the dragon rune and dragon feast ritual. Use it, otherwise it is just an extension of basic swordsmanship.

After stopping, Linde looked at the knight's sword in his hand with satisfaction. Although the two knight's swords were not Valyrian steel swords, the material and weight of the two swords were pretty good, making them suitable for use as weapons. A temporary replacement sword.

In addition, he also re-understood the changes that the Dragon Feast Ceremony had brought to him.

If it were before, his physical strength and physical fitness would not have been enough for him to swing the knight's sword so easily, but now after he has used a complete set of basic swordsmanship, he still does not feel tired, and he is not even out of breath.

It can be seen that his physical quality has transformed towards an inhuman state, and this change has not stopped. Until the effect of the Dragon Feast Ritual completely disappears, his body will continue to slowly change and strengthen. To what extent can it finally be strengthened? He didn't know, maybe he could have the power to slay dragons like some of the lost knights in his memory.

"Who are you?" At this time, Clint Mott, who had recovered from the shock, couldn't help asking.

Without waiting for Lind to answer, Raul took the initiative to introduce him like a qualified attendant: "This is the champion of the group competition, the knight personally conferred by His Majesty the King, the bear hunter Lind Terra."

Upon hearing Raul's introduction, Clint Mott and his servants couldn't help but take a breath and looked at Lind in stunned silence. In addition to being filled with shock, their eyes also contained an emotion of awe.

(End of this chapter)

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