Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 47 Pay and Benefit

Chapter 47 Pay and Benefit

After hearing the attendant's words, Lind had a guess in his mind about Duke Tyrell's summons, so he immediately walked towards the main camp.

Soon Linde arrived near the main camp. At this time, the Duke's Guards were guarding the surrounding area. When they saw Linde approaching, they all saluted to Linde in unison, then stopped Linde and pointed at the people who were following Linde. Glory beside him said in awe: "Master Linde, your pet cannot..."

Linde looked at the two people blocking the road and said, "It is more dangerous if I leave it outside. Only by following me can you restrain it."

"Can't you just use a rope..." suggested another.

Linde said seriously: "Don't forget that it could even bite through the iron cage the night before yesterday. What kind of rope do you think can tie it?"

"This..." The two guard members didn't know what to do for a moment.

"Let him pass," Sir Roger was leading a knight over at this time. He seemed to have heard the conversation just now, and shouted to the two members of the guard who were blocking Lind's way: "If it's because of this little guy Keep our bear hunters out of the tent and blame the Duke, and you will be in trouble."

Upon hearing this, the Duke's Guards looked at each other and immediately moved out of the way.

Lind walked up to Sir Roger, saluted him, and said, "Sir Roger."

"Linde... no, it should be Sir Terra." Sir Roger called Linde's name very formally, then looked at the glory at Linde's feet and said, "You should find an iron chain to tie it up. Stay here to avoid getting into trouble and it will be too late to regret."

Linde explained: "Don't worry, sir, Glory won't bite anyone casually anymore."

Sir Roger said seriously: "I heard some rumors about it. Those things that go against common sense will make people feel scared. It makes many people in the camp feel uneasy. Many people are worried that they will be attacked by it in their sleep." Suck away the soul.”

"Your Excellency, you won't believe such ridiculous rumors, right?" Linde said.

"The thing is not whether I believe it or not, but..." Sir Roger was about to say something, but he stopped abruptly, shook his head and said: "Forget it, it's useless to say all this, you should be here anyway. He won’t be with us for long.”

Linde vaguely guessed something, but still wanted to confirm it and asked: "What do you mean, sir..."

Sir Roger waved his hand and said: "You will know later, come with me!"

After saying that, he led Linde and another knight towards the main camp tent.

When the three of them entered the main camp tent, it was already full of people. Most of them were knights in the camp, and there were also a few young nobles.

Linde was taller than everyone present. The moment he entered the camp, everyone's eyes couldn't help but shift and fell on him, and the person blocking him was also on him. Under the pressure of and Glory, they involuntarily gave up a way, allowing Sir Roger and him to easily reach the front line.

When Duke Tyrell saw Lind bringing Glory over, he couldn't help but frowned, but he didn't say anything. He looked at the others and asked, "Is everyone here?"

Sir Roger responded: "Brynden, Gary and Pym ran away to drink somewhere. Maybe they are in the tavern and brothel on Silk Street. Do you need to find them?"

"No need!" Duke Tyrell shook his head, nodded to Maester Morath, and said, "Let's begin! Maester."

"Yes, sir." Bachelor Moras came out and informed everyone present about what had been discussed previously.

For a while, various deep breaths were heard in the tent, and the air in the tent seemed to be much thinner.

Even the mature court nobles would be moved by the conditions offered by Duke Tyrell. Many of the knights present were young and naturally couldn't restrain their emotions. Even some old knights knew that they had the opportunity to become wealthy knights. , there are also signs of emotional loss.

On the contrary, Lind seemed very calm. It was not that he was not tempted by this condition. The main reason was that this condition was somewhat different from what he had in mind. Because of Fertimo's reminder, he thought that Tengshi Town would be offered by the Duke of Tyrell. Now it seems that he guessed wrongly about the conditions. Duke Tyrell may not have any idea of ​​rebuilding Tengshi Town at all. He just wants to keep the Rose Avenue open.

The other is that Duke Tyrell has no intention of sending troops or spending enough military expenditures. He just wants a knight to prepare his own army and military expenditures and deal with the bandits. If he succeeds, he will be able to gain a clean territory. If he fails, it will not matter. What will be lost? This is simply a waste of money.

There is no doubt that the patrol cavalry responsible for the security of Rose Avenue is the focus of Duke Tyrell's plan.

The only thing worthy of praise is that the reward he offered for completing the task is quite generous, because becoming a wealthy knight may be the lifelong pursuit of most knights. To a certain extent, wealthy knights are already qualified to be called small lords.

"Sir, I hope to take up this important position." While everyone was still thinking, a middle-aged knight couldn't wait to stand up and said.

"Sir Russell, I admire your courage." Duke Tyrell did not show any happy expression and said solemnly: "However, you cannot do things with courage alone. Tell me now, what are you going to do? Recruit enough soldiers, collect enough military expenses from where, and then how to wipe out the bandits north of Kuqiao?"

The middle-aged knight froze on the spot, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

Obviously, about half of the knights standing in the tent are hired knights, who receive a fixed salary every week, and apart from part of their salary being used to support their families and maintain a decent life, there is very little left over, let alone hiring. A team of warriors cannot afford even one attendant.

As for the other knights, although they are all the second and third sons of a certain lord, they may be able to spend some money on hand, but it is obviously impossible to spend a large sum of money to hire warriors, unless their lord father is willing. funding.

The knights in the tent immediately realized their predicament, and it was like a basin of cold water was poured on their hearts. Their enthusiasm dissipated, they all fell silent, and the warm atmosphere in the tent quickly cooled.

At this time, someone thought of something and couldn't help but look at Linde. Moreover, the other knights in the tent also realized something one after another due to the actions of their companions, and all of them invariably focused their attention on Linde.Linde has a championship bonus of [-] gold dragons. It should be enough to hire enough warriors and form an army. Although it is very likely that he will need to invest in the follow-up, as long as he has achieved results in the early stage, he may be able to get it through other methods in the later stage. military expenditures, and ultimately complete the mission.

However, although they were all interested in the [-] gold dragons that Linde had on hand, none of them had the courage to speak to Linde because they knew very well that their relationship with Linde was very ordinary, and it was impossible to borrow money if they opened their mouths, let alone Linde is also a knight now, so he is also qualified to take on this task.

"Sir, this matter is very important. Can you give us time to think about it?" Linde did not immediately express his willingness to take on this task. He thought about it carefully and asked.

"Of course. Anyone who is interested can come to me before leaving to return to Highgarden tomorrow," Bachelor Morath nodded and said, "Of course, I hope that when you come to me, you already have a plan to suppress the bandits in your mind. Plan instead of just running in without thinking about anything.”

After hearing what Bachelor Moras said, the knights did not stay any longer and left the tent in groups.

When Lind was about to leave, he was stopped by Fotimo. Then Fotimo led him to his tent and asked very directly: "What do you think?"

Linde was stunned for a moment and said: "This is somewhat different from what I expected, and this task will take a long time to complete, and it will also require a lot of investment in golden dragons. I have to think clearly."

Fertimo nodded, seemingly satisfied with Linde's caution, and asked: "Do you still remember Tengshi Town I told you?"

"I saw the records about Tengshi Town from Bachelor Holly's book." Lind paused and asked doubtfully: "You reminded me to pay attention to Tengshi Town before. Is it that the Duke plans to rebuild Tengshi Town?" ?”

"Yes." Fortimo admitted: "Scholar Morath's original proposal was indeed to use Tengshi Town as the core base to suppress bandits. Later, it could be used as a trading center in the southern and northern regions."

"Why wasn't this plan implemented?" Linde couldn't help but ask.

Fertimo sighed and said: "Because the Fu Deli family in Tengshi Town did not agree to the territory exchange proposal proposed by the Duke and was willing to cling to the ruins."

Linde asked again: "Your Excellency, the Duke, has never thought of using other means? I think the Tyrell family's means are not something that a declining family can resist."

"The bachelors have taught you well, but you must remember to use what you learn with caution. Some things may seem convenient, but they actually contain poison." Fortimo gave Linde a deep look. , explained: "Small families may use intrigues and tricks to gain benefits, but for big families, using this method will only bring disrepute into disrepute. Once the reputation is ruined, it will be difficult to re-establish it. In addition, Teng The geographical location of Stone Town is very special. Not only are we keeping an eye on it, but the Western Territory, the King's Territory, and the Stormlands are also keeping an eye on it. Any small move will be magnified infinitely, so the Duke is willing to shelve this best proposal and will not rush it. Take action against Tengshi Town."

Lin De was puzzled: "Since you have shelved the Tengshi Town proposal, why are you mentioning it to me now?"

"Although the Duke has shelved Tengshi Town's proposal, it does not mean that others must comply." Fortimo said seriously, as if he was explaining something important: "The current lord of Tengshi Town is Na Countess Melia Fordley, 19 years old, has a strong personality and is extremely martial. There are rumors that she is the illegitimate daughter of the former Kingsguard Prince Lewin. The former Countess of Tengshi Town was Prince Lewin's mistress, because Lewin After the prince died in battle, his personal followers gave all his armor and weapons to Countess Nymeria."

Lind was stunned for a long time after listening to Fotimo's words. He didn't quite understand why Fotimo suddenly and inexplicably introduced the lord of Tengshi Town.

Seeing Linde's confused look, Fortimo sighed and said, "This countess is still single."

At this moment, Linde had understood the meaning of Fotimo's words, and looked at Fotimo in great surprise, because he had never expected that someone like Fotimo could be a matchmaker.

"Is this the way you thought of? Marriage?" Linde couldn't help but ask.

"No, it was the remedy that Bachelor Moraes thought of, but the Duke did not agree to it." Fortimo looked a little embarrassed and said, "But Bachelor Moraes wants to marry Lord Garland and the Countess so that Teng can be rebuilt in the future. Stone Town can be used as Lord Garland’s territory.”

"Lord Garland?" Linde was a little surprised. Although Garland looked very mature and talked as if he was talking to an adult, he was still only a ten-year-old child after all. He and the Countess The age difference is almost ten years.

However, after thinking about it, he felt that this was nothing. After all, the world of ice and fire is a medieval world. In the marriage of nobles, age has never been an obstacle. Think about it, even Duke Arryn married a man who was old enough to be his granddaughter. Lysa Tully, the ten-year gap is naturally nothing.

"Why does the Duke disagree?" Lind was a little confused. In his opinion, this proposal should be beneficial to the Tyrell family. This is simply a hugely profitable business. No matter how confused the inflatable fish is, he should not be able to figure it out. Account.

"Because the Countess has the blood of Doun." Fortimo explained.

Linde also had a look of surprise on his face.

Dorne and the Reach can be said to be feuding. Since the time of the Gardeners, there have been constant wars on the border between Dorne and the Reach. After the Targaryen Dynasty, things got a little better, but various minor conflicts have still not occurred in the past hundreds of years. Calm down.

The land in the Reach is fertile and the life is prosperous, while the land in Dorne is mostly desert, extremely barren, but has a strong temperament. Therefore, bandit groups composed of Dornish people often come to the Reach to rob, and the Reach is close to Dorne. Most of the local residents had relatives or friends who died at the hands of the Dornishmen.

Perhaps the entire population of the Reach does not hate the Dornish [-]%, but at least half of them regard the Dornish as enemies, and the remaining half have no favorable impression of the Dornish.

It is fine for an ordinary noble to marry a Dornish wife, but if the leading family of the Reach is mixed with Dornish blood, the situation will be different. The lords of the Reach who were originally dissatisfied with the Tyrell family said This might be used to cause trouble, so Duke Mace Tyrell should be worried about this and did not agree to the marriage proposal, even though the countess was only half of Dornish blood.

Fertimo added: "Although this proposal is not suitable for the Tyrell family, it is very suitable for you. This is also an opportunity for you."

"Do you think a countess would like me?" Although Lind was very happy that Fertimo could think of him at this time, he still felt that Fertimo was a bit whimsical and couldn't help laughing.

"Others may not, but you may not." Fortimo said with deep meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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