Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory.

Chapter 51 The remnants of the Long family?

Chapter 51 The remnants of the Long family?

At the sound of orders, Linde's cavalry left the camp where they had stayed for a few days and moved towards Tengshi Town, which is also the direction of Tundant Village.

However, this time Linde not only released the 700st Cavalry to explore the road, he also released the [-]nd Cavalry as scouts, because through interrogating the prisoner yesterday, Linde learned that there were as many as [-] people. The bandits are heading towards Tengshi Town, preparing to loot Tengshi Town.

These 700 people are mainly composed of thirteen bandit gangs. The Scorpion Club is the organizer, and the other twelve bandit groups are not bandit groups east of the Mander River. They are all under Duke Tywin like the Blood Shoes Brotherhood. They were surrounded and suppressed by the army and fled here from the Blackwater River and the Golden Road.

After escaping here, they encountered bad weather in the rainy season and were trapped in the mountains and hills. Moreover, they were not familiar with the terrain here and could not find small villages to plunder. They often encountered mountain people and people in this area. Due to the attack by the savage tribe, they had already run out of food. They had to chew bark and grass roots, and even the corpses of their companions. It could be said that they were in a desperate situation.

Suddenly one day, Poisonous Scorpion will send someone to contact them and tell them that Tengshi Town has a large amount of food stored in them. He wants to join forces with them to rob Tengshi Town. Moreover, Poisonous Scorpion will be willing to provide some of the food and grass. These bandit gangs who have reached desperation will naturally There is no choice.

The Blood Shoes Brotherhood was also one of the bandit gangs contacted by the Poisonous Scorpion. However, the Blood Shoes Brotherhood still had some food at the time, and was dissatisfied with the Poisonous Scorpion's desire to be the leader. Without an agreement, the Poisonous Scorpion gave up.

As for why they suddenly sent people to the vicinity of the Blood Shoes Brotherhood, it was mainly because the leader of the Poisonous Scorpions was worried that the Blood Shoes would come out to cause trouble when they took action there, so they sent people to keep an eye on this place in advance, just in case.

If it was just the Blood Shoes Brotherhood that escaped from Duke Tywin's siege and fled to the area east of the Mander River, this might be justified. After all, no matter how perfect a plan is, there will always be gaps.

But now there are actually more than a dozen remnants of the bandits in the Blackwater River and Golden Avenue areas, all of which are under siege and have fled to the east of the Mander River and north of the Bitter Bridge. This obviously cannot be explained by coincidence.

"Lord Tywin deliberately drove the bandits from the Golden Road here." Jon Bulwe followed Lind on horseback and couldn't help but think about what he had just heard from Scar-Eyed Mitt. Tell Linde the speculation he made.

Lind did not respond immediately, but remained silent for a moment, and then asked: "Then what do you think Lord Tywin's purpose is?"

Jon thought for a while and said, "To prevent the restoration of the trade route on Rose Avenue?"

Linde nodded and said: "It is possible. In the past year, all the north-south trade routes started from Casterly Rock City, took the Coastal Avenue, and arrived at High Court. This is the only road trade route that connects the north and the south. This year in the Western Territory It can be said that since he has made a lot of money, he naturally does not want the trade route on Rose Avenue to be restored, so it makes sense to drive the bandit group from the Golden Avenue to cause trouble here." As he said that, he looked at Bryn Hewen again. Asked: "Brin, what do you think?"

Bryn Rivers hesitated for a moment and said: "I wasn't thinking about Duke Tywin. I was just wondering how the Scorpion could contact more than a dozen bandit groups at the same time, and these dozen bandit groups were still running from other places. Come here," he said with a serious expression: "You know, even for us, it is very difficult to determine the specific location of a bandit group. We can only know the approximate scope of their activities, but the Poisonous Scorpion Group actually managed to move in a short time. We determined the locations of the eleven bandit groups and sent people to contact them. If the Venomous Scorpions really had this ability, they would not have been driven out of the Royal Forest by the Royal Forest Brotherhood."

Linde nodded approvingly and said: "I also have this question. The only explanation is that the Poisonous Scorpion Club has internal agents in these bandit groups, but these bandit groups used to operate on the Golden Avenue. The Poisonous Scorpion Club How is it possible to have the ability to send spies to the bandits over there, so I guess those spies were not sent by the Poisonous Scorpions, and even the Poisonous Scorpions are just pawns of others."

"Lord Tywin!" Bryn Rivers and Jon Bulwe said at the same time.

"Yes, so I guess Lord Tywin came not for the trade route of Rose Avenue at all, but for Tengshi Town." Lind's expression became a little serious, and then he turned to Raul and ordered: "Let the team Speed ​​up, we have to get there before Tengshi Town turns into ruins, otherwise it will be too late."

As Linde's order was issued, the team moved much faster. In order to be able to take care of the people in the logistics team, some riders of the Guards had to ride two at a time. The free horses could carry the supplies and food for the logistics team.

Seeing this scene, Linde also made a mental note to prepare more transportation tools such as donkey carts and horse-drawn carriages for the logistics team.

I don’t know if it was because of the good weather, but the team didn’t get lost like before, and there were no accidents. They traveled smoothly through the mountains for two days and finally arrived at Tengshi Town. In a dense forest nearby.

Instead of letting his troops continue to advance, Linde arranged for the team to hide in the dense forest. He also did not send out scouts. Instead, he asked everyone to wear armor, equip weapons, and maintain a state of readiness. Then he released Glory and let It went to the valley where the scouts found armed men hiding to investigate the situation.

Before approaching Tengshi Town, the scouts of the First Cavalry discovered that there were people in a hidden valley outside Tengshi Town. When they got closer, they saw armed personnel stationed there. The number was not clear, but they were certain. They were all in ambush, because even at noon, they did not light a fire to make food, so they suspected that they were a bandit group of the Poisonous Scorpion Society.

After Glory left for a while, Lind asked Jon and Raul to stay aside and not disturb him, and then he tried to put his spirit into Glory's body.

This time it was completed smoothly. He quickly synchronized the perspective of Glory and saw everything that Glory could see.

Although it was not the first time that he had synchronized the perspective of Glory, Linde was still not used to it.

However, I have to say that Glory's eyes are very useful in detecting enemies, because its eyes are like thermal imaging cameras that can see the heat emitted by the bodies of living creatures.

This is not a mutation caused by the energy of the resentful soul, but the unique ability of the shadow lynx. This ability helps them accurately find prey in the dark dense forest and kill it with one blow.

Glory ran very fast, and as he ran, the fur on his body began to turn black, blending into the shadows of the surrounding woods, and silently approached the small valley.

Soon it discovered the armed men Tan Ma mentioned. Linde's order appeared directly in its mind in the form of mental transmission. It also followed the order, lying on the ground and moving towards the valley. Soon it Found a good location overlooking the valley.

After seeing the armed men hiding in the valley, Linde couldn't help but have doubts in his mind, because the costumes of those armed men definitely could not be ordinary bandit groups, let alone those who had been starving for many days and relied on A group of bandits who can only survive by eating people.

There are about 300 people in this group of armed men. They are equipped with very fine leather armor, which is not much worse than the regular army of the great nobles. Moreover, they also have enough horses, which means that they are a cavalry regiment. This is not Generally speaking, bandits can be equipped with equipment. You must know that even those as powerful as the Kingswood Brotherhood do not have an organized cavalry. Only great lords have enough financial resources to support an organized cavalry regiment.

"The remnants of the Dragon Family." A term immediately appeared in Lind's mind. At this time, he also remembered a rumor that Fortimo had mentioned to him. Countess Nymeria of Tengshi Town and the remnants of the Dragon Family Connected.Obviously, the group of people lurking near Tengshi Town fits the characteristics of the remnants of the Long family. Although the Long family has been destroyed for a year, this does not mean that the remnants of the Long family will live in a miserable state.

At that time, everyone's attention was focused on King's Landing. There were also some remnants of the Long family who could see the situation clearly. They knew very well that the Long family had been defeated, so they packed up available supplies as much as possible and hid themselves. The supplies are enough for them to consume for a long time.

Linde asked Glory to get closer inside. After receiving the order, Glory lowered his body almost to the ground and quickly shuttled through the shadows, avoiding the secret whistles of those people, and came to the vicinity of their camp. Loud enough to hear their conversation.

"Mr. Hogan, how long do we have to stay here?" someone asked patiently.

In the middle of the camp, a middle-aged man with red hair stirred the bonfire with a stick and said, "You can go wherever you want, I won't stop you."

Everyone became quiet. They all knew that they would never survive ten days without this team. There were a lot of people willing to capture any of them and go to King's Landing City in exchange for the bounty.

"The order given to me by the prince is to protect the countess. I will not leave here." The red-haired middle-aged man looked at the few people beside the bonfire coldly and said: "You have come to me in desperation. I will accept you. You should be grateful for taking care of you, do you understand?"

The faces of those people became ugly, but they still had to lower their heads and said to the red-haired middle-aged man: "Yes, sir, we understand."

After that, several people may have felt that it was too uncomfortable to continue sitting here, so they each found an excuse, got up and left.

After these people left, the red-haired middle-aged man winked at the men next to him. Those people also got up one after another and walked out. It was obvious that the red-haired middle-aged man no longer believed those people's words and wanted to get rid of them once and for all. Get rid of these troubles.

Lind did not let Glory continue to look. He already knew that these people might be the former Kingsguard and Prince Lewin of the Martell family sent to protect Countess Nymeria Fudley. In addition, there are also those who have been desperate this year. Other remnants of the Long family.

After giving the order for Glory to return, Linde exited the synchronized vision and returned to his normal state.

"What's wrong?" Lind found that both Jon and Raul were looking at him strangely.

Jon Bulwe replied: "My lord, your body seemed to be burning just now, emitting a strong heat, like a bonfire."

Lin De was stunned when he heard this. When he possessed the spirit of Glory before, he was alone. He had never discovered that such a phenomenon would occur during this process.

It seems that he will try to stay alone when doing these things in the future, so as not to be noticed when other incredible phenomena occur. After all, not everyone has a good impression of those mysterious things.

"Give the order, cancel the combat readiness, enter the alert state, send out scouts, check the surrounding situation, don't get close to the valley, don't be discovered by others," Linde quickly issued a series of instructions, "and don't light a fire."

Upon hearing this, Jon immediately went down to issue Lynd's order.

Linde walked towards the hillside not far away, where he could clearly see the situation in Tengshi Town. Raul wanted to lead people to follow Linde, but was stopped by Linde.

Tengshi Town, now known as Bumping Village, was built on a small hill on the bank of the Mander River. There are forty or fifty low thatched houses around a common Reach Tower House, and a wooden fence separates these buildings. In a circle, there are some farmland outside the fence. There is a small pier near the Mander River, and one or two small fishing boats are docked there. The overall appearance is no different from ordinary fishing villages and farms.

On the upstream hills not far from Tengshi Town, there are the ruins of the former Tengshi Town. Although they are ruins, you can still see what Tengshi Town looked like in its heyday.

A towering tower-like castle was built on the top of the hill. Houses made of stone surround the castle and extend along the hillside to the foot of the mountain. From a distance, these houses look like fans. A city wall protects the castle, and there is a circle of houses at the foot of the mountain to form a town. There is a dock on the riverside that can dock five or six large ships.

There is no doubt that Tengshi Town of this size should be qualified to be called a city.

However, now such a city has been turned into ruins. After the wind, rain and the passing of time, the remaining buildings have collapsed. Only the relatively stable foundation can be seen as the old scene of the city.

However, Linde saw more things. Just like what he saw in the dragon's lair, he also saw a large amount of resentful soul energy entrenched around the ruins, and compared to the dragon's lair, the resentful soul energy here was stronger. Intense, or to be more correct, the resentment energy belonging to the dragon was even stronger. He could even clearly see the general appearance of the dragon when he was alive, not just a blurry shadow.

Legend has it that two dragons died here during the Dance of Fire Dragons incident. Now it seems that this is not a legend, and only the magic power formed after the death of the dragons can produce such an effect.

Glory, which had returned to its normal state, emerged from a bush at this time. It circled around Lind twice, rested its head on Lind's feet, and then barked several times toward the ruins of the old Tengshi Town. Full of urging.

"Are you greedy?" Linde touched Glory's head and said with a smile.

Glory licked the palm of Lind's hand, then bit Lind's sleeve and tugged on it. He seemed to be very impatient. There was no doubt that the last time he absorbed the resentful soul energy in the dragon's lair had made him a little addicted.

Linde did not continue teasing Glory and turned back to the dense forest. After giving some instructions, he rode his horse and led Glory towards the ruins of Tengshi Town.

(End of this chapter)

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