Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 44 Confrontation with Varys

Chapter 44 Confrontation with Varys

"Would you like a drink? Sir." A small table was placed in the basement, with some wine and food prepared on the table. He picked up an exquisite wine bottle and asked Lind.

Lind shook his head and said, "Lord Varys, you should know that I don't drink."

Wallis said in his unique feminine tone: "Yes, I forgot! That's good. Not drinking is a good habit. Many conspiracies and deaths are accompanied by alcohol."

"Lord Varys, you called me here just to tell me that drinking is harmful, right?" Linde wasn't used to Varys' way of speaking, so he asked very directly: "What do you want to do when you come to me?" Why don’t you tell me what you want to do?”

Varys smiled and said: "I have some little birds who often tell me some interesting things. I heard that you want to build a set of Valyrian steel full-body armor and a pair of knight's swords. Is it true? Of?"

"It's true. The two swords I'm using now are no longer suitable." Lind patted the broad-bladed half-hand sword on his waist, and then asked: "Lord Varys has news about Valyrian steel." Do you want to tell me?"

"Yes." Wallis gave an answer that surprised Lind.

Lind was a little unbelievable and confirmed: "Do I need to build a set of Valian steel full-body armor and two knight swords?"

Varys smiled and said: "Don't worry, as far as I know, there is a lot of Valyrian steel there, enough to make a suit of armor and two knight's swords."

Linde was silent for a moment, then asked warily: "What price do I need to pay?"

Wallis whispered: "It's very simple. When I need your help, you can help me."

Upon hearing Wallis's request, Linde did not immediately agree, because although Wallis's request sounded simple, the scope of its effect was too large. If he agreed rashly, he would probably suffer a big loss unknowingly.

So after thinking about it for a while, Linde said seriously: "Your request is too vague. I need to know more specific conditions."

Seeing Linde being so cautious, Wallis not only was not displeased, but nodded with satisfaction, because in his opinion, such a cautious attitude showed that Linde valued his commitment, and the possibility of breaking the contract was much smaller.

"Please don't worry, sir. There may be very few places where I need your help, and it may even never appear." Wallis explained, but felt that the explanation was a bit vague and would not be of much use. He added: "Since Sir, you need some specific conditions, so... let's do this! What do you think of help that won't harm your interests and won't put you in danger?"

Lind was silent for a moment, seeming to be considering what Wallis said. After a while, he asked with doubts, "Why does Mr. Wallis help me like this?"

"I have said before, sir, you are a very special person." Wallis looked at Lind and said, "I have seen many strange people when I was on the continent of Essos, but compared with you, those people are It all seems normal.”

"Am I really as special as you say?" Linde asked with some confusion.

"It's very special, more special than you think. No one in the Seven Kingdoms has ever become a knight from an ordinary person in just half a year, and no one has ever been able to kill nearly a hundred people in a group competition. Achievements, and no one dared to beat the king black and blue in front of everyone. I was not there to watch the battle, but I thought it would be very exciting." Wallis picked up the food on the table and asked Linde: "Eat some ?"

"Thank you, I happen to be a little hungry." Linde took the food and ate it generously without being polite.

Seeing that Linde did not refuse, but rather enjoyed the food generously without worrying about whether there was poison in the food, Wallis was a little surprised, but he soon returned to normal.

"Lord Linde, I have investigated your experience." Wallis paused, perhaps worried that Linde would misunderstand, and then explained: "Of course this is not my intention to investigate, but a routine matter. After all, His Majesty the King wants To canonize you, our Prime Minister must know your origins."

Lind chewed the food leisurely and asked: "Now it seems that my origin has passed the inspection of Duke Aylin."

Wallis smiled and said: "No, it was me who made the Duke think that there is no problem with your origin."

Lind was stunned, turned to look at Wallis, and asked, "Lord Wallis, what do you mean by this?"

Varys replied: "I have always had a hobby of collecting intelligence information on famous figures in the Seven Kingdoms. This hobby has turned into a job this year. Our Prime Minister is not worried about the remnants of the Targaryen family and is worried about these remnants. He will change his appearance and continue to cause trouble, so every person with some fame in the Seven Kingdoms will be investigated and recorded this year. And you, Lord Bear Hunter, who is such a famous legendary figure in the Reach, are naturally also on the investigation list. .”

"What did you find out?" Linde asked curiously.

"Very interesting stuff." Wallis looked at Lind with deep meaning and said, "Before you hunted that mountain bear, you were just an ordinary hunter. But after you were injured by the dying mountain bear and fell into coma, , but you seem to have become another person, not only possessing amazing swordsmanship, but also your speech and behavior have become different from before."

Linde looked at Wallis with a slight surprise. He was not surprised that some doubts about him were found out. Even if he did some covering up, it was not enough to cover up those doubts. After all, those doubts were too obvious. Can't afford to think about it carefully.

But he is not afraid of those doubts being exposed. When a person's reputation is big enough or even legendary enough, people will naturally whitewash the doubts about him and become part of the legend. As legends arise, doubts will be mixed into them and eventually disappear.

However, what Linde didn't expect was that Wallis would pay attention to him so early and discover some big doubts about him.

Wallis said eloquently: "Although your father's friends have made some disguises, those disguises are too simple. They can be used to deceive those knights, but it is difficult to escape the eyes of people like me."

Lind put down the food in his hand, looked at Wallis with interest, and asked, "Why do you think I have changed like this?"

Wallis poured himself a glass of wine, moistened his throat, and said: "At first I thought you might have been replaced, but judging from the intelligence collected, this guess must be wrong. After all, if you were replaced, It’s impossible for your father’s life-and-death friend not to know.”

Lind asked: "Can't it be the Faceless Man? I remember that the Faceless Man can also imitate anyone perfectly."

Wallis replied: "I did have this suspicion, but after meeting you in person, this speculation was completely gone."

"So you talked to me at the banquet just to confirm whether I was the Faceless Man?" Varys smiled and did not answer, but continued: "I carefully looked at all the intelligence collected, and I found that Lind Sir, your changes are not only in your words, deeds, and superb swordsmanship, but your body has also undergone incredible changes. You have grown much taller and several times stronger in a few months. This is obviously against common sense. I've seen a situation like yours once before."

"Have you ever seen me in this situation?" Lin De's face showed confusion and curiosity, and asked: "I'm a little curious, can you tell me?"

"Of course, many people know about this person's changes, but they don't feel it is too abnormal." Varys said with a trace of emotion in his eyes: "That person is the last king of the Targaryen dynasty, Crazy." King Aerys II Targaryen."

"Is it him?" Linde was a little surprised.

"The Mad King was not crazy from the beginning. When I first met him, he was the smartest and most charming person I have ever met. Even an outstanding person like Lord Tywin was impressed by him. , willing to work for him." When mentioning the Mad King, Varys sounded a little nostalgic in his tone, but quickly restrained himself and said: "However, after the chaos in Dusken Valley Town, he seemed to have changed. Just like people, not only their words and deeds change, but their bodies also change in a short period of time..."

Wallis paused and did not continue. Instead, he raised his glass and took a sip of wine to calm down a little.

"Some people say that he was tortured crazy by Count Dennis during the half year he was imprisoned in Duskendale Town, but I know that the matter is not that simple." Varys said at this moment as if he was venting secrets that had been squeezed for many years: " I saw the shadow of another person in him, and that person was constantly controlling His Majesty, asking Your Majesty to burn everything with fire."

After hearing Varys's narration, Lind couldn't help but have a picture of the Mad King being controlled, and the black figure controlling the Mad King in the picture was a three-eyed crow.

Lind was not surprised by what Wallis said, because there were many posts on the past life forum analyzing the reasons why the Mad King went crazy, and being possessed by the Three-Eyed Crow was the most popular of all posts.

Now with Varys's description, the inference in that post seems to be correct.

Linde's current situation seems to be similar to that of the Mad King. The possible difference is that the Mad King has two consciousnesses competing for control of the body, thus influencing each other and going crazy, while he is completely integrated into the body, even if he is given the power by Golden Finger. The influence of different warriors' memories is clear in priority and not as serious as the Mad King's to the point of being uncontrollable.

"Are you suspecting that I am also possessed by something?" Thinking of this, Lind asked tentatively.

"Of course not." Wallis missed the correct answer perfectly and continued: "If you are really like the Mad King, then instead of having a calm conversation with me now, you will directly draw your sword and chop off my head. "

Linde deliberately put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist and said, "Can't I chop off your head later?"

Wallis was not afraid at all, but looked at Lind calmly.

"Okay! You guessed it right, I will indeed not harm you." Linde removed his hand from the hilt of the sword. Although he said he would not hurt Wallis, in fact he did kill him just now. After all, Wallis has touched upon his biggest secret. Although he has denied himself, in retrospect, Wallis may not be doubtful again.

However, with Varys's personality, it is impossible for him to come to meet with Linde without making any preparations. Maybe if he kills him now, the next moment false information about him being a remnant of the Long family will be placed in Duke Arryn's house. on the table.

"Lord Varys, do you think the Seven Gods exist?" Lind asked an incomprehensible question somewhat abruptly.

Varys looked at Lind in confusion, wondering why he suddenly asked such an unfounded question, but he still answered: "If I have time, I will go to Baylor Cathedral to sit for a while."

Lind understood the meaning of Wallis's words and pointedly said: "That means you don't believe in the existence of the Seven Gods."

Wallis just looked at Lind with a smile, neither denying nor admitting.

"I didn't believe it before, but I do now."

Wallis was stunned and asked, "Why do you believe it now?"

Lin De said in shock: "Because I am the best proof of the existence of the Seven Gods."

Faced with Linde's words, Wallis didn't react at all and just stared at Linde calmly.

"You don't believe it?" Linde said.

"Should I believe it?" Wallis looked at Linde with a strange look and said, "Lord Linde, do you know who your words just reminded me of? Prince Rhaegar. He was also so confident back then. Claiming to be born in the land of smoke and salt, he is the incarnation of Azor Ahai."

"I know you won't believe it, but what I said is the truth." Linde ignored Wallis's mocking gaze and said seriously: "The information you got only said that I was seriously injured and fell into coma after hunting a mountain bear. But in fact, I was not just seriously injured and fell into a coma. I actually died that night after my father rescued me from the mountains."

When Wallis heard Linde's words, he couldn't help but put away his strange gaze, and the expression on his face became much more serious.

Linde seemed to be reminiscing, and said slowly: "I still remember that after I died, I entered a dark world, suspended in the air, with no time, and I couldn't feel anything. I don't know how long I stayed there. Time, until a beam of light appeared in that dark world, that beam of light took me away from that world, and then..."

"Then what?" Wallis seemed to be interested in Linde's words and couldn't help but ask.

Linde also became a little excited and said: "Then I returned to this world, but not on the ground, but in the air, very high in the air, where I can overlook the entire world."

As he spoke, Lind suddenly squatted down and quickly drew a topographic map of Westeros and part of Essos on the dust on the ground with his fingers.

When Vasili saw the terrain map drawn by Linde, he was completely stunned, and his face was full of shock.

(End of this chapter)

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